Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 615 The call from beyond the boundary wall (please subscribe)

“The golden elixir is in the middle stage.

Wu Tao's eyes skipped the exercise column, and then landed on the spells.

"The fifth level of the golden elixir stage of the Tianyan God Refining Manual is almost complete, and there is still 2% progress. It is estimated that in a month or two at most, the divine will will be able to grow another hundred miles. Now. , my divine thoughts..."

Whispering like this, he released his spiritual thoughts, and could feel the terrifying spiritual thoughts extending outwards, extending to one thousand nine hundred and twenty miles before stopping.

"The spiritual thoughts are comparable to those who have just entered the ninth level of Jindan to cultivate immortals..."

A golden elixir cultivator who has just broken through the ninth level can reach 1,900 miles in spiritual power, and after cultivating the golden elixir realm to perfection, it can increase by another hundred miles.

Therefore, the limit of the spiritual thoughts of the golden elixir cultivator is two thousand miles.

"After you have completed the fifth level of the Tianyan Divine Refining Manual, your spiritual thoughts will be able to reach up to two thousand and twenty miles, which is twenty miles stronger than the golden elixir."

"Of course, the intensity of spiritual thoughts is stronger than that of Jindan Perfection, but the magic power is not as good as that of Jindan Perfection cultivators. After comparison, the overall strength is still not as good as Jindan Perfection."

Wu Tao still understands this.

After feeling some powerful spiritual thoughts, Wu Tao withdrew his spiritual thoughts.

"Now that I have broken through the fourth level of the Golden elixir, I can speed up the cultivation of the fourth level of the Nine Golden Elixir. As for the secret technique of change and concealment, I am about to break through to the sixth level. I can practice it slowly. After all, I have reached the sixth level. It can cover up Yuan Ti’s cultivation.”

"The Xuanguang Yanyun Dun has also improved in the past nine months. Although it has not broken through a level, the Xuanguang Seed has become bigger again."

Wu Tao's mind turned quickly and his eyes fell on the column of the main professional weapon refiner. He still had 20% of the Lingxu True Fire Technique that could reach the master level. However, he is not too anxious. As a weapon refiner, he has to refine weapons every day and needs to use real fire. Lingxu True Fire Jue will continuously increase his progress.

"The art of weapon refining and fighting has reached the proficiency level. I can now control nine third-level real weapons at the same time."

When the nine third-level real weapons were released, they were so powerful that even late-stage Jindan cultivators had to treat them seriously and not dare to be careless in the slightest.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts moved slightly, and he immediately used the weapon refining method to fight. Nine rays of light flew out from the storage bag on his waist, manifesting nine third-level flying swords, suspended in front of him, exuding terror. breath.

Of these nine third-level flying swords, four are third-level intermediate flying swords, and the rest are all third-level low-level flying swords. In the past nine months, he has been refining the Xuanyang Pearl in the Xuanyang Hall. In addition to his daily practice, In addition, he also needs to accumulate meritorious deeds to redeem the jade slips of knowledge on the third-level advanced weapon refining method.

But in addition, he will also use some meritorious deeds to purchase third-level spiritual materials and upgrade his third-level low-level flying sword to a third-level intermediate flying sword.

The higher the level of the flying sword, the stronger the combat power manifested by the weapon-refining and fighting methods.

Wu Tao is not stingy when it comes to upgrading his own strength.

After all, this is the art of defending the Tao on the road to immortality. Only by preserving one's life can one talk about immortality.

Otherwise, your life will be gone, and things like becoming an immortal will be just a bunch of empty talk.

"There are still five third-level low-level flying swords that have not been upgraded. At the rate I am earning merits now, it will probably take more than a year to upgrade them all to third-level intermediate flying swords."

"Perhaps, I should change to two real defensive weapons, although the best defense is offense..."

Wu Tao was thinking in his mind. He used the weapon refining method to control nine real third-level weapons at the same time, all of which were offensive flying swords. Therefore, he is wondering whether to integrate offense and defense.

"Accumulate your merits first, and then you can exchange them for whatever you want."

