Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 608 The end of the month (please subscribe)

Wu Tao didn't need to prepare anything. As long as the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall sent a third-level low-level weapon refiner to take his place, he would return directly to the Immortal Palace.


Now that the transfer order to return to the sect of the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall has been issued, Wu Tao still has to go see Luo Yuhua tomorrow and explain to him the transfer order to return to the sect. After all, Luo Yuhua is also the true guard and top leader here.

Still need to be notified.

With this in mind, Wu Tao entered the training room and started practicing.

the next day.

Wu Tao went to the Zhenzhuan Hall in the Boundary Islands to ask for a meeting with Luo Yuhua.

This time, Wu Tao didn't have to wait long before he was received by Luo Yuhua. Perhaps it was related to his promotion to the third level intermediate weapon refiner.

"I've met Senior Brother Luo." Wu Tao stood in front of Luo Yuhua, bowed his hands and saluted.

Luo Yuhua showed a kind smile on his face and said to Wu Tao: "Junior brother Li, congratulations on your promotion to the third level intermediate weapon refiner."

"Thank you, Senior Brother Luo." Wu Tao quickly thanked Luo Yuhua for his congratulations.

Luo Yuhua said: "Junior Brother Li, you came to me this time to return to the Immortal Palace's Weapon Refining Hall."

"Senior Brother Hui Luo, this is why I came here." Luo Yuhua knew that he was here to return to the sect. Wu Tao did not find it strange that the transfer order from the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall to return to the sect would not be issued only to him. One person will definitely be given to the true disciples who are stationed in the Border Islands.

But it was one thing for Luo Yuhua to receive the order from the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall to return to his sect, and it was another thing for him to come to explain. It would be a bit arrogant not to let him, a true disciple, go. In his eyes, Wu Tao still understands these worldly things.

"Okay, Junior Brother Li, I already know. The Boundary Islands are indeed not suitable for Junior Brother Li, and some of them are overqualified and underused. I wish Junior Brother Li a good career in returning to the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall." Luo Yuhua said to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao quickly raised his hand and said: "With the good words of Senior Brother Luo, Junior Brother will return to the Immortal Palace Weapon Refining Hall and will work hard to fulfill his duties for the Immortal Palace Weapon Refining Hall."

The attitude must be good.

Luo Yuhua nodded, and then said: "Junior brother Li, I still have some important things to deal with here, so you should go back first. After the weapon refiner from the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall comes to replace you, I will arrange for someone to send him there." Go back to the fairy palace."

Wu Tao was slightly surprised when he heard Luo Yuhua's words. He didn't expect that someone would escort him back to the Immortal Palace. He quickly expressed his gratitude, then stopped disturbing Luo Yuhua's work and returned to his True Fire Palace.

When he returned to his True Fire Palace, he saw some familiar golden elixir cultivators standing in front of the door of his True Fire Palace. They all looked at him with joy on their faces, which made Wu Tao feel sad. Wei Wei is a little confused, have these golden elixir cultivators encountered something happy?

"Fellow Taoists, what is this?" Wu Tao asked these golden elixir cultivators with his hands in hand.

"Fellow Daoist Li, we are here to congratulate you on your promotion to the third level intermediate weapon refiner."

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Li for being promoted to the third level of Intermediate Weapon Refining Master. I wish Fellow Daoist Li a successful career in refining weapons." These golden elixir cultivators bowed their hands to Wu Tao.

"A small gift is not respectful, so please accept it with a smile, Fellow Daoist Li."

Jade bottles and exquisite wooden boxes were taken out by these golden elixir cultivators as gifts and presented to Wu Tao. Wu Tao did not need to guess, but he knew that the contents of these jade bottles must be elixirs or spiritual fire and water. Category. There may be spiritual materials in the wooden box.

Wu Tao did not expect that these golden elixir cultivators would actually gather here to congratulate him on his promotion to the third-level intermediate weapon refiner. No wonder they all had a look of joy on their faces.

