Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 626 Reward, the true art of golden elixir (please subscribe)

The improvement of Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets has been completed, and Duanmulei promised to let him go to the boundary wall battlefield. Therefore, Wu Tao does not need to go to Xuanyang Hall or Xiu Secret Hall in the past few days.

He, Gu Xingyuan, Ye Chaoming and others were arranged by Duan Mulei to rest for a few days. When the rewards applied for them were issued, they were ready to go to the boundary wall battlefield.

Wu Tao said goodbye to Gu Xingyuan, Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha before returning to Bixing Island.

During this year, he returned to Bixing Island only a handful of times.

Maybe in ten days and a half, we will go to the boundary wall battlefield.

Therefore, Wu Tao first went to Wang Sheng to check the income of Bixing Island this year. Turn all these incomes into cultivation resources, take them with you, and take them to the boundary wall battlefield.

Back on Bixing Island, Wu Tao summoned Wang Sheng.

After a while, Wang Sheng came outside the cave palace to ask for a meeting.

Wu Tao meets Wang Sheng.

"Island owner, this is the output and income of Bixing Island this year, please take a look!" Wang Sheng presented Xingdao's account book with both hands, as well as a storage bag.

Wu Tao reached out to take it and began to look through the account book. After reading it, he reached into the storage bag with his mind. In the storage bag, there are spirit stones and some other cultivation resources, all of which Wu Tao asked him to redeem before.

After confirming that there was no problem, Wu Tao said to Wang Sheng: "Wang Sheng, I will leave Bixing Island in a while. I will leave Bixing Island to you."

When Wang Sheng heard this, he immediately bowed and said. : "Yes, island owner, Wang Sheng will definitely manage Bixing Island well. When the island owner returns, Bixing Island's output and income will double."

"Wang Sheng, while ensuring the operation of Bixing Island, don't forget your own cultivation. Go ahead and do your own thing." Wu Tao waved to Wang Sheng.

After Wang Sheng left, Wu Tao went to the training hall and started practicing.

Duan Mulei has written the application for the reward, and the list of weapon refiners who will go to the boundary wall battlefield. He has added a candidate for the weapon refiner, Wu Tao.

He wanted to take these two lists to Deputy Hall Master Luo, and they would only take effect after Deputy Hall Master Luo signed them.

Not long after, Duanmulei met Deputy Hall Master Luo in the Deputy Hall Master's Hall.

"Disciple pays homage to the Hall Master." Duan Mulei bowed his hands to Deputy Hall Master Luo.

Deputy Hall Master Luo looked at Duanmu Lei and said, "What's the matter, nephew Duanmu?"

Duan Mulei put the two applications on the desk in front of Deputy Hall Master Luo and said: "Hall Master, this one is the list of candidates for the refiner who will go to the boundary wall battlefield to refine the Xuanyang Pearl, and this one is the list of candidates The application forms for rewards from the four junior disciples who successfully improved the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret manual in the Secret Repair Hall. Please also ask the hall master to take a look."

Upon hearing this, Deputy Hall Master Luo first opened the award application and looked at it one by one. When he saw one of the names, his heart moved slightly, but he did not make any remarks immediately, but continued to read it and waited until it was finished. Afterwards, he said to Duanmulei: "Master Duanmu, can you bring the jade slips that they improved on the Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets?"

Duanmulei immediately took out a jade slip from the storage bag on his waist, held it up with both hands and said, "Hall Master, this is it.

Deputy Hall Master Luo picked up the jade slip in Duanmulei's hand, put it on his forehead, and began to read.

After a while, he took down the jade slip and said: "Yes, the improvement is good. With one true forbidden rune, the problem of the conflict between the three was solved, reducing so many steps and omitting half of the refining process." duration."

Hearing this, Duan Mulei also smiled and said, "Yes, this true forbidden rune is really clever. This idea was thought up by Junior Brother Li Mo. In this research and improvement, Junior Brother Li Mo is the main one. Almost all the problems encountered on the way were solved by Junior Brother Li Mo."

Deputy Hall Master Luo nodded and said: "This Li Mo is really good. I remember that he was the first batch of casual cultivation weapon masters recruited by Master Nephew Yu, right?"

