Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 611 Test, eye-catching (please subscribe)

Wu Tao actually listened to all Yu Zhixin's words, and did not focus all his attention on Gu Daoyou, the third-level intermediate weapon refiner who caused the Xuanyang Pearl to explode due to irregularities in the process of refining the Xuanyang Pearl.

Fellow Taoist Gu's breath was weak, and his whole body was seriously injured by the explosion of the Xuanyang Pearl. It seems to be quite serious, and it feels like it will take two to three months of treatment to fully recover.

It seems to be a very risky task. I wonder if Senior Brother Yu can be asked to change the task.

Therefore, Wu Tao turned his head, looked at Yu Zhixin and said, "That Gu Daoyou seems to be seriously injured."

Yu Zhixin patted Wu Tao's shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Junior Brother Li. An alchemist from the alchemy hall will refine the healing elixir for him. He will be cured in two to three months. As long as his foundation is not damaged, there won't be much of a problem."

Wu Tao didn't know what to say, so he had to ask: "Senior Brother Yu, is the explosion damage from Xianxuan Yangzhu so serious?"

Yu Zhixin nodded and said: "If the Xuanyang Pearl is not powerful enough, how can it hurt the demons in the demon world? Don't worry, Junior Brother Li, as long as the Xuanyang Pearl is refined in a standardized manner, the Xuanyang Pearl will not explode and will not hurt you. .”

"As long as the Xuanyang Pearl is refined in a standardized manner, there will be no injuries?" Wu Tao asked with some uncertainty.

Yu Zhixin nodded solemnly and assured: "Yes, as long as the Xuanyang Pearl is refined in a standardized manner, you will definitely not be injured."

Wu Tao was doubtful and was about to follow Yu Zhixin into the refining hall. Suddenly, another third-level intermediate weapon refiner came out supporting a seriously injured third-level intermediate weapon refiner.

The seriously injured third-level intermediate weapon refiner was the same as the fellow Taoist Gu in front. His defensive robes were in tatters, his whole body was covered in explosion damage, and his breath was sluggish.

Seeing such an injured third-level intermediate weapon refining master appear again, Wu Tao felt bad.

"Fellow Taoist, what is this?" Wu Tao asked, wondering if it had only exploded once? Why were there two injured?

The weapon refiner who was supporting the injured third-level intermediate weapon refiner did not know Wu Tao, but he knew Yu Zhixin. When he saw Yu Zhixin, he quickly said: "It turns out to be Senior Brother Yu. Senior Brother Yu is leading this fellow Taoist. Have you come to the Xuanyang Hall to report? Senior Brother Yu, please take this fellow Taoist to report. I want to send fellow Taoist Jin to the Alchemy Hall to find an alchemist to refine elixirs for healing. Just now, I have noticed that the process of refining the Xuanyang Pearl was irregular. , causing the Xuanyang Pearl to explode, and Fellow Daoist Jin was refining it right next to Fellow Daoist Gu, so it was affected."

Having said this, the third-level intermediate weapon refiner helped the seriously injured fellow Daoist Jin and left.

Wu Tao watched the two people leave, then turned to look at Yu Zhixin, who was a little speechless, and asked: "Brother Yu, didn't you say that if you refine the Xuanyang Pearl in a standardized way, you won't be seriously injured? Then this fellow Taoist Jin, he The refining of Xuanyang Pearl should be very standardized, right?"

Yu Zhixin did not expect that the slap in the face would come so quickly, but he still said: "Junior Brother Li, don't worry too much. Such accidents rarely happen in Xuanyang Hall. At that time, I will ask fellow Taoist Duanmu to arrange a practitioner next to you. A skilled craftsman who makes Xuanyang Pearl, if you follow the rules, he will also follow the rules, and everything will be fine, and no accident like today will happen."

When Wu Tao heard this, he could only hope so in his heart. He also knew that Yu Zhixin brought him to the refining hall, and the task of refining the Xuanyang Pearl was unshirkable.

As he enjoys the resources and benefits of the Immortal Palace Weapon Refining Hall, he naturally has tasks and obligations that he needs to perform.

