Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 625 Agree, destruction, again (please subscribe)

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Hearing Wu Tao's words about going to the Jiebi battlefield, Gu Xingyuan, Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha were all stunned and looked at Wu Tao.

After all, the boundary wall battlefield is not the rear of the Immortal Palace. Even if the weapon refiners are protected in the boundary wall battlefield, no weapon refiner likes to go to the boundary wall battlefield if there is no special and necessary mission.

But Wu Tao took the initiative to apply to go to the Jiebi battlefield.

"Fellow Daoist Li applied to go to the Jiebi Battlefield. Maybe, one of us will not have to go to the Jiebi Battlefield." This is what Gu Xingyuan, Ye Chaoming, and Jin Cha are thinking at this moment.

However, the three of them remained calm. Whether Wu Tao could go to the Jiebi Battlefield would only require Duanmulei's consent. If Duanmulei didn't agree, the three of them would go to the Jiebi Battlefield together.

Duan Mulei looked at Wu Tao and said, "The list has been decided, it's the three of them."

Wu Tao wanted to say something else, Duan Mulei waved his hand and said, "You can come to my office later."

When Wu Tao heard this, he had no choice but to cup his hands and say, "Yes, Senior Brother Duanmu."

Duanmulei said: "I will take the jade slips and rub them first, and then submit the application for the award to you. Now is a special period of fighting against the demons in the demon world. The application for the award should be available soon. Moreover, you can apply More rewards.”

"Thanks to Senior Brother Duanmu for everything!" After hearing Duanmulei's words, Wu Tao, Gu Xingyuan, Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha all bowed their hands to Duanmulei to express their gratitude.

Duanmulei shook his head and said: "'This is the reward you four deserve. Okay, I'll go first, Junior Brother Li. In two hours, you can come to my office to find me."

"Understood, Senior Brother Duanmu." Wu Tao nodded.

"Senior Brother Duanmu, walk slowly."

Duanmulei left the secret cultivation hall. Gu Xingyuan then looked at Wu Tao and asked doubtfully: "Fellow Daoist Li, why did you apply to go to the Boundary Wall Battlefield? The Boundary Wall Battlefield is always not as stable as the Immortal Palace!"

Gu Xingyuan acted as the mouthpiece for Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha, and the two of them also looked at Wu Tao's face, wanting to see how Wu Tao would answer.

Wu Tao showed a look of righteousness on his face and said: "The boundary wall of the twelfth area is connected to the Immortal Realm. If it is controlled by the demons of the Demon Realm, after they conquer the Immortal Realm, the Immortal Realm will become theirs." Affiliated to the world of cultivating immortals. Although in the Immortal Yuan world there are only Nascent Soul cultivators and no God-Transforming God-Monarchs, today is an era when transforming gods = easily fighting each other, so Yuan-Ying and Golden Pill are particularly important."

"As a casual cultivator, I was recruited by the Immortal Palace's Weapon Refining Hall. This deep kindness has made me like a rootless tree that has found a place to grow. Now is the time when the Immortal Palace needs me, so I naturally have to take the initiative without hesitation. Please go there."

After hearing Wu Tao's words and looking at Wu Tao's expression of righteousness and loyalty to the Immortal Palace, Gu Xingyuan, Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha couldn't help but feel guilty in their hearts.

The three of them were born in the Immortal Palace from birth, enjoyed the benefits of their ancestors, and were trained by the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall. However, they were not like the fellow Daoist Li in front of them, who did not consider their personal lives first when encountering problems in the Immortal Palace. Instead, consider the interests of Asgard first.

"Fellow Daoist Li, I'm so ashamed!" Gu Xingyuan handed over to Wu Tao with a look of shame on his face.

Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha also handed over to Wu Tao, showing that they were ashamed.

