Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon and began to practice the real skill of Jiu Yao Fusion Yang Ji.

After practicing the Jiu Yao Fusion Yang pole true skill, he began to study the jade slips of the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret manual, and continued to study it until night. He planned to practice the Zhoutianxingxing body training technique.

But this time.

The soundproof anti-peep circle in the room has a warning that someone is visiting outside the door.

Wu Tao immediately got up from the futon, opened the door, and saw a foundation-building immortal cultivator standing at the door. He was wearing the uniform robe of a second-level weapon refiner and holding a food box in his hand. After seeing Wu Tao, he immediately smiled slightly He bowed and said, "Greetings to Master Li. This disciple is here to deliver spiritual food to Master Li on the orders of Uncle Fengxuan."

The Master Uncle Feng Xuan he was talking about was Feng Xuan, the third-level low-level weapon refiner who was the general person in charge of Fanxing Island's weapon refining branch.

Wu Tao looked at the exquisite food box in the man's hand and smelled the fragrance of the spirit animal meat inside, but he said: "No, I have already taken the Bigu Pill. There is no need to send spiritual food to me in the future."

Hearing what Wu Tao said, the foundation-building immortal cultivator bowed and accepted the order: "Yes, Master Li, the disciple will report the truth to Master Feng Xuan."

The foundation-building disciple would not refute the words of a third-level intermediate weapon refiner.

After sending away the foundation-building disciple, Wu Tao returned to the room and began to practice the Zhoutianxingchen physical exercise.

When he arrived at Jindan, Wu Tao rarely ate or anything. It's not that he stopped eating at all. He still ate, but he just wouldn't eat what others cooked.

For ten days in a row, no one bothered Wu Tao.

For the past ten days, Wu Tao has been practicing in his room.

On this day, after Yu Zhixin finished practicing, he went out to get some fresh air and take a walk. When he walked past Wu Tao's room door and saw the retreat training reminder sign hanging on the door, he thought to himself: "Junior brother Li is practicing really hard. No wonder he can be promoted to the third level intermediate weapon refiner at such a young age."

Yu Zhixin would go out every day, combining work and rest. Every time he went out, he would see Wu Tao practicing in his room, practicing for ten days in a row without taking him out. He sincerely admired Wu Tao's perseverance.

"It is estimated that Junior Brother Li will continue to practice in seclusion. That's fine. Anyway, nothing will happen. When all the casual cultivating weapon masters in the Star Sea Region gather on Fanxing Island and start testing the bone age and assessing the weapon refining, we will inform Junior Brother Li. Yes." With this thought in mind, Yu Zhixin passed by Wu Tao's door and went out for a walk.

In the blink of an eye, it was half a month later.

Just as Yu Zhixin guessed, in the past half month, Wu Tao still hadn't stepped out of the room and was practicing in the room.

On this day, Feng Xuan came to see Yu Zhixin.

"Junior Brother Feng, how is the progress?" Yu Zhixin looked at Feng Xuan and asked.

Feng Xuan cupped his hands towards Yu Zhixin and said, "Senior Brother Yu, I'm just about to report to you."

Yu Zhixin nodded and motioned for him to continue.

Feng Xuan said: "Senior Brother Yu, after this month, all qualified third-level weapon refiners in the Star Sea Area have come to Fanxing Island. Of course, there are also third-level weapon refiners who do not meet the requirements. I want to Give it a try.”

After all, this is the Star Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall's recruitment of artillery masters. For this opportunity, even if they know that they do not meet the conditions, these casual art weapon masters want to give it a try. In case everyone is not qualified, then in the event that they do not meet the requirements Choose, choose yourself?

Feng Xuan also knows the thoughts of these casual cultivators.

"Senior Brother Yu, Junior Brother will ask the people from the Weapon Refining Branch to screen them first, and then ask Senior Brother Yu and Senior Brother Li to assess and test the remaining ones that meet the requirements."

Yu Zhixin nodded and said: "Okay, Junior Brother Feng, then you can screen them first. After screening, come back and let me know."

