Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 616 Clouds and smoke cover the shadow formation, fellow Taoist please stay (please subscribe

A stream of light crossed the Jindan Sea and landed in front of Bixing Island.

Wu Tao's body shape appeared.

Wu Tao took out the formation token from his storage bag and opened the island protection formation.

The island protection formation at this time was still the second-level advanced island protection formation. When he had just returned from the Border Islands and was promoted to the third-level intermediate weapon refiner, Qian Chang and Wei Zhou had lent him meritorious deeds to upgrade the island protection formation. Big array.

It can be regarded as bringing glory to the casual cultivator.

However, in this year, Wu Tao did not upgrade the island protection formation.

Firstly, he has not accumulated enough merits, and secondly, he is a pragmatist. In the Starry Immortal Palace, there is already a sect-protecting formation of the Immortal Palace, and the enemy cannot enter the Immortal Palace. Therefore, Wu Tao will Just use the original second-level advanced island protection formation.

However, this year, he sold the third-level low-level killing array he got in the Border Islands, and made some money by refining real weapons for some golden elixir cultivators in the Immortal Palace. He has accumulated enough to upgrade the island protection array. H.

"Tomorrow I will go to the formation hall to see the formations and upgrade the island protection formation on Bixing Island to the third intermediate island protection formation."

Wu Tao quickly made up his mind.

Then he entered Bixing Island.

As soon as I returned to the training room, the communication token around my waist moved again.

Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon in the spirit-gathering array, took out the summons token, and read the information in the summons token. It was the message from Qian Chang, saying that he would visit him in the future.

Also accompanying him were Wei Zhou and the three third-level low-level casual weapon masters who had joined nine months ago.

That is, Feng Liang, Sun Miao, and Qiu Zhiming.

He and Yu Zhixin went to Fanxing Island to recruit the three of them.

After that, Wu Tao was busy with things in Xuanyang Hall, and Feng Liang and the other three had just entered the Starry Immortal Palace's Artifact Refining Hall and had a lot of things to do, just like when they first entered the Starry Fairy Palace, so they didn't get together.

Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow happen to be Wu Tao's rest days. Wu Tao then replied to Qian Chang's message, saying that he would be waiting for them at Bixing Island.

After replying to Qian Chang's message, Wu Tao took out the medium golden elixir and spiritual fire and spiritual water to practice the Jiu Yao Fusion Yang pole true skill. He has just broken through the fourth level of the golden elixir. He doesn't know what his cultivation progress will be after breaking through the middle stage of the golden elixir, so he will have to wait and see again in a month.

This is the convenience of having a data dashboard. You can always know your progress, and then you will be full of motivation.

The next day.

Wu Tao came to the Formation Hall.

He has been in Xingchen Immortal Palace for so many years and is now a third-level intermediate weapon refiner. Naturally, he knows the third-level intermediate weapon refiner of the Formation Hall.

Wu Tao soon met Min Xing, a third-level intermediate weapon refiner from the Formation Hall.

"Fellow Daoist Li, what brought you to the Formation Hall?" Min Xing's face was in his early 50s, but there were no wrinkles on his face, and he was as delicate and shiny as a baby. At this time, he looked at Wu Tao and said with a smile on his face.

Wu Tao cupped his hands towards Min Xinggong and said, "Fellow Taoist Min, I came to the formation hall specifically to buy the formation from Taoist Min.

When he heard that business was coming to his door, Min Xing immediately smiled even more. He grabbed Wu Tao and said enthusiastically: "I see, Fellow Daoist Li, come with me to the teahouse to discuss it in detail."

Wu Tao followed Min Xing to the tea room and sat opposite Min Xing. Min Xing specially brought out some good spiritual tea. After a short time, the fragrance of tea filled the tea room.

The two of them drank spiritual tea, and Min Xing asked: "Fellow Daoist Li, I wonder what formation you need?"

Wu Tao put the Lingcha cup on the table and said: "My Bixing Island needs to be replaced with a third-level intermediate island protection formation. I wonder if my fellow Taoists can recommend it?"