He has been in the Border Islands for so many years, and these golden elixir cultivators are also very familiar with him. They have helped these golden elixir cultivators repair real weapons or refine real weapons, and they are already among his connections.

Therefore, Wu Tao accepted their congratulations and solemnly picked up the gifts from these people one by one. Then he smiled happily and invited everyone into the True Fire Palace Tea Room to make tea for everyone.

For a time, Wu Tao's tea room was filled with golden elixir cultivators, and the entire tea room was filled with laughter and joy.

These golden elixir cultivators stayed for a full hour before they dispersed together.

Wu Tao sent them out of the True Fire Palace and watched them leave before returning to the True Fire Palace and the tea room. He packed up the cups, spiritual fruit plates, etc. in the tea room.

Then, he came to the training room, and with a thought, jade bottles and wooden boxes flew out one after another, floating in front of him.

His spiritual thoughts fell on the jade bottles, he reached in and had a clear view of the items inside. Just as Wu Tao expected, these jade bottles contained golden elixirs and spiritual fire and spiritual water.

Most of them are the lowest-level golden elixir and third-level spiritual fire and spiritual water. Only a few are medium-level golden elixir and fourth-level spiritual fire and spiritual water.

However, Wu Tao would not dislike the etiquette but the affection.

Finally, Wu Tao opened the wooden boxes one after another, which contained various spiritual materials, all of which were third-level spiritual materials. Most of the third-level low-level spiritual materials, and a few of the third-level high-level spiritual materials.

The congratulatory gifts given to the weapon refiners are naturally mainly based on spiritual materials.

When Wu Tao received these gifts, he had memorized the list of gifts in his mind. He had already clearly remembered which gifts had been given by each Jindan master. If the other party had any happy events, they would also need to repay the gifts.

Whether you are a human being or a cultivator, managing any relationship requires reciprocity. One-sided dedication cannot last long.

After sorting out these gifts and putting them back into the storage bags, Wu Tao began to practice.

Perhaps because he already knew that he was going back to the Immortal Palace's Weapon Refining Hall, the days flew by so fast that a month passed in the blink of an eye.

This day.

Wu Tao had just finished practicing the Jiu Yao Fusion Yang pole true skill, when the storage bag around his waist started to make noises. It is a summons token.

He immediately took out the summons token and read the information inside. It was Senior Brother Zhao Ting who summoned him and asked him to go to his True Fire Palace, saying that the Immortal Palace's weapon refining hall had sent a third-level low-level weapon refiner.

"It's finally here, the time is just right." Wu Tao put a smile on his face, put away the summons token, then got up and left the True Fire Palace, heading to Zhao Ting's True Fire Palace.

When they arrived at Zhao Ting's True Fire Shop, the door of the True Fire Palace opened automatically. Wu Tao walked in easily and saw Wei Tianbao waiting for him in the front hall. He said, "Junior Brother Qi who came from the Immortal Palace's Refining Hall, Already in the tea room, Senior Brother Zhao is receiving you."

Wu Tao nodded after hearing this, and then followed Wei Tianbao into the tea room.

Entering the tea room, he saw Zhao Ting sitting on the upper seat of the tea room. To his right sat an old man with gray hair, wearing a uniform robe of a third-level low-level weapon refiner in the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall, with a true fire on his chest.

This is the third-level low-level weapon refiner who came to take over Wu Tao's affairs in the Border Islands.

When the gray-haired old man saw Wei Tianbao and Wu Tao coming in, he immediately stood up and bowed his hands to Wei Tianbao and Wu Tao as a salute: "Qi Jinghe has met Senior Brother Wei and Senior Brother Li."

Qi Jinghe is 320 years old this year, with gray hair. He seems to be Wu Tao's grandfather, but in the Immortal Palace Weapon Refining Hall, they are called by the level of Weapon Refiner, so he is indeed Wu Tao's junior brother.

