Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 612 Temporary Tasks (Please subscribe)

In response to Wu Tao's thanks, Yu Zhixin just smiled and said nothing.

After a while.

Duan Mulei came out of the inner hall, came to Wu Tao, stretched out his hand, and a jade slip floated up, and said to Wu Tao: "Junior Brother Li, this is the jade slip of the Xuanyang Pearl Refining Secret Manual."

"Take it and understand it carefully. When you understand it thoroughly, come back to me here and I will arrange the refining matters for you."

Duanmulei said, and the jade slip floated towards Wu Tao.

Wu Tao reached out and took the secret book of Xuanyang Pearl Refining Jade Slip, nodded and said: "I understand, Senior Brother Duanmu."

Then, he asked: "Senior Brother Duanmu, do you want to come to Xuanyang Hall to study the Xuanyang Pearl and Jade Slips?"

Duanmulei said: "That's not necessary. You can just go back to your own Golden Core Island to study. After you finish studying, come to Xuanyang Hall."

Wu Tao expressed his understanding, and then asked: "I wonder how long it takes to achieve enlightenment?"

"According to the general comprehension speed of a third-level intermediate weapon refiner, it will take at most three months to comprehend the jade slips of Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets. Junior Brother Li is no exception, just three months. Of course, if Li It would be best if my junior brother can understand it thoroughly early, but you can come to Xuanyang Hall to find me early and refine the Xuanyang Pearl as soon as possible, so that you can earn more merits earlier." Duanmulei said.

Wu Tao nodded to show that he understood, and then Duan Mulei told Wu Tao some details. Finally, Duan Mulei said: "Okay, Junior Brother Li, you can go back."

"Yes, Senior Brother Duanmu!" Wu Tao slightly cupped his hands, then looked at Yu Zhixin, who nodded towards him.

Yu Zhixin said to Duan Mulei: "Fellow Taoist Duanmu, I still have some things to deal with over there. I'll come and have tea and chat with Taoist Duanmu next time."

Duanmulei waved his hand to express that he would not give it away.

Yu Zhixin looked at Wu Tao, and Wu Tao and Yu Zhixin immediately left Duan Mulei's office.

After coming out of Duanmulei's office, the two continued to the office of Yu Zhixin, the weapon refining hall. Walking on the corridor, Yu Zhixin said to Wu Tao: "Although the Jade Slips of the Xuanyang Pearl refining secrets can be understood on their own Golden Elixir Island. , but if you encounter any problems, you can also come to Xuanyang Hall and ask the masters who refine Xuanyang Pearl here, or ask fellow Taoist Duanmu."

"Thank you, Senior Brother Yu, for the tip." Wu Tao slightly handed over to Yu Zhixin. Yu Zhixin was extremely concerned about him in this Xuanyang Pearl refining task.

Not long after.

Yu Zhixin's office is just around the corner in front. Yu Zhixin said: "Junior Brother Li, you should go back to your own Golden Core Island first and quickly study the Jade Slip, the secret manual of Xuanyang Pearl Refining."

"Yes, Senior Brother Yu takes his leave." Wu Tao bowed his hands and said goodbye.

Returning to Bixing Island, Wu Tao immediately entered the training hall, sat on the futon, and with a thought, the Xuanyang Pearl-refined jade appeared in his hand.

This is a red jade slip with forbidden lines on it. Wu Tao is very familiar with these forbidden lines.

This kind of prohibition pattern is related to the sect-protecting formation of Xingchen Immortal Palace. If the jade slip leaves the sect-protecting formation, the restriction above will be triggered, and the jade slip will self-destruct.

Many of the important jade slips of the Xingchen Immortal Palace have this kind of forbidden pattern, which is to prevent Immortal Palace disciples from secretly taking important techniques and important secrets out of the Xingchen Immortal Palace and falling into the hands of the enemy.

All major immortal sects have certain means to protect their sect's secrets and techniques.

This is why it is difficult for casual cultivators to obtain the inherited techniques of the Immortal Dao sect.

"Enlighten it!"

