Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 619: Be invincible and would rather seek the way (please subscribe)

Therefore, Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming both bowed their hands to Gu Xingyuan and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist Gu, for recommending us two!"

Duanmulei said: "Okay, the team to study and improve the secrets of refining Xuanyang Pearl has been established. Junior Brother Jin is seriously injured at this moment, so starting from tomorrow, Junior Brother Gu, Junior Brother Li, and Junior Brother Ye, the three of you will officially start Research and improve the Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets, the sooner the better!"

"Yes, Senior Brother Duanmu!" Wu Tao, Ye Chaoming, and Gu Xingyuan all bowed their hands to Duanmu Lei.

Duanmulei nodded, and then said to Gu Xingyuan: "Junior Brother Gu, the improvement of the Xuanyang Pearl Secret Manual that you have studied for so long should be quite fruitful. You need to share these results. Of course, the results shared, Xuanyang Hall We will compensate you here."

"Senior Brother Duanmu, let's not talk about compensation. Senior Brother Duanmu can support me in researching and improving the secrets of refining the Xuanyang Pearl. I am extremely grateful." Gu Xingyuan said with his hand.

"The reward will be discussed after you succeed. Okay, let's get busy first! Come to Xuanyang Hall tomorrow, and I will take you to the Secret Cultivation Hall." Duanmulei waved his hand.

The three of them left Duanmulei's office.

After coming out, Gu Xingyuan said to Ye Chaoming and Wu Tao: "Fellow Daoist Li, Fellow Daoist Ye, the three of us must cooperate wholeheartedly from now on! No, it's four people, and Fellow Daoist Jin."

"This is a great opportunity to gain both fame and fortune, and your reputation will be passed down through the ages. You must seize it."

"Fellow Daoist Gu is absolutely right!" Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming said.

the next day.

Wu Tao, Ye Chaoming, and Gu Xingyuan had just arrived at Xuanyang Hall when they were called by Duan Mulei to leave Xuanyang Hall together.

The three of them all knew in their hearts that they were going to a place to study and improve the secret book for refining the Xuanyang Pearl.

Duanmulei said something yesterday that seemed to be called the 'Secret Repair Hall'.

Only that place has a fourth-level formation that can withstand the explosion of the Xuanyang Pearl and prevent the weapon refiner from being injured.

A quarter of an hour later.

Duanmulei and the three of them had arrived in front of a main hall.

Above the main hall, there is a plaque with the three characters "Xiu Secret Hall" engraved on it.

Duan Mulei stepped forward, opened the door of the hall, then turned to look at Wu Tao and the others and said, "Three junior brothers, please come in with me."

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao, Ye Chaoming, and Gu Xingyuan immediately followed Mulei's footsteps and entered the main hall.

The main hall is very large and divided into many areas. Duan Mulei introduced these areas to them.

"This is the rest area. Normally, when you are tired from research and experiments, you can rest and drink tea at this moment."

"This is the discussion area. You can discuss and summarize your experiences in this area. The summarized books are also placed on the bookshelf here. On the bookshelf here, there are also some books on the improved versions of Xuanyang Pearl from generation to generation. The books are also here, you can check them out by yourself and absorb the improvement experience of your predecessors." Duan Mulei introduced the discussion area.

The entire discussion area is surrounded by a circular bookshelf. On the circular bookshelf, there are books on weapon refining knowledge. There is a round table in the middle with chairs on it.

Duan Mulei then took them to other areas.

"This is the training area. There are four training rooms in total. The spirit gathering array in the training room is connected to the third-order advanced spiritual veins. You don't have to go back to your own Golden Core Island and just practice in this training room. Defense Basic functions such as sound insulation and shelter are very complete and will not be disturbed by others." Duan Mulei introduced the practice area.

Wu Tao stood in the training area and felt the concentration of spiritual veins in the training room, and thought to himself: "The concentration of the third-level advanced spiritual veins is much richer than the third-level intermediate spiritual veins of my Bixing Island, and the magic circle is also complete. You can practice here."

After Duanmulei introduced the training area, he said: "Follow me, there is one last area, which is the Xuanyang Pearl Experimental Area."