Feng Xuan came here this time to report on the progress. After finishing the report, he said goodbye and continued to work.

Feng Xuan left Yu Zhixin's residence and passed by Wu Tao's residence. He glanced at the closed door, shook his head and thought to himself: "This Senior Brother Li is really a cultivation maniac. However, this Senior Brother Li is also a casual cultivation weapon master. He was born in Fanxing Island and was recruited..."

Feng Xuan was transferred to Fanxing Island in recent years. He was not responsible for the matter of Senior Brother Li Mo passing the examination on Fanxing Island at that time, so he was not clear about Senior Brother Li's examination process.

But being able to be promoted to the third level intermediate weapon refiner in such a short period of time was something Feng Xuan admired greatly.

Thinking like this, Feng Xuan left quickly.

Seven days later, Feng Xuan had already conducted a preliminary screening of the third-level casual weapon masters who came for the assessment, retained the qualified third-level weapon masters, and came to report to Yu Zhixin.

"Senior Brother Yu, the preliminary screening has been completed, and there are still thirty-six third-level low-level casual cultivation weapon masters."

"These thirty-six third-level low-level casual cultivator masters will have to trouble Senior Brother Yu and Senior Brother Li to conduct tests and assessments." Feng Xuan said to Yu Zhixin.

Yu Zhixin nodded and said: "Okay, there are more than last time. You inform them that the assessment test will be conducted tomorrow."

"Yes, Senior Brother Yu." Feng Xuan left and issued a notice to those qualified casual cultivation weapon masters.

Yu Zhixin took out the summons token from the storage bag on his waist and summoned Wu Tao to come to his room.

Wu Tao, who was practicing, sensed the movement of the storage bag on his waist, and immediately stopped studying the jade slips of the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book. With a movement of his mind, the communication token appeared in his hand, and he read it with his mind.

"It's Senior Brother Yu who has summoned me. It seems that other things have been completed by the Weapon Refining Branch. It's time for Senior Brother Yu and I to start the test and assessment." Guessing it instantly, Wu Tao got up from the futon, walked out of the room, and walked towards where Yu Zhixin was. Go to your accommodation.

In fact, they are all in the same courtyard, only ten minutes away.

Ten minutes later, Wu Tao stood at the door of Yu Zhixin's residence, cupped his hands and shouted, "Senior Brother Yu, I'm here."

The next second, the door opened, and Yu Zhixin revealed himself and said to Wu Tao: "Junior Brother Li, come in and talk."

Wu Tao entered, and then sat down opposite Yu Zhixin on the tea table.

Yu Zhixin said: "Junior Brother Li, how have you been studying the Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets in the past month or so?"

Wu Tao said: "After the mission here is completed, before returning to the Immortal Palace, I should be able to thoroughly understand the secret book of Xuanyang Pearl refining.

In fact, he will be able to thoroughly understand the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book in a day or two.

"Not bad." Yu Zhixin nodded.

Wu Tao asked: "Senior Brother Yu, are the bone age test and weapon refining assessment about to begin?"

Yu Zhixin nodded and said, "Start tomorrow."


the next day.

Under the leadership of Feng Xuan, Wu Tao and Yu Zhixin came to a main hall of the Weapon Refining Hall branch.

After entering, he saw a third-level low-level casual cultivator standing in the main hall.

Wu Tao's eyes fell on these casual cultivators, and he suddenly saw himself yesterday. At that time, he and Qian Chang were standing in this hall, waiting for Yu Zhixin's bone age test.

As soon as Wu Tao and Yu Zhixin came in, these third-level low-level casual weapon masters turned their attention to them.

Through the uniform robes of the third-level weapon refiners of the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall and the true fire symbols on their chests, one can know that these two are the third-level senior weapon refiner and the third-level intermediate level of the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall. A weapon refiner.

It is responsible for recruiting them and assessing their existence.