Wu Tao thought in his heart, and the Xuanyang Pearl Refining Jade Simple immediately floated up and automatically stuck to his forehead. Then his spiritual thoughts penetrated and began to study the secret book of Xuanyang Pearl Refining.

In the days to come, in addition to not falling behind in his daily practice, he also set aside a fixed time to study the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book, because he has not officially started to enter the Xuanyang Hall to refine the Xuanyang Pearl, and The merit of refining Xuanyang Pearl cannot be obtained.

Therefore, during the three months of enlightenment, he still lacked merit.

However, he can still persist for three months, and it is impossible that he does not have sufficient training resources.

"With my talent for refining weapons, as shown in the eyes of Senior Brother Yu and others, it can be considered a normal performance for me to have thoroughly mastered the process of refining jade slips with Xuanyang Pearls in two months."

With this decision made, Wu Tao decided to shorten the time of studying the Xuanyang Pearl and refining the jade slips.

Wu Tao originally thought that he would quietly comprehend for two months, then thoroughly comprehend the jade slips refining the Xuanyang Pearl, go to the Xuanyang Hall to meet Duan Mulei, and then start refining the Xuanyang Pearl in the Xuanyang Hall.

But only 10 days later, Yu Zhixin summoned him and asked him to go to his office.

Wu Tao immediately stopped studying the Xuanyang Pearl refining jade slips, and with a movement of his body, he was already in the sky above the cave palace.

A stream of light flew out of the storage bag, turned into a Jiyunzhou, and landed at his feet. In the next moment, Wu Tao made the Jiyunzhou leave Bixing Island and fly towards the weapon refining hall in the central sea area.

Soon arriving at the Refining Hall, Wu Tao went straight to Yu Zhixin's office and met Yu Zhixin.

"Senior Brother Yu, are you looking for me?" Wu Tao handed over to Yu Zhixin.

Yu Zhixin nodded and said: "Yes, Junior Brother Li, I came to you this time because there is a temporary task assigned to the Artifact Refining Hall, and you are currently just understanding the process of refining the Xuanyang Pearl, so it will not be too delayed. , I simply arrange for you to complete this temporary task with me."

Wu Tao heard this and asked, "Senior Brother Yu, I wonder what kind of temporary mission this is?"

Yu Zhixin said: "The Weapon Refining Hall is planning to recruit three more casual weapon masters into the Immortal Palace Weapon Refining Hall, and the recruitment location is still on Fanxing Island.

Junior Brother Li, you were also recruited by me at Fanxing Island, so you should be familiar with the process. Therefore, this time, Junior Brother Li, please go with me. "

"We will set off tomorrow and come back in two months. On the way, Junior Brother Li, you can continue to study the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book. When you arrive at the Fanxing Island refining branch, the refining master there will be responsible for some things. We just need to Just come forward to test their bone age and evaluate the weapon refining process."

After Wu Tao listened to Yu Zhixin's words, just as Yu Zhixin said, this task would indeed not delay his time to study the secret book of Xuanyang Pearl refining. Moreover, this kind of task is very easy and can earn merits. Yu Zhixin can consider him because he can earn more merits. For his sake, he will not reject it ignorantly.

So, Wu Tao said: "Okay, then I will accompany Senior Brother Yu to Fanxing Island. However, the jade slips that Senior Brother Duanmu gave me for refining the Xuanyang Pearl are restricted and cannot be taken out of the Immortal Palace."

Yu Zhixin spoke and said: "Bring me the jade slips and I will help you fix them."

Wu Tao took out the jade slip and gave it to Yu Zhixin. Yu Zhixin took it and said: "At the beginning of the morning tomorrow, you come to the weapon refining hall and we will set off on the Dharma boat together."

Wu Tao expressed his understanding.

Afterwards, there was nothing else to do, and Wu Tao left Yu Zhixin's office and returned to Bixing Island.

After returning to Bixing Island.

Wang Sheng came to ask for an audience.

"Wang Sheng, what's the matter?" Wu Tao asked Wang Sheng, who was bowing below.

Wang Sheng bowed and said respectfully: "Back to the island owner, Zhenren Pi and Zhenren Tang have returned to the Immortal Palace. They sent people over to invite the island owner to go to Zhenren Tang's Golden Core Island to reminisce about the past.

