Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 606 Third level intermediate weapon refiner (please subscribe)

"It's really not easy!"

Wu Tao took one last look at the third-level intermediate true forbidden record on his personal information, muttered to himself, and then closed his personal information.

this year.

The border islands between the two Asgards had been locked in friction and war for only the previous month.

In the following year, Jiao Ming, the acting chief of Huiyue Immortal Palace, chose to continue to maintain the non-war and non-friction agreement on the border islands agreed by the former chief Zhang Taixuan and Cui Qing.

Although Wu Tao, as a cultivator below, does not understand the game between the upper levels, this situation is good for him.

So this year, he resumed his daily practice. However, he still chose to focus on comprehending the third-level intermediate true taboo. He was afraid that Jiao Ming would be capricious and issued an order to fight against the border islands of Xingchen Immortal Palace.

By then it will definitely fall into endless war again.

Over the past year, even if he focused on comprehending the third-level intermediate true taboo, it took Wu Tao a year to finally comprehend the remaining 10% of the progress.

It can be seen that the later stages of enlightenment become more difficult.

Just like climbing a mountain, the farther you get to the back, the closer you can see to the top of the mountain, but the speed becomes slower.

"After two days of training, I will officially start refining the third-level intermediate weapon and be promoted to the third-level intermediate weapon refiner."

With this decision made, Wu Tao stood up from the futon.

He planned to go to the teahouse to drink a cup of spiritual tea and take a rest. In practice, one should be relaxed and relaxed, and should not be tense all the time. The mentality is like a bowstring, which is easy to break if it is tense all the time. The same goes for being a person and doing things.

Just after he drank two cups of tea, the summons token in the storage bag moved. While he was thinking about whether it was Senior Brother Wei or Senior Brother Zhao who had summoned him, he took out the summons token to check. After checking, he found that it was neither Senior Brother Wei Tianbao nor Senior Brother Zhao Ting, but Fu Xuan.

"Didn't Fu Xuan go into seclusion for the past few months and create new laws? Why did he come out after more than two months? Has the new law been created? Or...failed?"

Wu Tao cannot know success or failure now. He will only know after meeting Fu Xuan.

Fu Xuan only said on the summons that he would come down to see him later, but did not say whether the new ban was a success or a failure.

So, Wu Tao drank spiritual tea while waiting for Fu Xuan's visit.

After about a cup of spiritual tea, Fu Xuan came.

Wu Tao opened the door of the True Fire Palace and let Fu Xuan in. When they met Fu Xuan, Fu Xuan's expression was normal, and it was hard to tell whether he was happy or sad. However, Wu Tao was Jin Dan Zhenren after all. After a brief observation, he could see a trace of joy deep in Fu Xuan's eyes.

There was already a guess in his mind. He looked at Fu Xuan and said with a smile: "Fu Xuan, congratulations. You have successfully created a new magic ban. You are one step closer to becoming a third-level low-level weapon refiner."

Fu Xuan was naturally happy when he created the new law. He also knew that a large part of the reason why he was able to create the new law was due to the careful teachings given to him by Master Li over the past few years. Without Master Li's teachings, he would not have been able to create a new law. He has solidified the foundation of the weapon refining method, and there is no way he can create a new method.

So he went into seclusion for more than two months. As soon as he created the new law, he excitedly planned to tell Zhenren Li about his joy. However, on the way, Fu Xuan planned to hide his joy first, but he didn't expect that Zhenren Li would see through it at a glance.

"Jindan Zhenren is Jindan Zhenren." Fu Xuan yearned for him in his heart, and then his face showed joy, bowed to Wu Tao, and said respectfully: "Disciples can create new Dharma prohibitions, Quanzhang Zhenren teaches carefully, Zhenren's teachings , my disciples will never dare to forget each other in this life, and I hope to be driven by the real person in this life."

Fu Xuan's words were sincere and spoke from the bottom of his heart.

Wu Tao heard it.

With his golden elixir magic power activated, he lifted Fu Xuan up, patted his shoulder and said, "Fu Xuan, you can create new magic bans only because of your hard work and diligence."

"Evolve it for me and create a new law!"

"Yes, real person!" Fu Xuan bowed slightly, then calmed down. Wu Tao watched quietly and waited for him to adjust his breath.

After Fu Xuan adjusted his breath, he stretched out his single arm and began to carve a new law in the void in front of him.

The spiritual power output was very stable and even, which made Wu Tao slightly nod his head in satisfaction.

A few quarters of an hour later.

Fu Xuan finally carved out a complete dharma ban, then fixed it with spiritual power, looked at Wu Tao, and said, "Please give me some advice from the real person."

Wu Tao looked at the complete new magic ban and said: "Yes, this new magic ban is derived from the water attribute magic ban, with little innovation. Fu Xuan, when do you plan to apply it to the magic weapon?"

