Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 610 High-risk refining mission (please subscribe)

Wu Tao asked Wang Sheng to come here, naturally because of the Kong Qi incident.

He promised Kong Qi to give Kong Qi's storage bag to his son, but when he returned to the Immortal Palace and finished the most important things first, he didn't even have time to visit his friends. Naturally, he couldn't be the first to do so. It was time to hand over Kong Qi’s storage bag to Kong Qi’s son.

Now that Bixing Island has been successfully upgraded, Wu Tao asked Wang Sheng to bring Kong Qi's son to Bixing Island.

"Wang Sheng, I called you here because I need you to run for me." Wu Tao said to Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng quickly bowed and cupped his hands and said: "Island Master, please give me your instructions!"

Wu Tao nodded and said, "Go to Yikong Island and invite Kong Xiangqing, the son of the island owner of Yikong Island."

Wang Sheng took the order and said: "Yes, the island master."

Afterwards, Wang Sheng turned around and left, heading to Yikong Island to handle the matters assigned to him by the island owner.

Wu Tao estimated that it would take about an hour after Wang Sheng returned from Yikong Island, so he returned to the training room, sat cross-legged on the futon in the training room, and his thoughts were spinning.

He was thinking about his development plan after being promoted to the third level intermediate weapon refiner.

Of course, the most important goal now is to break through the fourth level of Jindan.

In one year, he will definitely be able to break through the fourth level of the Golden Core.

"There is no need to plan the practice of Jiu Yao Fusion Yang Ji Zhen Gong and Zhoutian Xing Chen Body Refining Kung Fu. Daily practice must not be neglected. It is the foundation of practice."

"As for now, I want to buy the star stones myself to practice Zhou Tianxing Body Exercise. I only have more than 2,000 kilograms of star stones. When I use them up, I will go to the secret market to buy them."

There is also a secret market in the Immortal Palace, and Wu Tao goes there frequently. He feels that buying star stones in the secret market is safe and secure, and his identity should not be revealed.

He made so many purchases in Mississauga without revealing his identity.

He couldn't just buy the Star Stone once and reveal his identity. In that case, he would be too unlucky.

Wu Tao felt that he was just an ordinary golden elixir cultivator and could not be so unlucky. Moreover, with his cultivation level, no one in the Immortal Palace would specifically set their eyes on him.

"Now that I have been promoted to the third level intermediate weapon refiner, I am waiting for the Immortal Palace weapon refiner hall to assign me new tasks. The new tasks will definitely earn more merit."

"When the time comes, it will definitely satisfy my physical and legal cultivation at the same time."

As a noble weapon refiner, Wu Tao is still confident in the weapon refiner's ability to attract gold. If the weapon refiner cannot satisfy the requirements of practicing law and physical training at the same time, he will still be a useless weapon refiner.

It's better to be a spiritual husband.

"When you are promoted to the third-level intermediate weapon refining master, you can exchange it for the knowledge of the third-level advanced weapon refining method and start to understand it. But don't worry, I have just been promoted. Firstly, I don't have enough merit to redeem it. Secondly, wait a minute. Let’s talk about receiving a new mission from the Weapon Refining Hall. I hope the new mission will be a stable and safe one.”

"I don't want to think too much. Let's practice step by step first. We will wait until we break through the fourth level of the golden elixir."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao began to practice magic.

It's not yet night yet, so he usually chooses to practice the Zhoutianxingchen physical exercise at night.

Even though he was practicing with star stones instead of absorbing the radiance of stars in the sky, he was used to practicing the Zhoutian Star Body Exercise at night and felt that practicing at night would be faster.

He is practicing the Tianyan Divine Refining Manual.

An hour later.

Wu Tao stopped practicing the Tianyan Divine Refining Manual, released his spiritual thoughts, and saw Wang Sheng outside the Dongfu Palace. Next to him stood a middle-aged man wearing the uniform of a disciple of the Xingchen Immortal Palace.

It is the disciple uniform of ordinary inner disciples.