"Oh, they are back?" Wu Tao's heart moved. After he returned to Xingchen Palace, he visited friends everywhere. Naturally, he would not forget Pi Baibai and Tang Jingquan. But when he went to their Golden Core Island, he found that they were not there. After asking around, I found out that the two of them had accepted the mission from the mission hall and went to do the mission.

Now that they were back, they found out about Wu Tao's return to Xingchen Immortal Palace, so they immediately sent someone to ask Wu Tao to come over and talk about it.

Wu Tao looked at Wang Sheng and said, "Okay, I understand. You go down and do your own thing first."

After Wang Sheng left.

Wu Tao thought to himself: "We are just going to Fanxing Island, so we don't need to make any extra preparations. It just so happens that we will go to Taoist Fellow Tang's Golden Core Island today to talk to the two fellow Taoists."

Thinking of this, he immediately set off for Tang Jingquan's Golden Core Island.

Soon, Jiyunzhou landed on Tang Jingquan's Golden Core Island and met Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai.

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Li for being promoted to the third level intermediate weapon refiner." Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai looked at Wu Tao and congratulated him.

Wu Tao was humble, and then said: "The two fellow Taoists came back in time. If they had come back one day later, I would not be in the Immortal Palace anymore."

"Oh, Fellow Daoist Li has just been promoted to the third-level intermediate weapon refiner. He has returned from the border island. Is it possible that he has to be sent to other places again, instead of staying in the Immortal Palace's weapon refinement hall for some training?" Tang Jingquan asked in confusion after hearing this.

Wu Tao explained: "I have a temporary mission. I went out with Senior Brother Yu for about two months."

"I see."


Tang Jingquan invited Wu Tao into the teahouse. The three of them were drinking spiritual tea and eating spiritual fruits in the tea room while chatting.

As Tang Jingyu's younger brother, Tang Jingquan's exposure was naturally much higher than that of Wu Tao.

So this time Wu Tao heard a lot about the true circle from Tang Jingquan.

For example.

Some time ago, three dozen immortal palace chief true disciples met.

Tang Jingquan said that they almost got into a fight during that meeting, but they didn't. Anyway, they were very nervous and looking forward to it.

"I think that in a fight, Jiao Ming of Huiyue Immortal Palace will definitely not be the opponent of Chief Cui and Zhong Juyang of Sun Immortal Palace. After all, Jiao Ming has just been promoted to the True Monarch of Nascent Soul." Pi Baibai commented like this, as if He himself is already in the Nascent Soul stage.

Tang Jingquan said: "I agree with Junior Brother Pi, but since Jiao Ming can advance to the Nascent Soul stage, his strength is naturally not weak. I think Chief Cui and Zhong Juyang may have to work hard to defeat Jiao Ming."

Wu Tao also has a certain understanding of Cui Qing and Zhong Juyang. After all, he has heard a lot about the two of them in the Star Palace for so many years.

The two of them were already Nascent Soul Qi when they were promoted to Chief True Inheritance. After sitting in the position of Chief True Inheritance for so many years, they are probably even more powerful.

However, according to the information obtained from the outside world, Cui Qing and Zhong Juyang are still at the first level of Nascent Soul.

Wu Tao was doubtful about this, so he asked Tang Jingquan: "Fellow Taoist Tang, Chief Cui and Chief Zhong of Sun Immortal Palace have been sitting in the position of chief true disciple for so many years, why are they still at the first level of Nascent Soul? Is it possible that the two of them concealed their true identity?" Cultivation?"

Tang Jingquan heard the words, pondered for a moment, and then said: "Hide your own cultivation?! It shouldn't be the case. They are also considered to have high positions in the Immortal Palace, and they are in the Nascent Soul stage. They cannot transform into gods, and they are already the highest in the Immortal Dao. Moreover, the higher their cultivation level, the greater the power they gain and the more cultivation resources they obtain. If they conceal their cultivation level, the gains outweigh the losses."

