Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 620 Breaking the Boundary Wall and Connecting to the Immortal Realm (Please subscribe) (

Ning Qiu said that he was so strong!

The entire righteous path and the demonic path all know that Ning Qiu Dao has achieved great success. The six sects of the righteous path say the same thing, and the other sects of the righteous path do not dare to disobey Ning Qiu Dao's orders.

It seems that the Xianyuan world is about to be unified again.

And Ning Qiudao will be the master of the entire Xianyuan world.

In the dim stronghold hall.

Five figures sat around the round table, no one spoke, and the atmosphere was very dull.

Suddenly, the Nascent Soul Old Demon from the Ghost Dao Sect spoke: "Has the Yinxin Old Demon succeeded? Ten years ago, he said that he could communicate with the upper world and let the Upper Realm Demon Sect send people to the lower world. Until now, there has been no news... "

"Our Xianyuan world has been isolated from the outside world long ago under the rule of the Immortal Saint Sect. It has been closed for a long time. How can we still contact the upper world?! Do you think it is a trick of the sinister old devil who wants to take us away? Sold?" Yuanying Laomo from the Tianyin Sect said in a confused tone.

As soon as this statement came out, the atmosphere became increasingly weird.

After a long while, the old devil Yuanying of the Blood Dao Sect looked at the old devil Yuanying of the Tianyin sect and said: "If the old devil Yinxin wanted to sell you, with your IQ, he would have sold you long ago. How can you still live till now? "

"You...blood demon, you and I go out and have a fight!" Tianyin sent Nascent Soul Old Demon to stand up and stare at the blood demon of Blood Dao Sect.

The Blood Demon snorted coldly and said, "I won't fight with you. If you want to fight, go and fight with Ning Qiu."

"Ah!!! I'm so angry!" After hearing these three words Ning Qiudao, the Nascent Soul Demon from the Tianyin Sect became incompetent and furious.

They here once besieged Ning Qiudao. Ning Qiudao defeated them one to six. If they escaped quickly, Ning Qiudao would probably kill several of them.

Speaking of Ning Qiudao, everyone present was frightened.

"Okay, given the current situation, if we continue to fight among ourselves and don't report to the group, we will die faster." Yuanying said from the corpse excavation path.

"I hope the evil old devil can pass the news to the upper world!"

The Nascent Soul Old Demon sighed, and then the hall fell into silence again.

"Ning Qiudao, this boy is unusual!" After a moment of silence, the old devil sighed again.

Blood Demon nodded and said, "I feel the same way. Ning Qiudao's growth is too outrageous."

"Is it possible that Ning Qiudao is a genius who only comes once in a million years?"

"A genius who is rare to see in ten thousand years? Why not be born in our Sixth Master of the Holy Path." The old devil of Ghost Dao Sect was heartbroken.

"Now I am seeking Dao to restrain the righteous Nascent Soul and not to fight with us. I don't know what I am asking for? If I were Ning seeking Dao, I would definitely strike while the iron is hot and directly capture the Yinhun Realm, completely annihilate us, and unify the Immortal Yuan Realm." Blood Demon. He said with a flash of blood in his eyes.

"Yes, with Ning Qiudao's overwhelming combat power, coupled with the assistance of other Nascent Souls of Zhengdao, he does have this ability." The old demon of the Nascent Soul of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect nodded.

"Perhaps you are wondering whether Ning Qiudao's cultivation was forcibly improved and had side effects, so he took it easy?" Some Nascent Soul Old Demon speculated this way.

"There is a possibility, but this speculation cannot be confirmed. Now I just hope that Yin Indifference can communicate with the upper world!"

After the Blood Demon finished speaking, the hall became silent again, with no one speaking.

Indeed, facing the powerful Ning Qiu Dao and the powerful Six Righteous Sects, they had no choice but to pin their hopes on the so-called Summoning Demon Sacrifice by the Yinxin Old Demon.

While the five Nascent Soul Demons were silent, they were in a dark underground palace thousands of miles away from them.

There is a huge blood pool in the center of the palace, with hearts floating in the blood pool.

These hearts are all the hearts of immortal cultivators.

There is a heart floating above the blood pool, and this heart has a powerful aura.

This is the heart dug out from the body of Ling Zhifu in Tianmen Mountain after his death.

After the death of True Lord Yuanying, the powerful aura of True Lord Yuanying still remained in his heart.

The Yinxin old devil sat cross-legged by the blood pool, looking at the blood pool and the Nascent Soul heart of Tianmen Mountain Lingzhifu, his eyes flashed with a hint of madness.