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao and the others quickly followed Duan Mulei's footsteps and arrived at the last area, the Xuanyang Pearl Experimental Area.

The Xuanyang Pearl test area is connected by light pillars and covers the entire test area, forming a formation. Wu Tao and the others felt the aura of this formation and knew that it was a fourth-level formation.

Xuanyang Pearl is a one-time real weapon against the Demonic Pill Demon Clan, and the fourth-level formation can only be deployed by a fourth-level formation master. The corresponding cultivation level of a fourth-level formation master is Nascent Soul. Therefore, the fourth-level formation is completely It can suppress the explosive power of the Xuanyang Pearl and will not harm the weapon refiner.

"Senior Brother Duanmu just announced the establishment of the research team yesterday, but in just one day, the fourth-order formation has been set up. Moreover, the layout of the Secret Cultivation Hall is very complete and can be moved in directly. Obviously it cannot be set up in one day."

"Then there is only one possibility. Brother Duanmu has been preparing for the improvement of Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets for a long time, and the tense battle on the boundary wall battlefield was just a catalyst." Wu Tao quickly figured this out.

As for the fourth-level formation to protect personal safety, Wu Tao would not mind joining a group that improves and studies the Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets.

His purpose is that no action can delay one's own cultivation.

To him, time is money and life.

"This is the fourth-order formation. In the future, you can test the success or failure of the new results you develop here without harming yourself." Duan Mulei said while standing in the test area.

"Yes, Senior Brother Duanmu."

"As expected of Senior Brother Duanmu, the arrangements are so perfect."

Wu Tao and the others slightly bowed their hands to Duanmulei.

Duanmulei said: "Okay, you are already familiar with the Secret Xiu Palace. From now on, you can improve the Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets here in the Secret Xiu Palace, and try to be as fast as possible."

"You also know that the situation on the boundary wall battlefield is getting more and more tense. The demons are constantly increasing their troops, attacking the boundary wall battlefield, and trying to occupy the boundary wall battlefield."

"Although the boundary wall battlefield cannot be determined by the level of the golden elixir, the battlefield at every level is extremely important."

"We understand, Senior Brother Duanmu, we must study and improve the secret book for refining the Xuanyang Pearl as soon as possible." Gu Xingyuan replied.

"Okay, then I'll leave first. If anything happens, just call me."

Duanmulei explained, and then left the Secret Cultivation Hall.

In the secret cultivation hall, only Wu Tao, Ye Chaoming, and Gu Xingyuan were left.

Gu Xingyuan stood in the testing area and suddenly sat cross-legged on the futon. On both sides of the futon, enough Xuanyang energy and third-level spiritual materials for refining Xuanyang beads had been placed.

Gu Xingyuan's spiritual thoughts moved and he began to refine the Xuanyang Pearl.

Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming stood aside and watched Gu Xingyuan pick up Xuanyang Qi and third-level spiritual materials and start processing them.

"Fellow Daoist Li, Fellow Daoist Ye, I want to test this fourth-level formation." Gu Xingyuan, who was refining Xuanyang Pearl, suddenly said, and then, his refining steps were deliberately confused.

The Xuanyang Pearl suspended in front of him, due to errors in the refining steps, the properties of the Xuanyang Qi and the true forbidden runes, as well as the spiritual materials, instantly conflicted and exploded.

At the moment of the explosion, two rays of light fell from above. One ray of light fell on Gu Xingyuan, forming a protective light shield on Gu Xingyuan's body, while the other ray of light fell on the exploding Xuanyang Bead, wrapping the Xuanyang Bead. .


A dull explosion sounded, and the power of the Xuanyang Pearl explosion failed to break through the shroud of light.

The aftermath of the Xuanyang Pearl explosion was annihilated in the mask like fireworks. The mask gradually disappeared, and the defensive mask on Gu Xingyuan also disappeared.

A smile appeared on Gu Xingyuan's face. He looked at the fourth-level formation in the test area and said with a smile: "Okay, this fourth-level formation is really good. When we test the Xuanyang Pearl improvement plan in the future, we can test it without restraint. No more worries about getting hurt.”

Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming both nodded.

Gu Xingyuan looked at the two of them and said, "Fellow Daoist Li, Fellow Daoist Ye, let's go to the discussion area."


Wu Tao and Gu Yechaoming said, and then the three of them went to Rundao District and sat down at the round table.

With a thought from Gu Xingyuan, books flew out of his storage bag and landed on the round table. He said: "Fellow Daoist Li, Fellow Daoist Ye, these are the notes I have been studying for more than ten years to improve the secret book of refining Xuanyang Pearls. Enlightenment, now, take a look.”

This research team is led by Gu Xingyuan. If the secret manual for refining the Xuanyang Pearl is really completed in the future, the Xuanyang Pearl can be refined faster. If merit is rewarded, Gu Xingyuan should be the first. The biggest reward.

However, Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming had no objections to Gu Xingyuan's greatest benefit, because Gu Xingyuan was willing to bring them in and already took great care of them. This favor will still have to be repaid in the future.

Because there is a fourth-level formation, you will not be injured. If you just say something in Xuanyang Hall, there will be a lot of third-level intermediate weapon refiners willing to join the research team.

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Gu, let's read first." Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming nodded, reached out to pick up the books on the table, and began to look through them carefully.

Seeing them watching, Gu Xingyuan stood up and began to read the books on the circular bookshelf. The books above were all insight notes on the secrets of improving Xuanyang Pearl refining that generations of weapon refiners had studied.

Referring to the improvement methods of their predecessors is also very helpful to them and must be seen.

Time passed slowly.

Two hours later, Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming both finished reading the books on the table.

"Fellow Daoist Gu." Ye Chaoming called out to Gu Xingyuan.

Gu Xingyuan immediately put down the book in his hand, returned to the round table and sat down. He looked at Ye Chaoming and Wu Tao and said, "Fellow Daoist Li, Fellow Daoist Ye, what do you two have to say about my notes on improvement over the years?"

Ye Chaoming said: "I read Fellow Daoist Gu's insight notes. Fellow Daoist Gu cut down the refining steps to shorten the refining time."

Gu Xingyuan nodded when he heard this and said: "Yes, the steps of refining the Xuanyang Pearl are too complicated nowadays. Therefore, the refining steps must be reduced to achieve the result of shortening the refining time."

Wu Tao said aloud at this time: "But Fellow Daoist Gu, have you ever thought about it. Although the current version of Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book has complicated steps, it is the most stable, just like a triangle."

Hearing the triangle in Wu Tao's mouth, Gu Xingyuan and Ye Chaoming were both stunned. Then Gu Xingyuan asked: "Fellow Daoist Li, what is a triangle?"

Wu Tao pondered for a moment, and then with a thought, he took out the spiritual wood from the storage bag. The next second, he used his magic power like a knife to cut out even and regular wooden sticks, and then began to splice them together.

He first pieced together a square shape and said, "Fellow Daoist Ye, Fellow Daoist Gu, you see this is a square shape."

As he spoke, he exerted force on all angles of the square, causing it to shake.

Ye Chaoming and Gu Xingyuan looked at him. Wu Tao continued to form a triangle and applied force to each side. The triangle was stable and motionless, he said. : "This is the triangle. When I studied the secret book of Xuanyang Pearl refining, I came to this realization. The triangle is the most stable. The energy of Xuanyang, the properties of spiritual materials, and the true forbidden runes, they are like this. The three sides are spliced ​​together, so it is very stable and will not explode."

After listening to Wu Tao's explanation, Gu Xingyuan and Ye Chaoming suddenly realized.

Gu Xingyuan praised: "Fellow Daoist Li's understanding of the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book is quite novel. He is worthy of being a weapon refiner who came from a casual cultivator's background."

"With the participation of Fellow Daoist Li, we will definitely be able to research ways to improve the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book faster."

Ye Chaoming also nodded and praised: "Yes, we can write down this point of discussion, maybe it can support other questions."

"My two fellow Taoists are very grateful. They just had some enlightenment occasionally." Wu Tao said modestly.