"This is Kong Xiangqing, Kong Qi's son. He is a first-level Jindan cultivator. It seems he has not inherited Kong Qi's talent as an array master. He is just an ordinary Jindan disciple."

Wu Tao's mind turned and he had already detected Kong Xiangqing's cultivation level.

Kong Qi was working in the Boundary Islands. Naturally, he was sent to work in the Boundary Islands because his formation skills and cultivation were not improving. They are very old at this age, so their descendants, especially the first generation, are basically one hundred or two hundred years old.

Kong Qi did mention that his son Kong Xiangqing was two hundred years old.

The two-hundred-year-old Jin Dan is at the first level, but his talent is ordinary.

Of course, it was ordinary for Wu Tao, but in front of the general public, the two-hundred-year-old Jin Dan was pretty good.

After all, from foundation building to golden elixir, many immortal cultivators have been stuck.

The descendants of many golden elixir cultivators may not reach the height of their fathers.

Thinking like this, Wu Tao opened his lips slightly, and his voice reached the ears of Wang Sheng and Kong Xiangqing outside the store.

"come in."

Hearing Wu Tao's voice, Wang Sheng and Kong Xiangqing both bowed their hands towards the main hall and then entered the main hall. Then he saw Wu Tao sitting at the head of the main hall.

"Island Master, Master Kong has arrived." Wang Sheng bowed to Wu Tao.

"Kong Xiangqing on Yikong Island, I have met Senior Brother Li." Kong Xiangqing bowed to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao stood up and asked Kong Xiangqing to sit on his left. After Wang Sheng went to serve the spiritual tea, he said: "Junior Brother Kong, please come to Bixing Island this time. Your father asked me to bring you some." thing."

As he spoke, Wu Tao took out a storage bag and placed it on the table in front of Kong Xiangqing.

Kong Xiangqing naturally knew that Zhenren Li from the Weapon Refining Hall came back from the Border Islands, and his father also worked in the Border Islands. It was normal for him to ask him to bring something back.

Seeing the storage bag in front of him, Kong Xiangqing picked it up and thanked Wu Tao: "Thank you, Master Li. Master Li, is there anything else my father can say to me?"

"Junior brother Kong, you don't have to be polite. Your father and I have been friends for many years. It's just a matter of a little effort to bring something."

"As for the message, your father didn't ask me to bring you any message. He just asked me to give you this storage bag."

Wu Tao said this, and then he talked to Kong Xiangqing for a while before Kong Xiangqing said goodbye and left.

In the days that followed, Wu Tao waited for senior fellow apprentice Yu Zhixin from the Weapon Refining Hall to assign him a new task.

Taking advantage of the time before arranging tasks, he also started visiting friends.

First of all, he naturally wanted to visit Liu Yidao. He had the best relationship with Liu Yidao in the Xingchen Immortal Palace.

Liu Yidao took him to the secret room, and then gave him a third-level intermediate defensive robe when he went to the Border Islands.

Wu Tao kept all these things in mind.

Even though his current level of weapon refining is the same as Liu Yidao's, in his heart, he still regards Liu Yidao as his senior brother.

Therefore, when he came to Liu Yidao's Golden Core Island and saw Liu Yidao, Wu Tao still bowed his hands to Liu Yidao and said: "I've met Senior Brother Liu, Senior Brother Liu, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you very much."

Liu Yidao looked at Wu Tao, whose face had not changed at all, and then looked at the brand-new third-level intermediate weapon refiner uniform robe he was wearing, and congratulated: "Congratulations to Junior Brother Li for being promoted to the third-level intermediate weapon refiner. From now on, you and I will be the same." A third-level intermediate weapon refiner, you can never call me senior brother, just call me Taoist friend."

This is the rule of the Immortal Palace's Weapon Refining Hall, and you can't take the lead in breaking the rules.

Wu Tao said solemnly: "Senior Brother Liu's help to me will never be forgotten."

"Okay, let's not talk about that anymore. Fellow Daoist Li, follow me to the tea room. I went to Senior Brother Yu to beg for some good spirit tea."

