Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 604 The situation will change and the plan will change (please subscribe)

When Wu Tao heard the news, his expression was startled, and his heart was extremely complicated.

The chief true disciple was at the Nascent Soul stage, so why did he fall on the boundary wall battlefield?

Is this Chief Zhang so careless?

In a palace, many golden elixir masters were sitting around, including Wu Tao and Wei Tianbao. This was a golden elixir gathering. The news that the leader of the Huiyue Immortal Palace Chapter died on the boundary wall battlefield was just revealed by a late-stage Jindan cultivator.

As soon as these words came out, it was an earth-shattering shock, and all the Jindan Masters present were shocked. There was no sound for a long time.

In the hall, you can hear a needle drop.

Although it was not Chief Cui of his own Xingchen Immortal Palace who died on the boundary wall battlefield, after all, Huiyue Immortal Palace and Xingchen Immortal Palace are both one of the three top immortal palaces in the Xingchen Sea Immortal World, and the reputation of Chief Zhang is also widely spread among the stars. In the world of Haixiu Immortal, there is a powerful existence that is arm wrestling with Chief Cui.

Wu Tao glanced at the group of golden elixir cultivators. After a moment of surprise, his heart had already returned to calm. After all, he had never seen Chief Zhang who was not familiar with him, and it was impossible for others to cause any trouble or fluctuation in his emotions.

However, he did feel a little worried.

Chief Zhang of Huiyue Immortal Palace has an agreement with Chief Cui of Stars Immortal Palace. It is precisely because of this agreement that the Border Islands have been so stable in recent years, with almost no friction.

Wu Tao was also able to practice safely.

If there is another chief from Huiyue Immortal Palace and he can't deal with Cui Qing, the chief of Xingchen Immortal Palace, wouldn't it mean that the Border Islands will not be stable again.

It's very possible.

When Wu Tao thought of this, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and said with regret in his heart: "Chief Zhang of Huiyue Immortal Palace, can't you die a year later? One year later, I will definitely be promoted to the third level intermediate weapon refiner, and then Senior Brother Yu Zhixin Then I will be transferred back to the Immortal Palace Weapon Refining Hall, and I will no longer have to abide by the Border Islands."

But he knows.

This late-stage Golden Elixir cultivator must have verified this explosive news, otherwise he would not be able to bear the consequences of spreading rumors about a Nascent Soul Lord.

"Fellow Daoist He, is your news true or false? He was the chief of the True Inheritance. How could he fall on the boundary wall battlefield so easily?" A late Jindan cultivator asked the late Jindan cultivator who dropped the explosive news.

Jindan later, named He, looked at him and then at everyone. Everyone looked at him with eyes seeking confirmation. He immediately said firmly: "Fellow Taoists, although Chief Zhang is not the chief of our Xingchen Immortal Palace, he is There are also people of high status in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, so how dare I, who is only in the late stage of Golden Core, dare to talk nonsense?"

"I learned this news from Senior Brother Luo, and Senior Brother Luo learned it from the Chief Palace."

After hearing this, no one had any doubts.

The Chief Palace is the palace where Cui Qing, the true successor of Xingchen Immortal Palace, lives and practices. The news coming out from there must be accurate.

"Over at Huiyue Immortal Palace, there are still more than twenty years until the next True Inheritance Competition. Their Chief Zhang died on the Boundary Wall Battlefield. There is no one to lead the disciples in the Immortal Palace. I don't know who they will push out to take over for the time being. Chief position?" A golden elixir cultivator raised his own question.

Someone immediately speculated: "Except for Chief Zhang in Huiyue Immortal Palace, the other true disciples are all at the ninth level of the Golden Core. How can we secure the position of Chief?" In one sentence, there is no qualifications.

"Let me see, it is estimated that a Nascent Soul stage elder will be selected to temporarily manage the affairs of the disciples in the Immortal Palace."

