Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 605: The true game, the intermediate level of true forbidden comprehension is complete (plea

Chapter 605: True Inheritance Game, Intermediate Level True Forbidden Comprehension is Complete (please subscribe)

When the master of Yinxian Palace saw Cui Qing leaning back to avoid her fingers, he immediately put on a straight face, put his hands on his hips and said with a groan: "Why, I came all the way from Huiyue Palace to see you, and you are still not welcome?"

Cui Qing saw her stern face and angry look, so she quickly put down the document in her hand, took the hand of Palace Master Yinxian, and said warmly: "Palace Master, you know that is not what I meant. Come see me. , I am extremely happy. I don’t want to be tired, after all, you have to deal with various matters of Huiyue Immortal Palace."

After hearing this, the Master of Yinxian Palace softened slightly and said, "I heard that Jiao Ming doesn't get along well with you. How about I remove him from his position as Chief True Inheritor to prevent him from giving you any trouble?"

Hearing this, Cui Qing looked at the Lord of Yinxian Palace, shook her head and said, "That's not necessary, I know Yinxian you have my best interests at heart, but you are the Lord of the first palace of Huiyue Palace, how can you change your order overnight? This will make things worse." The elders of Huiyue Immortal Palace have objections to you."

Upon hearing this, the Master of Yinxian Palace snorted coldly, turned around and sat on Cui Qing's lap, put his hands around Cui Qing's neck and said: "I'm not afraid of them. A chief true successor, I can withdraw if I want." withdraw."

Cui Qing nodded in agreement and said: "Yes, yes, yes, Yinxian is the most powerful, but I don't take Jiao Ming seriously."

"Just him, if he wants to arm-wrestle with me, he's still far from it!"

Cui Qing said this and looked at the Yinxian Palace Master on her lap.

The Master of Yinxian Palace nodded and said: "Yes, I am confident in Cui Lang's talent."

Cui Qing pinched her nose and said: "As the palace master of Huiyue Immortal Palace, how can you turn your elbows outward... Today, I will teach the palace master how to do things..."

"Well, how can Cui Lang teach me how to do things...well, how can he beat me with a stick..."

An hour later.

Cui Qing straightened out her robe and said to the Lord of Yinxian Palace: "Yinxian, this is also within the sect of our Xingchen Immortal Palace. There is a God Transformation Lord guarding the sect. You'd better hurry up." Go back, if your identity is discovered..."

The master of Yinxian Palace nodded and said: "Cui Lang, then I will go back!"

After saying that, the Yinxian Palace Master's face returned to that of Mingyue, then he glanced at Cui Qing and left.

A few quarters of an hour later, Yan He returned. He had something to report, and Cui Qing let him in.

"Junior Brother Yan, what's the matter?" Cui Qing looked at Yan He.

Yan He cupped his hands and reported: "Chief, Jiao Ming has ascended to the position of chief of Huiyue Immortal Palace. The agreement that the chief made with Chief Zhang before, because of Jiao Ming's resentment towards the chief, will inevitably be overthrown as soon as he takes the position, in order to declare himself The same status as the chief!"

Hearing this, Cui Qing nodded and said, "Yan He, what you said makes sense. Jiao Ming is narrow-minded. Let's do this. Send a message to Junior Brother Luo and ask him to pay attention to the movements in the islands bordering Huiyue Immortal Palace."

Yan He immediately accepted the order and walked out of the chief hall.

Cui Qing stood up, walked slowly, came to the window, looked at the scenery outside the window, and whispered: "Zhang Taixuan!"

"Jiao Ming, there's nothing to worry about!"

On the Border Islands of Xingchen Immortal Palace, Luo Yuhua received the message from Yan He, and immediately solemnly called the Jindan Immortal Cultivator in charge of the patrol, and ordered: "Strengthen the patrol outside the Border Islands, and the situation on the Star Eye Island should also be kept at all times. Notice."

The Border Islands, at this moment, spring into action.

There seemed to be signs of a war.