Liu Yidao took Wu Tao into the tea room. The two had been away for a long time and began to talk about the past while drinking tea.

Liu Yidao told him about the affairs of Xingchen Palace in recent years, especially the things on Zhenmo Island, and Wu Tao also told Liu Yidao about the Boundary Islands.

Talk to the end.

Liu Yidao asked Wu Tao: "Fellow Daoist Li, has Senior Brother Yu assigned you any new tasks?"

Wu Tao returned to Immortal Palace from the Border Islands. He was no longer a third-level low-level weapon refiner. His previous tasks on the Demon Suppressing Island of the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall and the tasks of being a lecturer at the Artifact Refining School were no longer suitable for Wu Tao. They were a waste of talents. .

When Wu Tao heard this, he shook his head and said, "I haven't received any new tasks yet."

"There's no rush, Senior Brother Yu will never forget Fellow Daoist Li." Liu Yidao said with a smile.

After staying with Liu Yidao for an hour, Wu Tao said goodbye and left.

Now that he has returned to the Immortal Palace, there will be many opportunities to meet Liu Yidao in the future, so there is no need to rush now.

On the way back to Bixing Island, Wu Tao sent a message to Qian Chang and Wei Zhou, saying that he was going to visit them on their Jindan Island.

Just after putting away the communication token for a dozen breaths, the communication token started to move, and Wu Tao read it with his mind.

It was a message from Qian Chang, saying that he and Wei Zhou were about to pass by Bixing Island, so they came to his Bixing Island to sit and catch up on old times.

This was just right, so Wu Tao agreed, and then drove Jiyunzhou at full speed back to Bixing Island, waiting for the arrival of Qian Chang and Wei Zhou.

The Jiyun Boat stopped outside Bixing Island. After a while, Wu Tao saw two streams of light flying towards this side. As he flew closer, he saw Qian Chang and Wei Zhou in the stream of light. They had not changed much over the years. .

As a golden elixir cultivator, generally you won't see any changes until the end of your life.

"Friend Daoist Qian, Friend Daoist Wei, long time no see." Seeing Qian Chang and Wei Zhou stop walking, Wu Tao immediately bowed his hands to them.

Qian Chang and Wei Zhou cast their eyes on Wu Tao. When they saw the third-level intermediate weapon refining master's uniform robe on Wu Tao, they felt envious in their hearts. They thought that the three of them entered the Star Celestial Palace's weapon refining hall at the same time. Now, This friend has left them far behind, shed his identity as a guest, and became a third-level intermediate weapon refiner.

Although I had managed to get farther away from them in the past, they were still third-level low-level weapon refiners, so the difference was not too big.

Now, the two of them had a vague feeling that the gap between them and this fellow Taoist would become wider and wider in the future.

Abandoning the distracting thoughts in his mind, Qian Chang cupped his hands and said, "Congratulations to Senior Brother Li for being promoted to the third level intermediate weapon refiner."

"Congratulations to Senior Brother Li for being promoted to the third-level intermediate weapon refiner." Seeing Qian Chang congratulating him, Wei Zhou also quickly congratulated him.

"Two fellow Taoists, please come in quickly." Wu Tao showed a warm smile on his face and invited Qian Chang and Wei Zhou into Bixing Island.

Qian Chang and Wei Zhou both said that they would not dare to call them Taoist friends in the future, and they must be called junior brothers. After all, the three of them were weapon refiners in the weapon refining hall, and the rules could not be broken.

Seeing this, Wu Tao also walked down the steps. The reason why he called the two of them Taoist friends was because of their old friendship.

If the two of them really took it as a matter of course and asked him to call them Taoist friends, the other weapon refiners in the weapon refining hall would only think that Qian Chang and Wei Zhou didn't know how to promote themselves and didn't know how to behave.

But Qian Chang and Wei Zhou are third-level low-level weapon refiners and golden elixir cultivators. They have hundreds of years of life experience, so naturally they don't know this bit of human sophistication.

The three of them sat around in the tea room.

Qian Chang and Wei Zhou asked Wu Tao about the Boundary Islands, and Wu Tao also told them in detail.