Someone retorted: "That's not necessarily true. Maybe their second true disciple will be selected in order to take over the position of chief temporarily. He will be replaced after the next true disciple who wins the true disciple competition.

"Or maybe, during this period, a true disciple broke the elixir and became a baby?"

"Everything you said is possible, but it may only be possible. What's the use of our speculation? What's more important is to see how Huiyue Immortal Palace decides?"

"That's right, we're just watching the fun!"

For a moment, the atmosphere in the hall turned into a pleasant atmosphere. After all, it was not their chief who died and it had nothing to do with them.

This gathering of golden elixir cultivators broke up after an hour and a half. Wu Tao followed Wei Tianbao out and walked to the area where the weapon refiners lived.

On the way, Wei Tianbao glanced at Wu Tao beside him and said, "Junior brother Li, we were in the Jindan Hall just now. Why didn't you join the discussion? I see that you have been thinking deeply. What are you thinking about?"

Wu Tao turned to look at Wei Tianbao and said, "Senior Brother Wei, do you still remember the agreement between Chief Cui and Chief Zhang of Huiyue Immortal Palace that there will be no major friction or war in the border islands."

"I remember that after Fang Zhengqing stepped down, Senior Brother Luo came to guard the Border Islands. Chief Cui met with Chief Zhang of Huiyue Immortal Palace and made this agreement, which brought us peace in the Border Islands in the past few years." Wei Tianbao heard. Yan nodded and said.

"Senior Brother Wei, you said that Chief Zhang of Huiyue Immortal Palace fell on the Boundary Wall Battlefield. So, does this agreement become void?" Wu Tao asked.

Wei Tianbao was stunned when he heard this, and then said: "I don't know what you are talking about. Let's go to visit Senior Brother Zhao. Senior Brother Zhao can speak well in front of Senior Brother Luo, so he should know more."


Later, Wu Tao and Wei Tianbao went to Zhao Ting's True Fire Palace to visit Zhao Ting.

Zhao Ting welcomed their visit very much and invited them into the tea room.

In the tea room, the three of them sat down, and Wu Tao was boiling water and making tea.

Wei Tianbao began to talk about the death of Chief Zhang of Huiyue Immortal Palace on the boundary wall battlefield. Zhao Ting nodded after listening and said: "I just heard about this from Fellow Daoist Luo, but it's a pity that Chief Zhang was shocked. Absolutely beautiful, if she doesn’t die on the battlefield in the realm, she may become a god.”

Zhao Ting's words are true. Any chief true disciple has a chance to become a god. Of course, there is hope. Whether he can become a god depends on the opportunities in the future. For example, Chief Zhang didn't have enough opportunities. So he died early on the boundary wall battlefield.

The genius who dies is no longer a genius.

"Senior Brother Zhao, Senior Brother Wei, please have some tea!" After Wu Tao made the tea, he poured it for Zhao Ting and Wei Tianbao respectively.

"Thank you, Junior Brother Li."

Zhao Ting and Wei Tianbao said to Wu Tao, then picked up their teacups and drank tea.

Wei Tianbao took a sip of the spiritual tea from the bowl, continued to look at Zhao Ting, and asked: "Senior Brother Zhao, the reason why our Border Islands have been stable in the past few years is because of the agreement between Chief Cui and Chief Zhang of Huiyue Immortal Palace. Now, Chief Zhang died on the Boundary Wall battlefield, will it affect this agreement?"

When Wu Tao saw Wei Tianbao acting as his mouth substitute, he quietly looked at Zhao Ting to see if he could get information about this issue from Zhao Ting's mouth.

After hearing this, Zhao Ting pondered for a moment and said: "I don't know about this, but generally Huiyue Immortal Palace will select someone to temporarily take over the chief position and manage the affairs of the disciples in the Immortal Palace. Some of the policies implemented by the former Chief Zhang should not be ignored. Overthrow it!”

This should be an ambiguous answer.

