Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 614 The Fourth Level of Golden Elixir (please subscribe)

"Junior brother Li, come with me. Duan Mulei walked from behind the desk to the desk, came to Wu Tao, and said to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao nodded, and then followed Duan Mulei's footsteps out of his office and came to the refining hall.

The refining masters in the refining hall are refining the Xuanyang Pearl. Duan Mulei and Wu Tao walked past them, and they did not stop their refining work to salute Duan Mulei, the person in charge.

After all, the refining of the Xuanyang Pearl needs to be carried out strictly and cannot be stopped in the middle. Once it stops, the Xuanyang Qi will explode and conflict with the true forbidden circuit and the characteristics of the spiritual materials, and the Xuanyang Pearl will explode.

Once it explodes, not only the refiner who refines the Xuanyang Pearl will be injured, but the refiner next to him will also be affected and injured.

Therefore, when refining the Xuanyang Pearl, they must be strict and not careless. Even if they stop to salute Duan Mulei, they will probably be scolded by Duan Mulei.

However, some refiners who had not yet started refining the Xuanyang Pearl saw Duan Mulei walking by. They stood up and slightly called Senior Brother Duanmu, and then continued to do their own things without waiting for Duan Mulei's response.

Duanmulei just nodded slightly in return and led Wu Tao along the way. Wu Tao's eyes fell on these weapon refiners. However, when he saw the third-level intermediate weapon refiner in front of him, he took a second look.

Because in the entire Xuanyang Pearl Refining Hall, each refining master has his or her own refining station, but this third-level intermediate Qi refining master has a formation installed on his refining station. At this time, the formation was already activated, and the formation's light curtain enveloped the third-level weapon refiner.

At this time, the third-level intermediate weapon refiner was not refining the Xuanyang Pearl. Instead, he was sitting cross-legged on the futon with a distressed look on his face. When he saw Duan Mulei and Wu Tao walking towards the side, he immediately stood up from the futon. , said to Duanmulei: "Senior Brother Duanmu, wait a minute!"

When Duan Mulei heard this, he immediately stopped and turned to look at the third-level intermediate weapon refiner: "Junior Brother Gu, what's going on?"

Wu Tao also stopped with Duanmulei. He naturally recognized the third-level intermediate weapon refiner in the formation. The last time Senior Brother Yu Zhixin brought him to the Xuanyang Hall, the Xuanyang Pearl he was refining exploded, causing serious injuries to himself and a Jin Daoist friend next to him.

He looked at the refining station on the left side of Fellow Daoist Gu, and sure enough, he saw Fellow Daoist Jin.

In nearly three months, the two injured fellow weapon refiners had recovered from their injuries and returned to Xuanyang Hall to continue refining matters.

Fellow Daoist Gu pointed at the magic circle that enveloped his refining station, and a voice came from the magic circle: "Brother Duanmu, can you remove this magic circle?"

Hearing what Fellow Daoist Gu said, Duanmulei had not yet spoken, but Fellow Daoist Jin next to him became anxious. He quickly stood up, cupped his hands towards Duanmulei and said, "Senior Brother Duanmu, we must not withdraw."

"Senior Brother Duanmu, this formation seriously affects my refining of the Xuanyang Pearl." Fellow Daoist Gu said with a sad look on his face.

"If Senior Brother Duanmu removes this formation, it will seriously affect my refining of the Xuanyang Pearl, so I must not do it." Fellow Daoist Jin said loudly.

"You can't do it if you say you can't. You are not the person in charge of Xuanyang Hall, Senior Brother Duanmu is." Seeing that Fellow Daoist Jin always refutes him, Fellow Daoist Gu turned his head and stared at Fellow Daoist Jin with wide eyes.

Fellow Daoist Jin also immediately became more energetic and said, "If you say you want to cancel the formation, you will cancel the formation. You think you are the person in charge of Xuanyang Hall."