Not knowing which topic he was talking about, Qian Chang suddenly said: "Senior Brother Li, has your Bixing Island been upgraded to a second-level island?"

Wu Tao nodded and said, "Yes, it was just promoted to a second-level island some time ago."

Wei Zhou said: "No wonder as soon as I entered Senior Brother Li's Bixing Island, I felt comfortable all over and my cultivation level improved a lot."

Qian Chang said: "Senior Brother Li, the three of you and I who entered the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall together are all from casual cultivators. Now, Senior Brother Li, you have given us a fight. Senior Brother Li, I have saved a little over the years." You can borrow some of your merits from Senior Brother Li."

Wu Tao was confused when he heard Qian Chang's words, and Wei Zhou also looked puzzled. He didn't know why Qian Chang said that he wanted to lend Wu Tao his merits for no reason.

Besides, Senior Brother Li Mo is now a third-level intermediate weapon refiner. Are you afraid that you won't be able to earn merit? !

"Fellow Daoist Qian, what are you doing?" Wu Tao asked directly, there was no need to beat around the bush.

Qian Chang said: "Senior Brother Li's island protection formation is still the previous second-level advanced formation, and those third-level intermediate weapon refiners who came from the weapon refining hall, their golden elixir islands are all third-level formations. Li Although Senior Brother is from our casual cultivator, he is still a third-level intermediate weapon refiner, no different from them. Naturally, the island protection formation must be upgraded to a third-level island protection formation to be worthy of Senior Brother Li's status."

After listening to Qian Chang's explanation, Wei Zhou also said quickly: "That's right! Fellow Taoist Qian is very thoughtful. If Senior Brother Li needs any merit, just call me."

Wu Tao also understood what Qian Chang was thinking. A trace of warmth flashed in his heart and he said: "Thank you two Taoists for your kindness. I was also thinking of changing the island protection formation to a third-level formation, but... Not now, but after taking on a new mission and accumulating enough merits before changing."

Although Wu Tao said so, Qian Chang and Wei Zhou each lent him some meritorious deeds. He knew that it was not appropriate to refuse at this time, so he kept them.

In the end, Wu Tao could only say that in the future, if the two of them want to refine a third-level intermediate-level real weapon, they can ask him to practice calligraphy for free.

Of course, third-level spiritual materials still require two people to produce them, but refining them is free.

This time Wu Tao chatted with Qian Chang and Wei Zhou in the tea room for more than two hours, and then waited for Qian Chang and Wei Zhou to leave on their own initiative.

The reason why we chatted for so long was to take care of the feelings of Qian Chang and Wei Zhou, so that they would not feel alienated from them because of their promotion to the third-level intermediate weapon refiner and their higher status.

After sending Qian Chang and Wei Zhou out of Bixing Island in person, Wu Tao returned to the Dongfu Palace, thinking: "The visit to friends has come to an end, and then we can practice peacefully, and then wait for Senior Brother Yu to send new tasks."

It didn't take long to wait for Yu Zhixin to assign a new task. Only three days later, Wu Tao received a summons from Yu Zhixin asking him to go to his office.

Wu Tao immediately went to Yu Zhixin's office and met with Yu Zhixin.

"Senior Brother Yu, do you have a mission?" Wu Tao asked Yu Zhixin, handing over his hand.

Yu Zhixin nodded and said, "There is exactly a task that needs to be given to Junior Brother Li."

"Oh, Senior Brother Yu, what exactly is the mission?" Wu Tao asked.

Yu Zhixin picked up a task document for the Weapon Refining Hall on the table. He handed it to Wu Tao and said, "Take a look."

Wu Tao took the mission document and opened it. After reading it, he realized that this was a refining mission for him to refine a one-time third-level intermediate real weapon.

This one-time third-level intermediate artifact is called Xuanyang Pearl.

As for the lethality, Wu Tao didn't know yet. He just felt that the merit reward for this mission was surprisingly high. However, considering that Senior Brother Yu Zhixin always took good care of him, it was very possible to assign him a mission with high merit.