After Zhao Ting finished speaking, he realized that this was the case and said: "How specific this is, it depends on who is in charge? We will know later.

"But what I can be sure of is that even if the temporary chief does not recognize this agreement, it will not trigger a bigger war, at least not like when Fang Zhengqing and Lie Qiyang were in power."

What Zhao Ting said made sense, and both Wu Tao and Wei Tianbao nodded in agreement.

After chatting for half an hour.

Wu Tao and Wei Tianbao said goodbye and left, returning to their respective True Fire Palaces.

Return to the True Fire Palace.

Wu Tao entered the training room and prepared to practice.

Before practicing, he decided to change his future training plan.

Originally, in addition to his daily practice of Jiu Yao Fusion Yang Ji Zhen Gong and Zhou Tian Xing Chen Body Refining Kung Fu. It focuses on the comprehension of the third-level intermediate True Taboo, as well as the cultivation of spells and the practice of Lingxu True Fire Jue.

Now, with the death of the Chief Chapter of Huiyue Immortal Palace, Wu Tao decided to focus more on the comprehension of the third-level intermediate true taboo, and to be promoted to the third-level intermediate weapon refiner as soon as possible.

You must know that there is friction between Xingchen Immortal Palace and Huiyue Immortal Palace. They are competitors in the world of cultivating immortals in the Star Sea. This can be seen from the Boundary Islands.

Many disciples on both sides have actually fought before, and there is a bit of hatred in them.

If the superiors at Huiyue Immortal Palace have a grudge against Chief Cui Qing, they will definitely choose to overturn the agreement between Chief Zhang and Cui Qing.

This is to give Cui Qing eye drops.

By then, even if the Border Islands will not be as chaotic as when Fang Zhengqing and Lie Qiyang conspired, and so many golden elixirs will fall, there will still be friction.

There will also be battles.

This is a variable, and Wu Tao, who has always been cautious, does not want to get involved in such variables.

"Alas, it's still too weak. A small move above may affect me." Thinking like this, Wu Tao abandoned all distracting thoughts, immersed himself in his mind, and began to practice the real skill of Jiu Yao Fusion Yang pole.

With the breakthrough of the fourth level of the true body, Jiuyao Fusion Yangji True Skill can increase the progress by two levels every month.

In two years, we will be able to break through to the middle stage of Golden Elixir.

When Wu Tao thought of this, he was instantly full of energy.

Huiyue Immortal Palace.

The area of ​​the mountain gate of Huiyue Immortal Palace is like a full moon. This is the area where the moon is most comprehensively illuminated in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm. It is a moon treasure land, suitable for the inheritance techniques of Huiyue Immortal Palace.

Chief Zhang died on the boundary wall battlefield. The position of chief was vacant and the disciples in the sect were leaderless.

The Palace Master of Huiyue Immortal Palace was dressed in the palace master's attire, and her face was about thirty-five years old. Beauty and majesty were written on her face. She sat on the palace master's throne and looked at the elders below.

"Palace Master, Fellow Daoist Zhang died in the Boundary Wall Battlefield. Now our position as chief of Huiyue Immortal Palace is vacant. The next true inheritance competition will be in twenty-five years. In these twenty-five years, we still need to choose a suitable candidate. , temporarily taking the position of chief, managing the affairs of the disciples within the sect." An elder stepped forward and respectfully greeted the master of Huiyue Immortal Palace.

The Palace Master of Huiyue Immortal Palace looked at everyone and said, "What suggestions do you have?"

"Reporting to the Palace Master, you can choose from among the true disciples. Fellow Daoist Zhang will be the chief true disciple, or you can postpone it and let the second true disciple Ji Ruyue temporarily take over the position of chief true disciple." A female elder came forward and said.

"No, Ji Ruyue has not yet become a Nascent Soul, how can she hold the position of Chief True Traitor? I would like to ask, how has Jin Dan ever held the position of Chief True Traitor of Huiyue Immortal Palace? Sun Immortal Palace and Star Immortal Palace are not included in this category. "Another male elder came forward and retorted, with good reason.

