Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 627 The boundary wall portal that spans the two worlds (please subscribe)

Chapter 627 The wall portal that spans the two worlds (please subscribe)

Wu Tao came out of Duan Mulei's office. He had told Duan Mulei that he would go to the Kung Fu Hall to choose the true golden elixir technique tomorrow.

Duan Mulei said that he had already summoned Guo Huaxing, the deacon of the Kung Fu Hall, and tomorrow Guo Huaxing would lead Wu Tao to choose the real technique.

"Three days later, we will set off for the boundary wall battlefield. I have this reward of 50,000 meritorious deeds, so I exchanged it directly in the Immortal Palace for cultivation resources, golden pills, spiritual fire, spiritual water and star stones. Be prepared.”

With these thoughts in mind, Wu Tao left the Weapon Refining Hall and went to the Merit Hall to exchange for training resources.

He directly exchanged it for a year's worth of cultivation at the Hall of Merit, all of which were high-quality golden elixirs and seventh-level spiritual fire and spiritual water.

The seventh-level spiritual fire and spiritual water can logically be used to temper the golden elixir at the seventh level.

Tempering the golden elixir and transporting the spiritual fire and spiritual water require strong spiritual thoughts. If you use the seventh-level spiritual fire and spiritual water to temper the golden elixir before reaching the seventh level of the golden elixir, it is extremely easy to cause trouble.

Only Wu Tao, a person with strong spiritual consciousness, would dare to use the seventh-level spiritual fire and water to temper the golden elixir on the fourth level of the golden elixir.

Originally, he wanted to use the eighth-level spiritual fire and spiritual water, but after thinking about it, if he used the eighth-level spiritual fire and spiritual water, his merits would not be enough, and he would have to leave some space to buy the star stone.

You also need to buy a year's supply of star stones.

Because he didn't know how long he would stay in the boundary wall battlefield.

Of course, there must be channels to purchase star stones in the boundary wall battlefield.

Feeling the bulging storage bag, Wu Tao left the Hall of Merit and returned to Bixing Island.

To buy the Star Stone, he had to go to the secret market in the outer island sea area so as not to reveal his identity as a body cultivator. If he exchanged the Star Stone directly at the Hall of Merit, it would arouse people's suspicion. After all, he was not a body cultivator, so why did he buy it like this? Where are the huge amounts of star stones?

"Today, Fellow Daoist Liu will inspect the real weapons used to imprison the demons at the Demon Suppression Island. He will not be able to leave the Demon Suppression Island until the afternoon."

On the way back to Bixing Island, Wu Tao thought as he took out the summons token to summon Liu Yidao and asked him to go to Missile City together after leaving the Demon-Suppressing Island.

Liu Yidao quickly sent him a message and said he would be waiting for him on Bixing Island.

Wu Tao replied, then put the summons token back into his storage bag and accelerated his flight back to Bixing Island.

After returning to Bixing Island, there were still several hours until afternoon. During this period, he would of course have to seize the time to practice.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon in the training hall, Wu Tao thought, and three jade bottles flew out, which were the rewards Duan Mulei had given him just now.

The finest golden elixir and level six spiritual fire and spiritual water.

When Wu Tao was in the Boundary Islands, he used high-quality golden elixirs and sixth-level spiritual fire and spiritual water to practice, which could indeed increase the speed of practice.

But after arriving, the Border Islands became much more stable. Just like when Fang Zheng and Qing Zheng were guarding the border islands, they often started wars with the Border Islands of Huiyue Immortal Palace, and naturally the merits they won were less.

Therefore, he does not have so many meritorious deeds that can support him to continue to practice with high-quality golden elixirs and sixth-level spiritual fire and spiritual water.

After all, he not only needs to practice the Nine-Yao Fusion Yangji True Skill, but also needs to use elixirs and spiritual fire and spiritual water to practice the Nine-Refining Golden Pill.

"Start practicing!"

After muttering to himself, the three jade bottles shattered. Wu Tao inhaled the golden elixir into his mouth and slid it into his belly. The powerful effect of the medicine exploded.