Seeing them like this, Wu Tao smiled and said: "Actually, there is another reason why I want to go to the Jiebi battlefield. In the past year, I have been extremely happy working with the three Taoist friends, so I thought of going to the Jiebi battlefield with the three Taoist friends. On the wall battlefield, we can continue to work together."

Since he decided to go to the boundary wall battlefield, he naturally had to make the scene more beautiful. Wu Tao didn't mind this very much.

Of course, although it was a scene, it was also sincere.

Any time sincerity is combined with routine, it is a sure-fire move, but using the card of sincerity alone is a dead end.

Sure enough, after hearing Wu Tao's words, Gu Xingyuan and the others' favorable impression of Wu Tao increased sharply. They felt that they were lucky to be able to work with Wu Tao and make friends with someone like Wu Tao.

At the same time, they no longer thought that if Wu Tao could go to the boundary wall battlefield, one of them would not go.

Even if Wu Tao really goes to the Jiebi battlefield, they will not retreat. Instead, they will go to the Jiebi battlefield with Wu Tao and work together.

This is a good Taoist friend!

"It is also an honor for us to work with fellow Daoist Li. Well, I hope we can work together on the boundary wall battlefield and help each other." Gu Xingyuan laughed.

Ye Chaoming also said: "I also hope to work with fellow Taoist Li."

"Me too!" Jin Cha said loudly.

Wu Tao sighed and said, "I just don't know if I can convince Senior Brother Duanmu to add another place to the boundary wall battlefield."

Gu Xingyuan said: "Fellow Daoist Li, when the time comes, I, Daoist fellow Daoist Ye, and fellow daoist Jin will go together to convince Senior Brother Duanmu to make Senior Brother Duanmu appreciate our kindness!"

"Yes, yes!" Ye Chaoming said.

"I'll go too!" Jin Cha said loudly.

"In that case, I would like to thank the three Taoists for their kindness. I still have some things to deal with, so I will leave first." Wu Tao cupped his hands and smiled at Gu Xingyuan and the others.

"Fellow Daoist Li, please go deal with your affairs first. We will go to Senior Brother Duanmu's office later. I will accompany you there. We will try our best to persuade Senior Brother Duanmu to agree, Friend Daoist Li, to accompany us to the boundary wall battlefield." Gu Xingyuan said.

Ye Chaoming, Jin Cha and the others nodded gently.

Wu Tao then came to his training room in the Secret Cultivation Hall.

He would go to Duan Mulei's office two hours later, so he naturally had to seize the time to practice.

No matter what, Duan Mulei must be persuaded to allow him to go to the boundary wall battlefield.

Only in this way can we grasp the news about the Xianyuan world as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, it would have been ten days and a half before the news of the Jiebi battlefield reached the Xianyuan world.

For example, now, according to time calculation, the boundary wall portal connecting to the Immortal Realm must have been stable, but the news that it is stable has not yet been sent back to the Immortal Palace.

"Once the boundary wall portal is stabilized, the demons will definitely enter the Xianyuan world as quickly as possible and occupy the Xianyuan world."

"It's just that we haven't received any news about returning from the boundary wall battlefield yet. I don't know whether the boundary wall portal can only accommodate Jindan cultivators to enter, or whether it can accommodate Nascent Soul cultivators to enter?"

"If it's the former, I don't have to worry. If it's the latter..."

Thinking of the possibility of the latter, Wu Tao couldn't help but frown tightly.

In the Immortal Realm of Xingchen Sea, there are as many golden elixirs as dogs and Nascent Souls roaming everywhere. In the Demon Realm, there are also demonic elixirs and demon clans everywhere, and the original god demon clans are as numerous as dogs.

As for the Immortal Yuan Realm, there are seven sects of the righteous way and six sects of the demonic way. Each sect has no more than three Nascent Soul Lords, and some even have only one. How can they withstand the impact of the demons in the demon world.

"Oh, I don't want to think about it anymore. It's useless to think about it now. I hope the Immortal Realm can last a little longer, and try to hold on until the Xingchen Sea Cultivation Realm seizes the boundary wall of the twelfth area."

