Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 617 The golden elixir and divine thoughts are perfect, and the Xuanyang Pearl explodes (plea

Chapter 617 The golden elixir and divine thoughts are perfect, and the Xuanyang Pearl explodes (please subscribe)

When Wu Tao turned around after hearing this, he saw Gu Xingyuan walking towards him.

He didn't need to guess, he knew why Gu Xingyuan was looking for him, and he probably wanted to invite him to join in the improvement of Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets.

Wu Tao did not intend to join the improved Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book, so Gu Xingyuan was destined to be in vain this time.

Of course, Wu Tao still stopped and waited for him because he was also the weapon refiner of Xuanyang Hall who refined the Xuanyang Pearl.

"Fellow Daoist Gu, what's the matter?" When Gu Xingyuan came to stand in front of him, Wu Tao cupped his hands and asked, knowingly.

Gu Xingyuan looked at Wu Tao. Last time, because of the interference from Fellow Daoist Ye Chaoming, Fellow Daoist Li, who was originally unstable, did not agree to participate in his improvement of the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book. This time he decided to talk to Fellow Daoist Li alone.

He believed that as long as he explained the benefits of improving the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book, fellow Daoist Li would be moved, and then he would participate.

Thinking of this, Gu Xingyuan cupped his hands to Wu Tao and said, "Fellow Daoist Li, I don't know if I have time. Let's find a place to talk in detail."

Wu Tao looked at the sky and said, "Fellow Daoist Gu, I plan to return to Jindan Island and prepare to practice."

"Cultivation is a big deal..." Gu Xingyuan nodded, then changed the subject and said, "Let's do this, Fellow Daoist Li, let's go aside and say a few words!"

Seeing Gu Xingyuan say this, Wu Tao could only nod and said: "Okay!"

"Fellow Daoist Li, please come with me!" Gu Xingyuan stretched out his hand and took Wu Tao to a deserted place, and then whispered: "Fellow Daoist Li, last time I was on Fellow Daoist Ye's Jindan Island, I didn't explain carefully to Fellow Daoist Li how to improve Xuanyang Pearl Refining. The benefits of making secret books, so it is understandable that Li Daoyou is not firm."

Wu Tao looked at him calmly, waiting for him to continue talking.

Gu Xingyuan continued: "Fellow Daoist Li, this improvement of the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book is of great significance. If the improvement is successful, the steps of refining the Xuanyang Pearl will be reduced, the refining time will be shortened, and it will be refined faster, not only You can only leave your name on the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book. In the future, as soon as the refiner opens the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book, you and I will be able to see your name and my name, which will be remembered forever. Secondly, after improvement, the refining There will also be a huge reward from the Qi Hall.”

"Moreover, completing the improvement of a strategic real weapon can also benefit future generations. For example, many benefits will be given priority to the descendants of the weapon refiners who have improved the strategic real weapon. Even if we don't think about ourselves, we must do it for ourselves. For the sake of future generations. Otherwise, other people’s children will be able to fight for their father, but ours won’t be able to. Wouldn’t we be losing at the starting line?”

"So, Fellow Daoist Li, improving the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book is a matter of great benefit and no harm."

Gu Xingyuan finished all the benefits in one breath, and then looked at Wu Tao quietly. He felt that Wu Tao would definitely be impressed.

After all, it is still worthwhile to improve the Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets and cause the Xuanyang Pearl to explode, which will only cause serious injuries but not death.

After Wu Tao listened to the benefits stated by Gu Xingyuan, these benefits were indeed what Gu Xingyuan said.

However, he is not short of cultivation resources now, and his cultivation time is also very tight, because he wants to break through the Nascent Soul quickly and then return to the Immortal Yuan Realm to meet the people he cares about.

He didn't want to be injured for three months because of improving the Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets. In this way, he would be injured several times in a year, and there would be no time to practice.

Therefore, he still firmly rejected Gu Xingyuan.

When Gu Xingyuan saw Wu Tao who firmly rejected him, he knew that if it was because of Ye Chaoming last time, then this time, no one would influence the decision of fellow Taoist Li Mo.

Therefore, Gu Xingyuan could only shake his head with regret.

"In this case, I won't force you to do anything to Fellow Daoist Li. Fellow Daoist Li, please go ahead and go ahead." Gu Xingyuan said to Wu Tao.