"Junior Brother Qi, there is no need to be polite." Wei Tianbao and Wu Tao quickly gave him a soft hand.

Qi Jinghe slowly took back the gift.

Zhao Ting said: "Junior Brother Li, this Junior Brother Emperor Qi is here to take over your affairs in the Border Islands. Let's sit down and talk."

Zhao Ting spoke, and Wei Tianbao immediately sat opposite Zhao Ting. Wu Tao also habitually sat on Zhao Ting's left hand, where he usually boiled water and made tea for Zhao Ting and Wei Tianbao.

As soon as he sat down, Wu Tao easily picked up the teapot and prepared to fill the three of them with tea. However, as soon as he picked up the teapot, Qi Jinghe already half straightened up, took the teapot from Wu Tao's hand and said, "Senior Brother Li, I Come, I’ll come.”

Wu Tao was slightly startled and looked at Qi Jinghe who looked like an old man. Then he suddenly realized that he was not the youngest here.

Of course, he must be the youngest.

Whether it is Qi Jinghe, Wei Tianbao or Zhao Ting, they are all people over 300 years old. They are all those who are sent to the Border Islands to do things if they cannot make further progress in their cultivation and weapon refining.

But after all, they are cultivators of immortality, and cultivators of immortality naturally have to speak in terms of their realm of cultivation. Or the weapon refiner, the seniority should be determined by the weapon refiner level.

The Palace Master of Xingchen Immortal Palace is not as old as Wei Tianbao and the others, but he is still higher in seniority than Wei Tianbao and the others. When they meet, even if they don't call him Palace Master, they will call him "Master Uncle".

"Maybe in the future, when I am promoted to True Lord Nascent Soul and become a fourth-level weapon refiner, Fellow Daoist Wei and Senior Brother Zhao will also call me uncle." This thought suddenly arose in Wu Tao's mind.

But in the next moment, he suppressed this thought.

After all, he is still at the third level of Jindan and a third-level intermediate weapon refiner. He doesn't know how long it will take to advance to the Nascent Soul stage.

After all, Qi Jinghe was born in the Immortal Palace's Weapon Refining Hall. Although his level as an Weapon Refiner was not as good as that of Wei Tianbao and Zhao Ting, Qi Jinghe had heard of their reputations and knew them both.

Therefore, we can talk about some things about the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall.

In the future, Qi Jinghe will work with Wei Tianbao and Zhao Ting, so they will listen to Qi Jinghe's story very patiently, and will also discuss with Qi Jinghe somewhere.

After about half an hour or more, Zhao Ting said to Qi Jinghe and Wu Tao: "Junior Brother Li, Junior Brother Qi is here to take over your affairs. Please take him to your True Fire Palace to hand over matters."

Wu Tao nodded when he heard this and said, "It's Senior Brother Zhao. Junior Brother Qi, come with me."

Wu Tao stood up and looked at Qi Jinghe. Qi Jinghe immediately stood up, bowed to Zhao Ting and Wei Tianbao, and then followed Wu Tao and left Zhao Ting's True Fire Palace.

Arriving in front of his True Fire Palace, Wu Tao said to Qi Jinghe: "Junior Brother Qi, from now on, this True Fire Palace belongs to you, Junior Brother Qi."

Qi Jinghe responded with a yes.

Then Wu Tao took Qi Jinghe to the True Fire Palace and asked him to visit the True Fire Palace. After the visit, he entered the tea room.

While drinking spiritual tea, I communicated with Qi Jinghe.

In fact, the Border Islands have been peaceful for so long, and there is nothing that needs to be handed over, and the handover is completed quickly.

Wu Tao said to Qi Jinghe: "Junior Brother Qi, I plan to leave the Boundary Islands in two days and return to the Immortal Palace. I will trouble you to stay elsewhere during these two days."