Thinking like this, several old friends and Chen Yao appeared in Wu Tao's mind. After praying for their safety in his heart, he dispersed the distracting thoughts in his mind and began to practice the real skill of Jiu Yao Fusion Yang Ji.

Two hours later, Wu Tao stopped practicing and walked out of the practice room.

As soon as they walked out of the training room and passed by the discussion area, they saw Gu Xingyuan, Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha discussing in the discussion area. When the three saw Wu Tao, they stood up immediately.

"Fellow Daoist Li, are you going to Senior Brother Duanmu's office now?" Gu Xingyuan asked.

Wu Tao nodded and said, "Yes, I'm on my way to Senior Brother Duanmu's office."

Gu Xingyuan said: "Well, the three of us will go with you."

Afterwards, Wu Tao and Gu Xingyuan went to Duan Mulei's office together.

Duanmulei's office is within Xuanyang Hall, so they will inevitably have to meet the weapon refiners of Xuanyang Hall.

As soon as the four of them appeared, the weapon refiners in Xuanyang Hall stood up one after another and congratulated the four of them.

Dao Xi is of course because they have researched and improved the Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets, so that the Xuanyang Pearl can be refined in just one hour, and the true forbidden rune directly integrates the Xuanyang energy and spirit. Material properties and no risk of explosion.

This allows them to not be afraid during the refining process and can proceed with confidence and boldness.

Also, for such great achievements, the four of them will receive awards from the Weapon Refining Hall. Secondly, I admire the four of them very much for being able to improve the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book in just one year.

Wu Tao, Gu Xingyuan, Ye Chaoming, and Jin Cha responded to these third-level weapon refiners one by one with smiles on their faces.

After responding all the way, I finally arrived at Duan Mulei's office. The door of Duanmulei's office was closed tightly, Wu Tao cupped his hands and said loudly: "Senior Brother Duanmu."

"Junior Brother Li is here, come in." Duan Mulei's voice rang in the office, and at the same time, the door opened automatically.

Wu Tao walked into the office, closely followed by Gu Xingyuan, Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha.

"Senior Brother Duanmu, I'm here." Wu Tao saluted Duanmulei, who was writing on the desk with his head down.

Duan Mulei was currently writing an application for a reward for Wu Tao and others' success in improving the Xuanyang Pearl. When he looked up, he was startled, then put down his pen, waved to Gu Xingyuan and the others: "I asked Junior Brother Li to come here. You three are here to join in the fun, go do your own thing."

Gu Xingyuan cupped his hands and said, "Senior Brother Duanmu, the three of us are here to get you to agree to let Fellow Daoist Li accompany us to the boundary wall battlefield."

Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha also gave up.

Duanmulei said: "I have made my own decision about going to the boundary wall battlefield. Okay, don't say more, Junior Brother Li and I have something to say, you can go out first."

"But, Senior Brother Duanmu, I..." Gu Xingyuan wanted to say something more, but saw Duanmu Lei's face turned pale.

Gu Xingyuan immediately did not dare to say anything more.

Gu Xingyuan, Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha looked at each other, and then looked at Wu Tao, saying that there was nothing he could do. After all, Duanmulei was the person in charge of Xuanyang Hall, so what he said would come naturally.

Wu Tao thanked them with his eyes, and then watched Gu Xingyuan and the others leave Duan Mulei's office.

Duan Mulei and Wu Tao were the only ones left in the office. Duan Mulei had a smile on his face, pointed to the chair next to the tea table and said, "Junior brother Li, sit down and talk."

As soon as Wu Taoyan sat on the chair, Duanmulei poured him a cup of tea.

Wu Tao did not drink tea immediately, but looked at Duanmu Lei and said, "Senior Brother Duanmu, please add one more place and let me go to the boundary wall battlefield."

