Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 628 Bad news, Emperor Shenjun has entered the demon world (please subscribe)

"Fellow Daoist Li, it's my turn." Gu Xingyuan said, and Wu Tao immediately gave up his seat.

Gu Xingyuan stepped forward expectantly and said to Master Meng, "Master Meng."

"Let's start watching. We only have ten breaths of time." Master Meng said.

The shock on Wu Tao's face slowly dissipated. He glanced at Gu Xingyuan who was looking at the Heavenly Eye magic weapon, and walked to the other side to wait for Gu Xingyuan and others to finish.

Standing aside, the figure of Emperor Shenjun appeared in Wu Tao's mind. The strange feeling arose without any warning, and he could not control it at all.

Even if you want to dispel it, it is extremely difficult to dispel it.

"The Emperor God Lord is above the boundary wall portal. It looks like he is observing the boundary wall portal?" Wu Tao thought in his mind.

However, the level of Emperor Shenjun is too high. He doesn't know what the opponent is doing above the boundary wall portal to observe the boundary wall portal.

He only has a two-way relationship with the Earth Emperor and God Lord. The first scene was in the Xingchen Immortal Palace. At that time, it seemed that the Emperor God Lord was invited to the Xingchen Immortal Palace by the Yuanding Divine Lord of the Xingchen Immortal Palace as a guest, and he happened to bump into him on the way.

The second side is about breaking through the third level of the golden elixir, returning from the Boundary Islands to the Star Palace to redeem the golden elixir for follow-up exercises. When returning to the Boundary Islands, he sat on the same Dharma boat with the Emperor Shenjun.

Until today.

Through the magic weapon of the Sky Eye, I could see the emperor and the divine king from a distance, tens of thousands of miles apart.

Wu Tao thought of the Emperor Shenjun he had just seen in the Sky Eye Magic Treasure. During his last breath, the Emperor Shenjun turned back and looked at him through the space of thousands of miles.

"You should be looking at yourself?" Wu Tao was a little surprised:

"The power of the God-Transforming God is far beyond my knowledge. Even though we are tens of thousands of miles apart, can he still notice that I am looking at him through the Heavenly Eye magic weapon?"

While Wu Tao was thinking, Gu Xingyuan had already passed ten breaths, and it was Ye Chaoming's turn to look at the Magical Eye of Heaven.

Gu Xingyuan looked at Wu Tao with a look of shock on his face, and said in surprise: "Friend Daoist Li, this world wall portal is so shocking. I feel like I am as small as an ant in front of this world wall portal."

"A mayfly is sent to the heaven and earth, a drop in the ocean." After hearing Gu Xingyuan's words, Wu Tao suddenly thought of this sentence and couldn't help but blurt it out.

When Gu Xingyuan heard this, he pondered for a moment and said with a confused look on his face: "Friend Daoist Li, what are you talking about?"

Wu Tao smiled, shook his head and said, "Nothing. By the way, Fellow Daoist Gu, what else did you see?"

Gu Xingyuan said: "What else can there be, just a huge portal, standing between the two worlds, heaven and earth, as if time cannot invade."

After listening to Gu Xingyuan's words, Wu Tao thought to himself: "It seems that I am the only one who saw Emperor Shenjun, and the others, whether it was the golden elixir cultivator in front of me or Gu Xingyuan behind me, did not see Emperor Shenjun. Otherwise, They’ll be in awe.”

Thinking of this, he became even more confused: "Then, why was it that I was the only one who saw Emperor Shenjun? Did Emperor Shenjun let me see him on purpose?"

Thinking like this, the strange feeling in Wu Tao's heart intensified unconsciously. He always felt that Emperor Shenjun had a certain connection with him. But what the connection was, he couldn't figure out.

"That's all, I don't want to think about it anymore. I, a mere mid-stage golden elixir cultivator, can see through a person like the Emperor Shenjun. When I become a person like the Emperor Shenjun in the future, I will naturally know the details of the Emperor Shenjun."

When Wu Tao thought of this, he immediately forcibly dispersed the image of Emperor Shenjun in his mind.

At this time, Ye Chaoming also used his Heavenly Eye magic weapon to finish looking at the boundary wall portal, and came over to join them with the same shock.

