Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 624 Ambush, Burial of Demons (Please subscribe)

Repair the secret palace.

Xuanyangzhu Experimental Area.

A complete true forbidden rune was suspended in the void in front of Wu Tao. It was imprisoned by Wu Tao with his magic power and did not dissipate.

Gu Xingyuan, Ye Chaoming, and Jin Cha surrounded the true forbidden rune, with unconcealable joy on their faces.

"When Fellow Daoist Li proposed the idea of ​​modifying the True Forbidden Runes of the Xuanyang Pearl, I thought it would be extremely difficult. It was even more difficult than Fellow Daoist Ye's idea of ​​dismantling the Xuanyang Pearl and refining it into parts."

"Unexpectedly, Fellow Daoist Ye's idea died, while Fellow Daoist Li's idea succeeded." Gu Xingyuan said excitedly as he looked at the true forbidden rune in front of him.

This True Forbidden Rune, as Wu Tao said before, can perfectly contain the energy of Xuanyang and the properties of spiritual materials. The three are integrated into the True Forbidden Rune. This makes it possible to refine it without worrying about the three elements. If there is a conflict between them, the slightest refining irregularity will explode, affecting the weapon refiner.

"In the past six months, thanks to Fellow Daoist Li, he has always had inspiration and solved the problems encountered along the way. It can be said that without Fellow Daoist Li, we would not have been able to research this true forbidden rune so quickly." Ye Chaoming said this.

Jin Cha nodded in agreement and said, "What you said, Fellow Daoist Ye, is absolutely true. When I ask for credit from Senior Brother Duanmu, Fellow Daoist Li should be the first to receive credit."

"Yes, yes, Fellow Daoist Li, I should take the lead." Gu Xingyuan and Ye Chaoming both nodded in agreement with Jin Cha's words. Especially Gu Xingyuan, if he followed his original steps of reducing the Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets to refine the Xuanyang Pearl, it would reach If the idea of ​​shortening time is successful, then he should take the lead.

But Gu Xingyuan doesn't like to compete for credit. If it's his credit, it's his credit. If it's not his credit, he won't take it by force.

Wu Tao listened to their words and said: "Now we have just taken the first step to innovate this true forbidden rune, but whether it can be integrated with the characteristics of spiritual materials and the energy of Xuanyang still needs to be refined. , Just try it out."

Gu Xingyuan nodded when he heard this and said, "When does Fellow Daoist Li plan to officially refine the Xuanyang Pearl?"

Wu Tao said: "It is better to choose a day than to hit it. Wait for me to adjust my breath for a while. Then I will start refining the Xuanyang Pearl. The success or failure depends on this refining."

Gu Xingyuan said: "Okay, you meditate and adjust your breath first. I will send a message to Senior Brother Duanmu and ask him to come and watch."

"Okay." Wu Tao nodded, immediately sat cross-legged and began to meditate and adjust his breathing to make up for the golden elixir mana and spiritual energy consumed in carving the true forbidden runes.

Gu Xingyuan took out the summons token to summon Duan Mulei.

After the interrogation, Gu Xingyuan motioned with his eyes to Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha to follow him to the entrance of the Secret Xiu Hall to greet Duan Mulei.

Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha nodded, and then followed Gu Xingyuan's footsteps, leaving the experimental area and arriving at the entrance of the Secret Xiu Palace, ready to welcome Duan Mulei.

After a while, Duan Mulei appeared, his eyes fell on Gu Xingyuan and the other three people at the door of the secret cultivation hall. Seeing a faint look of joy on the faces of the three people, his heart moved slightly, and he vaguely knew the result, but he still asked: "But Success?"

Gu Xingyuan and the other two laughed happily.

Gu Xingyuan answered Duanmulei's words: "Senior Brother Duanmu, just now Li Daoyou has completely carved out the true forbidden runes. That true forbidden runes can contain the energy of Xuanyang and the properties of spiritual materials."

"But I haven't started refining the Xuanyang Pearl. I called Senior Brother Duanmu here just to ask him to watch. By the way, Fellow Daoist Li was meditating and adjusting his breath in the experimental area to refine the modified True Forbidden Runes for the first time. Xuanyangzhu prepares."