Wu Tao also felt this tense atmosphere, because before, there were some damaged real artifacts that Jindan Zhenren put at his place for repair. He was not in a hurry, but now they all found him and asked him to hurry up. The damaged real thing is repaired.

Based on this, Wu Tao smelled a hint of war.

"Sure enough, as soon as that Chief Zhang died in the Boundary Wall Battlefield, Huiyue Immortal Palace changed its chief, and its policy towards the Boundary Islands was different."

"We still need to be promoted to the third level intermediate weapon refiner as soon as possible."

Such thoughts flashed through Wu Tao's mind.

On the border islands of Huiyue Immortal Palace, Le Xing Palace received an order from the newly appointed Chief Jiao Ming. Although Jiao Ming was only temporarily acting as Chief, his power was the same as that of the Chief, and he had the right to appoint all disciples.

Le Xinggong had a gloomy face after receiving Jiao Ming's order to attack the border islands of Xingchen Immortal Palace.

In his mind, Jiao Ming was just one step ahead of him in breaking through the pill and becoming a baby. With his qualifications, he would be able to break through the pill and become a baby one day.

Moreover, he doesn't really like to get involved in various frictions with the Border Islands of Xingchen Immortal Palace. He still prefers stable practice. The reason why he coveted the location of the Border Islands before was because he had a problem with Lie Qiyang. I can't stand being so arrogant.

Moreover, since he has a strong background, he doesn't have to worry about training resources at all, so why should he rely on starting a war and gaining sect resources to support his training.

However, the chief's orders must be obeyed, otherwise Jiao Ming can use his power to punish him. Although it is not enough to kill him, it can make people quite uncomfortable and troublesome.

Therefore, Le Xinggong still issued the order immediately.

In an instant, the golden elixir cultivators from the Border Islands of Huiyue Immortal Palace received the order and immediately took action. All the war boats took off and flew towards the Star Eye Island of Star Immortal Palace.

Such a big movement on the border islands of Huiyue Immortal Palace was naturally noticed on Star Eye Island.

Quickly send the message back to the Border Islands behind.

Luo Yuhua immediately ordered to mobilize all war ships to Star Eye Island to prepare for the invasion from the border islands of Huiyue Immortal Palace.

at the same time.

The situation suddenly changed, and twelve masters of the four arts stationed in the Border Islands were ordered to be on standby at any time.

Wu Tao naturally received the order to be on standby at any time.

In Zhao Ting's True Fire Palace.

Wu Tao and Wei Tianbao were sitting at the bottom of the table. They were not sitting in the tea room this time. The situation was tense now and they couldn't drink tea while waiting.

"Senior Brother Zhao, I heard that at Huiyue Immortal Palace, the third true disciple, Jiao Ming, is the temporary chief, and he has already broken through the elixir and become a human being, reaching the Nascent Soul stage." Wei Tianbao said to Zhao Ting.

Wu Tao listened quietly on the sidelines. He also knew the news, but he still didn't know as much about the true disciples of the major Immortal Palaces as Wei Tianbao and Zhao Ting, the veteran cultivators born in the Immortal Palace.

Zhao Ting nodded and said: "Yes, it is Jiao Ming. He successfully broke the elixir and became an infant, so he has the strength to temporarily take over the position of chief true legend. I heard that it was the Yinxian Palace Master of Huiyue Immortal Palace who ordered that all true legends be replaced Among the disciples, whoever breaks the elixir first and becomes a baby can temporarily take over the position of chief true disciple. Ji Ruyue, the second true disciple, failed to break the elixir and become a baby and reach the Nascent Soul stage..."

"It would be great if Ji Ruyue takes the position. If she takes the position, the border islands on both sides will still be stable and will not become so tense and ready to fight at any time."

"Senior Brother Zhao, Jiao Ming can achieve the Nascent Soul stage. As a true disciple, as soon as he takes office, he rushes to overturn the former chief's decision. Isn't this just following the truth?" Wei Tianbao expressed his doubts.

What Jiao Ming did in this matter was really devoid of any human feelings or sophistication.

Zhao Ting laughed and said, "Junior Brother Wei doesn't know that this Jiao Ming has an old grudge with our Chief Cui, so he is provoking Chief Cui."