Seeing that he had finished reading the mission document, Yu Zhixin said: "This one-time refining of the third-level intermediate real weapon Xuanyang Pearl is to be provided to the boundary wall battlefield. The Xuanyang energy in the Xuanyang Pearl is specially used to restrain the demon world. The demonic energy of the demons.”

Wu Tao nodded: "That's it."

He also understood at this time that the Xuanyang Pearl was a strategic material. No wonder the merits were so impressive.

Yu Zhixin walked from behind the desk to the front and said: "Junior brother Li, come with me, I will take you to the refining hall where Xuanyang Pearl is refined."

Wu Tao nodded lightly, then followed Yu Zhixin out of the office, walked on the corridor of the Weapon Refining Hall, walked directly out of the Weapon Refining Hall, and finally stopped in a remote hall.

"Is the place where Xuanyang Pearl is made so remote?" Wu Tao was surprised, but he didn't ask.

Just as Yu Zhixin was about to reach out and push open the palace door, suddenly, there was a loud bang inside, the whole hall shook, and the aftermath of the terrifying aura spread out, impacting towards Yu Zhixin and Wu Tao.

Yu Zhixin's golden elixir in his Dantian moved with magic power to withstand the aftermath of the explosion. Wu Tao behind him also immediately activated the third-level advanced defense robe on his body to withstand the aftermath of the explosion.

"Senior Brother Yu, what is this?" After the aftermath of the explosion subsided, Wu Tao asked Yu Zhixin, who had already put away the mana mask.

There was some drumming in his heart, why did refining the Xuanyang Pearl feel a bit dangerous.

When Yu Zhixin turned around and saw Wu Tao, his expression was a little unnatural, but he dissipated in an instant, and said with a smile: "The Xuanyang energy in a one-time real artifact like the Xuanyang Pearl is very strong, and the real forbidden in it also has It is explosive in nature, but as long as the correct refining process is followed, it will not explode."

"This time it must have been an accident. However, even if it explodes, our weapon refiners are still wearing defensive robes, so no one will be hurt."

"So that's the case, then Junior Brother is relieved." Wu Tao breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. No wonder, with so many meritorious rewards in the mission document, it turns out there is still such a risk.

He originally thought that it was because the Xuanyang Pearl provided to the boundary wall battlefield was a strategic material, so he had so many merits.

"The greater the risk, the greater the reward. We must not forget this essence in the future." Wu Tao warned himself in his heart.

"Let's go, Junior Brother Li, I will take you in to see their refining process and you will know that the explosion just now will not hurt anyone at all." Yu Zhixin said and was about to open the palace door, but the palace door was one step ahead of him. opened.

I saw a weapon refiner wearing the uniform and robe of a third-level intermediate weapon refiner. He helped a weapon refiner who was dripping with blood to come out. His breath was weak, his face was covered with blood, and the defensive robes he wore were He picked up the fragments and hung them on his body. You can vaguely see the symbol of the uniform robe of the third-level intermediate weapon refiner on the chest.

"Senior Brother Yu is here. Let's not talk about it for now. I didn't pay attention to the refining process just now, and the Xuanyang Pearl exploded, seriously injuring him. Now I want to send Friend Gu to the alchemy hall to find an alchemist to make alchemy for treatment." This third-level After the intermediate weapon refiner finished speaking, he quickly supported the seriously injured third-level intermediate weapon refiner and left.

Yu Zhixin turned his head, looked at Wu Tao who was stunned, and explained: "Did you see that Junior Brother Gu didn't follow the correct refining steps, so the accident happened."

"However, it is good that this unexpected occurrence can make you understand, Junior Brother Li, that when refining the Xuanyang Pearl, you must regulate the refining process and follow the refining steps correctly."

"Let's go, Junior Brother Li, I'll take you to see the person in charge here."

"Junior Brother Li..."

Looking at Wu Tao, who was still standing at the door of the hall, turning his head to look in the direction where the seriously injured Junior Brother Gu had left, he shouted at a higher decibel level.

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