Of course, Duan Mulei knew the identity of Wu Tao's San Weapon Master, and nodded and said: "Back to Hall Master, Junior Brother Li Mo is the San Weapon Master who came in. But his talent is something that is rare among San Weapon Masters in a thousand years." , I think he has a good chance of becoming a fourth-level weapon refiner?"

"Oh, you think so highly of him?" Deputy Hall Master Luo looked at Duanmulei in surprise. He also knew that Duanmu's nephew was very likely to be promoted to a fourth-level weapon refiner, and when the time came, he and he would become senior brothers.

Therefore, he also highly recognized the vision of this nephew of Duanmu in the art of weapon refining.

Duan Mulei nodded and said, "I am indeed very optimistic about Junior Brother Li Mo. I wonder if Hall Master Luo is optimistic about him?"

Deputy Hall Master Luo smiled and said: "Such a talented person who refines weapons is definitely a good candidate!" He had seen the bone age test results that Wu Tao came in at that time, as well as the results of the weapon refining process assessment.

It is rare for such a young person to become a third-level low-level weapon refiner among casual cultivators. It’s a rare sight in a hundred years.

From this point of view, he was promoted to the third level intermediate weapon refiner in such a short period of time. Moreover, from the improved true forbidden runes, he could see Li Mo's talent for weapon refining. In the weapon refining hall, It can also be ranked high.

But as a fourth-level weapon refiner, it's hard to make a final conclusion. Whether you are optimistic about it or not, and whether you can succeed or not depends on your personal fate.

"However, Junior Nephew Duanmu, the amount of the reward you applied for exceeds the normal specifications!"

Hearing Deputy Hall Master Luo's next words, Duanmulei hurriedly smiled and said: "Hall Master, now is an extraordinary period. The Boundary Wall Battlefield is fighting against the demons of the Demon Realm. The Golden Core Battlefield is in urgent need of the Xuanyang Pearl, and Li Mo The four of them, Junior Brother, have improved the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book at such a critical moment, which is extremely helpful to the Jindan battlefield. At this moment, we should be rewarded heavily."

"What you said is quite true. Okay, let's reward them like this." Deputy Hall Master Luo stopped hesitating and immediately signed the reward application and put his seal on it.

"The hall master is wise." Duan Mulei said flatteringly.

Deputy Hall Master Luo's face remained as usual, and he did not feel any joy at Duanmulei's compliment. He picked up the list of weapon refiners sent to the Jiebi battlefield, looked at it, and asked, "Do you mean to send three refiners?" Will the weapon master go to the boundary wall battlefield?"

"Also, why did you send Li Mo too?"

Duanmulei said: "Back to the hall master, I originally wanted to send only Junior Brother Gu and the other three to the Jiebi Battlefield to provide Xuanyang Beads for the Golden Core Battlefield, but Junior Brother Li Mo volunteered and said that he must go to the Jiebi Battlefield.

"Oh, doesn't he know that the boundary wall battlefield is not as safe as the Immortal Palace? Isn't he afraid of danger?" Deputy Hall Master Luo asked doubtfully.

Duanmulei immediately told Deputy Hall Master Luo what Wu Tao said to him.

After hearing this, Deputy Hall Master Luo looked overjoyed and said, "This Li Mo is really good. Don't go to the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall to recruit him. Cultivate him, know how to be grateful, know how to be loyal, and know how to put the interests of the Immortal Palace." In the first place. Very good, let’s do this, nephew Duanmu, I will personally reward Li Mo... the real weapon refining secret book, the real technique, the real weapon... Of course, it is consistent with his own cultivation."

Duan Mulei heard this and said with a smile: "Then I will thank the hall master for Junior Brother Li Mo."

Deputy Hall Master Luo said: "Tell him to practice the art of weapon refining. When he is promoted to the third level senior weapon refining master, I will personally arrange things for him."

"The hall master is wise." Duanmulei cupped his hands and said.

The rewards mentioned by Deputy Hall Master Luo earlier, such as real weapon refining secrets, real weapons, and real techniques, are all small rewards. Later, Wu Tao will personally arrange things and join Deputy Hall Master Luo, a fourth-level weapon refiner. His eyes are Wu Tao's real opportunity.

