Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 609 Jindan Island Upgrade (please subscribe)

"Junior Brother Li, the Immortal Palace has arrived. Senior Brother Wang's voice rang out and reached Wu Tao's ears very clearly.

Wu Tao was practicing in a room in the Dharma boat at this time. When he heard Senior Brother Wang's voice transmission, he immediately stopped practicing, got up from the futon, then walked out of the room, and sent a voice transmission to Fu Xuan, asking Fu Xuan to come out.

After the spiritual message was transmitted, Wu Tao came to the uppermost bow deck of the Dharma ship, where Senior Brother Wang was. He quickly raised his hands and saluted: "Senior Brother Wang."

Senior Brother Wang nodded towards Wu Tao and said again: "The Immortal Palace has arrived." As he said that, Senior Brother Wang took out the token to activate and shrouded the Dharma Ship, allowing the Dharma Ship to enter the sect-protecting formation.

At this time, Fu Xuan had also arrived at the bow of the ship, bowed and saluted Wu Tao and Senior Brother Wang, and said, "I have met Mr. Li and Mr. Wang."

Wu Tao nodded towards him. Senior Brother Wang did not respond to Fu Xuan, but continued to control the token to cover the Dharma Ship. When the hull completely entered the waters of the Star Palace, he put away the token, turned to Wu Tao and said: "Junior Brother Li, Where are you going? I’ll take you there directly.”

Wu Tao said: "Senior Brother Wang, please send me to the Central Sea Weapon Refining Hall."

When he came back from the Border Islands, he would definitely go to the Weapon Refining Hall to see Yu Zhixin and report to Yu Zhixin as soon as possible.

Senior Brother Wang nodded, and then sent a message to Junior Brother Jindan who was controlling the Dharma Boat, and the Dharma Boat immediately headed towards the central sea area.

This Dharma Ship is a third-level advanced Dharma Ship. It is equipped with a third-order advanced Dharma Array. It can withstand the joint attacks of many ninth-level Jindan Immortal Cultivators, but it cannot withstand the attack of the Nascent Soul Lord. However, in the Xingchen Immortal Palace, Within the scope of the sea area, there is generally no Nascent Soul Lord who would dare to attack the Dharma ships of Xingchen Immortal Palace.

Once the attack leaves traces and is discovered by Xingchen Immortal Palace, it will definitely lead to huge consequences.

Casual cultivators who can cultivate to the level of True Lord Nascent Soul are all people who cherish their lives, so how can they seek death and offend such a behemoth as the Xingchen Immortal Palace?

Wu Tao stood on the deck of the bow of the Dharma ship, and the surrounding sea became a reflection. Soon the Dharma ship had entered the central sea area, getting closer and closer to the spiritual island where the weapon refining hall was located.

He turned to Fu Xuan beside him and said, "Fu Xuan, I have to go to the weapon refining hall to do some things first, and then I will accompany you to register your identity."

Fu Xuan said respectfully: "Everything will be arranged by Master Li."

Wu Tao nodded lightly, then stopped talking and waited quietly.

Not long after, the Dharma boat finally docked in front of the pier of the Lingmai Island of the Artifact Refining Hall. Senior Brother Wang said: "Junior Brother Li, we are here."

Wu Tao thanked Senior Brother Wang and said, "Thank you so much for escorting me along the way."

Senior Brother Wang smiled and said: "Junior Brother Li, you don't have to be polite. It is our task to escort Junior Brother Li back to the Immortal Sect. And this task is also extremely simple. There are no twists and turns on the way, so we can easily earn the merit."

Wu Tao said a few more words to Senior Brother Wang, then said goodbye and took Fu Xuan to the dock.

He first arranged for Fu Xuan to wait in a waiting hall of the Refining Hall, and then he went to Yu Zhixin's office to meet Yu Zhixin. When he arrived at Yu Zhixin's office, Wu Tao met Yu Zhixin.

"Senior Brother Yu, I'm back." Wu Tao smiled and bowed his hand to Yu Zhixin.

Yu Zhixin looked at Wu Tao and smiled and said: "Okay, just come back. Junior Brother Li will be promoted to the third level intermediate weapon refiner faster than I expected."