This formation cannot be revoked. If it is revoked, the next time Gu Daoyou refines the Xuanyang Pearl and explodes, she will be affected again as she is next to him.

He was affected three times. After each time, he told fellow Taoist Gu that he must refine the Xuanyang Pearl in a standardized manner next time and not mess around.

But Daoyou Gu said, "Next time, I'll do it next time," and the next time it happened again.

Thinking of this, fellow Taoist Jin felt like crying.

"You... are so angry with me!" Gu Daoyou had no words to retort, and had no choice but to turn around and say to Duan Mulei: "Senior Brother Duan Mulei, please, cancel this formation. In this Xuanyang Pearl Refining Hall , all fellow Taoists don’t need formations, so setting up an additional set of formations for me alone would be a waste of Xuanyang Hall’s resources.”

Duanmulei said: "Junior Brother Gu, this formation is specially set up for you. You have been refining Xuanyang Pearl in Xuanyang Hall for so many years, and there have been three Xuanyang Pearl explosion accidents, affecting fellow Taoist Jin three times. In the future, if you do not refine the Xuanyang Pearl in a standardized way, with this formation, even if the Xuanyang Pearl explodes, it will not affect fellow Daoist Jin next to you. Therefore, Junior Brother Gu, you can go there with confidence in the future. Refining the Xuanyang Pearl."

"Senior Brother Duanmu, I must strictly regulate the refining of Xuanyang Pearls so that there will be no more explosions of Xuanyang Pearls!" Seeing Duanmulei say this, Gu Daoyou also knew that the cause of the incident was his own, and his voice became three points weaker.

"That won't work. The fellow Taoist from the Formation Hall has just come to set up the formation, and then he calls someone to cancel it. They will be unhappy, so let's leave it like this for now, Junior Brother Gu!" Duanmulei waved his hand and motioned for Wu Tao to follow him. , keep walking forward.

Wu Tao followed Mulei at the top, and when he looked back, he saw fellow Taoist Gu sitting down dejectedly.

As soon as Wu Tao listened to the conversation between the three of them, he already knew something in his mind. Fellow Daoist Gu always made irregularities in refining the Xuanyang Pearl, which caused the Xuanyang Pearl to explode three times. That's why Duanmulei called the formation master from the formation hall. Set up a separate formation for him.

Even if the Xuanyang Pearl explodes again, it will not be able to break the formation and will only hurt Daoist Gu inside the formation.

In this way, that fellow Taoist Gu should be able to standardize the refining of the Xuanyang Pearl.

Just when Wu Tao was thinking, Duan Mulei said to him: "Junior Brother Gu is a rather out-of-touch person. He always feels that the refining steps of the Xuanyang Pearl can be simplified and the Xuanyang Pearl can be successfully refined. That’s why I changed the Xuanyang Pearl refining steps on my own, which resulted in three Xuanyang Pearl explosions.”

"It's okay to be injured myself, but it's unjustifiable if it affects other juniors. Therefore, I sent someone to the formation hall to call the formation master and arranged a set of formations for him."

"That formation actually doesn't just confine the explosion. It only confines the explosion within the formation. It also has a protective effect. When something explodes in the formation, the formation will emit power to protect the refining elements in the formation. The weapon master will also suppress the power of the explosion."

"In this way, the next time Junior Brother Gu tries his new method of refining Xuanyang Pearl, he will not be seriously injured, but only slightly injured."

"I told Junior Brother Li about this matter, please don't reveal it, otherwise Junior Brother Gu will continue to experiment with new methods of his own endlessly."

"Junior brother Gu has good talent, I still think highly of him."

Duan Mulei finally said this.

Wu Tao suddenly realized that this was the case. Fellow Taoist Gu actually wanted to improve the process of refining the Xuanyang Pearl. If the Xuanyang Pearl refining method was improved, not only would the refining time be shortened, but the refining difficulty would also be greatly reduced.