"As for why I am still stuck at the first level of Yuanying after so many years, it is because the cultivation in the Yuanying stage is more difficult. For example, in the Qi refining stage, you can break through to the first level in three or four years, but in the golden elixir stage, it may take more than ten It takes years to break through to the first level. Fellow Daoist Li, if you think about the Nascent Soul stage, the True Lord of the Nascent Soul has a lifespan of a thousand years, and there are many people who can break through to the first level in a hundred years."

After listening to Tang Jingquan's analysis, Wu Tao agreed with the second point and said, "Fellow Taoist Tang is right. The further you go in practice, the more time it will take."

Next, the three of them continued chatting all over the world.

While chatting, we talked about the three palace masters of the three major immortal palaces, the three palace masters of the Three dozen Immortal Palaces, the Star Palace and the Sun Palace both have male palace owners, but only the Huiyue Palace has a female palace owner.

It is very remarkable for a female cultivator to sit in the position of the master of the first palace of the top sect in the world of star cultivation.

"I heard from the seniors in the sect that at that time, the palace master of the Star Palace and the palace master of the Sun Palace jointly pursued the palace master of the Huiyue Palace..." Pi Baibai said gossiping.

Tang Jingquan nodded and said: "Yes, there are rumors in the Three Immortal Palaces about this. It is said that our palace master's generation at that time was the three of them with the most talented people. The three of them together became the true chiefs of their respective Immortal Palaces, and together they were on the boundary wall. Having fought against the demons in the demon world on the battlefield, a proud woman like the Palace Master of the Huiyue Immortal Palace is incomparable to anyone. Naturally, she has won the admiration of countless geniuses. This is normal. And we, the Palace Master of the Stars Immortal Palace and the Palace Master of the Sun Immortal Palace , as the top genius, I naturally feel that I am confident that I can take the master of Huiyue Immortal Palace into my arms."

"This seems to be a competition between the two palace masters."

"But they all failed!" Pi Baibai laughed.

Tang Jingquan said: "How can a person like the master of Huiyue Immortal Palace be easily swayed by emotions? This person is so powerful, and his promotion to the God of Transformation is a certainty... The love between children is like a floating cloud in front of such a person. "

Wu Tao heard the two gossips about the three palace masters of the Immortal Palace, and couldn't help but marvel at the palace master of the Huiyue Immortal Palace. He wondered if such talented people were like what Tang Pi and the two said.

After an hour, Wu Tao said goodbye and left.

Returning to Bixing Island, Wu Tao went directly to the training hall and continued to practice, waiting for the next day to arrive before setting off with senior brother Yu Zhixin to Fanxing Island.

The next day, when it was just dawn, Wu Tao stopped practicing and went to the Central Sea Weapon Refining Hall.

As soon as they arrived at the dock of the island where the Weapon Refining Hall was located, they saw that a Dharma boat had been moored and seemed to be ready to set off at any time.

Wu Tao's spiritual mind was slightly explored, and he sensed Yu Zhixin on the Dharma boat. He immediately made Jiyunzhou land on the bow of the Dharma boat.

"Senior Brother Yu, you're not too late!" Wu Tao bowed his hand to Yu Zhixin.

Yu Zhixin said: "It's not too late. It will take a moment for the Dharma Ship to open. This is the jade slip of the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret. The restrictions on the jade slip have been changed, but you can't take ten steps away from your body, otherwise it will self-destruct."

As he spoke, he handed a jade slip to Wu Tao. Wu Tao took it and said, "I understand, Senior Brother Yu."

Sure enough, after a while, the Dharma Ship was officially launched. Yu Zhixin said to Wu Tao: "It will take five days to reach Fanxing Island. Junior Brother Li, you can find a room by yourself and learn the secret book of Xuanyang Pearl refining."

"Senior Brother Yu, I'll go first." Wu Tao said goodbye to Yu Zhixin.

Yu Zhixin nodded.

Wu Tao found a room at random, closed it, turned on the soundproofing and anti-peep formation, took out the Xuanyang beads to refine the jade slips, and began to meditate.

Three days passed slowly.

Suddenly, Wu Tao, who was meditating, sensed that there seemed to be fluctuations in the fighting on the way forward of the Dharma boat.

He immediately moved and left the room, came to the bow deck, and stood in front of Yu Zhixin.