He felt that Daoyou Li had missed an opportunity.

In the world of immortality, everyone has an opportunity. If you don't seize the opportunity, it will naturally slip away from your fingertips.

Wu Tao held up his hands slightly apologetically and said: "I'm sorry, Fellow Daoist Gu, I'll go back to Bixing Island first. Li would like to wish Fellow Daoist Gu a successful improvement in the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book."

After finishing speaking, Wu Tao turned and left.

Returning to Bixing Island, Wu Tao began to practice. Because he now has to refine the Xuanyang Pearl for four hours in the Xuanyang Hall, the training time is quite tight.

There are only twelve hours in a day. If you exclude four hours, there are not many hours left.

After practicing the Jiu Yao Fusion Yang pole true skill, it was already dark, and Wu Tao began to practice the Zhou Tianxing body exercise. He glanced at the star stone in the storage bag and thought to himself: "Next time during the weekend, I will go to Mississauga. I bought the Star Stone."

Wu Tao thought of this, took out the summons token, summoned Liu Yidao, and asked him if he wanted to go to Mississauga together next time.

Liu Yidao quickly replied to him, saying that of course we would do it together.

Putting away the communication token, Wu Tao immediately refined the star stone and strengthened the star body.

After that, he practiced the Tianyan God-Refining Manual again. He still had 2% of the Tianyan God-Refining Manual, so he could complete the fifth level and break through to the sixth level.

At that time, the spiritual thoughts will grow another hundred miles.

His current spiritual consciousness is one thousand nine hundred and twenty miles, and when he completes the fifth level of the Tianyan Divine Refining Sutra, he will be able to reach two thousand and twenty miles.

It is twenty miles farther than those who have perfected the golden elixir.

Cultivation time flies very fast, and a day goes by in the blink of an eye.

Since returning to the Star Palace from the Boundary Islands, Wu Tao's cultivation life has become very stable and fulfilling.

Every day it’s two points and one line between Xuanyang Hall and Bixing Island.

5 days later.

Wu Tao rested for two days, and then he followed Liu Yidao to the island where the secret market was located in the outer island waters to buy star stones.

It is worth mentioning that the star stones in the secret city are cheaper than the star stones on Hengliu Island.

Although it is still higher than exchanging in the Immortal Palace, it is cheaper. He can't go to the Immortal Palace to redeem it, and his identity as a physical practitioner is kept secret.

After purchasing the star stone, Wu Tao sent a message to Liu Yidao. Liu Yidao said that he wanted to search for treasures in the secret market, so he told Liu Yidao that he would go back first.

Back to Bixing Island, it was time to practice non-stop again.

In the training hall.

Wu Tao stopped practicing Jiuyao Fusion Yangji Zhenqiu, opened his personal information, looked at the skill column, and fell into deep thought.

Jiuyao Fusion Anode True Skill·Fourth Level: (1%)

At this time, a full month had passed since he broke through the fourth level of the Golden Core. During this month, he had been practicing non-stop every day.

"Cultivation in the middle stage of the Golden Core is even slower. Only 1% of the progress can be achieved in one month. Based on this calculation, wouldn't it take more than eight years to break through to the fifth level of the Golden Core?"

Wu Tao frowned slightly, but soon returned to his normal state of mind. As long as his Zhoutianxingchen body training skill broke through to another level, he could increase his practice of Jiu Yao Yang Yang pole real skill.

At that time, it will definitely not take more than eight years.

Or, if he receives another mission with more merits and no danger, he can buy higher-level golden elixirs and higher-level spiritual fire and spiritual water for cultivation, which can also increase the speed of cultivation.

"So you still have to work harder."

The fifth level of the Tianyan God Refining Scripture: (99%)

In the past month, Wu Tao has been practicing the Tianyan Divine Refining Manual every day, and has improved a little bit. In another month, he will be able to complete the fifth level of the Tianyan Divine Refining Manual.

"Today it's time to go to the weapon refining library to exchange for knowledge on the third-level advanced weapon refining method."

Thinking like this, Wu Tao took a glance at his personal data, closed it, and got up from the futon.

After leaving Bixing Island, Wu Tao flew towards the central sea area.