Together with Gu Xingyuan, we marveled at the indescribable hugeness and eternity of the Boundary Wall Gate.

Not long after, all the golden elixir cultivators who were watching the boundary wall portal had finished reading. Master Meng put away the Heavenly Eye magic weapon, and then said: "My nephews, the flying boat is about to pass through the boundary wall portal and enter the demon world."

Wu Tao and the others stood on the plywood on the left side of the flying boat. When they heard the words of the Yuanying Master named Meng, they immediately looked forward.

There is still a void ahead, which is no different from the current void.

But less than half a quarter of an hour later, the spaceship they were in seemed to have passed through bubbles, and the things in front of them changed drastically.

In the dark sky, a red blood moon hangs in the middle of the sky.

"This is the Demon Realm..." A series of murmurs from immortal cultivators who had never been to the Demon Realm came to my ears.

Wu Tao felt the difference in the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth. He was very familiar with this blood moon. Although he had never been to the boundary wall battlefield, he had entered the Demon Realm by chance. At that time, he was involved in the Demon Realm trial by a space storm. On the battlefield, he conducted trials with disciples from the three major immortal palaces and the nine major immortal sects in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm.

Killed a lot of demons to test the magic pill.

It was also at that time that Wu Tao was selected by Wang Jing as his 'back-up man'.

"Ten thousand miles away, we, the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, will be stationed on the Demon Realm Wall Battlefield." Uncle Meng's voice rang out.

Wu Tao also had some information about the boundary wall battlefield.

The existence of the boundary wall portal actually existed even further back. At that time, there was no such sect as Xingchen Immortal Palace, and the Xingchen Sea Immortal World was not what it is today.

It is said that when the boundary wall portal was first formed, the demons invaded the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm. It took millions of years for the immortal cultivators from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm to fight back the demons.

Then build a defensive Xiuxian City in front of the boundary wall portal to resist the invasion of the demons from the demon world again.

At that time, the Xingchen Sea Immortal Cultivation World only established a Cultivation City in the Xingchen Sea Cultivation World to guard the portal. On the other side of the portal, there were demons who were ready to invade at any time.

But as time has changed, through the efforts of generations of Xingchenhai Immortal Cultivators, they have brought the Immortal Cultivation City closer and closer, until they built it into the Demon Realm.

Every move of a thousand miles to the demon world means the death of countless immortal cultivators and countless wars.

Until it became what it is today, the Xiuxian City in the Xingchen Sea Xiuxian Realm had penetrated 10,000 miles into the boundary wall portal and was built in the territory of the Demon Realm.

It is equivalent to occupying ten thousand miles of land in the demon world.

"The flying boat is about to lower its height. You can stand on the side and watch the battle between the Immortal Realm and the Demonic Realm in the Sea of ​​Stars for millions of years. Master Meng suddenly said seriously.

Upon hearing this, the golden elixir cultivators on the deck immediately came to the side of the flying boat, leaned on the railing and looked down.

The same goes for Wu Tao and Gu Xingyuan.

The flying boat descended slowly, and Wu Tao and others' eyes gradually became clear about the land below. They saw dilapidated cities and ruined walls on the earth, giving off an aura of desolation. The red dilapidated city walls seemed to be graffitied with the blood of generations of ancestors of Xingchen Sea cultivators.

This is the blood of struggle, the blood that protects the Immortal World of Star Sea.

"This is the first generation of Immortal Cultivation City, built ten million years ago..."

The flying boat continued to fly forward, Wu Tao's eyes moved forward, and dilapidated cities appeared in his eyes from time to time.

Uncle Meng's tone revealed sadness and a hint of glory as he continued to talk.

"This is the Immortal Cultivation City built 9 million years ago... This Immortal Cultivation City has resisted the demons in the demon world for nearly 1 million years without taking a step back."

"This is the Xiuxian City 3 million years ago. Thanks to the amazing talent of God Lord Haoyuan 5 million years ago, it directly advanced 2,000 miles... It is a pity that God Lord Haoyuan died together with the two demons as his life span was approaching. …”

"Look, that is the statue of Lord Haoyuan..."

Listening to Uncle Meng's explanation, Wu Tao and other Golden Pill Immortal Cultivators looked down and saw a thousand-foot-high statue standing in the center of the dilapidated Immortal Cultivator City. This figure is made of irregular stones, and there are signs of weathering on the edges, but it can be faintly seen that the figure is tall and straight, and his eyes seem to penetrate the depths of the demon world.

