Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 623: True Forbidden Success, Entering the Immortal Yuan (please subscribe)

Repair the secret palace.

Because the original group of four people became a group of two people, each researching and exploring different directions, therefore, two additional areas were divided into the Secret Cultivation Hall.

The two groups researched and explored in different areas so as not to interfere with the other group.

Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon with a thoughtful look on his face. After a moment, he stretched out his right hand, mana burst out from his fingertips, and began to carve true forbidden runes in the void in front of him.

A true forbidden rune was slowly carved out under his fingers.

Looking at the complete true forbidden rune carved out, Wu Tao used magic power to fix it in the void in front of him. This rune is the rune in the current Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book version.

Then he stretched out his finger again and began to carve next to the true forbidden rune, but this time the carving was very slow.

But it didn't break.

The magic power burst out from the fingertips bit by bit, turning into rune light. Halfway through the drawing, Wu Tao frowned and saw it stopped in the void, unable to draw.

After pausing for a moment, he retracted his fingers and used his magic power to imprison the half-complete rune in the void in front of him.

"It seems to have reached a dead end, and there is no way to modify it at this point. If you insist on modifying it, this rune will definitely collapse and it will not be able to become a complete true forbidden rune."

"Still have to think more about it."

Wu Tao was deep in thought. Suddenly, footsteps sounded behind him. He looked back and saw Jin Cha coming over with a volume of books in his hand. As he came over, he said to him: "Fellow Daoist Li, I found a volume that is useful to us." Take a look at the weapon refining book."

Jin Cha came over, sat cross-legged on the futon next to Wu Tao, looked at the two runes floating in front of Wu Tao, and said, "Fellow Daoist Li, that's great, you've already revised it halfway."

Jin Cha's face was very happy. In the past six months, this fellow Taoist Li Mo's talent in weapon refining had really surprised him.

When he proposed the idea of ​​modifying the Xuanyang Pearl's true forbidden runes, not only Jin Cha, but also Gu Xingyuan and Ye Chaoming also felt that this direction was extremely difficult, even more difficult than Ye Chaoming's idea.

But now, only half a year has passed, and fellow Taoist Li Mo has already completed the modification process of this rune.

Although he and fellow Taoist Li Mo were in the same exploration group, he knew very well that he was just doing odd jobs for fellow Taoist Li Mo, running errands, and occasionally sharing his own opinions.

The main attacker is still Taoist friend Li Mo.

Seeing the joyful expression on Jin Cha's face, Wu Tao was not happy at all, because in the past six months, he had only completed half of the revisions. The further the true forbidden runes went, the more difficult it became to revise them. There was still half a year to go in the twelfth district. The boundary wall portal connecting the boundary wall land to the Xianyuan world can be stabilized.

In the past six months, he has heard news coming back from the boundary wall battlefield every month, but there has been no news about the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm retaking the boundary wall of the twelfth area.

The land of the boundary wall in the twelfth area is still in the hands of the demon clan. If the boundary wall portal stabilizes in another half a year, the demon clan will definitely send the demon clan into the fairy world as soon as possible.

If the boundary wall portal could only accommodate golden elixir stage immortal cultivators to enter, Wu Tao would not be too worried.

But if it can accommodate the Nascent Soul cultivators to enter, there are so many original gods and demons on the demon side, and the Immortal Yuan world will not be good.

After all, there are too few Nascent Soul cultivators in the Immortal Realm.

While thinking deeply, Wu Tao stretched out his hand and motioned for Jin Cha to take the book in his hand.

Jin Cha quickly put the book in Wu Tao's hands and said: "I found this book after looking for it for a long time. There is a senior in it who also thought about modifying the Xuanyang Pearl's true forbidden runes. Although he failed, he wanted to If it can be used as a reference for Fellow Daoist Li, I will show it to Fellow Daoist Li."

Wu Tao listened to Jin Cha's words and began to read books. Sure enough, as Jin Cha said, this senior weapon refiner also thought about modifying the true forbidden runes of Xuanyang Pearl, which was completely different from his idea, with only a slight deviation.

While reading, he said to Jin Cha: "Fellow Taoist Jin, this book is very useful to me."

Hearing this, Jin Cha smiled and said, "As long as it's useful to Fellow Daoist Li, I can't help much if I'm working with Fellow Daoist Li."