Duan Mulei looked at Wu Tao and said: "Junior brother Li, you don't understand my love for your talents. The boundary wall battlefield is currently at war with the demons to compete for the boundary wall land in the twelfth area. Although the weapon refiner is going , the refining work is also carried out in the rear, but it is somewhat dangerous."

"Junior Brother Li, in this year's time, I have seen your talent for refining weapons. If your weapon refining skills go well, you will definitely be able to become a fourth-level weapon refiner."

"Therefore, Junior Brother Li, you'd better stay in the Immortal Palace Weapon Refining Hall. I'll give you some other tasks, and by the way, I'll also give you some tips on how to refining weapons, so that you can be promoted to the third-level Weapon Refining Master as soon as possible."

Wu Tao was moved when he heard Duanmulei's words, but he had to go to the boundary wall battlefield.

His idea is that if the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm takes back the boundary wall in the twelfth area, he will definitely return to the Immortal Yuan Realm through the boundary wall portal as soon as possible.

Therefore, Wu Tao looked at Duanmulei sincerely and said: "Senior Brother Duanmu's kindness in cultivating me is clear to my heart and I am very grateful. However, Senior Brother Duanmu knows that I am a casual cultivation weapon master. If I had not been immortalized If I am recruited by the Palace Refining Hall, I may stay above the level of a third-level low-level weapon refining master for the rest of my life."

"Therefore, the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall has given me a favor to rebuild. Now, the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall is a good employer. As the weapon refining master of the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall, how can I not go there? This newly improved Xuanyang Pearl I am most familiar with the refining secret book version, and it is the most suitable candidate for the refining master to go to the boundary wall battlefield."

"If I go to the boundary wall battlefield, I will definitely be able to bring great help to the Jindan battlefield in the boundary wall battlefield. Senior Brother Duanmu Lei also knows this in his heart, so I also ask senior brother Duanmu to help me repay the immortal palace's refining hall. A heart of grace.”

Hearing Wu Tao's sincere words, Duan Mulei was silent for a moment. After a while, he nodded and said: "Okay, Junior Brother Li has said it for this purpose. If I refuse, it will appear that I am not doing anything for my own sake." .”

"Okay, Junior Brother Li will go with the three of them to the boundary wall battlefield. However, you must be careful and only stay in the rear to refine the Xuanyang Pearl. Do not go to the front battlefield to meet the demons."

"Junior Brother Li, your value is incomparable to even ten ordinary golden elixir cultivators."

"You are the seed of a fourth-level weapon refiner." Finally, Duanmulei said solemnly.

Hearing that Duanmulei regarded him as the seed of a fourth-level weapon refiner, Wu Tao quickly humbly said: "Senior brother Duanmu is really too praised. Junior brother, I am still a third-level intermediate weapon refiner. I don't know how long it will be before I reach the fourth level. Moreover, To become a fourth-level weapon refiner, you have to advance to the Nascent Soul Stage, which is a hurdle..."

Duanmulei interrupted Wu Tao with a smile and said: "Junior Brother Li, I can be sure to be promoted to the fourth level of weapon refiner in at least ten years. Believe in my vision. Moreover, I believe in you, Junior Brother Li. Breaking the Pill and Transforming the Infant will help you." That said, there is no problem."

Seeing Duanmulei's affirmative tone, Wu Tao could only say: "Yes, I will definitely practice the art of weapon refining, and I will definitely live up to Senior Brother Duanmu's expectations."

Duanmulei smiled and said: "Okay, go down and get ready, remember what I just said."

"Thank you, Senior Brother Duanmu. Junior Brother, I will bear in mind Senior Brother Duanmu's words." Wu Tao stood up and held his hand over Duan Mulei. Duan Mulei agreed to let him go to the boundary wall battlefield, and he felt relieved when he finally agreed.

Duan Mulei waved his hand and said: "Go ahead. I will submit the added list to Deputy Hall Master Luo for review later. I will notify you when the review passes."