If everyone does not take their missions and obligations seriously and do not carry them out, then the Xingchen Immortal Palace must be a piece of loose sand and have dispersed long ago. How can it become the top immortal cultivating sect in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm?

"The greater the benefits, the greater the risks." Wu Tao muttered to himself, and then heard Yu Zhixin continue: "Let's go, I will take you to see fellow Taoist Duanmu."

Wu Tao nodded lightly, and then followed Yu Zhixin's footsteps and officially entered Xuanyang Hall. Entering the hall, there was a short corridor. After passing the corridor, he entered the real refining hall. In the hall, there were people wearing The weapon refiner in the magic robe is refining the Xuanyang Pearl. There was another place where some refiners were cleaning. The futons and shelves in that place were all torn, which was obviously caused by the explosion of the Xuanyang Pearl just now.

Not every weapon refiner here wears the uniform robe of a third-level low-level weapon refiner. They are all third-level intermediate weapon refiners, and there are also third-level senior weapon refiners. It can be seen that the task of refining the Xuanyang Pearl is based on the third-level intermediate weapon refiner.

Wu Tao and Yu Zhixin passed through these halls. The weapon refiners who were refining or preparing to refining did not look at Wu Tao and Yu Zhixin, but focused on their own affairs.

Yu Zhixin walked past the refining masters one after another, and whispered to Wu Tao: "Junior brother Li, the Duanmu Taoist friend I took you to see is the person in charge of the Xuanyang Pearl refining task, and he is also a third-level A senior weapon refiner, but his skill in weapon refinement is even better than mine."

"In the entire Xingchen Immortal Palace's Weapon Refining Hall, Fellow Taoist Duanmu is the one who is most likely to be promoted to the fourth-level Weapon Refiner. Therefore, if you want to learn the art of Weapon Refining from him, it will definitely be of great help to you."

After listening to Yu Zhixin's words, Wu Tao understood that Yu Zhixin was thinking about him, and he was quite moved in his heart.

Although the risk of refining Xuanyang Pearl is indeed a bit high, except for the risk, it is an opportunity to get in touch with Senior Brother Duanmu. If Senior Brother Duanmu is really promoted to the fourth-level weapon refiner, then it will also be his. One of the connections.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao slightly raised his hand to Yu Zhixin and said, "Thank you, Senior Brother Yu, for assigning this important task to me."

Yu Zhixin nodded and said with a smile: "Junior Brother Li, you don't have to be polite. I value you very much, so I overcame all opinions and assigned you the task of refining the Xuanyang Pearl."

"To tell you the truth, Junior Brother Li, there are other people who are keeping an eye on the task of Xuanyang Pearl, especially a junior brother. He has left the relationship with Deputy Hall Master Luo. I strongly recommend Junior Brother Li to Deputy Hall Master Luo. , I just asked Deputy Hall Master Luo not to agree to the weapon refiner junior brother, otherwise the task of refining the Xuanyang Pearl should have been assigned to that junior brother."

"So, when Taoist Fellow Duanmu will test you later, you have to deal with it well, otherwise you won't be able to pass Fellow Taoist Duanmu's test, and the task of refining the Xuanyang Pearl will also come to nothing."

"After all, fellow Taoist Duanmu has the final say here, and even the deputy hall masters won't interfere."

When Wu Tao heard this, he was even more moved by Yu Zhixin. He did not expect that Yu Zhixin would use such great force behind his back to assign the task of Xuanyang Pearl to him.

If he fails to exert his full strength in today's test in front of Senior Brother Duanmu, wouldn't it mean that he has failed Senior Brother Yu's hard work?

"Forget it, kindness is the most painful thing. Senior Brother Yu treats me with such painstaking efforts. I cannot live up to Senior Brother Yu's hard work. I must try my best to pass Senior Brother Duanmu's test and take over the task of refining the Xuanyang Pearl."

