Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 618 Research Group (please subscribe)

The Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book is the version of the secret book that has been perfected by generations of refiners in the Immortal Palace Refining Hall. If you follow this secret book to standardize the refining, there will be no explosion at all.

And because Duan Mulei is in charge of the Xuanyang Hall, the weapon refiners he recruits are all calm-minded, and there are very few irregular refiners.

Therefore, Xuanyang Pearl explosions rarely occur in Xuanyang Store.

Xuanyang Hall has only experienced Xuanyang Pearl explosions seven or eight times in the past hundred years.

Three times in the past ten years it was because of Gu Xingyuan.

But this time.

Not only the Xuanyang Pearl refined by Gu Xingyuan exploded, but also the Xuanyang Pearl refined by Jincha beside him, which was always calm and refined. This made the weapon refiner of Xuanyang Hall a little surprised.

Jin tea, that shouldn’t be the case!

Could it be that the refining process was affected by Gu Xingyuan, causing the Xuanyang Pearl to explode?

But at the moment, the qi refiners in Xuanyang Hall are refining Xuanyang beads and must not stop. Once they stop, if the qi of Xuanyang conflicts with the characteristics of the spiritual materials and the true forbidden circuit, an explosion will occur.

So after just a glance, and seeing Duan Mulei's appearance, these weapon refiners all withdrew their minds and continued to refine the Xuanyang Pearl in their hands.

Wu Tao also withdrew his mind and concentrated on refining the Xuanyang Pearl in his hand. He did not want to be distracted and cause the Xuanyang Pearl to explode and be seriously injured, requiring him to rest for several months.

"Fellow Daoist Gu, why are you okay?" Jin Cha, who was seriously injured, stretched out his trembling hand and pointed at Gu Xingyuan, who had a gray face and disheveled hair, with a look of sadness and anger on his face.

He felt that he might have been tricked by Gu Xingyuan.

When Gu Xingyuan saw his expression, he knew that he had misunderstood him. He looked around at the formation that enveloped him. When the Xuanyang Pearl exploded, he could clearly see that it was this formation that suppressed the explosion power of the Xuanyang Pearl. A light enveloped him, protecting him from the aftermath of the Xuanyang Pearl's explosion.

He originally thought that this formation was intended to limit the power of the explosion within the formation and not affect other refiners. Duanmulei was also warning him to refine the Xuanyang Pearl however he wanted. Anyway, he was the only one injured in the explosion. Now It seemed that he had misunderstood Senior Brother Duanmu.

Senior brother Duanmu was actually trying to protect her. After thinking about this, Gu Xingyuan felt grateful to Duanmulei.

"Fellow Daoist Jin, this is the formation..." Gu Xingyuan explained to the seriously injured Jin Cha.

Duan Mulei appeared in a flash, looked at Gu Xingyuan, then looked at the seriously injured Jin Cha, and said: "If you don't come out of the formation yet, send Junior Brother Jin to the Alchemy Hall to find an alchemist to refine healing elixirs."

At this moment, Gu Xingyuan was only grateful to Duan Mulei. After hearing this, he quickly walked out of the formation, helped up the seriously injured Jin Cha, and said: "Senior Brother Duanmu, I will send fellow Taoist Jin to the alchemy hall first.

Duan Mulei did not reply to him and watched him help Jin Cha leave the Xuanyang Hall. Then, he glanced around the Xuanyang Hall and saw that all the weapon refiners were concentrating on refining the Xuanyang Pearl.

Afterwards, Duan Mulei returned to his office.

Four hours passed quickly.

Wu Tao put the two refined Xuanyang Pearls away. When the time comes, a refiner will come and collect them, and then transport them to the boundary wall battlefield.

He looked at Ye Chaoming, who had also placed the Xuanyang Pearl, and said, "Fellow Daoist Ye, Daoist Gu and Daoist Jin..."

Ye Chaoming shook his head and said: "This Fellow Daoist Gu is really determined to give up. I thought he would come and continue to invite you, but unexpectedly, instead of looking for you, he approached Fellow Daoist Jin. You see, Fellow Daoist Li, you did not agree to Fellow Daoist Gu's invitation. It was a correct decision. Otherwise, today, I would have ended up like fellow Taoist Jin."

After Ye Chaoming finished speaking, he was also glad that Wu Tao did not choose to work with Gu Xingyuan to improve the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book, otherwise he would have been taken to the alchemy hall today.

Thinking of this, Ye Chaoming was a little scared.

Wu Tao got up from the futon, and Ye Chaoming also got up from the futon. The two came to the refining position of Gu Xingyuan and Jin Cha. At this moment, some weapon refining disciples were already cleaning up the Jincha refining station. The explosion of the Xuanyang Pearl destroyed the entire refining station into a mess.

They looked at the formation covering Gu Xingyuan's refining position.

Ye Chaoming looked at the formation, remembering that Gu Xingyuan was not seriously injured just now, and said: "Senior Brother Duanmu is really a talker. We all misunderstood Senior Brother Duanmu. It turns out that he asked the formation master from the formation hall to set up the formation for fellow Taoist Gu, isn't it? In order to limit the explosive power of Xuanyang Pearl within the formation, but to protect fellow Daoist Gu."