Fu Xuan replied: "Back to the real person, when I created this new method, I had already thought about what kind of magic weapon it should be used on, but the idea has not been fully perfected and it will take some time."

"Don't worry, the collection of weapon refining books in the Border Islands is still low. After a while, I may have to return to the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall. At that time, I will take you with me. You go to the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall. Read more books on weapon refining, fully improve the concept of the magical weapon, and then go to refine it, and try to make it successfully in the first try." Wu Tao said.

Hearing Wu Tao's words, Fu Xuan was slightly shocked and asked respectfully: "Master, are you going back to the Immortal Palace's Weapon Refining Hall?"

Wu Tao nodded and said, "It should be soon."

He will be officially promoted to the third level intermediate weapon refining master in two periods of time. After he is promoted, he will send a message to Yu Zhixin to the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall. Yu Zhixin will definitely transfer him back to the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall. This is what Yu Zhixin did before. Revealed to Wu Tao.

Next, Wu Tao told Fu Xuan some issues about the new law ban, and then erased the new law ban drawn by Fu Xuan in the void, and then said to Fu Xuan with satisfaction: "Fu Xuan, the new law ban has been created, it is indeed We are one step closer to becoming a third-level low-level weapon refiner, but the stepping stone still requires water and fire to refine the golden elixir. Only the golden elixir true fire condensed from the golden elixir can refine third-level spiritual materials."

"So, we still need to work harder on our cultivation."

After hearing Wu Tao's sincere teachings, Fu Xuan bowed and said, "This disciple must practice hard and live up to Master Li's expectations."

"Go." Wu Tao waved his hand, signaling Fu Xuan to go back to practice.

After Fu Xuan left, Wu Tao also entered the training room and started practicing.

Before practicing, he opened his personal information and took a look at all the data. After he knew what he was doing, he started practicing the Nine-Yao Fusion Yang pole true skill with great enthusiasm.

In more than a year, Wu Tao will be able to perfect the third level of Jiu Yao Fusion Yang Zhen Kung, and by then he will be able to break through the fourth level of the Golden elixir.

Two days later.

Wu Tao set out from his True Fire Palace and headed to Zhao Ting's lifestyle store.

In the past two days, he has decided what kind of third-level intermediate weapon to refine, as his choice for promotion to the third-level intermediate weapon refiner.

I have also exchanged the secret book for refining the third-level intermediate real weapon. If I analyze it, it will not take much time, just a few days.

He went to Zhao Ting's True Fire Palace this time because he wanted Zhao Ting to witness his promotion to the third level intermediate weapon refiner. In this way, when Wu Tao returns to the Immortal Palace Weapon Refining Hall, he does not need to be witnessed by Yu Zhixin again.

Zhao Ting is his witness and can confirm that he has officially become a third-level intermediate weapon refiner, which can save a lot of time.

But this time when he went to Zhao Ting's True Fire Palace, he did not explain it to Zhao Ting in advance. Instead, Zhao Ting would invite Wei Tianbao and Wu Tao to his True Fire Palace every one month. They were both third-level weapon refiners. Use time to cultivate feelings and talk about the knowledge of weapon refining.

As soon as he reached Zhao Ting's True Fire Palace, he saw Wei Tianbao coming from the other side. He quickly stopped and waited for Wei Tianbao to arrive. When Wei Tianbao came closer, Wu Tao quickly raised his hands and saluted: "Senior Brother Wei! "

"Junior brother Li, there is no need to be polite, let's go to see senior brother Zhao together." Wei Tianbao said with a smile on his face.

Wu Tao nodded, put away the gift, and followed Wei Tianbao into Zhao Ting's True Fire Palace.

Not long after, the three of them sat down in Zhao Ting's True Fire Palace Tea Room.

Zhao Ting and Wei Tianbao were still sitting opposite each other, and Wu Tao was sitting on the other side, boiling water and making tea.

Zhao Ting is a third-level senior weapon refiner and a cultivator in the late Golden Core stage. The scenery he has seen is naturally higher than that of Wei Tianbao and Wu Tao, so they are very willing to come to his True Fire Palace teahouse to sit and listen. Zhao Ting told them some news they didn't know to broaden their horizons.

After talking about the various matters for a quarter of an hour, Zhao Ting looked at Wu Tao and asked: "Junior brother Li, how is your knowledge of the third-level intermediate weapon refining method going?"

Every once in a while, Zhao Ting would ask Wu Tao about this matter. Wu Tao could tell that this senior brother Zhao was sincerely concerned about his progress. Every time he greeted him, he would consider and give advice, which also benefited him a lot.

He has regarded Senior Brother Zhao Ting as a good mentor.