"Come, Junior Brother Li, sit down and talk."

As he spoke, Yu Zhixin took Wu Tao to sit on a chair nearby, and then asked a foundation-building disciple to pour him spiritual tea.

Yu Zhixin picked up the tea cup in front of him, took a sip of the spiritual tea, moistened his throat, and said: "I have read the document that Fellow Daoist Zhao sent back to the sect. From the document, it can be seen that Fellow Daoist Zhao admired Junior Brother Li's weapon refining process very much. , it’s a pity that I’m not here.”

Yu Zhixin sighed at the end, obviously he also wanted to see Wu Tao's promotion to the third-level mid-level weapon refiner in person.

When he recruited Wu Tao, the three casual cultivators, he felt that Wu Tao among the three must have great potential, but he did not expect that his talent in weapon refining would be so good, and he would be promoted to the third level intermediate weapon refining master so quickly.

"Senior Brother Yu wants to see me refining a third-level intermediate weapon. Just tell me and I will immediately show you to you." Wu Tao quickly expressed his stance.

Yu Zhixin smiled and said: "That's not necessary, Junior Brother Li, you have successfully been promoted to the third-level intermediate weapon refiner, but you still have to go through the process. First, you have to get certified as a third-level intermediate weapon refiner, and then go to the affairs hall to escape." Get rid of your status as a guest and improve your status and treatment."

"After the weapon refiners in our weapon refining hall are promoted to the third level intermediate weapon refiner, the golden elixir island in their name can also be upgraded to the first level. Junior Brother Li, your golden elixir island can be upgraded to the second level island."

When Wu Tao heard this, he was also happy in his heart. Not to mention taking off his guest status and improving his status and treatment, the upgrade of Jindan Island to a second-level Jindan Island was also a great benefit.

The spiritual veins of the second-level golden elixir island can be upgraded to the third-level intermediate spiritual veins. The third-level intermediate spiritual veins have even stronger spiritual energy, which will definitely improve the resource output of Bixing Island.

Ordinary golden elixir disciples in Star Palace must be in the middle stage of golden elixir before they can upgrade the golden elixir island. But as a weapon refiner, he is different after all. He walks on two legs.

"I understand, Senior Brother Yu." Wu Tao nodded.

Yu Zhixin said: "After you complete the process and upgrade the Golden Core Island, I will assign tasks to you."

"Junior Brother Li, do you have time now? If so, let's start the process now."

Wu Tao nodded and said, "Yes."

Yu Zhixin said that he immediately called a second-level Qi Refiner disciple and asked this second-level Weapon Refiner disciple to lead Wu Tao through the process.

Wu Tao did not forget that Fu Xuan was still waiting. He asked the second-level weapon-refining master disciple to find a disciple from the weapon-refining hall, and took Fu Xuan to register as a weapon-refining master in the weapon-refining hall.

Fu Xuan was kidnapped by Jie Xiu in public waters and became Jie Xiu's exclusive weapon refiner. Then, after annihilating Jie Xiu in the Border Islands of Star Palace, Fu Xuan was taken to the Boundary Islands. His identity was only registered on the Border Islands, and was not registered at the Starry Palace Artifact Refining Hall. Therefore, after arriving at the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall, and then walking in the Immortal Palace, he must have a formal identity. This registered identity It is inevitable.

After that, Wu Tao followed this second-level weapon refiner disciple to go through the process. The first process was to certify the status of a third-level intermediate weapon refiner.

"Junior Brother Li, could you please take out the third-level intermediate weapon you refined for the first time and show it to me." A third-level senior weapon refiner said to Wu Tao.

When he was in the Border Islands, Wu Tao knew that although there was Zhao Ting's witness there, when he returned to the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall, the real weapons refined by him as a third-level intermediate weapon refiner still had to be returned to the Immortal Palace to be refined by a higher-level refiner. The craftsman only did the counting after seeing it.

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao immediately took out the Xuanyan Flying Sword, held it up with both hands and said, "Senior Brother Zhu, please check."