Naturally, Wu Tao didn't know about these secrets. So he listened quietly, since Wei Tianbao would be his mouthpiece anyway.

Sure enough, Wei Tianbao raised his hand and asked, "Oh, Jiao Ming and Chief Cui have an old grudge, please tell Senior Brother Zhao.

Zhao Ting said: "I also heard what others said. It was said that during a discussion on Taoism by the True Transmission of the Three Palaces, Jiao Ming came on stage to explain his own principles, and then was defeated by Chief Cui, which made Jiao Ming lose face. Therefore, Jiao Ming Ming had a grudge against Chief Cui, and had several disputes with Chief Cui in the future. After Chief Cui became the chief, Jiao Ming did not dare to face Chief Cui directly, and always retreated when he saw him. Now he has also broken the Dancheng Ying, achieved the Nascent Soul stage, and his cultivation level is the same as Chief Cui's Nascent Soul True Lord. By the way, he also temporarily took over the position of chief of Huiyue Immortal Palace, and his status is equal, so he has the courage to meet Chief Cui again. Fight."

"The order to start the war on the Border Islands is Jiao Ming's first challenge to Chief Cui."

"That's it. Thank you, Senior Brother Zhao, for clearing up the confusion."

Wei Tianbao and Wu Tao surrendered to Zhao Ting.

Zhao Ting looked at Wei Tianbao and Wu Tao and said: "Two junior brothers, don't worry, Jiao Ming has just broken through the elixir to become a baby, and he is not the official true chief, but a temporary one. He can't beat our chief Cui."

"I hope it's like what Senior Brother Zhao said." Wei Tianbao sighed.

Although he couldn't go any further in terms of cultivation and weapon refining, he didn't want to be stuck in repairing the war boat all day long, and he also wanted to live a somewhat stable life.

Zhao Ting continued: "As the saying goes, before the three armies move, food and grass go first. Every battle consumes a lot of training resources, and it must be supported by the Immortal Palace. He Jiao Ming wants to launch a bigger war, then We must get the Immortal Palace to agree to allocate funds, otherwise, we won’t be able to fight here.”

Wu Tao and Wei Tianbao both nodded in agreement upon hearing this. In the world of immortal cultivation, two sects fighting for resources are also competing for resources.

Without resources, no one will fight without benefit.

However, Wu Tao is still a little worried. He heard what Zhao Ting said about the grievances between Jiao Ming and Chief Cui. The grievances often make people lose their minds. What if Jiao Ming makes a desperate move and starts a bigger war? This is also very serious. possible.

Therefore, he still decided that as soon as he had time, he would understand the third-level intermediate true prohibition and quickly promote himself to the third-level intermediate weapon refiner. By then, even if there were conflicts and wars on the Border Islands, it would not concern him. At that time, he had returned to the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall to work.

A few days later.

An order to attack was issued from the border islands of Huiyue Immortal Palace, and immediately, the two border islands were plunged into war.

However, only a slight friction would result in damage to the warship at most.

Therefore, Wu Tao, the weapon refiners and formation masters started repairing the war boat again.

Repairing the war boat is not in vain, it is done with merit.

The current situation is not very tense and there is no serious war. Therefore, the war boats are transported back to the Border Islands for repair.

A month has passed in the blink of an eye. This month has basically been a small battle every five days, all of which damaged the war boat and no golden elixir was lost.

In this level of fighting, Wu Tao and the others did not need to go to Star Eye Island to repair at any time. Instead, they just stayed in the Border Islands and waited for the war boat to be sent back for repairs.

The task of repairing the war boat is not very difficult. It only requires four hours of repair every day.

During the rest of the time, Wu Tao focused on practicing.

But even so, he only has eight hours of practice time every day. In addition to the Jiuyao Fusion Yangji Zhenqiu and Zhoutian Xingchen body training exercises that cannot be missed, he also focuses on comprehending the third-level intermediate real forbidden skills and other spells. , there is not much time to practice at all.