He originally thought that fellow Taoist Gu was innocent and was just careless and did not regulate the refining and caused the explosion.

He glanced at Duan Mulei and knew that Duan Mulei was a senior fellow who loved talents.

He immediately raised his hands and said, "Don't worry, Senior Brother Duanmu, Junior Brother will definitely keep his mouth shut and will not let anyone know about this matter."

"Hmm, of course I feel relieved about you, Junior Brother Li." Duan Mulei said with a smile.

Wu Tao thought to himself: "Brother Duanmu, you have only met me twice before you trust me. Maybe he leaked that matter to me to test my tightness. After all, refining the Xuanyang Pearl, But in order to deal with the demons in the demon world, it is a strategic resource, and it is a test to keep it secret, right?"

Thinking of this, he felt guilty and vowed to keep this matter in his heart and never tell it.

Not long after, Duanmulei walked up to a third-level intermediate weapon refiner and said, "Junior Brother Ye, let me introduce to you. This is Junior Brother Li Mo who is new to Xuanyang Hall. Junior Brother Li, this is It’s Junior Brother Ye Chaoming.”

"I've met fellow Daoist Ye." Wu Tao immediately bowed to Ye Chaoming.

Ye Chaoming also bowed his hand to Wu Tao and returned the favor: "I have met fellow Daoist Li."

Seeing the two of them greeting each other, Duanmulei said to Ye Chaoming: "Junior Brother Ye, please refine the Xuanyang Pearl now and show it to Junior Brother Li."

"Yes, Senior Brother Duanmu." Ye Chaoming handed over to Duanmu Lei, then sat down cross-legged and started refining the Xuanyang Pearl.

"Junior Brother Li, take a good look at Junior Brother Ye's refining process of the Xuanyang Pearl. When he finishes refining it, you can make the first refining of the Xuanyang Pearl." Duanmulei said to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao cupped his hands and said, "Yes, Senior Brother Duanmu."

Next, Ye Chaoming refined the Xuanyang Pearl, and Wu Tao quietly watched his refining process from the sidelines.

Two hours later.

A complete Xuanyang Pearl has been refined. Ye Chaoming held up the Xuanyang Pearl with magic power in his hand, handed the Xuanyang Pearl to Wu Tao and said: "Fellow Taoist Li Mo, please look, this is the refined Xuanyang Pearl. "

Wu Tao took the Xuanyang Pearl and checked it out. Ye Chaoming had just refined the Xuanyang Pearl according to the steps in the refining secret book. It was a very standard refining step. No wonder Duanmulei asked Ye Chaoming to give it to him. Give a demonstration of refining the Xuanyang Pearl.

This is definitely an outstanding model student.

Duan Mulei said at this time: "Junior Brother Li, you just watched Junior Brother Ye refining the Xuanyang Pearl. Do you have any questions during the process? If you have any, you can ask Junior Brother Ye now."

Wu Tao checked the Xuanyang Pearl, then handed it to Ye Chaoming, and said to Duanmulei, "Senior Brother Duanmu, there is no doubt."

When Duanmulei heard this, he said, "Then you start refining."

Ye Chaoming said to Wu Tao: "Junior Brother Li's materials for refining Xuanyang Pearl are all here. You can use them as you like." After that, he gave up the refining position.

Wu Tao nodded to him to express his thanks, then sat on the refining seat where Ye Chaoming was sitting cross-legged just now, looking at the spiritual materials for refining the Xuanyang Pearl on both sides. On the left were some spiritual materials, and on the right were the energy of Xuanyang.

He took a deep breath and began to meditate and pranayama.

After adjusting his breath, he once again described the true forbidden runes in the Xuanyang Pearl. This true forbidden rune has the functions of explosion, imprisonment, and recoil.

Seeing Wu Tao smoothly depicting the true forbidden runes of Xuanyang Pearl, Ye Chaoming nodded slightly.

Afterwards, Wu Chao started refining the Xuanyang Pearl.