Feng Xuan's eyes fell on the thirty-six third-level low-level weapon refiners. He first introduced Yu Zhixin and said: "This is senior brother Yu Zhixin, a third-level high-level weapon refiner who came from the Immortal Palace Weapon Refining Hall."

"Greetings to Senior Brother Yu." All the casual cultivating weapon masters immediately saluted Yu Zhixin. Although they have not joined the Immortal Palace Weapon Refining Hall, it is okay to call them Senior Brother.

After Feng Xuan introduced Yu Zhixin, he began to introduce Wu Tao: "This is Senior Brother Li Moli, a third-level intermediate weapon refiner from the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall."

"Greetings to Senior Brother Li." All the third-level low-level casual weapon masters bowed to Wu Tao again.

Feng Xuan smiled and said: "Everyone, I forgot to tell you that Senior Brother Li Mo, like you, is also a practicing weapon master."

After hearing Feng Xuan's words, all the practicing weapon masters present looked at Wu Tao, and their eyes seemed to be more cordial. Of course, there is also a hint of envy in this kind of intimacy.

Wu Tao showed a smile on his face and said to the third-level low-level casual weapon refining masters present: "Juniors, next, senior brother Yu will conduct a bone age test on you. This time, the Immortal Palace Refining Hall will recruit three weapon refining masters. I hope to work with all the junior brothers here in the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall."

After Wu Tao finished speaking, Yu Zhixin said: "Junior brother Feng Xuan, let's start the bone age test according to the list."

After Yu Zhixin said this, he touched the storage bag on his waist with his right hand, and the magic jade plate used to test Wu Tao's bone age that day appeared in his hand.

He said: "Wait a minute, when Junior Brother Feng Xuan reads his name, come forward and put your palms on the jade plate."

When Feng Xuan saw Yu Zhixin signaling him, he immediately nodded, took out a list, and started reading the names.


When Feng Xuan read his name, the third-level low-level Sanjuan weapon master, Cheng Lu, immediately stepped forward and came to Yu Zhixin. He looked at the magic jade plate and put his palm on the jade plate slightly nervously. The jade plate suddenly shone brightly. Sheng.

Wu Tao was standing next to Yu Zhixin and could see the numbers on the jade plate. When he looked at it, it showed the three numbers "186".

It means that this third-level low-level casual cultivation weapon master is 186 years old this year.

As soon as this bone age number was revealed, the expression of the third-level low-level powder cultivator named Cheng Lu immediately changed and turned gloomy.

"Unqualified, next one." Yu Zhixin said calmly.

The recruitment of casual cultivating weapon masters this time is even more stringent than Wu Tao's time, and the bone age cannot exceed 180.

It is very difficult for casual cultivators to reach the golden elixir stage at the age of 180 and be promoted to the third level of low-level weapon refiner.

But it is difficult to return, but it is still there.

Wu Tao stood next to Yu Zhixin and watched as a third-level low-level physical cultivation weapon master came forward to test the bone age. Those who passed the bone age test could see the joy on their faces, and those who failed to pass the bone age and were eliminated could also see the joy on their faces. See the look of disappointment on their faces.

As a casual cultivator, it is the dream of every casual cultivator to join a top-level immortal sect like the Star Palace.

Because it is easy to enjoy the shade with a big tree at your back.

Time passed slowly.

Finally, the bone age test of all these third-level low-level physical weapon masters was completed. Only twelve third-level low-level physical weapon masters passed, and the rest were eliminated, 2/3 of them were eliminated.

"Congratulations to all fellow Taoists for passing the bone age test. The next step is the weapon refining assessment test." Yu Zhixin put away the magic jade plate and said to the 12 third-level low-level weapon masters below.

When the 12 third-level low-level weapon masters below heard this, they all showed joy on their faces.

Yu Zhixin said: "Next, I ask you all to follow me to the Weapon Refining Hall to start the Weapon Refining Assessment."

Afterwards, Yu Zhixin, Wu Tao, Feng Xuan and the 12 third-level low-level casual weapon masters went to the weapon refining hall.