"God Lord Haoyuan's lifelong ambition is to reach the depths of the Demon Realm. Unfortunately, the Demon Realm is so powerful that God Lord Haoyuan has only advanced two thousand miles in his lifetime."

The statue of Lord Haoyuan is just made of ordinary stones, but in Wu Tao's eyes, and with Uncle Meng's mellow explanation, he felt that there was a faint majesty and evil spirit emanating from the statue of Lord Haoyuan.

A ruthless man who can advance two thousand miles has countless demon blood stained in his hands.

The flying boat quickly flew over the statue of God Lord Haoyuan and disappeared behind them. Then, they went through one immortal city after another. In each city, there was also a statue of God Lord. Obviously, God Lord Haoyuan was the precedent, and the gods behind them Those who died in battle on the Boundary Wall battlefield would also have statues built into them by their descendants.

As a memorial, but also as a message.

Tell the younger generations of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm that even though they are the top immortal cultivators in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, they are willing to fight and return for the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and protect the growth of fresh blood in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm.

This is a mission passed down from generation to generation.

Sure enough, after passing through the dilapidated Cultivation Cities, I saw a statue of a divine king. The atmosphere on the flying boat began to become solemn, and every golden elixir cultivator had a serious look on his face, with a fighting spirit and the same hatred for the enemy.

They are infected.

There is only one idea in their minds at the moment, to kill the demon clan and protect the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm.

Uncle Meng looked at the faces of the golden elixir cultivators and nodded with great satisfaction.

After an unknown amount of time, the flying boat finally flew over the dilapidated Immortal Cultivation City. What they saw before their eyes was the magnificent and huge Immortal Cultivation City. Immortal cultivators flew real weapons from time to time, revealing their prosperity and power.

In the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, the three major Immortal Palaces and the Nine Immortal Sects have all built the Immortal Cultivation City on the boundary wall battlefield.

The three major immortal palaces are in the center, and the Xiuxian City of the Nine Immortal Sects protects the Xiuxian City of the three major immortal palaces.

As Star Immortal Palace, they naturally went to the Star City built by Star Immortal Palace.

"Xingxiu City has arrived. Master nephews, prepare to get off the flying boat." Master Meng shouted loudly.

After the flying boat landed, Wu Tao looked at Xingxiu City below, then looked at Gu Xingyuan and the others and said, "The three Taoists have finally arrived at Xingxiu City."

Wu Tao's mind was not in Xingxiu City. He came to the Jiebi battlefield just to get the news about the Jiebi portal as soon as possible.

Later, the immortal cultivators who were originally guarding Xingxiu City made arrangements for them, the new masters of the Four Arts of Immortality, and the golden elixir disciples.

Wu Tao and Gu Xingyuan, as third-level intermediate weapon refiners who came to refine the Xuanyang Pearl, were led by a core disciple of the Immortal Palace.

"Four fellow Taoists, this will be your residence and the place where Xuanyang Pearl will be refined from now on. Let's add a summons token first. If you have any other questions, you can come to me at any time." This person named Luo said the core disciple of Jindan in Datong.

"Thank you for your hard work, Fellow Daoist Luo." Wu Tao, Gu Xingyuan and others handed over to Luo Datong and began to add communication tokens to each other.

After adding the summons tokens from Wu Tao and others, Luo Datong said with a smile: "The four Taoist friends came all the way from the Immortal Palace to the boundary wall battlefield. They may not be used to the cultivation environment here for the moment. The Xuanyang Pearl will be refined tomorrow. Let’s start. Today, the four fellow Taoists will rest.”

"Okay, let's rest first." Gu Xingyuan said, and Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha went back to their respective rooms to rest.

Wu Tao stopped Luo Datong, who was about to leave, and said, "Fellow Daoist Luo, please stay."

Luo Datong stopped, turned to look at Wu Tao, cupped his hands and said, "I wonder if Fellow Daoist Li has any questions?"

Wu Tao looked at Luo Datong. Although this fellow Taoist Luo Datong was responsible for the logistics of Xingxiu City, he was in Xingxiu City after all and should know about the boundary wall portal of the 12th District.