He immediately used the Jiu Yao Yang Fusion True Skill, wrapped the spiritual fire and spiritual water with his spiritual thoughts, and merged them into his Dantian. He began to absorb the power of the golden elixir to increase his mana, and the spiritual fire and spiritual water tempered the golden elixir.

A few hours later, Wu Tao consumed all the superior golden elixir. The spiritual fire and water disappeared on the surface of the golden elixir. He felt that the magic power of the golden elixir in his dantian had increased again. His face was calm, but he still felt a trace of joy in his heart. color.

If one can advance on the path of cultivating immortality, the cultivator of immortality will feel happy.

However, no matter how hard you practice, you can't make any progress, you can't feel the progress, and you can feel the passage of life, which is a great pain for the immortal cultivators.

Wu Tao has seen many such people. They all failed in the end and were sent by the Immortal Palace to work in unimportant positions or in places with higher risks.

For example, the weapon refiners and formation masters in the Border Islands, whether it is Wei Tianbao, Brother Zhao Ting, or Kong Qi, are all unable to make progress in their cultivation, and their lifespan is about to expire.

Of course, this does not mean that they devote their lives to the Immortal Palace and dedicate their lives to the Immortal Palace, only to be abandoned by the Immortal Palace when they grow old. This is the strategy of Asgard to protect those newcomers.

As for Wei Tianbao, Zhao Ting and others, they obey the instructions of the Immortal Palace, and their descendants can also be taken care of by the Immortal Palace.

When immortal cultivators reach the point where they can no longer make any progress, they are no different from ordinary people. They also have to pin their hopes on the next generation.

"If you don't become an immortal, you will end up in vain!"

Wu Tao couldn't help but sigh, and then he took out the summons token and planned to summon Qian Changweizhou. He still had three days and had many things to do, so he couldn't say goodbye to them in person.

Qian Chang and Wei Zhou were summoned respectively.

Wu Tao thought for a while, and then sent a message to Feng Liang, Sun Miao, and Qiu Zhiming. Although the three of them were casual cultivation weapon masters who had just entered the Immortal Palace's weapon refining hall, they had only met Wu Tao twice and were not familiar with each other. There is no friendship.

Only one person who was also born as a casual cultivator maintained his identity.

However, Wu Tao still summoned the three of them, saying that he was leaving the Immortal Palace for a while, and did not mention that he was going to the Jiebi Battlefield.

Even if you are not very familiar with someone, you can also send a message. Anyway, it doesn’t take any time or cost, and you can get the other person’s favor, so why not?

Just like in life, don't be stingy with your own praise. Praising others can make them happy and have a good impression of you without paying any price.

This is Wu Tao's way of doing things.

Sure enough, Feng Liang, Sun Miao, and Qiu Zhiming quickly replied to Wu Tao. Between the lines, you can feel their joy, and they are happy that Wu Tao regards them as his own.

Wu Tao also has other friends in the Immortal Palace, Liu Yidao, Tang Jingquan, and Pi Baibai. If Liu Yidao is there, just go to the secret market and talk to him later. As for Pi Baibai and Tang Jingquan, as the core disciples of the Golden Pill in the Immortal Palace, they have already Sent to the boundary wall battlefield.

After resting for a while, seeing that there was still a little time left before Liu Yidao came out to Suppress Demon Island, Wu Tao began to practice the art of fighting and refining weapons.

About half an hour later, Wu Tao received a message from Liu Yidao, asking Wu Tao to leave Bixing Island and wait for him. He was almost there.

Wu Tao immediately stopped practicing the art of weapon refining and fighting. With a movement of his body, he was already in the sky above the Dongfu Palace. He flew out of Bixing Island on the Jiyun Boat and waited for Liu Yidao in front of Bixing Island.

After dozens of breaths, a stream of light flew in the direction of Wu Tao, it was Liu Yidao.

"Let's go, Fellow Daoist Li. The secret market has been open for a long time. I guess the good treasure has been picked up by others?" Liu Yidao greeted, and Wu Tao immediately sent Ji Yunzhou to follow.