"Supreme Inner Demon Lord, this time, your loyal followers have prepared ten thousand hearts. These hearts will be offered to the supreme Inner Demon Lord, hoping to get a response from the Inner Demon Lord."

The sinister old devil said in a high voice.

There are books written by their Yinhun sect ancestors that their skills come from the upper world, are pure demon skills, and are worshiped by the inner demon god.

The old demon Yin Xin found the method of sensing and praying to the demon god in the sect's ancestral land.

It's called the Ten Thousand Heart Demon Sacrifice Method.

It is necessary to collect 10,000 hearts of immortal cultivators in order to activate this sacrificial method and let the inner demon Tianzun in the upper world sense it.

The evil spirit has been held twice.

But he never got a response from the Inner Demon Lord.

This is the third time.

"Now, the whole dilemma of the Demon Sect lies in this. If you haven't got a response from the inner demon Tianzun, you will definitely be boiled by Ning Qiu Dao... Damn Ning Qiu Dao, how can this child practice so fast? unreasonable!"

Taking a deep breath, the Yinxin old devil bit the tip of his tongue and spurted a mouthful of blood essence onto the blood pool. The essence blood fell into the blood pool. Suddenly, the entire blood pool began to boil, and the hearts began to melt. The blood seemed to be purer.

It exudes a strange aura.

Seeing this, the Yinxin old devil kept using the magic formula in his hands and chanting in his mouth.

This is a prayer formula.

As time passed slowly, the heart of the entire blood pool melted, turning into majestic blood energy that filled the entire underground palace.

Even the figure of the Yinxin Old Demon was shrouded in this blood energy, making it impossible to see his figure.

at last.

The Yinxin old devil stood up suddenly, bit the tip of his tongue again, and spurted out a mouthful of blood again.

The Yinxin Old Demon's aura suddenly became a little sluggish.

Holding back the pain of the blood spurting out from the tip of his tongue, the old demon Yinxin chanted loudly: "The great and supreme Inner Demon God, your followers left behind in the lower world, your devout prayers will be answered by the great Inner Demon God. .Your followers have encountered difficulties, and I hope that the great inner demon Lord can come and save your humble followers."

The mantra chanted by the Yinxin Old Demon seemed to carry some mysterious and strange energy. The sound waves merged into the blood pool invisibly, and the blood pool suddenly turned into blood light twisting and rolling, forming strange runes.

The runes gradually took shape and turned into a complete strange rune. In the next moment, the runes exploded with a 'bang' sound.

The runes exploded, and the blood pool below turned into a clear spring water without any blood.

The old devil Yinxin looked at the clear water below, his breath a little weak. After all, the ritual method of praying to the Inner Demon Heavenly Lord consumes not only the essence and blood, but also the mind and mana.

"The Ten Thousand Heart Demon Sacrifice Method is recorded in this way. There is no mistake in my operation. I wonder if it was sensed by the Heart Demon Heavenly Lord?..." Old Demon Yinxin looked at the pool calmly, but But in his heart, he was not at all calm.

After all, his life was at stake. If he could not get a response from the inner demon Tianzun and could not solve the current predicament, sooner or later he would die in the hands of Ning Qiudao.

Then, calming down, he began to meditate and regulate his breath.

After adjusting his state to the peak, he flashed out of the underground palace.

Not long after, he came to the main hall where the Nascent Soul Old Demon from the other five sects of the Demonic Path was located.

Seeing the arrival of the old demon Yin Xin, the five Nascent Soul old demons all stood up, looked at him, and asked impatiently: "Yin Xin, have you successfully communicated with the upper world?"

The Yinxin Old Demon looked at the five Nascent Soul Old Demons who were looking expectantly. He did not answer immediately. Instead, he sat down first and then said: "The sacrifice has been completed, but it still takes time. After all, there is a world apart. Now there is only Wait for the response from the upper world.”

"How long do we have to wait? One more day, one more year are all variables! In case, Ning Qiudao changes its strategy against us..." the Nascent Soul Old Demon of the Tianyin Sect said eagerly.

"Now, the only way is to wait. If you don't wait, what else can you do? Who has a better way? You can tell me." The words of the old demon Yinxin left the old demon Yuanying of Tianyin faction speechless. explain.

"Fellow Daoist Li, Fellow Daoist Ye, why don't we go relax together tomorrow?" After the three of them discussed again in the Lundao area the plan to test the Xuanyang Pearl in the future to improve the current stage, Gu Xingyuan looked at Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming and said .

Wu Tao shook his head when he heard this and said, "I'm sorry, Fellow Daoist Gu, I have something to do tomorrow."

Seeing that Wu Tao was in trouble, Gu Xingyuan looked at Ye Chaoming.

