Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 621 News from the Immortal World (please subscribe)


In the dark underground palace, the hearty old devil's hearty and crazy laughter rang out. ơɱ

After laughing for several quarters of an hour, the sinister old devil calmed down his smile and meditated to adjust his breathing.

After finishing the meditation and breath adjustment, the old demon Yinxin moved and left the underground palace.

He wanted to tell the good news to the Nascent Soul Old Demon from other demonic sects.

The Yinxin old devil suddenly appeared, causing the other five old devils to look at him.

However, this time, the five old demons looked less expectant, because the previous few times had ended in failure.

Perhaps, as the evil old devil said, it was not a failure, but even if it was not a failure, they did not get the answer they wanted.

The Yinxin old devil sat down, with no joy on his face, because he had laughed for several quarters in the sacrificial hall just now, and he had laughed enough.

He said calmly: "Fellow Taoists, this sacrifice was very successful. The Inner Demon Heavenly Lord responded to me."

"Really, Old Demon Yinxin, don't you want to deceive us?" Upon hearing this, Old Demon Yuanying of the Tianyin Sect suddenly stood up and looked at Old Demon Yinxin and said.

The old demon Yinxin said calmly: "Of course I will not deceive you fellow Taoists. You fellow Taoists are of the same spirit as my Yinhun Sect."

Seeing that the Yinxin Old Demon was confirmed again, the faces of the other four Nascent Souls of the Demon Sect all showed smiles, except for the Blood Demon.

The Blood Demon looked at Old Demon Yin Xin seriously and carefully. After looking at it for a long time, he shook his head and said: "Old Demon Yin Xin, you are lying to us. You have not succeeded at all and have not received a response from the Heart Demon Heavenly Lord."

Hearing the Blood Demon's words, the joy on the faces of the other Nascent Soul Old Demon suddenly solidified, and they all turned their heads to look at the Yinxin Old Demon.

They didn't understand why the blood demon said this.

They became dubious.

The Yinxin Old Demon looked at the Blood Demon with a calm expression. Regarding his doubts, he had no fluctuation in his heart and said, "Oh, the Blood Demon, why do you question me so firmly?"

The blood demon's eyes still fell on the calm face of the old demon Yin Xin, and said: "Because from the moment you appeared, your face was very calm and showed no joy. If you really succeed in the sacrifice, the heart demon Tianzun responded Why don't you have a smile on your face?"

After hearing the Blood Demon's analysis, several other old demons also came to their senses. It was indeed as analyzed by the Blood Demon. After the Yinxin Old Demon appeared, there was no smile on his face. It did not look like the sacrifice was successful at all. Demon Tianzun looked like he was responding.

If you succeed and the inner demon god responds, shouldn't you be happy?

"The blood demon's analysis is well-founded and convincing! Old Demon Yinxin, you haven't received a response from the inner demon Tianzun, and you have been oppressed by Ning Qiudao. Do you have problems in your heart?" Ghost Dao Sect Yuanying Lao Mo asked tentatively.

The other old demons from the demon sect all nodded in agreement, feeling that it made sense. Ning Qiudao's oppression was too strong. Although he was the Nascent Soul Lord present, he would have some problems in his heart after being oppressed for so long, and Yin Xin It’s not surprising that Lao Mo’s problem is more serious.

The Yinxin Old Devil did not expect that they would think this way. Of course he was very happy and wanted to laugh heartily. However, he had laughed enough in the underground palace just now, and his smiling face was a little stiff, so his face was calm at this moment.

However, the sacrifice was successful and the response from the Heart Demon Heavenly Lord was an established fact. The Yinxin Old Demon would not be emotionally affected by doubts.

He still replied calmly: "Blood Demon, the reason why my face is calm and there is no smile is because I have laughed enough just now."

"I guarantee with my personality that this time it is true. The sacrifice was successful and I did not lie to you."

"The Inner Demon Heavenly Lord responded to my words."

Hearing that the Yinxin Old Demon pledged his personality, Blood Demon and the others finally believed that each of their six sects of the Holy Path had a personality worthy of guarantee.

Therefore, the Blood Demon finally asked with a moved expression: "Yin Xin, what did the Heart Demon Heavenly Lord respond to you?"

"I will come to this world!"

The Yinxin Old Demon said those six words, and the Blood Demon and others were shocked in their hearts. They felt that these words had a strange power injected into their hearts.

"Great, now we no longer have to be afraid of Ning Qiudao." Nascent Soul Old Demon of Tianyin Sect laughed heartily.

Over the years, they have been oppressed too hard by Ning Qiudao, and they always want to make a comeback. However, with their strength, there is no possibility of a comeback.

Since the situation cannot be reversed internally, external forces must be used to turn it around.

If the inner demon Tianzun could come to this world, he would be able to suppress Ning Qiudao with one hand.

"Yes, let Ning Qiudao be arrogant for a while, and wait for the inner demon Tianzun to come and see how long he can jump."

"I really hope this day comes soon, I can't wait!"

These Nascent Soul old demons are all gearing up, looking forward to the day and moment when Ning Qiudao is suppressed.