Arriving at the central sea area, Wu Tao put away the Jiyun Boat and headed towards the weapon refining library.

The continuous palaces of the Weapon Refining Hall are on one side, and the Weapon Refining Library is on the other side, but they still have to walk through a common avenue.

Wu Tao met Jin Cha.

"Fellow Taoist Jin, aren't you having a rest today? Why do you still come to the Refining Hall, Taoist Jin?" Wu Tao asked, slightly cupping his hands to Jin Cha.

Jin Cha said: "Fellow Taoist Gu made an appointment with me at the Lunqi Building."

The Lunqi Building is a restaurant in the Weapon Refining Hall specially designed to entertain the refining masters. Usually when the refining masters are tired, they will go to the Lunqi Building to rest, drink some spiritual tea, spiritual wine, eat some spiritual fruits, and monster meat. It's like a place to relax.

"That's it." Wu Tao smiled.

Jin Cha asked: "Did Fellow Daoist Li come to the Weapon Refining Hall?"

Wu Tao replied: "I'm going to the weapon refining library."

Hearing this, Jin Cha cupped his hands and said, "That happens to be on the same road."

Wu Tao smiled and nodded. After walking with Jin Cha for a while, they parted ways. He went to the weapon theory building in the weapon refining hall, while Wu Tao went to the weapon refining library on the other side.

When he came to the weapon refining library, Wu Tao found a staff member and asked him to help him exchange the jade slip for the third-level advanced weapon refining knowledge.

A moment later, Wu Tao had successfully redeemed the third-level jade slip of advanced weapon-refining knowledge. He walked out of the weapon-refining library and thought to himself: "The merits I just accumulated have been wiped out again, and I have to continue to save more. "

With this in mind, Wu Tao returned directly to Bixing Island.

Back on Bixing Island, Wu Tao came to the training hall and sat cross-legged on the futon. With a thought, a yellow jade slip appeared in the palm of his hand. It was the third-level advanced weapon refining knowledge jade slip that he had just exchanged.

"Starting from today, I will include the Jade Slips of knowledge on the third-level advanced weapon refining method in my training schedule." Wu Tao looked at the jade slips in his hands and made a decision in his heart.

If he quickly gets promoted to the third-level senior weapon refiner, he will be able to gain more merits, support his dual cultivation of law and body, and have more merits left for him to use flexibly.

"Let's take a look at the general content first."

Wu Tao muttered to himself, then put the jade slip on his forehead and read it with his spiritual mind.

Another month later.

In the training hall, Wu Tao was sitting cross-legged on a futon, refining the Divine Scripture in Tianyan.

Today he will complete the fifth level of the Tianyan God Refining Manual and break through to the sixth level.

As he practiced the Tianyan God Refining Manual, Wu Tao's sea of ​​spiritual thoughts entered a meditative state. The sea of ​​spiritual thoughts was like a tide, ebbing and flowing, slowly growing.

His spiritual thoughts seemed to be undergoing a strange change.

Finally, at a certain moment, the fifth level of the Tianyan God Refining Manual was officially completed, and Wu Tao felt that the entire sea of ​​spiritual thoughts shook slightly, and his spiritual thoughts increased rapidly.

Based on one thousand nine hundred and twenty miles of divine thoughts, it starts to strengthen every ten miles, every ten miles.

1990 miles.

2000 miles.

When it reached 2,000 miles, Wu Tao suddenly felt that his golden elixir spirit had reached a state of perfection, and this perfection was wrapped in a critical point.

It seems that there is no further improvement, unless the elixir is broken to become a baby, and the Nascent Soul stage is reached.

But just after a moment, this critical point was suddenly broken through, and the divine will increased by ten miles twice more, reaching the intensity of two thousand and twenty miles before stopping.

At the moment when the critical point was exceeded, Wu Tao felt a profound and mysterious realization. But this realization was fleeting. When he wanted to reminisce, he could no longer find that mysterious and mysterious feeling.

The sea of ​​spiritual thoughts gradually calmed down, and Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts also stabilized. He released all his spiritual thoughts. The divine thoughts in 2020 made him feel an indescribable power.

He had seen the 9th level of Jindan release his spiritual thoughts with all his strength, but they were not as powerful as his spiritual thoughts at the moment.