After all, after staying in the Border Islands for so many years, the three of them are also weapon refiners and often gather together, so their relationship naturally becomes deeper and deeper.

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao raised his hands and replied to Zhao Ting: "Back to Senior Brother Zhao, just two days ago, Junior Brother I have thoroughly understood all the knowledge of the third-level intermediate weapon refining method!"

"So fast..." Wei Tianbao exclaimed, then calmed down and said: "As expected of Junior Brother Li, he has developed his talents, and I am not as good as me!!!"

Zhao Ting also showed a satisfied look, and he praised: "Yes, it seems that Junior Brother Li has never slacked off in the art of weapon refining and is very diligent!"

He often asked Wu Tao about the knowledge of the art of weapon refining, so he could naturally know how far Wu Tao had progressed and how long it would take to fully understand the knowledge of the third-level intermediate weapon refining art.

Today, Wu Tao said that he had thoroughly understood the knowledge of the third-level intermediate weapon refining method several months earlier than he had expected. This shows Wu Tao's diligence.

Hearing this, Wu Tao bowed his hand to Zhao Ting and said, "Junior brother is able to thoroughly understand the knowledge of the third-level intermediate weapon refining method so quickly, and he must thank Senior Brother Zhao for his guidance."

After finishing speaking, he did not forget to salute Wei Tianbao and said: "There is also Senior Brother Wei. Senior Brother Wei's guidance is also the key to making Junior Brother make rapid progress."

Wei Tianbao was very satisfied with Wu Tao's comprehensiveness.

Zhao Ting nodded and said, "Okay, Junior Brother Li, let me ask you a few questions."

"Senior Brother Zhao, please ask!" Wu Tao said.

Next, Zhao Ting asked several very profound questions, which were considered very profound even among the third-level intermediate weapon refining knowledge.

Wu Tao answered easily, which made Zhao Ting very satisfied.

Especially for the last question, even Wei Tianbao had to think for a long time before he could think of the answer, but Wu Tao answered it faster than Wei Tianbao.

This made Wei Tianbao sigh: "Oh, I am old and no longer as good as Junior Brother Li."

Zhao Ting smiled when he heard this and said: "It should be so. If Junior Brother Li is not as good as us old guys, doesn't it mean that our Immortal Palace Weapon Refining Hall is inferior to every generation."

When Wei Tianbao heard this, he also smiled and said: "Senior Brother Zhao is absolutely right."

Wu Tao watched the two men talking quietly, knowing that both of them liked to see his progress very much and had no jealousy at all. After so many years in the Border Islands, to be honest, the two of them were really good to him.

He secretly kept this kindness in his heart, hoping that one day he could repay these two mentors and helpful friends.

Zhao Ting finally looked at Wu Tao and asked: "Junior brother Li, when do you plan to refine the third-level intermediate real weapon and officially be promoted to the third-level intermediate weapon refiner?"

Wu Tao was waiting for this sentence. He immediately stood up, bowed to Zhao Ting, and said solemnly: "Senior Brother Zhao, I plan to officially refine the intermediate real weapon in ten days, and be promoted to the third-level intermediate weapon refiner. I also invite Senior Brother Zhao as my master. My witness.”

This is an invitation, so Wu Tao must stand up and salute. The etiquette must be thorough and not trivial.

Zhao Ting nodded and said: "Okay, it is my honor to be the witness of Junior Brother Li's promotion to the third-level intermediate weapon refiner."

"Thank you, Senior Brother Zhao." Wu Tao said sincerely with a smile on his face.

"Can I come and watch Junior Brother Li's promotion to the third-level intermediate weapon refiner?" Wei Tianbao said.

Wu Tao looked at Wei Tianbao and said with a smile: "Senior Brother Wei is honored to be here. I would like to ask Senior Brother Wei for your guidance."

Because Wu Tao was about to be promoted to the third level intermediate weapon refiner, which was considered a happy event, so the atmosphere that followed was quite festive and joyful.

But half an hour later, Zhao Ting saw that Wei Tianbao was still chatting and wanted to continue chatting here. As a junior, Wu Tao naturally had to accompany him and it was not easy to leave in advance.

So, Zhao Ting said to Wu Tao: "Junior brother Li, you should go back and prepare first. After all, being promoted to the third level intermediate weapon refiner is not a small matter."

Wu Tao understood what Zhao Ting meant, and quickly stood up and said goodbye to Zhao Ting and Wei Tianbao: "Senior Brother Zhao, Senior Brother Wei, and Junior Brother, please leave first."

"Have good preparations. In ten days, I wish Junior Brother Li a successful promotion to the third-level intermediate weapon refiner." Zhao Ting said.

Then, Wu Tao left Zhao Ting's True Fire Palace and began to prepare for promotion to the third-level intermediate weapon refiner in ten days.