Hearing Gu Xingyuan's words, Duanmulei felt sincerely happy, and he quickly said: "Then why don't you go quickly?"

Duan Mulei immediately strode into the secret cultivation hall, and Gu Xingyuan and others followed him. When they arrived at the experimental area, he saw Wu Tao who was meditating and adjusting his breath. He did not make a sound to disturb him. He glanced at the quilt and fell on it. On top of the true forbidden rune that is bound by mana.

Duanmulei stepped forward and looked at the true forbidden runes carefully.

The more he looked, the more shocked he felt.

This true forbidden rune can be understood based on his third-level advanced weapon refining skills. This true forbidden rune is extremely clever. It actually has the wonderful properties of harmonizing Xuanyang energy and spiritual materials. effect.

This is completely different from the true forbidden rune of the Xuanyang Pearl before.

We were able to achieve this step, and we succeeded in just one year from the idea to the realization of the idea. Duanmulei also knew that in the group of four, Junior Brother Li Mo was the main leader, and it was Junior Brother Li Mo who was the first to come up with solutions to the problems they encountered.

Wanting to understand this, Duanmulei turned his head and glanced at Junior Brother Li Mo who was meditating and adjusting his breath, and thought to himself: "This Junior Brother Li Mo, no wonder he is so valued by fellow Taoist Yu Zhixin, because his talent for refining weapons is so powerful. Perhaps, One day, you should be my Taoist friend."

The Taoist friend Duan Mulei had in mind was not that Wu Tao would be promoted to the third-level senior weapon refiner in the future, and he and he would call each other Taoist friends, but that he, Duan Mulei, would be 100% promoted to the fourth-level weapon refiner.

What he thought was that this junior brother Li Mo should be able to become a fourth-level weapon refiner and his Taoist friend by virtue of his talent in weapon refining.

Duan Mulei really liked Wu Tao more and more.

"I must give good guidance to Junior Brother Li Mo in the future and give him a lot of help on his weapon refining journey. In this way, when he is promoted to a fourth-level weapon refiner in the future, we can help each other in the weapon refining hall."

Duan Mulei thought this way.

Another quarter of an hour passed, and Wu Tao finally adjusted his state to its peak. He stopped adjusting his breath, saw Duan Mulei, and immediately stood up and cupped his hands to Duan Mulei and said, "I've met Senior Brother Duanmu."

Duanmulei had a pleasant expression on his face. He waved his hand and said, "Junior brother Li, there is no need to be polite. It is really remarkable that this true forbidden rune can be studied in the hands of junior brother Li and other junior brothers."

"Senior Brother Duanmu, thank you very much." Wu Tao said modestly.

Duan Mulei said: "Junior Brother Li, start the experiment when you are ready."

"Yes, Senior Brother Duanmu." Wu Tao nodded slightly, and then sat cross-legged on the futon in the refining position. With a thought, Xuanyang energy and third-level spiritual materials fell on the preparation position.

Afterwards, Wu Tao started refining.

The Xuanyang Pearl refined this time is a brand new version, because its core structure and the true forbidden runes have been completely changed.

In previous versions, it was the Xuanyang energy, spiritual material properties, and true forbidden runes that conflicted and stabilized each other, so that the explosive power of the Xuanyang Pearl could be fully unleashed.

Wu Tao's idea was to fuse these three into one and be contained by the true forbidden runes. This would reduce many refining steps, just like refining ordinary real weapons. As for the explosive power of the Xuanyang Pearl, Wu Tao made a primer on the True Forbidden Rune. As long as this primer is activated, it can achieve the same explosion power as the Xuanyang Pearl in the original version.

Duan Mulei, Gu Xingyuan, Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha watched Wu Tao begin to refine the Xuanyang Pearl.

Processing spiritual materials, processing Xuanyang Qi, and then carving out the true forbidden, the three began to merge.

The whole process has become extremely simple.

An hour later.

A brand new Xuanyang Pearl was suspended in front of Wu Tao.

Wu Tao withdrew the real fire, and with a thought, the Xuanyang Pearl dropped into his palm. He got up from the futon, came to Duanmulei and others and said: "Senior Brother Duanmu, the Xuanyang Pearl has been refined. Please ask Senior Brother Duanmu to test its power."