Ye Chaoming saw it and shook his head and said, "I also have something to do."

Seeing this, Gu Xingyuan said, "Okay then, we will gather in the Secret Cultivation Hall the day after tomorrow to test the results of the research during this period."

After finishing speaking, the three people left the secret cultivation hall and went back to their respective homes.

Wu Tao returned directly to Bixing Island.

After returning to Bixing Island, Wu Tao began to practice, practicing the Jiu Yao Fusion Yang Ji Zhen Gong, Zhoutian Xingchen Body Training Kung Fu, Jin Dan Ninth Refining, Tian Yan Shen Lian Zhen Jing, etc. It was already the second day.

He looked at the time and saw that it was time to go over and take charge of Fu Xuan.

As soon as Wu Tao moved, he was already above Bixing Island. A stream of light flew out from his waist and turned into a Jiyun Boat.

Jiyunzhou quickly flew out of Bixing Island and flew towards the Weapon Refining Hall.

The refining hall has an earth-fire refining room, which is specially provided for those second-level weapon refining masters.

Wu Tao came to the Earth Fire Weapon Refining Hall of the Weapon Refining Hall. As soon as he entered the Weapon Refining Hall, Fu Xuan, who had been waiting for a long time, came forward and said respectfully: "Master Li."

Wu Tao looked at Fu Xuan, nodded to him, and asked him to take him to the weapon refining room.

Not long after, in a refining room, Fu Xuan and Wu Tao were sitting cross-legged on futons. Wu Tao looked at Fu Xuan and said, "Fu Xuan, get ready and let's get started."

"Yes, Mr. Li."

Fu Xuan nodded, and then began to adjust his breathing, process spiritual materials, and refine magical weapons.

As time passes slowly.

After all, Fu Xuan was inexperienced. It was his first attempt to apply the new magic ban to a new magic weapon, and he was not very proficient. Even with Wu Tao's advice, he inevitably failed.

Seeing this, Wu Tao encouraged Fu Xuan, and then explained to him the points of his failure in detail, and then said: "Fu Xuan, don't be nervous, just refine it as usual, it doesn't have to be done once It must be successful.”

Fu Xuan took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Li."

Fu Xuan soon tried refining for the second time. This time, it seemed that with Wu Tao's advice, Fu Xuan succeeded.

"Master, my disciple succeeded. Thank you, Master, for your advice." Fu Xuan showed a joyful smile on his face and presented the new magical weapon he had refined to Wu Tao for inspection.

"Congratulations, Fu Xuan, you have succeeded. This magical weapon has been refined well. Now, you will focus on your cultivation. As long as water and fire are refined into a golden elixir, you will have a great chance of being promoted to the third level. Low-level weapon refiner." Wu Tao inspected the new magic weapon that Fu Xuan had refined. The new magic weapon was qualified, so he patted Fu Xuan on the shoulder to encourage him.

Fu Xuan bowed respectfully to Wu Tao and said, "I will obey Master Li's order. I will definitely live up to Master Li's expectations."

"Okay, I have something else to do, so I'll go and do it first." Wu Tao said with a smile.

"Best farewell to the real person." Fu Xuan bowed to see him off.

Wu Tao then returned to Bixing Island and started another day of practice.

the next day.

Wu Tao came to the Xiu Secret Hall and saw Jin Cha there.

"Fellow Taoist Jin, what are you doing?" Wu Tao looked at Jin Cha and asked. It stands to reason that Jin Cha's injury has not recovered yet, so why did these people come to repair the secret palace in such a hurry.

Jin Cha said: "Fellow Taoist Gu called me here, saying that although I can't use the golden elixir magic power and can't test it myself, I can watch you test it. This way, when I recover from my injury, I can participate more quickly."

"That's it!" Wu Tao nodded, indicating that he understood.

Not long after, Gu Xingyuan and Ye Chaoming also came over. Gu Xingyuan said, "Fellow Daoist Li, Fellow Daoist Ye, get ready. We will start testing the improvement results of the new research."

"Okay." Wu Tao nodded.

Not long after, in the experimental area, in the fourth-level magic circle, Wu Tao, Ye Chaoming, and Gu Xingyuan sat cross-legged in their respective refining positions.

Jin Cha was outside the test area, looking at the three people through the formation light curtain.

Gu Xingyuan said: "Fellow Daoist Li, Fellow Daoist Ye, let's get started. Fellow Daoist Jin, please watch carefully."

Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming inside the fourth-level formation, as well as Jin Cha outside the formation, all nodded.

Subsequently, the experiment to improve the Xuanyang Pearl began, and Wu Tao and the other three began to refine the Xuanyang Pearl.