"The spiritual consciousness has surpassed that of those who have perfected the golden elixir, but the magic power of the golden elixir is far from enough, not even as good as the seventh level of the golden elixir."

Wu Tao looked inside at the golden elixir in his Dantian and came to a conclusion.

"Continue to practice. Tomorrow, we will go to the Xuanyang Hall to refine the Xuanyang Pearl."

"Yesterday, Senior Brother Duanmu announced that the rest period will be changed from 12 days per month to 8 days per month."

"Immortal Palace has also received news that the situation on the Boundary Wall battlefield has become tense. The 12 demons are constantly increasing their troops, so more Xuanyang Pearls are needed."

Wu Tao sighed. As a weapon refiner, although he does not have to go to the battlefield or the front line, any changes in the situation on the front line battlefield will also affect him.

"But even if it does, it won't affect lives. This is just war and peace."

Thinking like this, Wu Tao abandoned his distracting thoughts and began to practice.

The rest time is reduced, and it is even more necessary to seize the time to practice. You must not waste a minute or a second.

The next day, Wu Tao came to Xuanyang Hall.

"Fellow Daoist Li is here."

"Fellow Daoist Feng, Fellow Daoist Luo..." Wu Tao greeted each of the third-level intermediate weapon refiners passing by.

Then he passed by Gu Xingyuan and Jin Cha's refining station, and saluted the two of them: "Fellow Daoist Gu, Friend Daoist Jin."

"Fellow Daoist Li!" Gu Xingyuan and Jin Cha also bowed their hands to Wu Tao in return.

Ever since Wu Tao rejected Gu Xingyuan, Gu Xingyuan never looked for Wu Tao again.

In the past two months, Wu Tao saw Gu Xingyuan and Jin Cha leaving Xuanyang Store together many times. It seemed that the relationship between the two had become closer.

Wu Tao guessed that Gu Xingyuan might have invited Jin Cha to participate in improving the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book.

It has to be said that Jin Cha is still very courageous. After being affected by the Xuanyang Pearl explosion three times, he actually dared to participate in improving the secret book of Xuanyang Pearl refining.

However, this was Jin Cha's own choice, and Wu Tao would not pay attention to it. After saying hello, he came to his refining station and said hello to Ye Chaoming.

Then he began to refine the Xuanyang Pearl.

When the time came, not only Wu Tao started refining the Xuanyang Pearl, but other weapon refiners also started refining the Xuanyang Pearl.

Gu Xingyuan was shrouded in the formation light curtain. He turned his head and looked at Jin Cha through the formation light curtain. Then he said to Jin Cha through a spiritual message: "Fellow Taoist Jin, after two months of research, we have obtained the two An idea to improve Xuanyang Pearl."

"Today is the time for testing. Fellow Taoist Jin, you will test the first idea, and I will test the second idea!"

Jin Cha heard Gu Xingyuan's voice transmission, took a deep breath, and finally nodded in response: "Okay, Fellow Daoist Gu!"

"To improve the Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets, gain both fame and fortune, and benefit future generations, it depends on today! Fellow Taoist Jin, let's work hard together!"

Gu Xingyuan encouraged Jin Cha.

Time passed slowly, and Wu Tao was concentrating on refining his Xuanyang Pearl. Suddenly, the whole hall emitted two explosions, one large and one small.

The weapon refiners in the main hall were all in the process of refining the Xuanyang Pearl. When they heard the roaring explosion, they all turned around to look for the sound, and saw Jin Cha covered in blood, lying on the ground, and the magic circle Gu Xingyuan, who was shrouded in the light curtain, was panting and slumped on the futon. The formation light curtain was also emitting ripples and shaking.

The Xuanyang Pearl exploded, naturally alarming Duan Mulei, who appeared quickly.

He originally thought that only the Xuanyang Pearl refined by Gu Xingyuan exploded. After all, he knew that Gu Xingyuan was improving the secret book of Xuanyang Pearl refining.

But at first glance, Gu Xingyuan was only slightly injured, and none of the defensive robes on his body were exploded by the Xuanyang Pearl. However, Jin Cha next to him was seriously injured and fell to the ground because he had no defense from the formation. His defensive robes were in tatters and his breath was low. .

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