Wu Tao actually knew it already, but he would not say it at this moment. Instead, he said: "The situation in the Jiebi battlefield is tense now. The demons are constantly adding troops to the Jiebi battlefield, hoping to capture part of the territory of the Jiebi battlefield. , which caused the Xuanyang Pearl as a strategic resource to become tense. Maybe Gu Daoyou and Jin Daoyou have really improved the Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets, which is also a benefit for the boundary wall battlefield. I want to come to Senior Brother Duanmu I will support Fellow Daoist Gu and Fellow Daoist Jin."

"What Fellow Daoist Li said is very possible," Ye Chaoming said.

"Fellow Daoist Jin is seriously injured, should we go and visit him?" Wu Tao looked at Ye Chaoming and said.

Ye Chaoming nodded and said: "As a colleague of Xuanyang Hall, I should visit you. Let's go, Fellow Daoist Li, let's go to the Alchemy Hall together!"

Wu Tao then went to the Alchemy Hall with Ye Chaoming and met Gu Xingyuan and Jin Cha.

Jin Cha was currently lying on the bed, having taken the healing elixir refined by the alchemist, and was in better condition than before.

"Fellow Taoist Jin, please be healthy and recuperate." Wu Tao said to Jin Cha.

Ye Chaoming turned to look at Gu Xingyuan who was sitting in the outer hall, and then said to Jin Cha in a low voice: "Fellow Taoist Jin, you are so confused, why did you agree to Gu Xingyuan to improve the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book... You are because of Gu Xingyuan's irregular refining. The Xuanyang Pearl explosion has been affected three times, why don't we remember this lesson? We still have to go through this muddy water..."

Jin Cha had already chosen to work with Gu Xingyuan to improve the Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets, and it was hard to say anything else at this moment.

It was mainly because Gu Xingyuan told him that he had already studied very deeply and could soon complete the improvement of the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book, so Jin Cha was moved.

What he is thinking now is that he must ask Senior Brother Duanmu to arrange a formation for him, so that the next time he tests the improved results of Xuanyang Pearl, he will not be seriously injured, but will suffer a slight injury, which will last for two or three days. You will be cured.

"Thank you two fellow Taoists for coming to visit me..." Jin Cha was lying on the bed. He couldn't hold his hands at this moment, so he could only say this to Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming.

"Hey, Jin Daoyou, please give birth and recuperate..." Ye Chaoming sighed, then looked at Wu Tao, indicating that it was time for him to go back.

Wu Tao stood up from the chair, walked out of the room with Ye Chaoming, came to the outer hall, looked at Gu Xingyuan, and said, "Fellow Daoist Gu, will you stay here to take care of Fellow Daoist Jin, or will you go back with us?"

Gu Xingyuan said: "Of course I will go back with you. Wait for me for a while, and I will go and say a few words to fellow Taoist Jin..."

As he spoke, Gu Xingyuan entered the room, sat on Jin Cha's chair, and said, "Fellow Taoist Jin, although we failed this time, we at least made a step forward compared to my last experiment... You should take good care of your injuries here. At the same time, my mind can’t stop thinking about the next improvement plan..."

Jin Cha said: "Don't worry, fellow Taoist Gu, I will sum up my failure experience!"

"Okay, then I'll go back first. After your injury recovers, we will try it again." Gu Xingyuan said and was about to get up and leave. Jin Cha called out to him. He turned to look at Jin Cha and asked, "Jin Cha Fellow Taoist, is there anything else you can do?"

Jin Cha said: "Fellow Daoist Gu, can you ask Senior Brother Duanmu for instructions and ask him to set up such a formation for me... If it doesn't work, I can do it with my merits."

In response to Jin Cha's request, Gu Xingyuan quickly assured him: "Please rest assured, fellow Taoist Jin, when you come back, you will see a formation exactly like mine on your refining station."

"Okay, I'll excuse you, fellow Taoist!" Jin Cha said sincerely.

Gu Xingyuan nodded, left the room, and said to Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming: "Fellow Daoist Li, Fellow Daoist Ye, let's go!"

Day 2.

As soon as Wu Tao, Ye Chaoming and Gu Xingyuan entered the Xuanyang Hall, a disciple of the weapon refiner came over and said to Gu Xingyuan: "Uncle Gu, Uncle Duanmu is waiting for you in the office!"

Gu Xingyuan turned to look at Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming and said, "Fellow Taoists, I'm going to see Senior Brother Duanmu first!"

Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming nodded. They also met Gu Xingyuan halfway and came to Xuanyang Hall together.

"Fellow Daoist Li, why do you think Senior Brother Duanmu is looking for Daoist Friend Gu?" Ye Chaoming and Wu Tao walked towards their refining stations and said.

Wu Tao said: "Maybe it's because of the explosion of Xuanyang Pearl yesterday."

"That's possible."

After finishing speaking, the two went to their refining station and began to make preparations for refining.

At this moment, Duan Mulei's office.

"Senior Brother Duanmu." Gu Xingyuan said obediently to Duanmu Lei.