Even if he didn't know, Luo Datong was also the first Xingxiu City cultivator he came into contact with, so there was no harm in asking, but he really couldn't help it.

"Fellow Daoist Luo, I would like to ask you about the boundary wall portal connecting the 12th area of ​​the boundary wall to the Xianyuan world." Wu Tao asked Luo Datong, holding his hand.

Luo Datong nodded and said: "So that's what happened. Two months ago, the boundary wall portal connecting the Immortal Realm was stabilized, and the Demon Realm also sent demons into the Immortal Realm."

When Wu Tao heard this, his heart moved slightly and he asked: "The demons have entered the Immortal Realm. How is the situation?"

Luo Datong shook his head and said: "I don't know about this. The boundary wall in Area 12 is still in the hands of the demons."

"Fellow Daoist Luo, do you know what kind of demons may be allowed to enter through the boundary wall portal?" Wu Tao also urgently needs to know this.

Luo Datong said: "According to the information returned, it seems that the original gods and demons have entered the immortal world."

"Original God Demon Clan?" Wu Tao frowned slightly.

"Fellow Daoist Li, do you have anything else to ask? If not, I have other things to deal with." Luo Datong, as a logistics staff member of Star City, is also very busy.

"No, thank you very much, Fellow Daoist Luo."

Luo Datong said you're welcome and left. Wu Tao returned to the room he had arranged in Xingxiu City. As soon as he arrived in the room, he sat down and thought to himself: "This is not good. It can accommodate the original gods and demons to enter... I hope nothing will happen, and I hope Master Ning can hold on for a long time." a little……"

He vaguely learned from Duanmulei that the Immortal Palace sect in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm was going to make great efforts, and it was bound to take back the 12th area of ​​the boundary wall, and control the boundary wall portal to the Immortal Yuan Realm in his own hands. .

Therefore, now, it is a matter of time. As long as the Immortal Realm can resist the invasion of the demons, it can wait until the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm takes over the boundary wall of the 12th area.

Although the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm occupies the boundary wall of Area 12, it also wants to conquer the Immortal Realm and make the Immortal Realm its own affiliated Immortal Realm.

But in that case, Wu Tao can at least protect his own people.

He still has this certainty.

Somewhere in the void in front of the portal connecting the Immortal Realm and the Demonic Realm of the Star Sea, Wang Jing sat cross-legged quietly.

Waiting for the return of Emperor Shenjun.

Over the years, Wang Jing accompanied Emperor Shenjun throughout the Xingchen Sea Cultivation Realm. Finally, he brought Emperor Shenjun to the boundary wall portal in order to lure Emperor Shenjun into the demon world and take a walk in the demon world.

As long as Emperor Shenjun goes to the Demon Realm, those old guys in the Demon Realm will definitely be unable to sit still, which will affect their highest combat power.

On the side of the Star Sea Immortal Realm, we can take the opportunity to seize the boundary wall of the twelfth area.

This is not a conspiracy against Emperor Shenjun, but Wang Jing and the others know that Emperor Shenjun will inevitably enter the devil's world.

Emperor Shenjun seems to be exploring the secrets of this world. Wang Jing has followed him all these years. As Emperor Shenjun travels throughout the Star Sea and Immortal Realm, Wang Jing's doubts become stronger and stronger.

But he knew that as long as he continued to follow the Emperor Shenjun, he might be able to know the secrets of this world when he traveled through the demon world.

Thinking like this, Wang Jing suddenly looked up and saw a figure slowly walking down from the void above. It was the Emperor Shenjun.

"Senior, have you finished reading?" Wang Jing stood up.

Emperor Shenjun glanced at Wang Jing and said, "The Heavenly Eye magic weapon refined by your Xingchen Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall is pretty good."

"The Heavenly Eye Magical Treasure was refined by Fellow Daoist Luo." Wang Jing replied, not knowing why the Emperor God asked about the Heavenly Eye Magical Treasure.

Emperor Shenjun turned his head to look into the void ahead and said, "Let's go, follow me to the Demon Realm for a walk."

When Wang Jing heard this, he cupped his hands and said, "How dare you disobey the Lord God's request."

Emperor Shenjun was speechless and looked calm. He took a step forward and had already stepped through the portal of the boundary wall and was in the demon world.

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