Wu Tao did not reply to this, but began to read the weapon refining book seriously.

Half an hour later, Wu Tao finally finished reading the weapon refining book. He said to Jin Cha: "Fellow Daoist Jin, please go to the weapon refining library and look for it again. Is there any similar book like this? Even if it is not a revision Books on the Xuanyang Pearl True Forbidden Runes, and weapon refining books that modify other True Forbidden Runes are also acceptable."

Jin Cha nodded and said, "Okay, Fellow Daoist Li, I will go to the Weapon Refining Library to search for it tomorrow."

"In another hour, we will have a meeting with Daoist Fellow Gu and Fellow Daoist Ye in the Lundao District."

Wu Tao nodded and said, "I understand."

Every month, the two groups will gather in the discussion area to summarize the research results of the month.

Afterwards, Wu Tao began to study the Xuanyang Pearl's true forbidden runes for an hour, and then went to the Lundao area with Jin Cha.

When they came to the discussion area, Gu Xingyuan and Ye Chaoming had not arrived yet.

Jin Cha took out the spiritual fruit and spiritual tea from the side, poured Wu Tao a cup of spiritual tea, and said, "Fellow Daoist Ye, drink some tea, eat some spiritual fruit, and relax."

"Fellow Daoist Jin, you too." Wu Tao picked up the tea cup and took a sip of the spiritual tea, then took some spiritual fruits to eat and relax his mind.

Being always nervous didn't help his current state.

After waiting for less than half a quarter of an hour, Gu Xingyuan and Ye Chaoming arrived.

"Fellow Daoist Li, fellow Taoist Jin." Gu Xingyuan and Ye Chaoming bowed their hands to Wu Tao and Jin Chagong, and then took their seats in the discussion area.

"Fellow Daoist Li, Fellow Daoist Jin, how is your research going?" Gu Xingyuan looked at Wu Tao and Jin Cha and asked.

Jin Cha looked at Wu Tao, who replied: "We have only modified half of the progress of the runes now, but the difficulty will definitely increase as we go further. I just hope that I can get some inspiration in the future and advance the process as soon as possible."

Gu Xingyuan and Ye Chaoming nodded, and Gu Xingyuan said: "Friend Daoist Li, half of the true forbidden runes have been modified, which is already extremely remarkable. It shows that this direction can still be explored."

"Let me talk about our results first. The results are not ideal. After all, the Xuanyang Pearl is only a one-time real thing and its size is small. It feels very unnecessary to split it up." At this point, Gu Xingyuan sighed. Take a breath.

Ye Chaoming said: "I took it for granted at the time and did not consider that there is a difference between the Xuanyang Pearl and the war boat. If the Xuanyang Pearl can be separated and refined, the seniors have already completed the research results, so why bother Wait until we study it.”

After hearing what Gu Xingyuan and Ye Chaoming said, Wu Tao felt that they wanted to give up that research direction. He asked: "Fellow Daoist Gu, Fellow Daoist Ye, what are your thoughts?"

Gu Xingyuan and Ye Chaoming looked at each other, and then Gu Xingyuan said: "Fellow Daoist Li, my idea and that of Daoist Ye are to give up the research direction of splitting the Xuanyang Pearl into parts and refining it, and focus on you to modify the true forbidden runes. direction."

"After all, fellow Daoist Li, you have been hoping for further progress every month in the past six months. I think this is more possible for you."

Wu Tao pondered for a moment. If Ye Chaoming and Gu Xingyuan joined in, it would indeed be very helpful for him to have two more heads to think about. So he nodded and said: "Okay, since you have already decided, then so be it. However, I still need to explain it to Senior Brother Duanmu."

Gu Xingyuan nodded and said, "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Li, I will explain the situation to Senior Brother Duanmu."

"From now on, we will return to the group of four. I, Fellow Daoist Ye, and Fellow Daoist Jin will be at your command at any time, Fellow Daoist Li."

After Gu Xingyuan finished speaking, Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha both looked at Wu Tao and nodded, expressing their agreement with Gu Xingyuan's words.

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao raised his hands and said to the three of them: "The three fellow Taoists were joking. From now on, we can work together."

This concludes the small meeting of the Forum.