Duan Mulei looked at Gu Xingyuan, pointed to the chair on one side and said, "Sit down and talk."

Looking at the amiable Duanmu Lei, Gu Xingyuan was stunned for a moment. If before, when he refined the Xuanyang Pearl and exploded, Senior Brother Duanmu would have reprimanded him very severely. Why was he so kind this time?

Seeing Gu Xingyuan standing there in a daze, Duan Mulei glared at him and said sternly. : "I want you to sit down and talk."

When Gu Xingyuan saw this, he thought: This is right. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the chair next to him.

When Duanmulei saw him sitting down obediently, he said, "I didn't expect you to take Jin Cha with you to study and improve the secrets of refining the Xuanyang Pearl. You are quite eloquent."

Gu Xingyuan nodded and said, "I also invited fellow Taoist Li Mo, but fellow Taoist Li Mo refused."

After saying that, Gu Xingyuan asked again: "Senior Brother Duanmu, just tell me what punishment you have for me, or should it be like last time?"

"There is no punishment this time." Duan Mulei shook his head and said.

"No punishment?" Gu Xingyuan was very surprised, and then he said: "Brother Duanmu, can you set up the same formation as mine at the refining station of fellow Daoist Jin, so that next time I When I experimented with fellow Taoist Jin, I won’t be hurt even if the Xuanyang Pearl explodes.”

"You know how to hit a snake with a stick." Duanmu Lei smiled happily. Then the conversation changed and he said: "However, it is impossible to set up a formation."

Gu Xingyuan said: "Senior Brother Duanmu hires the formation master from the formation hall and I will bear the cost of the formation."

Duanmulei glanced at him and said: "The war on the boundary wall battlefield is getting more and more tense now. The demons have increased their troops, and the higher-ups have assigned us more Xuanyang Pearl tasks... So I decided, with you For the Lord, set up a group to improve the Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets."

Hearing this, Gu Xingyuan stood up in surprise and looked at Duanmulei with burning eyes: "Senior Brother Duanmu, are you serious?"

Duanmulei nodded and said: "Of course it's true, but you can't remove too many people. In addition to you and Jin Cha, you can also choose two people to come in and study together to improve the Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets. I have called the Formation Hall A large formation has been specially set up. You will not be injured if you study and experiment in the formation. This is a fourth-level formation, and it cost Xuanyang Hall a lot of merit."

"Junior Brother Gu, I hope you will not let down my support."

Gu Xingyuan happily promised: "Senior brother Duanmu, don't worry, I will definitely not let down your support, and I will definitely complete the improvement of Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets in the shortest possible time."

Duanmulei said: "Okay, then you will select two third-level intermediate weapon refiners in the Xuanyang Hall, and they will study and improve the Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets with you."

Gu Xingyuan said without hesitation: "Brother Duanmu, I choose fellow Taoist Ye Chaoming and fellow Taoist Li Mo."

"Okay, then go and ask them two to come over!" Duan Mulei said.

"Yes, Senior Brother Duanmu." Gu Xingyuan slightly cupped his hands, then walked out of his office with a face of joy, came to Xuanyang Hall, and went straight to the refining stations of Ye Chaoming and Wu Tao.

At this time, Ye Chaoming and Wu Tao were ready to refine the Xuanyang Pearl, but they saw Gu Xingyuan walking towards them with a look of joy on his face.

Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming looked at each other, confused.

Shouldn't Gu Xingyuan be punished by Senior Brother Duanmu for the explosion of Xuanyang Pearl? Why does this guy still look happy?

Gu Xingyuan quickly came to Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming and said, "Fellow Daoist Ye, Fellow Daoist Li, Senior Brother Duanmu is looking for you!"

Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming looked back at each other and fell on Gu Xingyuan. Ye Chaoming asked: "Fellow Taoist Gu, do you know what Senior Brother Duanmu wants from us?"

Gu Xingyuan smiled and said: "Of course this is a great happy event, let's go quickly!"

Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming followed Gu Xingyuan to Duan Mulei's office in confusion and met Duan Mulei.

"I've met Senior Brother Duanmu." Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming bowed their hands to Duanmu Lei.

Duanmulei's eyes fell on Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming and said: "Junior Brother Ye and Junior Brother Li, I have come to you because I have a major task for you. Junior Brother Gu, please explain it to them two."

When Gu Xingyuan heard this, with a happy face, he explained to Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming about the establishment of a group to study and improve the secrets of refining Xuanyang Pearl.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, Fellow Daoist Li, and Senior Brother Duanmu allowed me to set up a group to study and improve the secrets of refining the Xuanyang Pearl. I immediately thought of Fellow Daoist Ye and Fellow Daoist Li, and welcome them to join."

Seeing Gu Xingyuan looking happy, both Ye Chaoming and Wu Tao felt helpless.

"Thank you!" This was what Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming were saying at this time.

Gu Xingyuan quickly explained the situation in detail.

Including Duan Mulei had arranged a fourth-level formation to ensure that they would not be injured, Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming breathed a sigh of relief.

From this point of view, it is indeed a happy event.

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