On the other side of Yu Zhixin, there is also a late Jindan cultivator, who is the Jindan master who protects Yu Zhixin and Wu Tao on this trip.

"There are casual cultivators fighting in front!" said the late-stage Jindan cultivator.

Yu Zhixin frowned slightly and said: "The way ahead is the only way for the Dharma ship to pass. Fellow Daoist Qi, go and ask them to suspend the fight and let us go over and talk."

Yu Zhixin's confidence in saying this was naturally because he was born in the Xingchen Immortal Palace, the top sect in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm.

If the casual cultivators have any grievances or fights, they must put them aside first and let the Dharma Ship of the Star Palace pass by first, and then resolve their grievances.

The late Qi Jindan nodded when he heard the words, and with a movement of his body, he turned into a stream of light and flew forward.

After a short while, the atmosphere of the fighting in front of them dissipated. Apparently, the two waves of fighting monks stopped fighting for the sake of the Xingchen Immortal Palace.

Wu Tao was not surprised.

If he were a casual cultivator in Dou Fa, he would do the same thing and would never offend the cultivators of Xingchen Immortal Palace.

Unless it comes to personal bottom line issues.

Jin Dan, surnamed Qi, came back later and said to Yu Zhixin: "It's the casual cultivator families from the two nearby spiritual islands who are fighting for the sea monster beast. However, as soon as I reported my name to the Immortal Palace, they understood and immediately stopped fighting. .”

Yu Zhixin nodded, and then the Dharma boat continued to start and marched towards the sea ahead. Soon they arrived at the place where the Dharma fight was taking place. Wu Tao looked at the waters on both sides and saw golden elixir cultivators standing on the two Dharma boats. Seeing Wu Tao and the others standing on the Dharma boat, the Jindan cultivators on both sides bowed their hands slightly to show their respect.

The Dharma boat soon sailed away, and as soon as it was far away, the aura of fighting was emitted from behind.

However, neither Wu Tao nor Yu Zhixin care about this.

Wu Tao continued to return to his room to practice.

Two more days later, Fanxing Island finally arrived. The Dharma boat stopped at the wharf area of ​​Fanxing Island. The Xingxingxingxingxingxingxian cultivator on the Dharma boat went to the Fanxing Island Artifact Refining Hall branch together with Yu Zhixin and Wu Tao.

When I came to the Fanxing Island Weapon Refining Hall branch, I met the person in charge here, who was a third-level low-level Weapon Refining Master.

"Greetings to Senior Brother Yu and Senior Brother Li." The person in charge bowed his hands to Yu Zhixin and Wu Tao.

Yu Zhixin looked at the other party and asked: "Has the news about Immortal Palace's recruitment of casual weapon masters been distributed? How many people have signed up now?"

"Returning to Senior Brother Yu, after receiving the message from Senior Brother Yu, he has already disseminated the news. The islands within the entire Star Sea area have received it, but now only the weapon refiners from the nearby islands have rushed over. The others The further islands will take some time”

Yu Zhixin nodded and said: "I will leave these matters to you. Once all the qualified casual cultivator masters are gathered, Junior Brother Li and I will conduct the assessment test."

"Yes, Senior Brother Yu." The person in charge said respectfully, and then said: "Senior Brother Yu, Senior Brother Li, I have arranged accommodation for the two senior brothers. Please rest first."

Yu Zhixin nodded and said to Wu Tao: "Let's go, Junior Brother Li, let's go rest first."

"Okay, Senior Brother Yu," Wu Tao said.

When he came to Fanxing Island, Yu Zhixin was the main one, and Wu Tao was just here to assist Yu Zhixin, as his assistant. Therefore, Yu Zhixin said whatever he said, and he followed Yu Zhixin's arrangements.

Soon, Wu Tao arrived at the residence arranged by the Fanxing Island Artifact Refining Branch. The residence was very nice, and he started practicing immediately.

This task is indeed very simple.

On the Dharma boat, Wu Tao can practice. Wu Tao can also practice when he comes to Fanxing Island. He only needs to go out to test the bone age of the Xiasan weapon master and assess the weapon refining process.



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