Senior Brother Zhu nodded, took Wu Tao's Xuanyan Flying Sword, and then wrapped the flying sword with spiritual power and began to check the quality of the flying sword.

After a while, Senior Brother Zhu withdrew his magic power and divine thoughts, with a kind smile on his face, looked at Wu Tao and said: "Junior Brother Li, this flying sword is of high quality, the true forbidden circuits are even and smooth, and the fusion of true forbidden runes and spiritual materials is also It’s perfect, it’s hard to imagine that this is the first real third-level intermediate weapon that Junior Brother Li has refined.”

"Junior Brother Li's talent in weapon refining will definitely allow him to go further in the art of weapon refining in the future."

Brother Zhu, the third-level senior weapon refiner, praised Wu Tao while returning the Xuanyan Flying Sword back to Wu Tao's hand.

Wu Tao spoke modestly.

Seeing that he was humble and without pride, Senior Brother Zhu felt even more satisfied and said, "Junior Brother Li should maintain this humble nature and not be arrogant and complacent. There are many weapon refiners who are as talented as Junior Brother Li in weapon refinement, but because of their excessive pride, , if you don't improve the art of refining, and indulge in admiration all day long, you will slowly fail to live up to your talent for refining, and will be unable to make progress throughout your life, and will stand still.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Zhu, for your guidance. Junior Brother will definitely work hard on the art of weapon refining and dare not slack off." Wu Tao said solemnly to Senior Brother Zhu with his hands raised.

Senior Brother Zhu nodded lightly and stopped talking. Just leave it at that. Whether you listen or not depends on the individual.

Then he said: "Junior brother Li, please wait a moment, I will get your third-level intermediate weapon refiner uniform robe."

After saying that, he turned around and left. After a while, he brought over a folded square robe and handed it to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao quickly said thank you for your hard work.

Afterwards, Wu Tao said goodbye and left, going to the office to apply for a new identity token.

Also, re-formulate the treatment.

Wu Tao's previous salary as a guest guest was 20 high-grade spiritual stones, a bottle of golden elixir, a bottle of spiritual fire, a bottle of spiritual water, and 20 meritorious deeds per month.

But now that he has been promoted to the third level intermediate weapon refiner, he will naturally shed his identity as a guest and become an official weapon refiner of the weapon refinement hall.

Regarding the specific treatment, you still need to meet Jiang Hao.

Wu Tao met Jiang Hao in the affairs hall.

At this time, Wu Tao had already put on the third-level intermediate weapon refiner uniform robe. As soon as he puts on this uniform robe that symbolizes his identity, others will know that he is a third-level intermediate weapon refiner.

Jiang Hao looked at Wu Tao's third-level intermediate weapon refiner uniform robe, cupped his fists and congratulated: "Congratulations to Junior Brother Li for being promoted to a third-level intermediate weapon refiner."

Wu Tao bowed his hands in greeting: "Senior Brother Jiang."

Later, Jiang Hao enthusiastically applied for a new identity token for Wu Tao, and then told Wu Tao about the new treatment.

Becoming a third-level intermediate weapon refiner, his salary has tripled compared to his original salary.

It's quite similar to contract workers and regular workers.

Of course, even if it were tripled, this salary would not be enough to sustain his cultivation. He would still need to rely on the Weapon Refining Hall to receive tasks.

Because, the Xingchen Immortal Palace does not support idle people.

After completing the process, Wu Tao went to the Lingyuan Palace to apply for promotion to the Golden Core Island.

The cultivators of Lingyuan Palace handled Wu Tao's application for promotion to the Golden Core Island and told Wu Tao that his Golden Core Island would be upgraded in ten days.

Wu Tao left Lingyuan Hall and returned to the Weapon Refining Hall. After finding Fu Xuan, he let the second-level Weapon Refining Master disciple who was following him leave to do his own thing.

"Fu Xuan, have your identities been registered?" Wu Tao asked Fu Xuan.

Fu Xuan said respectfully: "Back to the real person, everything has been taken care of."

He was extremely happy in his heart. He never thought that one day he would be able to become the weapon refiner of the top celestial sects in the Sea of ​​Stars such as the Star Palace. All of this was too unimaginable.