He originally thought that this small war would continue, but soon, news of the fall of Jindan came back from the front line of Star Eye Island.

Wu Tao also learned through Zhao Ting that Le Xinggong suddenly issued an order to behead and behead.

So this time, the loss of the war ship was very serious. Two golden elixirs were lost here in the Star Palace, and one golden elixir was lost in the Huiyue Palace.

When the golden elixir fell, everyone lifted their spirits. He knew that this time, it was no longer a trivial matter. If he didn't keep his spirits up, next time, he would most likely be the one who died.

I didn’t think that Master Jin Dan wanted to die.

They also knew that this was a game between the two true chiefs of Xingchen Immortal Palace and Huiyue Immortal Palace.

Unfortunately, they became pawns in the game played by the two true chiefs. However, there was no other way. Even if they became pawns, they had to fight for the glory of the Immortal Palace.

"I still know the character of this person from Le Xing Palace. He suddenly went crazy. It must be Jiao Ming who gave the order to come here again." Luo Yuhua said with a gloomy face on the front line of Xingyan Island.

The golden elixir cultivators from the Xingchen Immortal Palace behind him all had serious expressions on their faces.

The chief palace of Huiyue Immortal Palace.

"Chief, Elder Min is here!" A Jindan disciple came in and bowed to Jiao Ming, who was sitting on the chief's throne.

Hearing this, Jiao Ming immediately straightened his expression, stood up from the throne, and said, "Invite Elder Min in quickly!"

This Elder Min is in the late Nascent Soul stage and has been supporting him from behind. Even if Jiao Ming successfully breaks through the Nascent Soul stage now, he would not dare to stand up in front of Elder Min.

"No need, I'm already in!" A deep voice sounded, and Elder Min strode in, his face seemed extremely unhappy.

Jiao Ming looked at the golden elixir cultivator and waved his hand to signal him to retreat. After the other party retreated, Jiao Ming walked forward, bowed to Elder Min and said, "Who made Elder Min angry?"

Elder Min looked at Jiao Ming and said: "Chief Jiao, today, at the elders' meeting, Elder Li told the Palace Master that as soon as you temporarily took over the position of Chief True Successor, you were eager to overturn the border islands policy formulated by Junior Brother Zhang Taixuan. Upon hearing this, the Palace Master said, Although he didn’t say anything, he frowned slightly, obviously not satisfied with your matter.”

"I know that you have old grudges with Cui Qing, but as soon as you came to power, you overturned the policies formulated by Junior Brother Zhang Taixuan because of the old grudges. Junior Brother Zhang Taixuan fell on the battlefield of the Boundary Wall because of our Huiyue Immortal Palace. What do others think of you? , I think you don’t have an overall view of the overall situation, you are not thoughtful enough in doing things, and you act too temperamentally...!”

When Jiao Ming heard this, his heart sank. He did understand Elder Min's words. He also knew that as soon as he took office, he would overturn the border islands policy formulated by the previous chief. It would indeed be easy for him to put it into practice, but he could still bear the small excuse.

Who would have thought that Elder Li would actually apply eye drops directly to the Palace Master. Adding to Elder Min's story, it seemed that the Palace Master didn't like his way of doing things.

He couldn't help but hate Elder Li, who was the elder who supported Ji Ruyue.

Thinking of this, his face immediately showed an apology, and he cupped his hands to Elder Min and said: "Elder Min, Junior Brother, I know I was wrong. I will send an order to the Boundary Islands to maintain Senior Brother Zhang's policy."

After hearing this, Elder Min calmed down, looked at Jiao Ming, and said seriously: "Junior brother Jiao, you are now the True Monarch of Nascent Soul, just like Cui Qing, so you should practice hard, and in the next True Inheritance of the Three Palaces In terms of discussion, defeating him with dignity and dignity is the right way."

"In this way, you can make the palace master value you."

Hearing this, Jiao Ming accepted the instruction and said: "Yes, senior brother, I understand. I will definitely practice well and defeat Cui Qing in the next Sangong Zhenzhuan discussion."