Min Xing heard this and said: "The functions of the island protection array are mostly to prevent prying eyes, prevent attacks, cover the aura, and restrain the aura. If other functions are needed, the price will naturally be more expensive. I don't know who Daoyou Li is. Do you only need a basic island protection array, or do you need to customize an island protection array with some other functions?"

After listening to Min Xing's words, Wu Tao pondered for a moment and said, "The basic functions of preventing prying eyes, preventing attacks, concealing aura, and constricting aura are enough. Fellow Daoist Min, please get me a set of this third-level intermediate formation."

Min Xing said: "Friend Daoist Li, you no longer need to consider customizing the formation. With Li Daoyou's wealth as a third-level intermediate weapon refiner, it is easy to customize a set of formations."

Wu Tao shook his head and said: "Friend Daoist Min is joking. I have just been promoted to the third-level intermediate weapon refiner. I have a small fortune, so this basic island protection formation is enough."

Seeing this, Min Xing stopped pulling. He could not earn more or less, so he nodded and stood up and said, "Okay, I will get it for Fellow Daoist Li right now. Please wait here for a moment, Fellow Daoist Li."

Wu Tao nodded and watched Min Xing leave the tea room.

He didn't wait long. Min Xing came back, sat down opposite Wu Tao, reached out and touched the storage bag, and a huge wooden box appeared in front of Wu Tao.

Min Xing reached out and opened the lid of the wooden box, revealing a set of formations inside.

Min Xing began to introduce the formation in the wooden box: "Friend Li, please see, this is the third-level intermediate island protection formation, called the Yunyan Shadow Formation. This formation consists of a main formation disk and twenty-seven formation flags. In addition, it comes with a formation main token and twelve formation sub-tokens. The formation sub-tokens only have the function of opening the formation portal, and where the formation portal leads can be ordered by the formation master. The cards are set up so that even fairy tubes with sub-tokens can only reach the place set by fellow Taoists. This is the most suitable formation to be used as an island protection formation."

Wu Tao heard this, nodded and said: "Okay, this is the formation."

Min Xing showed a smile on his face and said to Wu Tao: "Okay, Fellow Daoist Li, since you want this formation, you can check it out."

Wu Tao immediately inspected the wooden box for the array platform, array flags, and array tokens. After completing the inspection, he said to Min Xing: "There is nothing wrong with the array."

Later, Wu Tao paid Min Xing meritorious service or spiritual stones.

Min Xing opened an order for him, proving that this formation was purchased from him.

Wu Tao got the order, and Min Xing said to him: "Friend Li, do you need me to go to the island to set up the formation? Of course, to set up the formation, I only need 80 merit points. If it is someone else, I will charge 100 merit points."

Wu Tao shook his head when he heard this and said: "No, there are instructions for setting up the formation. I'll take a look and I should be able to set up the formation myself. By the way, Fellow Daoist Min, are you here to recover the second-level advanced island protection formation?"

He used the cloud and smoke shadow formation as the island protection formation of Bixing Island, so the original second-level advanced island protection formation of Bixing Island would have no effect. Therefore, if you can recycle it, just recycle it as much as possible. Back to the book.

Wu Tao is not the kind of person who is extravagant and wasteful.

Min Xing asked: "Is it the second-level advanced island protection formation originally used by fellow Daoist Li on Bixing Island?"

Wu Tao nodded and said: "Exactly."

Min Xing said: "Then I can't recycle it. It's the property of the Affairs Hall. If the real island owner replaces the island protection formation, the second-level high-level island protection formation can stay in place, or let the affairs hall's People come and take it back. As for buying and selling, that is absolutely not allowed."

Wu Tao was slightly surprised when he heard this. The Office of Affairs did not say that at the time. After thinking about it, Wu Tao decided that the second-level advanced island protection formation would not be activated normally and would just stay where it was.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist Min, for reminding me." Wu Tao thanked Min Xing with his hands.

Min Xing said: "Friend Daoist Li, if there are any problems with this cloud shadow array in the future, please notify me to repair it. The first three repairs will be free of charge."