"In one month, I will be able to accumulate enough merits to redeem the jade slips of knowledge on the third-level advanced weapon refining method, and then I can start to understand and prepare for promotion to the third-level advanced weapon refining master."

Wu Tao had a smile on his face. He had to say that he had indeed earned a lot of merit from the task of refining the Xuanyang Pearl.

"The Zhoutian Xingchen body training exercise progresses 1.5 times per month. The progress is very stable. It has now reached 38% of the progress. According to this calculation, it will take more than three years to break through the fifth level of the real body."

Wu Tao's eyes fell on the body training column. In fact, Zhou Tianxing Chen's body training has reached the fourth level. The progress of 1.5 per month is not slow, and it is faster than many physical trainings.

But Wu Tao is a practitioner of both law and body. If he wants to rely on his body cultivation realm to drive the speed of his law practice, he must speed up the progress of Zhou Tian Xingchen's physical training.

Otherwise, if one is slow, the other will also be slower.

In the past nine months, Wu Tao used up the star stones he bought on Hengliu Island in the Border Islands, and also went to the secret market in the outer island waters, and he succeeded in buying star stones there.

From now on, Wu Tao practiced the Zhou Tianxing body training technique and no longer worried about the star stone. As long as he had enough meritorious spiritual stones, he would not be afraid of not having the star stone to practice.

"Martial arts battle method, Po Shen has reached the expert level, and the practice is getting slower and slower. After redeeming it for the third-level advanced weapon refining method knowledge jade slip, then go to the inner demon secret realm, train your mind, and increase the training speed of the Po Shen method. .”

After Wu Tao summarized his own cultivation, he closed his personal information.

Then, after feeling his cultivation after breaking through the fourth level of the golden elixir, he walked out of the training hall.

"By the way, at sunset today, Daoyou Daoyou Ye, Daoyou Gu, and Daoist Jin will meet at Daoist Ye's Golden Core Island." Wu Tao remembered the agreement with Ye Chaoming and looked up at the sky. It was not sunset yet.

So, after resting outside for a while, Wu Tao returned to the training hall and continued to practice, planning to practice until sunset before setting off.

At sunset, Wu Tao stopped practicing.

As soon as his body moved, he had already arrived above Bixing Island. A stream of light flew out of the storage bag on his waist, manifested as a Jiyunzhou, and landed at Wu Tao's feet.

Wu Tao poured his magic power into the Jiyun Boat, and the Jiyun Boat turned into a stream of light and flew out of Bixing Island, towards Ye Chaoming's Golden Core Island.

A few quarters of an hour later, Jiyunzhou arrived at Ye Chaoming's Golden Core Island.

Ye Chaoming stood outside the Jindan Island and saw Jiyunzhou flying over and stopping in front of him, manifesting Wu Tao's figure. He immediately smiled on his face and greeted: "Fellow Daoist Li, I'm waiting for you."

In the past nine months, because Wu Tao was right next to his refining station, and because Wu Tao refined the Xuanyang Pearl in a standardized manner, there was not a single explosion of the Xuanyang Pearl that affected him, so he got along very well with Wu Tao.

This time, Wu Tao was invited to his Jindan Island as a guest.

Of course, if Wu Tao does not refine the Xuanyang Pearl in a standardized way and it affects him, he will avoid it and will not invite Wu Tao to his Golden Core Island as a guest.

Unexpectedly, when I invited Wu Tao, I happened to be heard by Taoist friends Gu and Jin who were passing by, and they said that they would come together.

As both refiners of the Immortal Palace's Weapon Refining Hall, Ye Chaoming was naturally familiar with Daoist Fellow Gu and Fellow Daoist Jin, so it was hard to refuse.

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao cupped his hands to Ye Chaoming and said, "Oh, Fellow Daoist Ye, that means I'm late. I'm sorry. Where are Fellow Daoist Gu and Fellow Daoist Jin?"

Ye Chaoming said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Gu and Daoist Jin are already inside. Fellow Daoist Li, come with me."