First, let the 12 third-level low-level casual weapon masters report the real weapons they need to refine, and the weapon refining branch will prepare the third-level spiritual materials.

Half an hour later, all preparations were in place.

Yu Zhixin said to Wu Tao: "Junior brother Li, you are in charge of six people, and I am in charge of six people."

Wu Tao nodded: "Okay, Senior Brother Yu,"

Three hours later.

The weapon refining assessment is finally over.

The 12 third-level low-level casual weapon masters all stood nervously in the weapon refining hall waiting for their assessment results. They didn't know whether they had passed the assessment and were favored by the Star Immortal Palace weapon refining hall.

In another hall, Wu Tao and Yu Zhixin were comparing the real weapons refined by 12 third-level low-level casual weapon masters and evaluating their real weapon refining process. The entire refining process was recorded by the formation. , you can check again.

"Junior Brother Li, which three do you think should be kept?" Yu Zhixin asked Wu Tao.

Wu Tao thought for a moment, and then said: "Based on the comprehensive evaluation from the two aspects of bone age test and weapon refining assessment, I think Feng Liang, Sun Miao, and Qiu Zhiming are good."

When Yu Zhixin heard these three names, he immediately showed a smile on his face and said: "Junior Brother Li has a vicious eye, just like I thought. Okay, then let's keep these three people. Junior Brother Li, you will announce the list of approved ones."

Wu Tao nodded, then followed Yu Zhixin out of the hall and came to the weapon refining hall, looking at the twelve casual weapon refining masters.

Seeing Wu Tao, these twelve third-level low-level casual weapon masters all looked at Wu Tao expectantly, nervously, and anxiously.

Wu Tao took their complicated facial expressions into his eyes and said calmly: "Fellow Taoists, you have come from all over the Star Sea to Fanxing Island to take part in the weapon refining master examination of the Immortal Palace's weapon refining hall. Next, I will announce that you have passed. Junior brother who takes the weapon refiner examination."

"Feng Liang, Sun Miao, and Qiu Zhiming, congratulations to the three junior brothers for successfully passing the bone age test and the weapon refining assessment of the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall and becoming the third-level low-level guest weapon refiner of our Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall."

Following Wu Tao's announcement, Feng Liang, Sun Miao, and Qiu Zhiming looked ecstatic. The other weapon refiners had a look of defeat on their faces.

After the announcement, Wu Tao looked at Yu Zhixin beside him and asked in a low voice: "Senior Brother Yu, when will we return to the Immortal Palace?"

Yu Zhixin said: "I will return to the Immortal Palace tomorrow."

After Wu Tao got the answer, he informed Feng Liang, Sun Miao, and Qiu Zhiming, asking them to come to the weapon refining branch tomorrow and return to the Immortal Palace weapon refining hall with them.

the next day.

The magic ship set off back to the Immortal Palace. This time, they brought back three third-level low-level casual weapon masters, completing the task of recruiting casual weapon masters in the Immortal Palace Weapon Refining Hall.

It would take five days to return to the Immortal Palace, and Wu Tao spent these five days practicing in the room on the Dharma boat.

Return to Asgard.

Yu Zhixin said to Wu Tao: "Junior brother Li, have you thoroughly understood the secret manual of refining the Xuanyang Pearl?"

Wu Tao nodded and said: "Senior Brother Huiyu, I already realized it yesterday!"

Yu Zhixin said with a smile: "Okay, then you don't have to follow me to settle them. You can go to the Publicity Hall and report to fellow Taoist Duanmu!"

"Yes, Senior Brother Yu." Wu Tao said goodbye to Yu Zhixin immediately, and Yu Zhixin took Feng Liang and the other three to the Affairs Hall.

Wu Tao sent Ji Yunzhou to the Lingmai Island where the Artifact Refining Hall was located, and then went directly to the Xuanyang Hall to see Duanmulei.

Entering Xuanyang Hall, I met Duan Mulei.

"Senior Brother Duanmu, I have completed the study of the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book." Wu Tao said to Duanmu Lei.

Duanmulei nodded and said, "Okay."

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