Hearing this, Duanmulei took the Xuanyang Pearl from Wu Tao's hand, penetrated it with his spiritual thoughts and magic power, and then said: "Junior Brother Li, this Xuanyang Pearl is of high quality, so let me test its power first."

After saying this, Duanmulei immediately activated the Xuanyang Pearl. When he sent the activated Xuanyang Pearl forward, it exploded in front of him.

Once there was an explosion, the fourth-level magic circle withstood the power of the explosion and protected Wu Tao and others.

The fourth-level magic circle shook slightly, and then the explosion stopped.

Wu Tao and the others knew the explosive power of the previous versions of the Xuanyang Pearl. After a further comparison, they would know how powerful this new version of the Xuanyang Pearl was.

Gu Xingyuan and others had happy expressions on their faces.

Duanmulei also said with a happy face: "Okay, Junior Brother Li, well done. The explosion power of this Xuanyang Pearl is the same as the previous version, or even slightly stronger. The most important thing is that according to this refining The manufacturing steps are shortened by half the time.”

According to the previous Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets, it takes two hours to refine a Xuanyang Pearl, but with the refining secrets developed by Wu Taoxin, it only takes one hour to refine it.

Production is directly doubled.

Wu Tao heard this and said: "Senior Brother Duanmulei, I will record the latest Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets on jade slips."

Duanmulei said: "Okay, you record it, and then give me the jade slips, and I will make rubbings of the jade slips and distribute them to the weapon refiners in Xuanyang Store for analysis."

Wu Tao said goodbye to Duanmulei, then went to the training room and began to record the latest Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets on jade slips.

After recording, he went to the discussion area, where Duan Mulei, Gu Xingyuan and Ye Chaoming were already sitting.

He sat down, handed the jade slip to Duanmu Lei, and said, "Senior Brother Duanmu, I have recorded it in detail, and the weapon refiners can understand and analyze it."

Duanmulei put the jade slip on his forehead and penetrated it with his spiritual mind. After reading it once, he put down the jade slip and said to Wu Tao: "Junior brother Li, this jade slip will be regarded as the original jade slip and be enshrined in the weapon refining book." In the building. You haven't signed the jade slip yet. Please sign your names. In this way, when the weapon refiners in the weapon refining hall read the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book in the past, they will know that it was you who created and improved it. "

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao took back the jade slip and looked at Gu Xingyuan and the others.

Gu Xingyuan immediately expressed his position: "Li Daoyou should be the first to sign, and we will be the second."

Jin Cha said. : "I contributed the least in research, so I'll be ranked fourth."

Ye Chaoming said: "Then I will be third, and Fellow Daoist Gu will be second. After all, without Fellow Daoist Gu, there would be no this research group."

It was decided that Wu Tao would sign immediately, with him as the first signature, Gu Xingyuan as the second, Ye Chaoming as the third, and Jin Cha as the fourth.

When this Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book spreads to the hands of the weapon refiner in the Refining Hall, he will know that this refining secret book is based on him.

Moreover, for creating a new Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book and shortening the refining time by half, the Immortal Palace Weapon Refining Hall will definitely reward the four of them. The higher the signature, the greater the credit, and the greater the reward.

After Wu Tao signed the refining secret book, he handed it back to Duan Mulei.

Duanmulei took the jade slip and said: "Now the situation in the boundary wall battlefield is still tense, and the boundary wall portal should be stable soon. This new Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book is really a timely rain on the Jindan battlefield. But it is impossible for the entire Xuanyang The weapon refiners in the main hall stopped together to study the latest Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book. They had to stagger their studies so that Xuanyang Pearl could be provided to the Jindan cultivators in the boundary wall battlefield."

"However, Junior Brother Li and Junior Brother Gu, the four of you are the improvers of the new Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book. You should already know how to refine it, so Xuanyang Hall decided to send three people to the boundary wall battlefield. Provide Xuanyang Pearl for the Jindan battlefield in real time."

After hearing Duan Mulei's words, Wu Tao, Gu Xingyuan, Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha all looked at Duan Mulei, waiting for Duan Mulei to announce the list of people going to the boundary wall battlefield.