He completely followed the methods and steps in the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book. It was very standardized and there was no difference.

After processing the third-level spiritual materials and refining the container containing the Xuanyang energy, the Xuanyang energy must be fused with the container and the true forbidden circuit to produce a huge explosion. It can also cause the energy of Xuanyang to explode in an instant, seriously injuring the demons in the demon world.

Two hours later.

Wu Tao held a Xuanyang Pearl in his hand, stood up from the futon, faced Duanmu Lei and Ye Chaoming and said, "Senior Brother Duanmu, Fellow Daoist Ye, please check."

Duanmulei stretched out his hand to take a shot, and the Xuanyang Pearl fell into his palm. His magic power and divine thoughts wrapped up the Xuanyang Pearl. After a moment, a smile appeared on his face and he said to Wu Tao: "Very good, Junior Brother Li is worthy of being chosen by Fellow Daoist Yu." A person who has successfully refined the Xuanyang Pearl for the first time."

Ye Chaoming stretched out his hand and said, "Senior Brother Duanmu, check it out for me."

When Wu Tao saw Duanmulei placing the Xuanyang Pearl in Ye Chaoming's hand, he smiled and said humbly to Duanmu Lei, "Senior Brother Duanmu, I followed the steps in the secret book for refining the Xuanyang Pearl. I didn't dare to make any mistakes."

Duanmulei nodded and said: "If you follow the refining steps of the Xuanyang Pearl secret book, you can successfully refine the Xuanyang Pearl without exploding. This refining secret book has been summarized and perfected by countless weapon refiners in the Refining Hall. of."

At this time, Ye Chaoming had also finished inspecting the Xuanyang Pearl refined by Wu Tao, and said with admiration: "Junior Brother Li is amazing. He succeeded in refining the Xuanyang Pearl for the first time without causing any damage to the Xuanyang Qi, True Taboo, or spiritual material properties. conflict."

"There is no need for Senior Brother Duanmu to take action."

The reason why Duanmulei was on the side was to deal with the explosion when Wu Tao refined the Xuanyang Pearl for the first time. He could take action at any time to suppress the power of the explosion without affecting anyone, including Wu Tao himself, who refined the Xuanyang Pearl.

Duanmulei said: "Junior Brother Li, from now on, you can start refining the Xuanyang Pearl in the Xuanyang Hall, at the refining station next to Junior Brother Ye."

"Yes, Senior Brother Duanmu."

Wu Tao and Ye Chaoming both surrendered to Duan Mulei.

Ye Chaoming was not unhappy because Wu Tao had just arrived and arranged to refine the Xuanyang Pearl next to him, because just now Wu Tao had already shown his talent for refining the weapon, and when he refined the Xuanyang Pearl for the first time, there was no Something went wrong and there was no explosion in the Xuanyang Pearl. This would have defeated 90% of the weapon refiners.

You must know that other refiners who refine the Xuanyang Pearl for the first time will have some problems, causing the Xuanyang Pearl to explode.

With those refining masters arranged around him, Ye Chaoming must be worried. If the refining process explodes in the future, he will also be injured.

But Wu Tao is obviously different.

After Duan Mulei left, Ye Chaoming smiled at Wu Tao and said, "Fellow Daoist Li, you can just refine the Xuanyang Pearl as you did just now. As long as you strictly regulate the refining, it will never cause the Xuanyang Pearl to explode."

Wu Tao knew what Ye Chaoming was thinking, and he immediately said solemnly to Ye Chaoming: "Don't worry, fellow Daoist Ye, I will strictly regulate the refining of the Xuanyang Pearl."

In the days to come, Wu Tao would refine Xuanyang beads in Xuanyang Hall.

Twelve days of rest are allowed per month.

With a rest of twelve days a month, it only takes four hours of refining every day.

According to the refining steps of Xuanyang Pearl, it takes two hours to refine one Xuanyang Pearl. Therefore, Wu Tao can only refine 36 Xuanyang Pearls every month.