Wu Tao nodded and followed Ye Chaoming to fly into his Golden Core Island and to his cave palace, leading the way and finally arriving at the teahouse. In the tea room. Gu Xingyuan and Jin Cha were already sitting in the tea room, drinking spiritual tea. Next to him, a beautiful female foundation-building cultivator was serving tea.

"Fellow Daoist Li is here!"

When Gu Xingyuan and Jin Cha saw Wu Tao arriving, they immediately stood up and offered their hands to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao also raised his hands to Gu Xingyuan and Jin Cha and said in return: "Fellow Daoist Gu, Friend Daoist Jin, I'm late."

"It's not too late. We just arrived and just had a cup of tea." Jin Cha said.

Ye Chaoming stretched out his hand and said, "Fellow Daoist Li, please sit down."

Wu Tao nodded and sat down, and Ye Chaoming quickly sat down opposite Wu Tao.

The female foundation-building cultivator immediately brought the spirit teapot to add tea to Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming.

"Fellow Daoist Li, please have some tea!" Ye Chaoming picked up Lin's tea cup and extended his hand to signal Wu Tao.

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao picked up the spiritual tea cup in front of him and toasted to Ye Chaoming.

After drinking the spirit tea, Gu Xingyuan, who was sitting next to Wu Tao's left hand, suddenly leaned forward and said next to Wu Tao: "Fellow Daoist Li, I heard that you successfully refined the Xuanyang Pearl for the first time."

Wu Tao nodded when he heard this and said, "It's just a fluke." This was something everyone knew, so he naturally didn't have to hide it from Gu Xingyuan.

Gu Xingyuan shook his head and said: "Fellow Daoist Li, you are being humble. You have been refining the Xuanyang Pearl for nine months in the Xuanyang Hall and it has not exploded even once. This is enough to prove that it was not a fluke."

"It can also be seen from here that Fellow Daoist Li's talent in weapon refining is really great."

"Fellow Daoist Li, do you think the secret manual for refining Xuanyang Pearl can be improved?"

Finally, Gu Xingyuan looked at Wu Tao intently.

Before Wu Tao could answer, Ye Chaoming said: "Fellow Daoist Gu, the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book has been perfected by generations of weapon refiners in the Refining Hall. It is the most stable result. As long as you follow this secret book to refine the Xuanyang Pearl , then it won’t explode.”

"It is inappropriate to modify the refining method and steps easily. It is superfluous and may lead to the risk of explosion. Therefore, Fellow Daoist Li, you can just refine it according to the secret book from now on, and you don't need to worry too much about other things."

Ye Chaoming didn't want Fellow Daoist Li Mo to be led astray by Gu Xingyuan. If he was led astray, he was refining it next to Fellow Daoist Li. Once the Xuanyang Bead refined by Fellow Daoist Li exploded, he would also be affected and injured.

Gu Xingyuan didn't care about Ye Chaoming's words, he said: "Fellow Daoist Ye, you also said that the secret manual of refining Xuanyang Pearl has been perfected by generations of refiners. So, their perfection is perfection, and our perfection is perfection. "

"To perfect, we will definitely encounter risks, but we should not be afraid of risks, we must face the risks, and we cannot not stop perfecting him just because of a little risk. If the senior weapon refiners are as afraid of risks as you and me, then Xuanyang Pearl will not be the stable result it is today."

Ye Chaoming was about to continue talking, but Gu Xingyuan did not give him any time to interrupt and continued:

"Over the boundary wall battlefield, I heard that the situation has become tense again. The three major royal families and the nine major demon clans have sent more demons into the boundary wall battlefield. The supply of Xuanyang Pearl exceeds the demand. If we perfect the refining secrets of Xuanyang Pearl , the Xuanyang Pearl can be refined faster, which can make the fellow Taoists on the boundary wall battlefield more calm."

What Gu Xingyuan said was reasonable, and Ye Chaoming didn't want to refute it, but he still said to Wu Tao: "Fellow Daoist Li, I suggest you follow the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book."

Wu Tao would definitely not listen to Gu Xingyuan's words to improve the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book. He didn't want to be injured for several months.