"As for Xuanyang Pearl, it is indeed risky. Just be more careful in the future." Wu Tao quickly made a decision in his heart, and then he handed over his hands and said solemnly to Yu Zhixin:

"Senior Brother Yu, don't worry, I will definitely perform well in front of Senior Brother Duanmu and strive to win this Xuanyang Pearl refining task.

Seeing how high-spirited he was, Yu Zhixin nodded with satisfaction and said, "Well, okay, but there's no need to be too nervous. Just perform on a daily basis."

While talking, Yu Zhixin had already led Wu Tao through the refining hall, entered a corridor, and finally met Senior Brother Duanmu in an office.

Senior Brother Duanmu, whose single name is Lei, is a third-level advanced weapon refiner with perfect cultivation of the ninth level of Jindan. He is the most promising person in the weapon refining hall to be promoted to the fourth-level weapon refiner. Just the last tag made this senior brother Duanmu famous.

"Fellow Taoist Duanmu, long time no see." When Yu Zhixin saw Duanmu Lei, he immediately held his hands in greeting with a smile.

Duanmulei looked like he was only in his early forties, and he was very angry. He looked at Yu Zhixin and returned the greeting: "Fellow Daoist Yu, long time no see. What brought you here to me?"

Yu Zhixin laughed and said, "If you have nothing to do, why don't you come and sit here with fellow Taoist Duanmu?"

Duan Mulei pointed at Wu Tao and said directly: "You came to sit here with me and brought this junior brother with you? This junior brother must have received the task of refining the Xuanyang Pearl. You sent him here, right?"

When Yu Zhixin saw Duan Mulei mercilessly exposing him, he didn't care and said, "Yes, this is Junior Brother Li Mo Li. He has just been promoted to the third level intermediate weapon refiner. I want him to try to refine Xuanyang." Zhu's mission, fellow Taoist Duanmu, you can test him, if he fails your test, I will take Junior Brother Li away."

Hearing Yu Zhixin's confident words, Duanmulei's eyes moved, and he was a little surprised. He looked at Wu Tao, and Wu Tao immediately saluted Duanmulei: "Greetings to Senior Brother Duanmu."

Duanmulei said: "Just after being promoted to the third level intermediate weapon refiner, fellow Taoist Yu dared to assign you the task of refining the Xuanyang Pearl. Moreover, he also sent you here personally. It seems that Junior Brother Li Mo is very popular with fellow Taoist Yu. Take it seriously."

Wu Tao said quickly: "It is my honor to be valued by Senior Brother Yu. Junior Brother will definitely live up to Senior Brother Yu's respect."

Duanmulei said: "Fellow Daoist Yu values ​​you. Fellow Daoist Yu values ​​you. Here, you still have to rely on your weapon refining skills. If you don't pass my test, you won't be able to stay here even if Fellow Daoist Yu values ​​you."

At this time, Wu Tao also knew that Senior Brother Duanmu Lei was a straight-tempered person who would speak out when he had something to say, so he was not angry at all. Instead, he held up his hands and said, "Please test Brother Duanmu Lei."

Yu Zhixin was extremely satisfied when he saw Wu Tao facing Duanmulei with ease, without appearing embarrassed or losing respect for his senior brother.

Duan Mulei looked at Wu Tao and asked: "When you were promoted to the third-level intermediate weapon refiner, what kind of real weapon did you choose to refine?"

Wu Tao replied: "Senior Brother Duanmu, it is the Xuanyan Flying Sword with a single fire attribute and a true forbidden sword."

Duanmulei nodded and said: "You are quite stable. I still have the Xuanyan Flying Sword that I refined for the first time, so I can take a look at it."

As soon as Wu Tao thought, a stream of light flew out of the storage bag and held it in his palm. It was the Xuanyan Flying Sword. He presented the Xuanyan Flying Sword to Duanmulei with both hands and said, "Senior Brother Duanmu, this is it. It’s the Xuanyan Flying Sword.”

Duanmulei took the Xuanyan Flying Sword, and wrapped it with his spiritual thoughts and mana. This Xuanyan Flying Sword has been refined by Wu Tao, and it contains the imprint of his spiritual thoughts and mana.