Gu Xingyuan asked: "Fellow Daoist Li, in your opinion, where should we start to improve the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book?"

Wu Tao pondered for a moment, shook his head and said: "I haven't thought of it yet, so let's conduct research and experiments first according to your idea of ​​taking care of you, fellow Taoist."

Gu Xingyuan nodded and said: "Okay, then follow my ideas and streamline the refining steps first."

In the days that followed, Wu Tao no longer had to go to the Xuanyang Hall to refine the Xuanyang Pearl. Instead, he went to the Secret Xiu Palace every day. Sometimes he would practice in the training room of the Secret Xiu Palace instead of returning to Bixing Island.

After half a month like this, Wu Tao was finishing practicing the Jiu Yao Fusion Yang pole true skill in the training room of the secret cultivation hall, when the communication token in the storage bag on his waist started to move.

He immediately took out the communication token, and then his spiritual mind penetrated the communication token and began to read the message.

As soon as he read it, he discovered that it was Fu Xuan who had summoned him.

It has been a year since he brought Fu Xuan back. This year, he arranged for Fu Xuan to go to the Weapon Refining Library to check out the books on the creation of new magic rules by the second-level senior weapon refining masters of the Weapon Refining Hall and their application to new magic weapons.

Fu Xuan told Wu Tao that he was going to apply the new magic ban he created to the new magic weapon. But during the refining process, he wanted to ask Wu Tao to give guidance.

"There will be just one day tomorrow, and the first Xuanyang Pearl improvement test will be conducted the day after tomorrow."

Thinking like this, Wu Tao replied to Fu Xuan, saying that tomorrow would pass.

Immortal world.

The Yin Soul Realm where the Yin Soul Sect is located.

A secret stronghold of the Yinhun Sect.

Since the beginning of the war between good and evil, the six sects of the righteous path, under the leadership of Lingxu Sect Ning Qiudao, have been overwhelming, and have successively seized the Corpse Digging Domain of the Corpse Excavation Sect, the Blood Dao Domain of the Blood Dao Sect, the Ghost Dao Domain of the Ghost Dao Sect, and the Wandu Sect's Wandu Domain, the Tianyin Domain of the Tianyin Sect.

Ling Zhifu, the ancestor of Tianmen Mountain, rebelled and was also killed by Ning Qiudao.

Ling Zhifu of Tianmen Mountain was a veteran Yuanying, the strongest person in the sect. Even they did not dare to say that he could kill him, but Ning Qiu Dao killed Ling Zhifu of Tianmen Mountain in an instant.

The strength is too terrifying.

You know, he only showed his cultivation level that had just broken through the Nascent Soul stage in the Sect Master War!

How many years has it been? !

that moment.

All the Nascent Soul old demons on the demonic side were as silent as a cicada.

Nowadays, among the six demon sects, only the Yin Hun Sect's Yin Soul Realm has not been conquered. Even if they are in the Yin Soul Realm, they will be constantly attacked by the righteous cultivators.

But the opponent's Nascent Soul actually stopped taking action, which was rare.

This is quite a way of treating their ghost realm as a place for disciples to gain experience.

This made the remaining Nascent Soul old demons of the Six Demonic Dao Sects furious, but there was nothing they could do, because as soon as they took action, Ning QiuDao would take action.

After many battles, their fear of Ning Qiudao has been engraved in their hearts.

The shadows are too big.

This son's cultivation talent was too terrifying. When he first showed his cultivation at the Nascent Soul stage, they thought that Ning Qiudao had just broken through the elixir and became a baby.

But one battle after another came down.

Ning Qiudao fought against the first level of Nascent Soul and won.

Ning Qiudao fought against the second level of Nascent Soul and won.

Ning Qiudao fought against the third level of Nascent Soul and won.

Ning Qiu Dao corresponds to the fourth level of Nascent Soul, victory.

Ning Qiudao fought against the fifth level of Nascent Soul and won.

Ning Qiudao fought against the sixth level of Nascent Soul and won.

Ning Qiudao fought against the seventh level of Nascent Soul and won.

Ning Qiu Dao, invincible, more and more powerful.

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