"No matter how busy you are, Senior Brother Li can arrange it." Qi Jinghe said quickly.

Then Qi Jinghe said goodbye and left without disturbing Wu Tao as he prepared to return to the Immortal Palace.

After Qi Jinghe left, Wu Tao first summoned Fu Xuan and told him to leave the Boundary Islands in two days.

He wanted to leave with Fu Xuan, and Fu Xuan belonged to the Border Islands Artifact Refining Branch. Zhao Ting was talking here, so Wu Tao went to Zhao Ting's True Fire Palace again to ask Zhao Ting explained the matter.

"Fu Xuan? Junior Brother Li actually wants to take Fu Xuan back to the Immortal Palace Weapon Refining Hall?" After listening to Wu Tao's explanation, Zhao Ting was slightly surprised.

Wu Tao nodded and said: "It's 8 Fu Xuan. I'm used to it. I plan to take it back to the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall to continue using it. Moreover, Fu Xuan worked very hard and created a new method some time ago."

"Oh, that's quite hard work." Zhao Ting was surprised, but changed the topic and continued: "However, creating a new law is only the first step. The most important step is to refine the golden elixir with water and fire. Once you take this step, That’s when we really stepped through it.”

Wu Tao said: "It depends on his luck."

Zhao Ting said: "It is his blessing that Fu Xuan can be favored by Junior Brother Li. Just take him back to the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall." Zhao Ting let him go very readily.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Zhao." Wu Tao thanked him with his hands.

"When will you return to the Immortal Palace?" Zhao Ting asked.

Wu Tao said: "I plan to return to the Immortal Palace in two days."

Zhao Ting said: "Okay, when the time comes, Junior Brother Wei, Junior Brother Qi, I, and they will see you off."

Wu Tao originally wanted to say that there was no need to send it off, but thinking that Zhao Ting and the others would definitely come to see him off, he said, "Okay. Senior Brother Zhao, I want to go see Senior Brother Luo, so I'll take my leave first."

"Go ahead."

After coming out of Zhao Ting's True Fire Palace, Wu Tao went directly to see Luo Yuhua.

After seeing Luo Yuhua, Wu Tao bowed first and then said: "Senior Brother Luo, I plan to return to the Immortal Palace in two days. Regarding the weapon refining matters, I have already handed over to Qi Jing and my junior brother."

Hearing this, Luo Yuhua nodded slightly and said, "Okay, then I will arrange a Dharma boat and accompanying escorts for you."

"Thank you, Senior Brother Luo, for your hard work." Wu Tao thanked him with his hands in hand.

Luo Yuhua smiled and said: "This is what the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall requested from me. By the way, it's that Deacon Yu."

Hearing the words Deacon Yu, Wu Tao naturally knew that Luo Yuhua was talking about Yu Zhixin. As the third-level deacon of the Weapon Refining Hall, Yu Zhixin could indeed get Luo Yuhua to cooperate.

Wu Tao thanked Yu Zhixin in his heart, then said goodbye to Luo Yuhua.

I had just returned to the True Fire Palace and was about to enter the training room when I found someone visiting outside the palace.

Wu Tao went out to take a look and saw Kong Qi.

"Senior Brother Li." Kong Qi bowed to Wu Tao.

As a third-level low-level formation mage, Kong Qi, one of the four masters of the Four Immortal Arts, is ranked according to professional level, so it is correct for Kong Qi to call Wu Tao his senior brother.

"Junior Brother Kong, please come in quickly." Wu Tao invited Kong Qi into the True Fire Palace and came to the tea room.

"Senior Brother Li is going back to the Immortal Palace. I don't know when he will return?" Kong Qi asked.

Wu Tao's promotion to the third level intermediate weapon refining master is not a secret in the Border Islands. They also know that he has received an order to return to his sect and will one day leave the Border Islands and return to the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall to work.