For Wu Tao, this is a fairly easy task.

Moreover, he earned more merit than being a full lecturer at the Demon Suppressing Island and the Weapon Refining School combined.

Therefore, Wu Tao's mere task of refining the Xuanyang Pearl could satisfy his cultivation resources for both legal and physical cultivation.

He couldn't help but thank Senior Brother Yu Zhixin in his heart for giving him such a good task.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye it is nine months later.

On this day, Wu Tao was sitting cross-legged on a futon in the Spirit Gathering Array in the Bixing Island Cultivation Hall.

With a thought, three jade bottles flew out from the storage bag on his waist.

Jiuyao Fusion Anode True Skill·Third Level: (99%)

"Breaking through the fourth level of the Golden Core is today."

Wu Tao looked at the progress of the Jiuyao Fusion Anode True Skill in his personal information and couldn't help but smile.

The next moment, the smile on his face faded and his calm expression returned. Then he heard three bangs and the three jade bottles suspended in front of him exploded instantly.

Revealing the medium-level golden elixir and the fourth-level spiritual fire and spiritual water inside.

The medium golden elixir was swallowed into the abdomen, and the fourth level spiritual fire and spirit water swirled on the surface of the golden elixir in the dantian.

Jiu Yao Fusion Yang's true power was operating at full strength, and the aura on Wu Tao's body began to fluctuate.

The efficacy of the medium-level golden elixir exploded, and was successfully converted into the attribute mana belonging to the Jiuyao Fusion Yangji true skill, and was incorporated into the Dantian golden elixir. The fourth-level spiritual fire and spiritual water quickly rotated to hone the golden elixir.

The golden elixir bursts out with golden light, being tempered to become more and more pure, becoming more and more solid.

As time passed slowly, the power of the golden elixir was slowly consumed, and the fourth-level spiritual fire and spiritual water were also consumed.

At a certain moment, Wu Tao suddenly sensed the critical point of breaking through the fourth level of the golden elixir. Suddenly, he took up all the golden elixir mana and rushed towards that critical point.

The golden elixir in the dantian shook with a bang, and then the critical point of the fourth level of the golden elixir was broken. The mana in the golden elixir suddenly increased sharply, and the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts was like a tide, and the spiritual thoughts began to grow.

Wu Tao's aura grew rapidly.

He did not stop running the Jiu Yao Fusion Yang pole true skill, and continued to refine the remaining golden elixirs and fourth-level spiritual fire and spiritual water to consolidate the realm of cultivation after the breakthrough.

When the efficacy of the medium-level golden elixir was exhausted, and the fourth-level spiritual fire and water were also annihilated on the golden elixir, Wu Tao's breath finally stabilized.

He slowly opened his eyes, and there was golden light bursting out of his eyes, and there were numerous starlight reflections.

"The fourth level of the golden elixir is finally completed."

A smile appeared on Wu Tao's lips, and then he opened his personal information and checked his own data.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 83/859】

[Realm: Fourth level of golden elixir]

[Fourth level of Jiuyao Fusion Anode True Skill (0%)]

[Spell: Brief, True Technique·A Point of Invisible Sword Master (Perfect) (Golden elixir natal), Tianyan Shenren Zhenjing golden elixir stage·Fifth level (98%), Golden elixir nine refining fourth level (25%) , the fifth level of the Secret Technique of Transformation (99%), Mastery of Black Light, Smoke and Cloud Escape (83%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Master the techniques: Master of Lingxu True Fire Technique (80%), Master of the Art of Refining and Fighting (2%)

Master the prohibitions: slightly, third-level low-level true prohibitions (100%), third-level intermediate true prohibitions (100%)]

[Sub-professional ·Physical training: Zhoutianxingchen body training·Real body chapter: fourth level (38%), witchcraft and combat method to break the god·expert (10%), omitted]

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