Wu Tao's envoy Ji Yunzhou said to Liu Yidao's left side: "Friend Liu Dao, I will leave the Immortal Palace in three days."

Liu Yidao turned to look at him and asked, "Have you taken on a new mission? Can you tell me?"

Wu Tao smiled and said: "It's not a secret mission. It can be said that the boundary wall battlefield needs weapon refiners. Liu Daoyou, you also know that I refine the Xuanyang Pearl in the Xuanyang Palace and was sent to the boundary wall battlefield to refine the Xuanyang Pearl." Yangzhu goes.

Hearing Wu Tao's mission, Liu Yidao frowned slightly, and then said: "Friend Li, how come you were sent to the Jiebi Battlefield? Forget it, you can't refuse the mission even if it is given. When you get to the Jiebi Battlefield, you have to stay in Xingxiu City with peace of mind. , but you can’t leave the city.”

"Only Xingxiu City is the safest."

"Thank you Daoyou Liu for the tip, I understand." Wu Tao said with a smile.

Then the two of them stopped talking and accelerated their flight to Mississauga.

Wu Tao parted ways with Liu Yidao after arriving in Mishi.

Every time they come to Mississauga, they are separated directly because Liu Yidao likes to hunt for treasures at stalls, but Wu Tao does not have this hobby. He feels that although he is a time traveler, it is impossible for him to pick up treasures. body.

He has been in the world of immortality for so long, and he has never picked up a leak.

Wu Tao went directly to the store where he often buys star stones.

"I want ten thousand kilograms of star stones." Wu Tao's words shocked the immortal cultivators in the shop.

"Guest, how many star stones do you want?" The other party felt that he had to confirm again, maybe he heard wrongly.

Wu Tao reiterated: "I need 10,000 kilograms of star stones."

He finally confirmed what Wu Tao said, that 10,000 kilograms of star stones were indeed needed. He quickly said: "Guest, please wait, there are not that many star stones in the shop, and they need to be transferred elsewhere."

Wu Tao nodded, and then other immortal cultivators took Wu Tao to the teahouse to sit quietly and wait to drink spiritual tea. There was also a beautiful immortal attendant waiting on him.

His cultivation level is no more than the seventh level of Qi refining.

While pouring tea for Wu Tao, the body wanted to touch Wu Tao from time to time, but Wu Tao politely refused.

This kind of immortal maid cultivator at the seventh level of Qi Refining naturally hopes to be favored by Wu Tao, and then bring her into his room, so that she doesn't need to worry about cultivation resources.

After all, Jin Dan Zhenren, even if he plucks out the hairs on his legs, is enough to eat well during the Qi refining period.

However, the eyes of these immortals and female cultivators were also very good. Seeing that Wu Tao had no such intention, they became dignified and did not dare to look seductive or seduce with their bodies. Otherwise, Jindan Master would be angry and kill him, a Qi Refining Stage. Instead, the store asked Master Jindan for his forgiveness.

Half an hour later.

"Guest, you want 10,000 kilograms of star stones!" The departing immortal cultivator returned and respectfully handed a storage bag to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao took the storage bag and looked into it with his spiritual mind. It was indeed 10,000 kilograms of star stones, no more, no less. He nodded to the other party with satisfaction, and the other party immediately took out an unidentified token to receive meritorious service.

"Guests, please go slowly. Welcome to come again next time." The other party enthusiastically sent Wu Tao out of the store.

After purchasing the Star Stone, Wu Tao left Secret City directly and returned to Bixing Island.

The next day, Wu Tao set off from Bixing Island and headed to the Kung Fu Hall.

When they arrived at the Kung Fu Hall and entered the Golden Pill Hall, they were greeted by a foundation-building immortal cultivator. He cupped his hands and said, "I've met Master Li. Deacon Guo is already waiting for you."

Wu Tao nodded towards the other party, who immediately took him to see Guo Huaxing.

"Senior Brother Guo!" Wu Tao met Guo Huaxing in Guo Huaxing's office.