In the blink of an eye, ten days have passed.

In the training room of Wu Tao's True Fire Palace.

Zhao Ting and Wei Tianbao have arrived and are sitting cross-legged on a futon respectively. Wu Tao is also sitting cross-legged on a futon in the spirit gathering array.

Today, he plans to refine a third-level intermediate weapon and officially be promoted to a third-level intermediate weapon refiner.

After calming down and adjusting his breath, Wu Tao raised his hands to Zhao Ting and Wei Tianbao and said, "Senior Brother Zhao, Senior Brother Wei, then I will start."

Wei Tianbao nodded and said nothing. Zhao Ting said, "Junior Brother Li, let's start!"

Wu Tao turned his head, and with a thought, streams of third-level spiritual materials flew out from the storage bag on his waist and landed on his left hand. This is the best preparation position, and you can pick up third-level spiritual materials for processing at any time.

With the spiritual materials in place, he still followed the previous refining process and first sketched out the third-level intermediate true taboo and reviewed it in advance.

Zhao Ting nodded appreciatively when he saw Wu Tao portraying the third-level intermediate True Taboo, with even spiritual energy output and very stable technique.

While Wei Tianbao was watching, he was also comparing himself with himself. After some comparisons, he found that Junior Brother Li was no worse than him in terms of his skill in depicting the true forbidden world in the void.

Regarding this, Wei Tianbao was still very shocked. You must know that he had been practicing the third-level intermediate weapon refining method for nearly a hundred years before he became so skilled.

But this Junior Brother Li is just refining the third-level intermediate real weapon and carving the third-level intermediate real forbidden weapon for the first time, and he is already as skilled as him, as if he has a hundred years of skill.

"Sure enough, people are better than others. My talent in weapon refining is mediocre. This junior brother Li's weapon refining talent is much better than mine."

"A rogue cultivator genius who is rare to see in a thousand years." Wei Tianbao instantly commented in his mind.

But how did he know that because Wu Tao had the bonus of the main professional weapon refiner, as long as he understood it thoroughly and successfully carved out the true forbidden form, he would be in a proficient state and would be 100% successful.

Next, they saw Wu Tao skillfully handling third-level spiritual materials, and using the golden elixir and true fire with ease and with very precise control. Zhao Ting and Wei Tianbao were also amazed by this skill.

"Junior Brother Li will be more than just a third-level advanced weapon refiner in the future. He may be able to become a fourth-level weapon refiner." This thought suddenly flashed through Zhao Ting's mind.

But he was quickly killed because in order to become a fourth-level weapon refiner, one must break the pill and become an infant.

Junior Brother Li may have an amazing talent in the art of weapon refining, but that does not mean that he has an equally amazing talent in cultivation. If he is stuck in the golden elixir stage and cannot break the elixir to become an infant, then he will never be able to achieve the fourth level of refining. Weapon master.

The weapon refiner walks on two legs. If one leg is lame, he cannot move forward. The difficulty is much more difficult than that of a pure cultivator of magic.

"Fire attribute, third-level intermediate flying sword."

As time passed, the processing of the spiritual material was completed, and Wu Tao began the formal smelting. Soon, a real artifact embryo had taken shape, and the breath on it was very hot. Zhao Ting and Wei Tianbao instantly knew that what Wu Tao was going to refine It is a third-level intermediate fire attribute flying sword.

When a third-level low-level weapon refiner is promoted to a third-level intermediate weapon refiner, they usually choose a single attribute real weapon as their promotion choice, which makes it much less difficult.

Although they often praise Wu Tao's amazing talent for refining weapons, Wu Tao is very stable in his actions. They have also seen it in the past few years. Therefore, when they see Wu Tao choosing a single attribute that is less difficult to refine a real weapon, they are also displeased. Feel surprised.

Time continues to pass quietly.


Following Wu Tao's soft words, his hands flew like flowers and butterflies, and the real fire that enveloped the third-level intermediate real weapon in the void in front of him suddenly bloomed, like a firework. After the ultimate bloom, it was annihilated.

After the light was extinguished, a third-level intermediate flying sword exuding a scorching aura appeared. The true forbidden lines on it floated lightly on the surface, and then were restrained.

This is a kind of manifestation. The real weapon that has just been refined will manifest the true forbidden circuit inside it.


Wu Tao whispered, and the suspended third-level intermediate flying sword turned into a stream of light and landed in his palm.


A cheering voice sounded, but it was Zhao Ting. He watched Wu Tao refining the third-level intermediate True Taboo throughout the whole process. The refining process was not like refining it for the first time. The technique was extremely skillful and sophisticated, as if it had been refined thousands of times. Moreover, the steps are handled very steadily and meticulously.

After the refining was completed, Zhao Ting couldn't help but cheer.

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