Duanmulei looked at the four of them, and then announced the list: "Junior Brother Gu, Junior Brother Ye, and Junior Brother Jin, the three of you will go to the boundary wall battlefield."

The boundary wall battlefield is somewhat dangerous, although the weapon refiner is firmly in the rear. Therefore, Duan Mulei did not send Wu Tao there because he took a fancy to Wu Tao's talent in weapon refining.

Of course, a weapon refiner with such a talent for refining must stay in the Immortal Palace. This is the safest thing.

Wu Tao heard that he was not on Duanmulei's list.

In the past, he would have been happy because he didn't have to go to a dangerous place like the Jiebi Battlefield.

But now, there is a boundary wall portal connecting to the Immortal Realm in the 12th area of ​​the boundary wall. Moreover, it should be stable during this period. The Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm has not yet recaptured the 12th area of ​​the boundary wall.

Only in the Boundary Wall Battlefield can we get the news about the 12th Boundary Wall Land more quickly. Therefore, Wu Tao looked at Duan Mulei and said, "Senior Brother Duanmulei, I also want to go to the Boundary Wall Battlefield."


Area 12, the land of boundary wall.

In front of the boundary wall portal, following the order from the Demon King of the Heavenly Demon King, huge demon clan war boats entered the boundary wall portal one after another.

Seeing the last demon war boat disappearing into the boundary wall portal, the Demon Lord of the Heavenly Demon King clan said in a deep voice: "We will be in front of this boundary wall portal to guard this boundary wall portal. We must not be captured by the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm. Walk."

"What Fellow Daoist Heavenly Demon said is absolutely true." Demon Lords from the other two royal families nodded and said.

"The Immortal Yuan Realm is just a small realm of immortal cultivation. The one with the highest cultivation level, but in the Nascent Soul Stage, with my three original gods, perfect demons, 12 original gods and 36 demons, I should be able to conquer them soon. The Immortal Realm is a vassal of my Demon Realm." A royal demon king said this.

In the corridor formed by the boundary wall portal.

On the leader's demon war boat, three figures stood side by side. They were Elder Yi, Elder Baigu, and Elder Fire Demon. This time they conquered the Immortal Realm, and the three of them were the main ones.

Elder Yi's eyes fell on the corridor of the boundary wall portal, feeling the power of the corridor.

Then he waited quietly to pass through the portal corridor of the boundary wall and enter the Immortal Realm.

The flow of time in the corridor of the boundary wall is different from that in the outside world, so they don't know the time or how long it has passed. Suddenly, there is a bright light in front of them, and the next moment, the war boat they are in has already left. The corridor formed by the boundary wall portal.

"Is this the Immortal Realm? Sure enough, the aura is not as good as the Xingchen Sea Xiuxian Realm!"

"No wonder only Nascent Soul cultivators can be born, but not the God Transformation Lord! Such a weak immortal world should be a vassal of my demon world."

Elder Yi felt the aura of the Immortal Realm and commented like this.

"This place is deserted and covered with snow-capped mountains. According to secret records from more than 100,000 years ago, this should be the far north of the Immortal Realm. Unexpectedly, the boundary wall portal is actually connected to the far north of the Immortal Realm. "

The fire demon elder observed the terrain where they were and made a correct guess.

After all the twelve demon war boats came out of the boundary wall tunnel, the fire demon elder gave an order: "My sons of the demon clan, the Immortal Realm has arrived. Next, follow us to conquer the Immortal Realm."

"Conquer the Immortal Realm, conquer the Immortal Realm!" A Zun Demon Pill Demon Clan shouted excitedly.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred, and pillars of light rose from all directions around them, connecting to each other to form light curtains, and a terrifying aura shrouded them.

"No, it's a formation, there's an ambush!" Elder Yi's expression changed.

At this moment, a figure appeared outside the formation. Ning Qiudao, who was wearing a green robe, showed a gentle smile on his face. He looked at the demon clan who was enveloped by the formation. His tone was polite as a host, and he stretched out his hand and said:

"Welcome all of you to come all the way to the Immortal Realm to die. Thank you for your hard work!"

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