Duanmulei first felt the true forbidden circuit and the quality of the real weapon of the Xuanyan Flying Sword, and then felt the spiritual imprint and mana imprint left by Wu Tao in the Xuanyan Flying Sword. He was slightly shocked, glanced at Wu Tao, and then Glancing at Yu Zhixin, Yu Zhixin nodded slightly towards him.

Duan Mulei pondered in his heart, then returned the Xuanyan Flying Sword to Wu Tao, and asked: "Junior Brother Li, is this really the first time you refined the Xuanyan Flying Sword?"

Wu Tao took the Xuanyan Flying Sword and replied: "Exactly, this Xuanyan Flying Sword is being watched by Senior Brother Zhao Tingzhao and Fellow Daoist Wei Tianbao. They can testify."

It is not easy to lie about this matter, it is easy to find out, so Duan Mulei believed it, and he was surprised: "No wonder this Junior Brother Li is so valued by Yu Zhixin. It is the first time he has refined a three-level intermediate real weapon. Although it is a real weapon with a single attribute. weapon, but the refining was extremely perfect, without any defects. It was already better than more than 90% of the weapon refiners who refined the third-level intermediate real weapon for the first time. Moreover, the spiritual imprint he left on the Xuanyan Flying Sword And the mana brand is very powerful, especially the divine mind brand."

With this in mind, Duanmulei said to Wu Tao: "Do you have the spiritual materials for refining the Xuanyan Flying Sword with you?"

Wu Tao said: "Yes."

He was promoted to the third level intermediate weapon refiner and prepared to refine the Xuanyan Flying Sword. He prepared three spiritual materials in case the first refining failed, but he succeeded the first time, so he refined the remaining two. The third level spiritual material of Xuanyan Feijian.

"Okay, you can refine it here now." Duan Mulei said.

When he tests the weapon refiners who come to be refined with the Xuanyang Pearl, he will ask them to refine the real weapon in front of him. From the process of the weapon refiner refining the real weapon, we can see the skill of the weapon refiner. Instrument level.

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao turned his head and glanced at Yu Zhixin who was standing aside. Yu Zhixin nodded lightly towards him.

Wu Tao no longer hesitated, raised his hands to Duan Mulei and said, "Senior Brother Duanmu, then I will start."

Duanmulei nodded, indicating that he could start on his own.

With a thought, Wu Tao took out a futon and sat cross-legged on it. Then, streams of light flew out from the storage bag and landed on his left hand. They were the spiritual materials for refining the Xuanyan Flying Sword.

After preparing the spiritual materials, he took out the golden elixir and began to adjust his breath to restore the golden elixir's mana and spiritual thoughts.

Seeing that Wu Tao did not take out the spiritual materials and started refining, but first restored the state to its peak, Duan Mulei and Yu Zhixin looked calm and were not surprised. Many weapon refiners have this good habit.

After a while, Wu Tao refined the golden elixir and returned to his best condition. Then, he stretched out his hand, and the golden elixir mana surged, and he began to carve the true forbidden runes of the Xuanyan Flying Sword in the void.

The spiritual power was very smooth, and the technique was steady and even. Soon, a true forbidden rune was completely carved out and imprinted on the void in front of him.

Yu Zhixin and Duan Mulei's eyes fell on this true forbidden rune, they looked at each other and nodded again.

Obviously, the true forbidden rune carved by Wu Tao caught their eyes and made them very satisfied.

After carving the true forbidden runes, Wu Tao waved his hand, and the true forbidden runes turned into light and went up. Then, he began to process the third-level spiritual materials. He used the Lingxu True Fire Technique, and the third-level spiritual materials gradually melted in the real fire. refining.

"Fellow Daoist Yu, the junior brother Li Mo you brought here is pretty good. He has practiced the True Fire Art to a very advanced level." Duan Mulei was a fourth-level weapon refiner after all. He had a vicious eye and could tell Wu Tao's talent at a glance. He had practiced the Lingxu True Fire Jue to a very advanced level, so he transmitted his spiritual thoughts to Yu Zhixin.