The old demon Yinxin looked at them with joy and said: "I don't know when the Heavenly Lord will come to this world, so we still need to be careful before the Heavenly Lord comes."

"Yin Xin is absolutely right!"

Repair the secret palace.

Discussion area.

Sitting around the round table were Wu Tao, Ye Chaoming, Gu Xingyuan and Jin Cha.

Over the past six months.

They tried 64 ways to cut back on steps, all of which failed.

In fact, even if Duanmulei didn't come to inform him about the situation on the boundary wall battlefield, Gu Xingyuan would take the initiative to give up this direction, even though this direction has been his research for many years.

There is a lot of obsession with this.

Gu Xingyuan's eyes fell on the three of them, and then he said in a deep voice: "Three fellow Taoists, you have also heard what Senior Brother Duanmu said. Unexpectedly, the demons actually captured the boundary wall of the twelfth area. Over the past six months, we have We have conducted many experimental plans to reduce the steps of refining Xuanyang Pearl, but all ended in failure."

"The current situation cannot allow us to continue to waste money in this direction, so we must think of a new direction and try again."

"One person is short-term, and two people are long-term. Now it's up to the three fellow Taoists to come up with a direction for the experiment!"

After Gu Xingyuan finished speaking, the discussion area fell into silence again.

Wu Tao and the other three were lost in thought.

In the past half year or so, they have also reviewed the plans of their predecessors to improve the Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets one after another.

I have kept in mind the previous improvement plans and hope to be inspired by them.

A quarter of an hour later, Jin Cha broke the brief silence and said: "Fellow Daoist Gu, since the plan of cutting down the steps is wrong and cannot maintain its stability, it will cause conflict between the Xuanyang energy, the properties of the spiritual materials, and the true forbidden runes. .So can we add steps?”

After hearing Jin Cha's words, Wu Tao, Gu Xingyuan, and Ye Chaoming all turned their attention to Jin Cha.

Gu Xingyuan said: "Wouldn't adding more steps increase the refining time?"

Jin Cha shook his head and said: "In the fifth generation version of the improved Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book, the senior used the method of adding steps..."

"No, no, no, fellow Taoist Jin, at that time, the main purpose of Xuanyang Pearl was to solve the problem of its stability, so we added steps to maintain its stability. When stability was achieved, adding steps shortened the refining time. But it's different now. As Li Daoyou said, the triangle theory has been formed and is very stable." Gu Xingyuan said, denying Jin Cha.

Hearing this, Jin Cha continued to think.

After a while, when no one said anything, Gu Xingyuan's eyes fell on Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming and said: "Fellow Daoist Ye, Fellow Daoist Li, what do you think? Can you tell me?"

When Wu Tao heard this, he stopped thinking and looked at Ye Chaoming. Ye Chaoming looked at him and knew the meaning in his eyes, which was to let him speak first.

So Ye Chaoming looked at Gu Xingyuan and said, "I have an idea."

Gu Xingyuan's eyes moved and he immediately said: "What do you think? Fellow Daoist Ye, come quickly."

Ye Chaoming said: "Perhaps we can learn from the refining method of the war boat and split the Xuanyang Pearl into components so that the second-level weapon refiner can also refine it. Then we only need to assemble it, wouldn't it? It saves time.”

After Ye Chaoming finished speaking, Gu Xingyuan did not answer immediately, but fell into thinking.

Wu Tao and others also understand Ye Chaoming's thoughts, but this difficulty is very difficult, and the direction is worth exploring.

After a moment, Gu Xingyuan nodded and said: "Fellow Daoist Ye, this idea is feasible, but it is very difficult. If time permits, we can do it, but now Senior Brother Duanmu is pressing hard..."

Ye Chaoming nodded in agreement. He also knew the pros and cons of his idea.

In fact, an idea like his has been proposed by some senior weapon refiners, but has never been implemented. It is a stranded exploration direction.

After Gu Xingyuan finished speaking, he looked at Wu Tao and asked, "Fellow Daoist Li, what do you think?"

Wu Tao did have an idea. In fact, he had this idea a month ago. However, because he had been exploring Gu Xingyuan's ideas and plans, he did not put it forward.

Now that the time is ripe, I might as well mention it.

So he said: "Fellow Daoist Gu, Fellow Daoist Ye, and Fellow Daoist Jin, my idea is whether we can start with the true forbidden runes."

After hearing Wu Tao's words, the eyes of Gu Xingyuan and the others moved slightly. Then, Gu Xingyuan asked, "Can Fellow Daoist Li explain in detail?"

Wu Tao nodded lightly and said: "Three fellow Taoists, you also know that the refining of the Xuanyang Pearl is based on the conflict between the Qi of the Xuanyang, the characteristics of the spiritual materials, and the true forbidden runes, so as to achieve a maximum power."

"Because the three are in conflict, these steps cannot be reduced. The refining must be standardized to ensure its stability. Otherwise, the refining process of Xuanyang Pearl will inevitably explode, affecting the refining master."

"But if there is such a true forbidden rune, it can reach the explosion power after the conflict between the three, and it can perfectly contain the Xuan Yang energy and spiritual material properties."