"Five days at most. By then, the rewards for the four of you from the Refining Hall should also come down. With those rewards, you will have more confidence to go to the boundary wall battlefield."

"Yes, thank you very much, Senior Brother Duanmu. I will take my leave first." Wu Tao handed over his hand and left Duanmuli's office.

After leaving the office, he saw Gu Xingyuan and the others waiting for him in the corridor in front of the office. When he saw Wu Tao, Gu Xingyuan asked, "Fellow Daoist Li, how are you?"

Wu Tao nodded and said: "I have convinced Senior Brother Duanmu to agree that I will go to the Boundary Wall Battlefield with you."

"It's great, I can work with fellow Daoist Li again." Gu Xingyuan showed a happy look on his face.

The same is true for Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha.

Immortal world.

The far north.

In front of the boundary wall portal, a huge formation enveloped twelve demon war boats.

Feeling the murderous aura emanating from the formation, Elder Yi quickly shouted: "Break the formation quickly!"

In fact, there was no need for Elder Yi to remind him. The White Bone Elder, Fire Demon Elder and other demons next to him, whether they were the original god demons or the magic pill demons, all took out the formation-breaking magic treasures on their bodies and attacked the formation that enveloped them. .

"Fellow Taoists, please return to heaven and earth!"

Looking at the various magic symbols and magic treasures attacking the formation, Ning Qiudao outside the formation looked happy and did not seem to be worried. He whispered, and the formation began to operate at full strength. Powerful sword energy shot out from the formation. And out.

The sword energy is like rain.

In an instant, the boat-protecting formation on the demon war boat was destroyed, and then, the demons with the magic pill were also submerged in the rain of sword energy, and none of them survived.

"It's just a fourth-level advanced formation, don't panic." Elder Yi felt that the auras of the thirty-six demons disappeared in an instant. He was shocked, but he calmed down and said loudly.

"The remaining Taoist friends, please return to heaven and earth!" Ning Qiudao said lightly, and tried his best to activate the fourth-level advanced trapping and killing formation.

At the same time, he moved and entered the formation, appearing in front of Elder Yi.

Elder Yi felt the cultivation aura of Ning Qiudao's seventh-level Nascent Soul. When he knew the opportunity was coming, he said coldly: "How brave, how dare you enter the formation. When I kill you, the leader of the formation, the formation will be broken." .”

After saying this, Elder Yi took action with all his strength to attack and kill Ning Qiudao.

Ning Qiu Dao rather than dodge, he cast the same spell and faced Elder Yi head-on.

"What, Nascent Soul is perfect?!!!"

District 12: The Boundary Wall

In front of the portal of the boundary wall, there are demon clans sitting cross-legged, among them there are three demon kings and six original god perfection demon clans.

Suddenly, a ray of magic light shot out from the portal of the boundary wall. The Demon King of the Heavenly Demon King stretched out his hand to catch the light, and then grabbed the magic light in his hand. It was a magic talisman for communication.

As soon as the Demon King of the Heavenly Demon King clan read it, his expression changed slightly.

"Fellow Demon Demon, what's wrong?" Another Demon Lord asked upon seeing this.

The face of the Demon King of the Heavenly Demon King returned to calmness and he said: "They had entered the Immortal Realm, and they encountered an ambush by the fourth-level advanced trapping and killing formation, and the entire army was wiped out!"

"What? How is it possible? They carry magic talismans that can break the fourth-level formation, and there are 15 original god demons. How can they break the fourth-level formation from the inside out?"

Demon Lord of the Heavenly Demon King Clan said: "But the fact is that their entire army was wiped out."

"Then what should we do? We can't enter this boundary wall portal, so we can only send the original gods and demons to enter."

The Demon Lord of the Heavenly Demon Royal Family pondered for a moment, then made a decision and said: "I will gather a distraction spirit of the original god's perfection level to accompany me."


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