Yu Zhixin said that his spiritual mind sent a message back to Duan Mulei: "Junior Brother Li's talent in weapon refining is indeed good. Do you know how long it took him to be promoted from a third-level low-level weapon refiner to a third-level intermediate weapon refiner?"

"How long?" Duanmulei asked via voice transmission.

Yu Zhixin replied via voice transmission: "..."

Duanmulei's heart moved slightly, and he sent a message to Yu Zhixin with his spiritual thought: "That is indeed a top-notch talent in weapon refining. No wonder you, fellow Daoist Yu, think so highly of him. Judging from his age, his bone age should not be too old, right?"

Yu Zhixin sent a message from his spiritual mind and replied: "I can't tell fellow Taoist Duanmu how old my bones are, but I can tell fellow Taoist Duanmu that this junior brother Li Mo is an weapon refiner with a background as a casual cultivator."

"Beginning as a casual cultivator?" Duan Mulei was surprised again. If he was born as a casual cultivator and could be promoted to the third level intermediate weapon refiner so quickly, his evaluation of his weapon refining talent would have to go up a notch.

After all, among casual weapon masters, the inheritance of weapon refining is not perfect and comprehensive. After entering the weapon refining hall of Xingchen Immortal Palace, you must make a basic supplement and consolidate it, which will definitely waste a lot of time.

But now looking at Li Mo's weapon refining process, he is very calm and sophisticated.

Duan Mulei has decided that Li Mo has passed his test and can take over the task of refining the Xuanyang Pearl, because only a calm refiner is the most suitable for refining the Xuanyang Pearl.

Refiners who are eager for success and have an unstable temperament can easily make mistakes when refining the Xuanyang Pearl, or do not follow the standard refining steps just for the sake of speed.

That would cause the Xuanyang Pearl to explode.

Time passed slowly, and in Wu Tao's methodical refining, the Xuanyan Flying Sword was finally refined.

He handed the refined flying sword to Duanmulei with both hands for inspection. Duanmulei inspected it, and then handed the Xuanyan Flying Sword to Yu Zhixin's hands, and Yu Zhixin also inspected it.

Afterwards, Duanmulei said to Wu Tao: "Junior Brother Li, congratulations to you, you passed my test. From now on, you can refine the Xuanyang Pearl here."

"Yes, Senior Brother Duanmu, I will be grateful to Senior Brother Duanmu for your guidance in the future." Wu Tao saluted Duanmu Lei with his hands raised.

Yu Zhixin returned the Xuanyan Flying Sword to Wu Tao and said with a smile: "Junior Brother Li, please refine the Xuanyang Pearl at Taoist Fellow Duanmu. If you have any knowledge about the art of refining weapons, you can ask Fellow Taoist Duanmu. Duanmu Dao Friends are kind and willing to be teachers.”

"Yes, Senior Brother Yu, Junior Brother knows that if he encounters any difficulty in refining weapons, he will definitely ask Senior Brother Duanmu for advice." Wu Tao said.

Duan Mulei said: "Junior Brother Li, if you have any questions about the art of weapon refining, you can ask me."

"Thank you, Senior Brother Duanmu." Upon hearing this, Wu Tao happily thanked Duanmu Lei.

From this point of view, this outspoken senior brother Duanmu is still easy to get along with.

Duanmulei said: "Junior Brother Li, please wait for me here for a while, and I will get you the Xuanyang Pearl to refine the jade slips."

After saying that, Duanmulei walked into the inner hall.

Yu Zhixin and Wu Tao were suddenly left in the office. Yu Zhixin looked at Wu Tao and said with a smile: "Junior brother Li, you did a good job in refining the real weapon just now. You have already caught the attention of fellow Taoist Duanmu. In the future, you will be able to refine Xuanyang again." Zhu, getting close to this fellow Taoist Duanmu will be beneficial to you in the future."

"Yes, Senior Brother Yu, thank you very much for your cultivation of me." Wu Tao sincerely thanked Yu Zhixin.


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