Guo Huaxing waved to the foundation-building immortal cultivator next to Wu Tao to signal him to go out, and then smiled at Wu Tao and said, "Junior Brother Li, it's really amazing to be rewarded by Deputy Hall Master Luo."

"Thanks to Deputy Hall Master Luo for your appreciation." Wu Tao said modestly.

"Fellow Taoist Duanmu has sent a message to me. I have prepared a jade slip of the true art catalog for you. You can start selecting." Guo Huaxing said, handing a jade slip to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao took it and then began to read it and select the true golden elixir technique.

Three quarters of an hour later, he had made his selection.

He chose a top true technique called Tianxuan Xuling Sword Technique.

He taught the serial number to be reported to Guo Huaxing.

Guo Huaxing asked him to wait here while he went to rub the jade slip of Tianxuanxu Lingjian Jue.

After a while, Guo Huaxing brought a jade slip over, handed it to Wu Tao and said, "Fellow Taoist Duanmu specially told me that Junior Brother Li is going to leave the sect, so the jade slip of Zhenshu that was given to you for rubbing is to be taken with you for practice. , but remember not to leave your body, otherwise you will not be able to sense your breath, Fellow Daoist Li, and the restrictions in the jade slip will explode."

Wu Tao took the jade slip and couldn't help but said to himself: "Senior Brother Duanmu is really careful and considerate."

Putting the jade slips into the storage bag, Wu Tao and Guo Huaxing thanked them and then left the Kung Fu Hall.

Everything is ready, just waiting to go.

In a blink of an eye it was time to set off.

Wu Tao and others arrived at the starting point, a huge flying boat suspended in the sky in front of the central sea area.

There are auras of several Nascent Soul Lords on it.

There are also some Jindan disciples.

Going to the Jiebi battlefield this time, in addition to Wu Tao and the four weapon refiners from the weapon refinement hall, there were also alchemists from the alchemy hall, formation masters from the formation hall, and fulu masters from the fulu hall.

Wu Tao, Gu Xingyuan and others met Duan Mulei.

Duanmulei looked at the four people, reached out and touched it in the storage bag, and four streams of light flew out, floating in front of Wu Tao and Gu Xingyuan, and said: "Four junior brothers, this is the third-level high-level real weapon in the reward. You Just put it away and refine it on the flying boat."

Wu Tao put the third-level advanced flying real weapon suspended in front of him into his storage bag.

"Senior Brother Duanmu, let's get on the flying boat first." Wu Tao and Gu Xingyuan bowed their hands to Duanmu Lei.

Duanmulei said: "When you get to the boundary wall battlefield, stay in Xingxiu City to refine the Xuanyang Pearl, and don't go out easily."

"Yes, Senior Brother Duanmu."

Afterwards, Wu Tao and Gu Xingyuan boarded the flying boat and were arranged to separate rooms on the flying boat.

The flying boat quickly started and headed for the boundary wall battlefield.

"It will take a month to reach the boundary wall battlefield, so let's refine this third-level advanced flying weapon first." Sitting cross-legged on the futon in the flying boat room, Wu Tao thought with a thought, and the third-level advanced flying weapon Duanmulei just gave him The real weapon appears in front of you.

It is also a real boat-shaped flying machine.

The lines are very smooth, obviously taking into account air resistance. Although the weapon refiner here is not called air resistance, the weapon refiner is a weapon refiner after all, and he will never deviate from his sect.

Two hours later, Wu Tao completed refining the third-level advanced flying weapon, and therefore knew that the third-level advanced flying weapon was called Feilangzhou.

"It turns out to be a flying boat. No wonder, the shape of the flying boat looks so familiar. It turns out it was made by Senior Brother Duanmu." Wu Tao looked at the flying boat, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

In the days that followed, Wu Tao practiced quietly in Feizhou's room.

A month later, drums sounded on the flying boat.

Wu Tao knew that he had reached the boundary wall portal.

The boundary wall portal between the Xingchen Sea Xiuxian Realm and the Demon Realm.