After finishing speaking, Wu Tao quietly waited for the three people's opinions.

After more than a dozen breaths, Ye Chaoming finally said, "Fellow Daoist Li, your plan is also very difficult."

"It's difficult, but it's very feasible and very challenging," Gu Xingyuan said.

"I think so too," Jin Cha said.

Of course, Wu Tao knew that it was very difficult to start with the True Forbidden Runes. He only mentioned it and looked at Xingyuan's thoughts on whether to start in this direction.

Gu Xingyuan tapped his index finger lightly on the table. After a moment, he said: "Let's do this. I think the ideas of Fellow Daoist Ye and Fellow Daoist Li can be explored. Since they are both difficult, let's explore them simultaneously."

"Anyway, we have already lost in the Boundary Wall Battlefield, and we cannot continue to lose."

After hearing Gu Xingyuan's words, Wu Tao and the others nodded without any objection.

This discussion ended and two directions for progress were discussed. One was to split the Xuanyang Pearl into its parts as Ye Chaoming said, so as to release some pressure to the second-level weapon refiner. One is what Wu Tao said, starting from the true forbidden runes.

Ye Chaoming and Gu Xingyuan are responsible for the direction of disassembly of Xuanyang Pearl components.

Wu Tao is responsible for his own ideas, with Jin Cha assisting him.

The previous group of four became a group of two.

"Fellow Daoist Li, you came up with this idea, so you, Daoist Li, should take the lead." Jin Cha said, handing over to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao nodded and returned the greeting, saying: "Okay, fellow Taoist Jin, let's seize the time and start discussing."

In the following days, Wu Tao began to repeatedly study the true forbidden rune of Xuanyang Pearl to see if he could make any modifications.

He felt that if he could complete the modification of this true forbidden rune, it would definitely be of great help to him on the road to third-level weapon refining.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye it was another two months.

This day.

In the Secret Cultivation Hall, Wu Tao's training room, he was sitting cross-legged on a futon with a jade slip on his forehead, which was the jade slip containing the knowledge of the third-level advanced weapon refining method.

After he exchanged the jade slip, he entered the secret cultivation hall to improve the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book.

In the blink of an eye, eight or nine months have passed.

The jade slip on his forehead flickered with light. Wu Tao opened his eyes, reached out and took off the jade slip, with a hint of joy at the corner of his mouth, and said softly: "Finally, I have understood the jade slip of the third-level advanced weapon refining method and recorded it." Into personal information.”

"Open your personal information first and take a look."

Wu Tao was about to open his personal information and check his progress during this period. Suddenly, there was movement in the storage bag on his waist.

He immediately took out the summons token and read it with his spiritual mind. It was Gu Xingyuan who sent him the summons and asked him to go to the discussion area, saying that Duan Mulei was here.

Wu Tao had no choice but to wait and check his personal information. He got up from the futon and went to the discussion area. He saw Duanmulei already there, as well as Ye Chaoming, Gu Xingyuan and Jin Cha.

"Senior Brother Duanmu!" Wu Tao saluted Duanmu Lei.

Duanmulei nodded slightly, stretched out his hand and said, "Junior brother Li, sit down and talk."

Wu Tao nodded and sat down.

Duan Mulei looked at Gu Xingyuan and asked, "Junior brother Gu, have you found a way to improve Xuanyang Pearl?"

Gu Xingyuan immediately told Duan Mulei about the improvement directions of Ye Chaoming and Wu Tao.

Duan Mulei nodded and said, "Both directions are feasible."

"I'm here this time to tell you some news about the Boundary Wall Battlefield."

The four of them were improving the Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets in the Secret Palace. Duanmulei would often bring them some news about the Boundary Wall Battlefield to let them know about the Boundary Wall Battlefield.

When they heard news coming from the Jiebi battlefield, Wu Tao and the others immediately listened carefully.

Duanmulei said: "It turns out that the demon clan increased its troops to the boundary wall battlefield in order to break the boundary wall of the twelve district boundary walls."

"Break the boundary wall?" Upon hearing this, Gu Xingyuan and others were surprised.

Wu Tao also immediately showed a surprised look.

He still understands the boundary walls. For example, the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and the Demon Realm. These two realms are due to breaking the boundary wall. The two realms can communicate with each other, so there is a boundary wall battlefield. The Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm resists the Demon Realm. of invasion.

Or it could be said that the Demon Realm resists the invasion of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm.

"Senior Brother Duanmu, the demons occupied the boundary wall of the twelfth area. Did they break the boundary wall?" Gu Xingyuan asked.

"Already broken!"

Duanmulei said.

"Broken? Doesn't that mean that they can invade our Xingchenhai Immortal Realm through the boundary wall portal?"

Gu Xingyuan's face suddenly turned bad. If it was true, then the Xingchenhai Immortal World would be unstable.

Duanmulei shook his head and said: "That boundary wall is not connected to our Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, but seems to be connected to the Immortal Yuan Realm."

"Xianyuan Realm?"

When Wu Tao heard these three words, he was no longer calm.

Because he is from the Immortal Realm.

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