Elder Min came here to explain this matter to Jiao Ming. Don't continue to lose the order and make the palace owner unhappy. This is a big deal. Seeing that Jiao Ming knew his mistake and corrected it, he left.

Jiao Ming called a Jindan junior brother in and asked him to summon him to the Boundary Islands, so that Le Xing Palace could continue to maintain the no-war and no-friction agreement between Chief Zhang and Cui Qing.

After a while.

Someone outside said there was something important to report.

Jiao Ming called him in and said, "What's the matter?"

The golden elixir cultivator took out a document and said: "Chief, this is the invitation document for the meeting of the chiefs of the three major immortal palaces. It is jointly sent by Chief Cui of the Star Immortal Palace and Chief Zhong of the Sun Immortal Palace!"

"Bring it up." Jiao Ming said.

The golden elixir cultivator stepped forward, placed the document on the desk in front of Jiao Ming, and said. : "Chief, then junior brother, please leave first."

After saying that, after Jiao Ming waved his hand, the Jin Dan left quickly.

Although Jiao Ming was puzzled as to why the Jindan Junior Brother left in such a hurry, he didn't care. He picked up the document and opened it. His face instantly darkened, and then he became furious and threw the document heavily on the desk.

"Cui Qing, Zhong Juyang, you bullied me too much!"

The meeting between the chiefs of the three immortal palaces is an occasional meeting between the chiefs of the three immortal palaces. They discuss the cooperation of some disciples of the three immortal palaces on the boundary wall battlefield, or deal with some conflicts and frictions over the common mineral resources of the three immortal palaces.

As long as the True Legend Chiefs of the two Immortal Palaces jointly issue it, the True Legend Chief of the other Immortal Palace must participate and cannot refuse.

This time, the True Legend Chief Meeting was jointly initiated by Cui Qing from Xingchen Immortal Palace and Zhong Juyang from Sun Immortal Palace, and Zhang Taixuan, the chief of Huiyue Immortal Palace, was invited to participate.

That's right, it was Zhang Taixuan who was written on the document, not Jiao Ming. This was what made Jiao Ming furious.

This is humiliating him, knowing that he is temporarily taking over the position of chief of Huiyue Immortal Palace, but still writing the name of the deceased Zhang Taixuan on the document.

The strange thing is.

After that battle, both Huiyue Immortal Palace and Xingchen Immortal Palace lost their lives to the real Jin Dan, and then Le Xing Palace actually ordered all war ships to be withdrawn, and the war ended.

In order to deal with the capriciousness of the border islands of Huiyue Immortal Palace, Luo Yuhua still did not issue an order to withdraw the war ship, but directly stationed on Star Eye Island, just in case.

This was just in case, so I took precautions for half a year.

Half a year.

The border islands of Huiyue Immortal Palace have not launched any attacks on Stars Immortal Palace.

Luo Yuhua sent a subpoena to the chief palace to inquire about the matter, and received a reply from the chief palace, saying that it was an order from Jiao Ming and that the policy set by the previous chief Zhang would continue to be maintained.

However, the Chief Palace still asked Luo Yuhua to station at Star Eye Island first, just in case.

As for the rest, we’ll talk about it in half a year.

Wu Tao also enjoyed stable training for more than half a year. Like Luo Yuhua, he was worried about the other person's capriciousness.

As the chief, Jiao Ming is not honest enough. You see, our chief Cui will continue to fulfill his agreement even if chief Zhang dies. Wu Tao thought this in his heart.

But even though he was worried, he still took the time to practice.

Another half year passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past six months, they have continued to live in peace and harmony. It seems that Jiao Ming has forgotten the old grudge with Cui Qing, and his whole person has become more organized, no longer thinking about the Boundary Islands.

In the training room.

Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon, suddenly opened his eyes, with a look of joy on his face, and said softly: "Finally, I have fully understood all the third-level intermediate true forbidden weapons. I can start to refine the third-level intermediate true weapon and advance to the third-level intermediate level." A weapon refiner."

Third level intermediate true ban: (100%)

Wu Tao's eyes fell on personal information. Seeing this 100%, his heart finally relaxed.

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