There was still half a day left, Wu Tao had to do some things, and Gu Xingyuan went to explain the situation to Duan Mulei.

Wu Tao walked out of the Secret Cultivation Hall and returned to Bixing Island.

In the past six months, he has rarely returned to Bixing Island. Even his daily practice of Jiuyao Fusion Yangji Zhenqing and Zhoutian Xingchen body training skills were practiced in the training room of the Secret Palace.

Today, he returned to Bixing Island because he had used up all the star stones. This afternoon, he made an appointment with Liu Yidao to go to the secret market in the outer island waters.

In the past six months, Wu Tao has devoted himself to the Secret Cultivation Palace. Wang Sheng will report everything about Bixing Island to Wu Tao every quarter. But starting from the last quarter, Wu Tao told him not to report, but to report once a year.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon in the training hall, Wu Tao thought, and three jade bottles flew out of the storage bag and floated in front of him.

One bottle is a medium golden elixir, and the other two bottles are six-level spiritual fire and spiritual water.

The situation on the Jindan battlefield in the boundary wall battlefield was tense. The weapon refiners in the Xuanyang Hall increased the time they spent refining the Xuanyang Pearl, and their merits were improved. Wu Tao and the four of them are a team that researches and improves the secrets of refining Xuanyang Pearl, so their achievements will naturally increase accordingly.

The improvement in meritorious service means that Wu Tao can purchase higher-level training resources for training.

Therefore, he directly used the sixth-level spiritual fire and spiritual water to practice.

Sure enough, the cultivation speed of Jiuyao Fusion Yangji True Technique increased a bit.

In the past, he used medium-level golden elixirs and fourth-level spiritual fire and spiritual water to practice, and could only improve one level a month.

Now he estimates that he can improve his cultivation progress by 1.2 to 1.3 points a month.

"Start practicing."

"Bang, bang, bang!" There were three explosions, and the three jade bottles suspended in front of Wu Tao shattered, revealing the golden elixir and spiritual fire and spiritual water inside.

The next moment, Wu Tao swallowed the golden elixir, absorbed the spiritual fire and spiritual water, and began to practice the true skill of Jiu Yao Fusion Yang pole.

After consuming all the golden elixir and spiritual fire and spiritual water, Wu Tao stood up from the futon. With a movement of his body, he was already in the sky above the Dongfu Palace. He sacrificed the Jiyunzhou and turned into a stream of light and flew out of Bixing Island.

He was going to Secret City in the outer island waters with Liu Yidao.

"Friend Liu Dao." When Wu Tao saw Liu Yidao, he slightly bowed his hand to Liu Yidao.

Liu Yidao nodded and said, "Without further delay, Fellow Daoist Li, let's go quickly."

The two of them separated when they came to the secret market. Wu Tao came to the secret market just to buy the star stone for practicing the Zhou Tianxing body exercise. After buying it, he returned directly to Bixing Island.

The next day, Wu Tao came to the Secret Xiu Hall.

Gathering together with Gu Xingyuan, Ye Chaoming, and Jin Cha, Wu Tao shared his insights on the process of modifying the Xuanyang Pearl's true forbidden runes in the past six months with others.

In the following days, Wu Tao and the four of them began to work together to study the modification of the Xuanyang Pearl's true forbidden runes.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye it’s half a year later.

Xuanyangzhu Experimental Area.

Four figures were sitting cross-legged on four futons in the test area, with Wu Tao sitting cross-legged on the second from the left.

He took a deep breath in his heart and said: "Fellow Daoist Gu, Fellow Daoist Ye, Fellow Daoist Jin, I'm starting."

When Gu Xingyuan, Ye Chaoming, and Jin Cha heard this, their faces were faintly excited. In the past six months, the four of them, led by Wu Tao, have been researching the modification of the Xuanyang Pearl's true forbidden runes, and have made unexpectedly rapid progress.

Today is the final test, only the last step.

At the same time, they were also very shocked by the talent of this fellow Taoist Li Mo in refining weapons, because in the past six months while exploring the modification of the forbidden runes of the Xuanyang Pearl, fellow Taoist Li Mo often had flashes of inspiration.

We overcame various difficulties and moved forward smoothly.

Without Fellow Daoist Li Mo, they would probably have been stuck in the process and unable to advance.

But how did they know that Wu Tao's main profession, the weapon refiner, played a role.