Wu Tao nodded and said: "Okay. Fellow Daoist Min, I will take my leave now and go back to arrange the cloud and smoke shadow array."

"Fellow Daoist Li, walk slowly. By the way, if you have any questions, you can message me and I will come right away." Min Xing said this and sent Wu Tao out of the main hall of the Formation Hall.

After Wu Tao left the main hall of the formation hall, he took out Jiyunzhou and returned directly to Bixing Island.

After returning to Bixing Island, Wu Tao came to the training hall. With a thought, the wooden box containing the Yunyan Shadow Formation appeared in front of him. He took out the instructions for setting up the formation. After reading it once, he began to refine the formation plates and formations. flag.

He plans to set up the cloud and smoke shadow array today.

Two hours later, Wu Tao finally refined all the formation disks and formation flags. Then, he put the formation disks and formation flags into his storage bag, and with a movement of his body, he was already above Bixing Island.

He looked at the second-level advanced island protection formation covering Bixing Island, took out the formation plate of this island protection formation, and closed it.

Then, with a thought from Wu Tao, a formation disk appeared in his hand. It was the formation disk of the Yunyan Shadow Formation. Then, twenty-seven formation flags flew out of the storage bag and floated around Wu Tao.

Wu Tao poured his magic power and spiritual thoughts into the formation plate and began to set up the formation.

The next second, formation flags flew to all directions on Bixing Island.

Ling Zhifu, spiritual fruit master, spiritual medicine master, and miner who were working on Bixing Island suddenly looked up and saw pillars of light rising into the sky from Bixing Island. There are twenty-seven light pillars in total, and the light pillars are connected to form a light curtain, covering Bixing Island.

No need to guess, they knew that it was the island owner who was setting up the formation.

Therefore, after seeing the light curtain formed by the twenty-seven light pillars slowly disappear, he continued to do his own thing.

"Decoration is complete!"

Wu Tao watched as the light curtain covering Bixing Island slowly disappeared and fell into a state of invisibility. If someone attacked Bixing Island, the light curtain would reappear to resist the attack. It will also be fed back to the array in time. As a refining array, Wu Tao can spot the enemy immediately.

Next, Wu Tao took out the formation tokens and twelve sub-tokens and started setting them up.

Naturally, he owns the main token of the formation.

The formation sub-token was given to Wang Sheng to handle, but before that, he first set the formation range that the formation sub-token could enter.

He arranged the cloud and smoke shadow array and set his cave palace as the main protection area, while the spiritual fields, spiritual fruit fields, and mines were secondary protection areas.

Therefore, the range that Wu Tao sets up the formation sub-token to enter is the secondary protection range. They can only enter the spiritual fields, spiritual fruit fields, and mines through the formation sub-tokens. These places cannot enter his cave. palace.

However, one of the sub-tokens came outside his cave palace. This sub-token was prepared for Wang Sheng.

After setting the permissions of the main and deputy tokens, Wu Tao returned to the cave palace and summoned Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng soon arrived and met Wu Tao.

With a thought from Wu Tao, twelve sub-tokens appeared in front of Wang Sheng. Wu Tao said: "Wang Sheng, the island protection formation on Bixing Island has been upgraded to a third-level intermediate island protection formation. These are the sub-tokens. , you distribute to those key personnel.”

"This token belongs to you. You can use this token to reach directly outside my cave palace."

Wang Sheng took the twelve sub-tokens and bowed: "Yes, Island Master, I understand."

Later, Wang Sheng left and Wu Tao continued to practice.

The third day.

Just after noon.

Wu Tao sensed someone visiting outside Bixing Island.

He moved and appeared again. He had arrived outside Bixing Island and saw five people outside Bixing Island.

It was Qian Chang, Wei Zhou, and the three newly recruited third-level low-level casual cultivation weapon masters.

"I've met Senior Brother Li." The five of them bowed their hands to Wu Tao and saluted.

Wu Tao showed a smile on his face, bowed his hands to the five people and returned the salute, saying: "Five junior brothers, there is no need to be polite, come to the island quickly."