When Wu Tao came to the Boundary Islands, the political mage, alchemist, and talisman master of the Boundary Islands all felt incredible. They felt that it was impossible for a young person with such potential as Wu Tao to be sent to the Boundary Islands.

But this is the fact, and they can only accept it. Now, they finally learned from Zhao Ting that Wu Tao came to the Boundary Islands to practice.

"Two days later." Wu Tao said.

Kong Qi heard this and said, "Senior Brother Li, I have something, and I would like to ask Senior Brother Li to help me bring it back to the Immortal Palace and give it to my useless son."

Wu Tao heard Kong Qi's request and immediately agreed.

Kong Qi took out a storage bag and said, "Senior Brother Li, please give this storage bag to..."

After Kong Qi finished speaking, Wu Tao solemnly put away the storage bag and said, "Junior Brother Kong, don't worry, I will help you give it to your son."

"Thank you so much, Senior Brother Li!"

Kong Qi thanked Wu Tao, sat here for two quarters of an hour, and then left.

Wu Tao then entered the training room and started practicing. Even though there were only two days left, he had to race against time to practice and not miss a day's homework.

Two days later.

Wu Tao walked out of the True Fire Palace and saw Fu Xuan standing at the door of the True Fire Palace. Fu Xuan was surrounded by Zhao Tingting, Wei Tianbao, Qi Jing and three others. Fu Xuan seemed embarrassed. After all, they were all bosses, and he was the only one who thought he was a rookie.

"Senior Brother Zhao, Fellow Daoist Wei, Junior Brother Qi!" Wu Tao bowed to the three of them, and then nodded gently to Fu Xuan.

"Let's go, Junior Brother Li, Luo Zhenzhuan has arranged the Dharma boat and its entourage." Zhao Ting said to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao nodded, and then the five of them headed to the Boundary Islands Pier.

When they arrived at the pier, a late-stage Jindan cultivator came up and greeted Zhao Ting and Wu Tao, explaining that he was one of the cultivators who escorted Wu Tao back to the Immortal Palace.

Wu Tao knew that this person was an eighth-level cultivator of the Golden Core, and his surname was Wang.

"Excuse me, Senior Brother Wang." Wu Tao handed over to Senior Brother Wang.

Senior Brother Wang smiled and said: "Junior Brother Li, you don't have to be polite. The Dharma Boat has been prepared and can be started just as soon as Junior Brother Li gets on board."

Wu Tao nodded, then said goodbye to Zhao Ting, Wei Tianbao and Qi Jinghe, and then took Fu Xuan and followed Senior Brother Wang to the Dharma Boat.

"Junior Brother Li, see you again when we have the opportunity." Zhao Ting waved to Wu Tao on the bow of the French boat.

"Fellow Daoist Li, I hope that next time we meet, I will call you Senior Brother Li." Wei Tianbao laughed loudly.

Wu Tao stood on the bow of the Dharma boat and waved to Zhao Ting and others: "Senior Brother Zhao, Fellow Daoist Wei, and Junior Brother Qi, let's meet at the Refining Hall next time."

After seeing you off for thousands of miles, you must finally say goodbye. Then the Dharma boat opened and disappeared from the eyes of Zhao Ting and others.

Wu Tao said to Senior Brother Wang, "Thank you for your hard work, Senior Brother Wang."

Senior Brother Wang smiled and said: "What did Junior Brother Li say? Escorting Junior Brother Li back to the Immortal Palace is our mission."

"Junior Brother Li, you can go to your room on the ship to rest. It is estimated that it will take about 20 days to arrive at the Immortal Palace. I will notify Junior Brother Li at that time."

Wu Tao nodded, and then took Fu Xuan to find a room on the ship to rest.

The Dharma ship left the public waters half a day later and entered the waters of the Stars Immortal Palace. Because the Dharma ship carried the flag of the Stars Celestial Palace, no one on the Dharma ship dared to attack.

23 days later, the Dharma ship arrived safely at the Star Palace.

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