"I'm really looking forward to it, Fellow Daoist Li, let's get started."

"Whether we can successfully carve out a complete true forbidden rune today depends on fellow Daoist Li."

"I believe Fellow Daoist Li can do it," Jin Cha said.

Wu Tao nodded lightly. In the past six months, the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm has continuously invested immortal cultivators in the Boundary Wall battlefield, but they still have not succeeded in taking back the twelfth area of ​​the Boundary Wall.

In fact, if you think about it, the demons in the demon world have worked hard to occupy the boundary wall of the twelfth area, not just to open up the boundary wall connecting the immortal world, and then have a subsidiary cultivation world to increase their own strength.

How could it be possible for the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm to take it back again?

Unless the Xingchenhai Immortal World pays more price.

"It's been a year. The boundary wall portal should be almost stable..." Wu Tao felt worried in his heart.

But he knew that the most important thing at the moment was to research the Xuanyang Pearl True Forbidden Rune first and provide help to the Golden Core Battlefield in the Boundary Wall Battlefield. Maybe there would be a chance.

Thinking of this, he abandoned the distracting thoughts in his mind, stretched out the magic power from the fingertips of his right hand, and began to carve the true forbidden runes in the void in front of him.

Wu Tao began to carve the true forbidden runes. Gu Xingyuan and the others held their breaths, even more nervous than Wu Tao. They looked at Wu Tao intently, for fear that Wu Tao would accidentally make mistakes in the runes.

Time passed slowly, and a true forbidden rune was slowly outlined, with the last stroke remaining.

Gu Xingyuan, Ye Chaoming, and Jin Cha immediately did not dare to breathe.

Because in the past six months, they have joined the research, and they just missed the last step. This last step cost them a month, and they just started the first test today.

Whether it can be conquered depends on the success or failure of today's test.

Wu Tao felt extremely calm in his heart, as if he was immersed in some mysterious realization. A rune appeared in his mind, with the same frequency as the magic power on his fingertips.

"It's done, it's done!" was Gu Xingyuan's overjoyed voice.

When Wu Tao heard a cry, he naturally retracted his hand and looked at the complete true forbidden rune in front of him.

"Fellow Daoist Li, it's successful."

"We succeeded."

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Li."

"Joy and rejoice together."

In an instant, the Xuanyang Pearl Experimental Area was filled with an atmosphere of joy.

The boundary wall of the twelfth area.

Twelve figures stood in front of the boundary wall portal. Behind them, demon war boats were suspended, with a demon figure on top.

All the demon clan's eyes are fixed on this world wall portal.

The chaotic power inside the boundary wall portal is gradually disappearing. The moment the chaotic power disappears, it means that the boundary wall portal has completely stabilized, and you can enter the boundary wall passage and enter the immortal world.

A few hours later.

The boundary wall portal is finally stable.

The demon king of the Heavenly Demon King's clan penetrated the world with his demonic thoughts, and immediately felt the repulsive power of the boundary wall portal. He immediately withdrew his demonic thoughts and said: "As expected, the scope of this boundary wall portal is too small. With my strength, ,Inaccessible."

"Elder Yi, give it a try!" Demon Lord of the Heavenly Demon King Clan said to an Elder of the Wing Demon Clan who had perfected the original god.

Hearing this, Elder Yi took a step forward and penetrated the demonic thoughts. He did not feel any repulsive force. He retracted the demonic thoughts and said, "Return to the Demon Lord, I did not feel any repulsive force."

"Okay, as long as the Original God Demon Clan can enter, we can unify the Immortal Realm and make the Immortal Realm a subsidiary cultivation world of our Demon Realm." The Demon Lord of the Heavenly Demon King Clan was overjoyed.

The next moment, he ordered: "According to the previous plan, the three elders, Elder Yi, Elder Baigu, and Elder Fire Demon, will lead twelve original god demons and thirty-six demons from the Demonic Core into the Immortal Realm."

"Yes, Lord Demon Lord, we will definitely conquer the Immortal Yuan Realm." Elder Yi, Elder Baihu, and Elder Fire Demon of the Original God Perfection Demon Clan, who are comparable to Yuanying Perfection cultivators, immediately said respectfully to the Demon Lord of the Heavenly Demon King Clan.

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