But he deeply understood that all of this was a gift from the Master Li in front of him.

Wu Tao nodded lightly and said, "Just finish the process. In a few days, I will help you apply for the qualification to go to the library to view the collection of books."

"Thank you, Master." Fu Xuan thanked him.

Fu Xuan had already applied for the status of a weapon refiner in the Xingchen Immortal Palace's weapon refining hall, so he naturally arranged a place to live for him. Wu Tao asked him to go back to practice. He was also going back to Bixing Island.

On the way back to Bixing Island, Wu Tao took out the summons token and summoned Senior Brother Liu Yidao, as well as some other acquaintances, such as Qian Chang and Wei Zhou, to tell them that he had returned to the Immortal Palace.

Jiyunzhou landed on Bixing Island. Wu Tao took out the formation token and activated the island protection formation on Bixing Island. Looking at the second-level advanced island protection formation in front of him, he thought to himself: "Now I have become As a third-level intermediate weapon refiner, I have to change to a higher-level island protection formation, otherwise this second-level advanced island protection formation will not be able to reflect my identity."

A person lives in a circle. The third-level intermediate weapon refiner is in the third-level island protection formation, and he is still the second-level advanced island protection formation. It would not look good if friends of the weapon refiner are guests.

With this in mind, Wu Tao sent Ji Yunzhou to enter Bixing Island and quickly flew to his cave palace. As for releasing his spiritual thoughts to check the situation on Bixing Island, he did not plan to rush to check now until it stabilized. It’s not too late to check it out after upgrading Bixing Island.

Wu Tao's figure landed outside the main hall of the Dongfu Palace, put away the Jiyun Boat, and his eyes fell on the three monsters.

When the three monster beasts saw Wu Tao, they immediately came to Wu Tao and made affectionate gestures.

Wu Tao sensed the evil spirit of these three monsters. When he went to the Boundary Islands, he left the three monsters outside the cave palace on Bixing Island, and told Wang Sheng not to come over easily, lest they be monstered. Wounded by beasts.

Over the years, Wang Sheng has also done a good job in not letting the immortal cultivators from Bixing Island come here.

"Yes, your cultivation has improved." Wu Tao felt the auras of the three monsters, then ignored them and entered the main hall.

As soon as he entered the main hall, there was movement on Wu Tao's summons token. He immediately took it out and saw that there were messages from Liu Yidao, Qian Chang, and Wei Zhou inside, and he read them one by one.

Liu Yidao said that he was still on Zhenmo Island at this time and invited Wu Tao to go to his Jindan Island to reminisce about the past.

Qian Chang and Wei Zhou said they wanted to come to his Bixing Island to sit for a while. They hadn't seen Wu Tao for a long time and missed them very much.

Wu Tao immediately responded to them one by one.

He said that he had something to deal with now and would meet again after some time.

He wanted to upgrade Bixing Island to a second-level island first.

After replying, Wu Tao used the cleaning technique to clean the nine palaces, and then came to a temple dedicated to sacrifices.

In this palace, there is a memorial tablet of Master Chen Shan.

Wu Tao was promoted to the third level intermediate weapon refiner. Naturally, he wanted to tell his master Chen Shan about this good news.

"Master, I have been promoted to the third level intermediate weapon refiner!" Wu Tao respectfully offered three sticks of incense to his master Chen Shan, and then talked with Chen Shan for a while.

Then he left.

Wu Tao, the island owner, returned to Bixing Island, and Wang Sheng naturally wanted to come to see him.

Wang Sheng brought over the account books of Bixing Island in recent years and presented them to Wu Tao for inspection.

Although Wu Tao trusted Wang Sheng, the process of checking the ledger was still indispensable. He checked it and found that the output was growing steadily.

He praised General Wang Sheng with satisfaction and immediately rewarded him. As the owner of the island, he hated painting pancakes, just like in his previous life, those bosses loved painting pancakes the most. This made Wu Tao hate him very much.