Each of them is testing a new improvement plan, and the refining steps they reduce are different.

As time passes slowly.

Jin Cha's pupils, who were watching outside the formation, shrank slightly. Sure enough, in the next moment, he saw the Xuanyang Pearl in front of Gu Xingyuan explode and then be wrapped in the fourth-level formation.

Extinguish the explosion within the formation's light shield.

Gu Xingyuan shook his head, stood up, turned around and saw the Xuanyang Pearl exploding in front of Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming at the same time.

When the explosions stopped, Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming also stood up.

Wu Tao said: "It seems that it still doesn't work. This reduction step has lost its stability, resulting in a fierce conflict between Xuanyang's energy, the characteristics of spiritual materials, and the true forbidden runes."

Ye Chaoming also said: "If reducing this step is not enough, we will eliminate these three improvement plans and continue to study and reduce other steps."

Gu Xingyuan nodded.

Then the four of them came to the discussion area and began to write down the results of this failure.

Improvement plans were discussed.

After two months of this, Duan Mulei came over to urge them again, saying that the demons on the boundary wall battlefield had increased their troops again, and hoped that they would come up with an improvement plan soon.

Gu Xingyuan only felt a little stressed.

half year later.

Duan Mulei came over and told a shocking news.

The demons have occupied the boundary wall of the twelfth area and are attacking the boundary wall of the eleventh area next door.

Finally, when Duan Mulei left, he said: "Four junior brothers, maybe you need to find a new research direction. Junior Brother Gu's direction may not be suitable, so you can discuss it again."

After Duanmu Lei left, Gu Xingyuan looked at Wu Tao, Ye Chaoming, and Jin Cha and said, "Three fellow Taoists, maybe Senior Brother Duanmu is right. We need to find a new road to walk. This road may be really good." There’s no way around it.”

Then, the four people came to the discussion area and began to discuss new paths and new directions.

Boundary wall battlefield.

The boundary wall of the twelfth area.

Twelve figures stood on a high mountain, looking forward.

"This is the weak boundary wall mentioned by the Heavenly Heart Demon Lord. Now, let's attack here together to break this weak boundary wall." The Yi Brick Demon Lord of the Heavenly Demon Royal Family said in a deep voice.


The next moment, powerful attacks landed in the void ahead. The space was attacked and turned into a screen of light. As the attack became more and more fierce, the light curtain began to shake violently.

"Everyone, please work harder, we're almost there."


The light curtain shattered like a mirror, and then spun out into a black hole.

At the moment when the boundary wall was broken, Yin Hun Sect and Yin Xin Lao Mo started the Ten Thousand Heart Demon Sacrifice Method for the fourth time, praying for the induction of the Heart Demon Heavenly Lord.

"Great Inner Demon Lord, can you listen to the prayers of your humble followers?"

The old demon Yinxin spurted out a mouthful of blood, which was absorbed by a huge blood rune in front of him. Then, the blood rune made a bloody light and rose into the sky.

Seeing that the blood-colored runes were not broken as before, but soared into the sky, the old demon Yinxin was stunned.

This bloody light quickly shot up into the sky and then disappeared.

"Finally, this barrier has been broken!" The Demon Lord of the Heavenly Demon King Clan had a smile on his face.

The faces of the other demons showed joy.

At this moment, a ray of blood quickly flew out of the black hole and passed by the twelve demons in an instant.

"This is?"

Seeing this bloody light that was difficult to catch and faster than their speed, Demon Lord was shocked and confused.

The Demon Lord of the Heavenly Demon King Clan also looked at the bloody light. He pondered for a moment and seemed to have the answer. He looked at the still rotating black hole and said: "This world wall portal is not yet stable. Only when it stabilizes can we enter it." Explore within.”

The unstable boundary wall portal, even if the demon king enters, may be seriously injured and killed by the chaotic power inside.

After all, the Demon Lord is just a demon, and the boundary wall portal is a portal to a realm. The power within it is not something that the Demon Lord can contend with.

"Looking at this trend, it is estimated that it will take another year to stabilize. This year, we must hold on to the boundary wall of the 12th District and not be taken back by the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm!"

Immortal world, Yinhun realm.

The old devil Yinxin was shocked and confused. Suddenly, the next moment, he felt a pain in his heart. When he lowered his head, he saw blood flying out of his heart. Then, it flew out like a flying thread and floated in front of him, twisting. into text.

"I will come to this world!"

Seeing these six words, the old devil Yinxin forgot about the pain in his heart and laughed maniacally.

"There is help, there is help, the great inner demon Tianzun finally responded!"

"Ning Qiudao, just wait to die!"

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