Duan Mulei was sincerely happy for Junior Brother Li Mo. This is the treatment that a weapon-refining genius should receive.

Deputy Hall Master Luo also signed the list, left his seal, and said, "Let them prepare and set off for the boundary wall battlefield in three days."

"Yes, Hall Master, I will tell them right away and get them ready." Duan Mulei nodded, then took the reward application and left the Deputy Hall Master's Hall.

Bixing Island Cultivation Hall.

Wu Tao had just finished practicing the Nine-Yao Fusion Yang pole true skill when he sensed movement in the communication token in the storage bag on his waist. He immediately took it out and read it, and it was Duan Mulei asking him to go to his office.

He stood up from the futon without any further hesitation, and left Bixing Island directly, sending Jiyunzhou to fly towards the central sea area.

When we landed at the take-off and landing square of the Refining Hall, we happened to see three streams of light falling down, revealing the figures of Gu Xingyuan, Ye Chaoming, and Jin Cha.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, Friend Daoist Gu, and Friend Daoist Jin!" Wu Tao bowed his hands to the three of them.

"Fellow Daoist Li!" Gu Xingyuan, Ye Chaoming, and Jin Cha also returned gifts to Wu Tao.

"The application for the reward should have been received for us. Let's go and see Senior Brother Duanmu together!" Gu Xingyuan said with a smile on his face.

"I wonder what the reward is?" Jin Cha had a look of expectation on his face.

Ye Chaoming said: "It should be rewards related to meritorious service, training resources and weapon refining methods!"

Wu Tao is actually looking forward to the rewards. If he is rewarded with a lot of meritorious deeds, he can exchange them for higher-level golden elixir pills and spiritual fire and spiritual water to practice, which will speed up his cultivation at the fourth level of the golden elixir.

The four of them came to Duan Mulei's office in Xuanyang Hall and met Duan Mulei.

"I've met Senior Brother Duanmu." The four of them bowed their hands to Duanmu Lei.

"You're here! No need to be polite." Duan Mulei said with a smile.

"Senior Brother Duanmu, what is the reward?" Gu Xingyuan asked impatiently.

Duanmulei smiled and said: "Don't worry, you will definitely be rewarded."

Seeing the expectation in the eyes of the four people, he stopped trying to hold back and said, "Okay, I'll tell you now."

"Each person will be rewarded with 50,000 meritorious services, 10 bottles of high-quality golden elixirs, and 10 bottles of sixth-level spiritual fire and spiritual water each. A third-level high-level real weapon, you can choose any type. An honorary medal for the weapon refiner in the weapon refining hall. .”

The reward for hearing what Duanmulei said.

The faces of Wu Tao and the other four people couldn't restrain the joy on their faces. 50,000 meritorious services was really a lot. If the rewards were as usual, the minimum cap would be 30,000. 50,000 was already rare.

They also guessed that it was due to wartime reasons.

The cultivation resources of golden elixir and spiritual fire and spiritual water are incidental, so there are not too many, but they are the highest level of golden elixir level.

The four of them are all third-level intermediate Qi practitioners, so each of them will be rewarded with one and three high-level real weapons. Obviously this was written by Duan Mulei in preparation for their trip to the boundary wall battlefield.

The last Honor Token for the Weapon Refiner of the Refining Hall has many hidden benefits. With this honor token, they can get discounts wherever they can redeem exercises and training resources. Moreover, with this honor token, you can also receive some meritorious deeds and cultivation elixirs every month.

Descendants who hold this honorary token can also enjoy some preferential treatment in the Weapon Refining Hall.

The richness of this reward showed that Duan Mulei had contributed to it. Therefore, Wu Tao, Gu Xingyuan and the others knew it well and immediately expressed their gratitude to Duan Mulei.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Duanmu. Thank you for your hard work, Senior Brother Duanmu."

Duanmu smiled and said: "You deserve these. Okay, take out your identity token and I will transfer your merits to you."

Wu Tao and the other four immediately took out their identity tokens, and Duan Mulei transferred 50,000 merit points to each of them.