After that, he said to Wang Sheng: "Wang Sheng, in ten days, you will give the spiritual planters, miners, spiritual medicine masters, and spiritual fruit masters on Bixing Island a day off. Bixing Island will be upgraded to a second-level island."

When Wang Sheng came to visit Wu Tao, he saw the uniform robe of a third-level intermediate weapon refiner on Wu Tao and already congratulated the island owner on his promotion.

Therefore, we also know that Jindan Island will definitely be upgraded.

He was extremely happy that he chose Wu Tao as the island owner. He did not expect that this island owner was so powerful that he promoted Jindan Island to a second-level island in such a short period of time.

We are about to be promoted to a second-level island, but is it still far away to be promoted to a third-level island?

When the time comes, he, Wang Sheng, will also be promoted to the third level Immortal Guan along with his promotion to the third level island.

"Yes, Island Master." Wang Sheng bowed respectfully to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao nodded, then waved Wang Sheng to retreat.

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye.

On this day, Wu Tao had just finished practicing the Jiu Yao Fusion Yang pole true skill, when he suddenly felt something. With a movement of his body, he appeared above Bixing Island, and his spiritual thoughts were released, covering Bixing Island.

At this moment, in Wu Tao's mind, he clearly felt that Bixing Island's spiritual power was changing.

"It's time to upgrade!"

He whispered in his mouth, and then carefully understood the changes in the inspiration on Bixing Island. He found that the spiritual energy was getting stronger and stronger, and then he probed his spiritual thoughts into the spiritual veins underground on Bixing Island.

There is a fifth-level spiritual vein in Xingchen Immortal Palace. This fifth-level spiritual vein is like a giant tree that reaches the sky. Countless branches are derived from it, which are countless spiritual veins.

The spiritual veins of all the islands in the Star Palace are all branches of this fifth-level spiritual vein.

Lingyuan Palace manages the output of these branches of spiritual energy.


Wu Tao guessed that the Lingyuan Palace must be releasing more spiritual energy on Wu Tao's Bixing Island, so the third-level low-level spiritual vein under Wu Tao's Bixing Island was growing rapidly.

Not only Wu Tao can feel the spiritual transformation of Bixing Island, but also the monsters on Bixing Island, as well as spiritual cultivators, miners, spiritual medicine masters and other immortal cultivators can also feel the spiritual energy of Bixing Island transforming. It's getting thicker and thicker.

There was joy on the faces of these cultivators, because as spiritual planters, miners, and spiritual medicine masters on Bixing Island, they usually lived on Bixing Island and relied on the aura of Bixing Island to practice. Upgrading can also benefit them.

As time passed, Wu Tao felt the transformation of spiritual energy, from a high-speed state to a slow state. The third-order low-level spiritual veins underground were gradually approaching a critical point and were about to break through the third-order intermediate spiritual veins.

Finally at some point.

The third-level low-level spiritual veins successfully broke through and grew into the third-level intermediate spiritual veins.

And the aura on Bixing Island slowly stabilized.

Wu Tao withdrew his spiritual thoughts and carefully understood the transformation process of the third-level low-level spiritual veins that he had just experienced. He thought to himself: "It is also beneficial to personally experience the growth of spiritual veins and feel the mystery within it."

With this thought in mind, Wu Tao moved to the training room and entered the spirit gathering array.

The Spirit Gathering Array is the source from which these third-level intermediate spiritual veins are gathered, and the spiritual energy in other places on Bixing Island is only emanating from this source.

"Bixing Island has been successfully upgraded to a second-level island. In the future, practicing on this third-level intermediate spiritual vein can save a lot of golden elixirs and make the cultivation progress faster."

Wu Tao immediately practiced some training to feel the training experience after the third-level intermediate spiritual pulse was improved.

After completing the practice, joy arose in his heart.

"However, the experience is just an experience. There is still a slight gap. After all, I am in the True Fire Palace in the Border Islands, but I have the advanced spiritual veins of the three realms."

"However, it's better to go back to the Immortal Palace's Weapon Refining Hall. Who knows what dangers there are. It's just a temporary stability."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao stood up and called Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng received the message from Wu Tao and came quickly, bowing and saying: "Island Master, I'm here."

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