Being injured for several months would slow down his cultivation progress.

But he was interested in the news that Gu Xingyuan said that the situation on the boundary wall battlefield was tense again. He asked: "Fellow Daoist Gu, why is the situation on the boundary wall battlefield tense again?"

Gu Xingyuan shook his head and said: "I just heard that the situation has become more tense. The demons in the demon world are crazy and keep adding troops to the boundary wall battlefield."

"It's quite a life-threatening attitude."

"Is there something on the boundary wall battlefield that they must get?" Ye Chaoming guessed.

Wu Tao also stared intently, because the news on the boundary wall battlefield was lagging behind, and no one at the scene actually knew much about it, but they should be able to know it after a while.

Gu Xingyuan looked at Wu Tao again and said, "Fellow Daoist Li, I wonder if you are interested in improving the secret book for refining the Xuanyang Pearl that I just mentioned?"

Gu Xingyuan wanted to win over Wu Tao to study and improve the Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets. He felt that Wu Tao's talent for refining weapons was very good and he was a good helper and partner.

When Wu Tao saw him asking again, he shook his head and offered his hands to Gu Xingyuan with an apologetic look on his face: "Fellow Taoist Gu, please forgive me for my inability to improve the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book."

Seeing this, Gu Xingyuan did not continue to pester Wu Tao, but talked about other topics.

An hour later, everyone dispersed. Ye Chaoming sent the three of them out of Jindan Island. After Gu Xingyuan and Jin Cha left, he said to Wu Tao, who was the last to leave: "Fellow Daoist Li, you must never make any improvements with Friend Gu. Regarding the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book, he is just messing around, the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book is already the most complete version."

Ye Chaoming was still worried that Gu Xingyuan would continue to invite Wu Tao. What if Wu Tao was invited a few more times and Wu Tao joined, which would be bad news for him.

Wu Tao looked at Ye Chaoming and naturally knew what the other party was thinking, and said, "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Ye, I don't have time to follow Fellow Daoist Gu to study the improvement of the Xuanyang Pearl. I am ready to redeem the knowledge of the third-level advanced weapon refining method."

When Ye Chaoming heard this, he finally felt relieved and said, "It is true that fellow Daoist Li is already a third-level intermediate weapon refiner, and he must begin to prepare for promotion to a third-level senior weapon refiner."

After saying a few words again, Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming said goodbye and left, returning to their own Bixing Island.

Boundary wall battlefield.

Demon camp.

In a huge hall, skulls were hanging on the walls around the hall. Gray flames were burning on the skulls, illuminating the hall in an eerie light.

In the center of the hall.

There is a huge round table with twelve huge seats around it. The three top seats are gold and the other nine seats are silver. Each seat has an image of a demon engraved on it. .

On every chair, a demon was already sitting.

Every demon clan exudes terrifying demonic energy.

But the demons on the three golden chairs were the most terrifying in the audience. These three demons exuded the aura of the demon king.

The demon king is equivalent to the god-turned-god king.

"The Great Heavenly Heart Demon Lord has sensed the call again, and the direction is towards the boundary wall of the 12th District. The boundary wall of the 12th District must be occupied as soon as possible. The Great Heavenly Heart Demon Lord said that outside the boundary wall of the 12th District, there should be There is another spiritual place.”

"Being able to call the Great Heavenly Heart Demon Lord through the boundary wall, and being called by the Great Heavenly Heart Demon Lord, shows that the boundary wall must be very weak and can be broken directly."

On the most important golden seat, the Demon Lord said in a deep voice.

"I wonder what kind of spiritual world is beyond the boundary wall?" said the Demon Lord next to his left hand.

"No matter where the spiritual realm is, it must be taken down. Having another spiritual realm is a happy event for us in the demon world."

"Okay, this meeting is over now. Each of the nine major demon clans will add an additional 10% of the demon clan to the boundary wall battlefield. Within a year, the twelve areas of the boundary wall must be conquered."

"Yes, Lord Demon Lord!"

The original gods and demons on the nine silver chairs all bowed to the demon king above them and said.

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