50,000 merit is the amount of merit that four people can earn in Xuanyang Hall for two years.

"With this meritorious service, I can confidently and boldly use the finest golden elixirs and higher-level spiritual fire and spiritual water to practice." Wu Tao was extremely happy in his heart.

Afterwards, Duanmulei distributed the other rewards one by one, as well as choosing any type of third-level advanced real weapon.

Wu Tao already has a third-level advanced defensive robe, which was given to him by senior brother Zhao Ting, so he does not need a defensive type.

He felt that he already had enough skills and methods at the golden elixir level.

Finally, after thinking for a moment, he chose the third-level advanced flying real weapon.

Gu Xingyuan, Ye Chaoming, and Jin Cha also selected the third-level high-level real weapons they needed.

Finally, Duanmulei said: "Okay, you go and prepare. In three days, we will set off for the boundary wall battlefield."

"Three days later, I will give the third-level high-level true weapon you choose to your hands, and you can refine it on the flying boat."

"Yes, Senior Brother Duanmu!" Wu Tao and the other four bowed their hands to Duanmu Lei and were about to turn around and leave.

Duanmulei called to Wu Tao and said, "Junior Brother Li, wait a moment, I have something to tell you."

Wu Tao immediately stopped and turned around.

Gu Xingyuan and the others glanced at Wu Tao, and they understood in their hearts Duanmulei's preference for Taoist Li Mo. However, given Fellow Taoist Li Mo's talent in weapon refining, it is normal to have a preference for him. They have nothing to be jealous of, only envy.

"Junior Brother Li, Deputy Hall Master Luo spent his own money to reward you." Duan Mulei said to Wu Tao with a smile on his face.

Wu Tao had naturally met Deputy Hall Master Luo, the fourth-level weapon refiner. He was curious as to why Deputy Hall Master Luo would reward him out of his own pocket.

"Senior Brother Duanmu, why does Deputy Hall Master Luo want to reward me?" Wu Tao asked.

Duanmulei said with a smile: "Of course it's because Junior Brother Li, you took the lead in improving the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book and showed excellent weapon refining talent. Therefore, Deputy Hall Master Luo appreciates you and wants to reward you privately." .”

When Wu Tao heard this, he suddenly felt enlightened. He immediately raised his hands and said, "Senior Brother Duanmu, thank Deputy Hall Master Luo for me."

Duanmulei immediately told Deputy Hall Master Luo what he wanted to reward Wu Tao, and then let Wu Tao choose.

Wu Tao thought for a while and realized that he lacked nothing. However, he had very few golden elixir skills. He usually used the weapon-refining method of fighting and the skill index of physical training to fight against his enemies.

This time when he went to the boundary wall battlefield, he had to enter the Xianyuan world through the boundary wall portal. He had to fight at least, and his identity as a physical practitioner could not be exposed. The weapon refining method of fighting was also used as a trump card. Use it as little as possible, so , he thought for a while and said: "Senior Brother Duanmu, I want a true technique at the golden elixir level."

"Okay, then I will send a message to the Kung Fu Hall. You can choose the real technique when you have time." Duan Mulei said.

"Yes, Senior Brother Duanmu."

"Okay, go ahead and prepare. By the way, you should practice the art of weapon refining and be promoted to the third level senior weapon refining master as soon as possible. Deputy Hall Master Luo has said that when you are promoted to the third level senior weapon refining master, he will give it to you personally. Arranging things, this is an excellent opportunity to get close to Deputy Hall Master Luo. When the time comes, Deputy Hall Master Luo will be more appreciated, and he will often give you guidance on the way of refining weapons. It will be a great help to you on the way of refining weapons. Huge." Duanmulei said earnestly.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Duanmu, for your advice. I will keep it in mind." Wu Tao thanked Duanmu Lei.

"Go!" Duanmulei waved his hand.

Wu Tao turned around and suddenly remembered something extremely important that he didn't ask. He turned around and asked, "Senior Brother Duanmu, is there any news from the Jiebi battlefield?"

Duanmulei shook his head and said: "There is no news coming back from the boundary wall battlefield yet."

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