Afterwards, Wu Tao launched the third-level intermediate island protection formation.

Qian Chang and Wei Zhou looked at each other and looked at each other, both of them were extremely happy. Senior Brother Li had finally upgraded the island protection formation. The weapon refiners who came from casual cultivators were no worse than those who came from the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall.

Feng Liang, Sun Miao, and Qiu Zhiming were extremely envious in their hearts. They also knew that Senior Brother Li Mo came into the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall with fellow Taoist friends Qian Chang and Wei Zhou, but so far Today, only Senior Brother Li Mo has taken off his identity as a guest minister and been promoted to the third-level intermediate weapon refiner. Looking at his Bixing Island's island protection formation, it is already a third-level intermediate island protection formation.

Also, Fellow Daoist Qian and Fellow Daoist Wei said that Senior Brother Li Mo’s Jindan Island has been upgraded to a second-level island.

"I wonder when I can reach the level of Senior Brother Li Mo?" The three of them all looked forward to the future in their hearts.

Wu Tao invited the five people to the tea room in the cave palace.

The aroma of tea permeated the entire tea room. This was the first gathering of the six loose cultivation weapon masters who were born in the third level of the Immortal Palace Weapon Refining Hall.

As they are both San Cultivation weapon masters, they naturally have many common topics.

As third-level low-level weapon refiners, the five people in the audience naturally want to manage their friendship with Wu Tao well. In the future, Wu Tao will really develop. Considering that they are both casual cultivator weapon masters, they will naturally take care of them. One or two.

Even if there is no substantial care, everyone will take care of them more or less when they see their friendship with Wu Tao. This kind of thing is beneficial.

After chatting in Wu Tao's tea room for an hour and a half, Qian Chang and Wei Zhou said goodbye.

Because the two of them had known Wu Tao for so many years, they naturally knew that this senior brother was a cultivator. After staying here for an hour and a half, it was already considered a disturbance. Although Senior Brother Li Mo was a very nice person, he wouldn't say anything.

But as a human being, the most important thing is to be polite.

Wu Tao sent the five people out of Bixing Island and said with a smile: "Welcome the five junior brothers to come to Bixing Island to get together next time."

The five people naturally responded enthusiastically and invited Wu Tao to visit their Jindan Island.

After watching the five people leave, Wu Tao returned to the training hall and started practicing.

After two days of rest.

The next day, Wu Tao had to go to Xuanyang Store to carry out the task of refining Xuanyang beads.

Arriving at the Xuanyang Hall, Wu Tao bowed to each of the weapon refiners.

After all, he has been in Xuanyang Hall for nine months, and he is not a newbie anymore. He knows all the third-level weapon refiners in Xuanyang Hall.

"Fellow Daoist Gu, fellow Daoist Jin." Passing by Gu Xingyuan and Jin Cha's refining station, Wu Tao greeted them with a slight cup of his hand.

Gu Xingyuan and Jin Chazi also responded to Wu Tao: "Fellow Daoist Li is here!"

After saying hello, Wu Tao came to his refining station and greeted Ye Chaoming, who had already arrived beside him.

"Fellow Daoist Ye."

"Fellow Daoist Li." Ye Chaoming responded to Wu Tao with a smile and cupped his hands.

Then there was no more talking, because there were refining tasks every day. If you complete them early, you can leave Xuanyang Hall earlier.

Four hours passed by in a flash.

Wu Tao followed the refining methods and steps of the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book and successfully refined two Xuanyang Pearls.

Today's mission was completed, and the weapon refiners of Xuanyang Hall left Xuanyang Hall one after another. Wu Tao bowed his hands to Ye Chaoming and said, "Fellow Daoist Ye, I'm going to take the first step."

Ye Chaoming was cleaning up his refining station. Hearing this, he nodded and said, "Okay, I still have some things to deal with. Fellow Daoist Li, please go slowly."

Seeing this, Wu Tao stood up and left Xuanyang Hall. As soon as he came out, he could only walk a few dozen steps when a voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Fellow Daoist Li, please stay!"

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