Wu Tao immediately stood up, walked out of the room, and came to the deck of the flying boat. He wanted to see what this boundary wall portal looked like.

When they came to the deck, they saw many golden elixir cultivators gathered on the deck, surrounding a Nascent Soul Lord. Wu Tao saw Gu Xingyuan and others and quickly joined the three of them.

Gu Xingyuan and the others have never been to the boundary wall battlefield, and they have never seen the boundary wall portal.

Wu Tao and Gu Xingyuan looked up and saw the huge flying boat hanging high in the sky with no portal around it. Even though they released their spiritual thoughts, they couldn't sense any portal in the void.

"Disciples who want to see the Boundary Wall Portal line up. The Boundary Wall Portal is so vast and spans both worlds. How can it be detected by your golden elixir and spiritual thoughts?"

"Not even True Lord Nascent Soul can detect the complete boundary wall portal."

"At this time, we need to use the magic weapon of the Heavenly Eye to check. This is the fourth-level high-level magic weapon refined by Deputy Master Luo of the Artifact Refining Hall - the Heavenly Eye. This Heavenly Eye has a total of twelve groups. It is like having twelve eyes. But Peering into very distant distances.”

"Okay, hurry up and line up, come up one by one to experience the Eye of Heaven, and take a look at the boundary wall portal that straddles the two worlds. I guarantee that you will be shocked after seeing it."

The surrounded Nascent Soul Lord pointed to a huge Heavenly Eye magic weapon beside him and said, This Heavenly Eye magic weapon is indeed made up of twelve huge conduits extending in all directions, with two small tubes left at the bottom. Putting one's eyes in front of the tube, one can see the huge boundary wall portal.

"Uncle Meng, I want to see, I want to see."

"Line up and watch 40 meritorious deeds at once." Master Meng said with a smile.

"Why do you still need meritorious service, Master Meng?" A Jindan disciple asked dissatisfiedly.

Uncle Meng said: "This Heavenly Eye magic weapon requires a huge amount of spiritual stones to be used every time. 40 meritorious deeds can be viewed once, which is already very cheap. Besides, these meritorious deeds are not for me, but for Deputy Hall Master Luo. If you want to watch, just watch, if you don’t want to watch, just stand aside, and don’t delay what you want to watch.”

The golden elixir cultivators who had never seen the Jiebi portal had no choice but to grit their teeth, take out 40 meritorious deeds and start queuing up, waiting to see the Heavenly Eye.

Wu Tao and Gu Xingyuan also paid 40 merit points each and came out to wait in line.

Wu Tao was ranked in front of Gu Xingyuan and the others.

Everyone took turns, and finally it was Wu Tao's turn. Master Meng looked at Wu Tao and said, "Put your eyes here, concentrate your spiritual thoughts in your eyes, and remember, you can only look at the time of ten breaths."

Wu Tao nodded when he heard the words, and immediately put his eyes in front of the two bottom tubes of the Heavenly Eye magic weapon. There were transparent crystal walls in front of the tubes. His spiritual thoughts focused on his eyes. Suddenly, a magical scene appeared. Between his eyes, They saw a huge portal spanning the sky and the earth, and their flying boat was flying in from the portal at this time.

Like a moth flying into the endless void of the universe.

Boundless, lonely, desolate, eternal, vast, the traces of time are flowing through the door...

Wu Tao immediately felt the strong shock in his heart given by the boundary wall portal.

He focused his spiritual thoughts tightly on his eyes and wanted to look above the door. Suddenly, he was surprised. He actually saw a figure floating on the door frame of the door. That figure gave him a familiar feeling.

When he was about to use all his strength to see the figure clearly, the figure seemed to sense that someone was spying on him, and suddenly turned around and looked at Wu Tao through the boundless void.

Wu Tao finally saw the face vaguely.

"It's the Emperor Shenjun!" Wu Tao suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.

"The time has come!" Uncle Meng's voice sounded, and he pulled Wu Tao away from the Sky Eye magic weapon: "Next one."

Wu Tao stood in front of the Heavenly Eye magic weapon, with the look of shock on his face still not dissipated.

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