"Then why don't the palace master name an elder Nascent Soul to temporarily take over the position of chief true successor!"

"The elders have important matters of their own. Besides, the elders are not disciples. The true chief is the head of the disciples... Only the strongest disciple can convince all the disciples..."

The fair and fleshy fingers of the Palace Master of Huiyue Immortal Palace gently pressed on her temples, her long eyelashes flashed, and then her red lips opened lightly and said: "Elders, please stop arguing. Ji Ruyue and Jiao Ming are not in retreat. Dan Chengying, let’s see how the two of them turn out!”

Hearing the words of the Palace Master of Huiyue Immortal Palace, the elders knew that the Palace Master meant that whoever succeeded in breaking the elixir and becoming a baby among Ji Ruyue and Jiao Ming would temporarily take over the position of chief true inheritor.

The meeting to discuss the temporary chief successor ended with this.

The elders who were interested in Ji Ruyue and Jiao Ming retreated one after another and brought this news to them, which made them more motivated to break the pill and become a baby.

Two months later.

"Hahaha, I, Jiao Ming, have finally achieved Nascent Soul, Cui Qing, wait, next time the Three Palaces True Inheritance talks, I will definitely give everything back to you!" In a grand hall, Jiao Ming was wearing the Huiyue Immortal Palace. The third true disciple was in uniform, exuding the aura of the Nascent Soul stage, and a hint of hatred flashed deep in his eyes.

The memory of the Three Palaces True Tradition discussion came to mind. Cui Qing broke his logic and made him lose face in that Three Palaces True Tradition discussion, making him a laughing stock among the Three Palaces True Tradition disciples.

By the time he wanted to take revenge, Cui Qing had already become the True Monarch of Yuanying, the chief of the True Tradition.

Now, he has also become a Nascent Soul. Even if he is not the chief true disciple, at least he is on par with Cui Qing in terms of cultivation.

Of course, what Jiao Ming is most concerned about now is whether Ji Ruyue breaks the pill and becomes a baby. If she breaks the pill and turns into a baby, the two of them will have to continue to compete for the position of chief true legend.

But soon Jiao Ming felt happy that Ji Ruyue had not broken the elixir and became a baby, but still had perfect cultivation of the ninth level of the golden elixir.

"The position of chief true successor should belong to me, Jiao Ming."

Jiao Ming broke through the elixir and became a baby, achieving the Nascent Soul stage and becoming the second Nascent Soul True Successor. The elders who supported Jiao Ming went to the palace master to ask for orders, allowing Jiao Ming to temporarily take over the chief position.

Since then, Jiao Ming has temporarily assumed the chief position.

If there are no accidents, he will definitely win the first place in the next true inheritance competition, continue to sit in the position of chief, command all the disciples of Huiyue Immortal Palace, and become the right-hand man of the master of Huiyue Immortal Palace. He also exists as the successor of the Palace Master of Huiyue Immortal Palace.

"Cui Qing, I'm just like you!"

Sitting on the chief throne of the chief hall of Huiyue Immortal Palace, Jiao Ming felt extremely happy in his heart.

"By the way, Junior Brother Liu, please send a message to Junior Brother Le in the Border Islands and ask him to take action. The Border Islands are too peaceful, which is not a good thing. This will cause misunderstandings in the Sun Immortal Palace." Jiao Ming said to the person below. Junior Brother Liu, the fifth true disciple, said.

Junior Brother Liu was stunned when he heard this and said: "Chief, Chief Zhang has made an agreement with Chief Cui of Xingchen Immortal Palace. The border islands on both sides must remain peaceful..."

"Huh?" Jiao Ming frowned and hummed.

Liu Zhenzhuan immediately came to his senses. There was no problem in the relationship between Chief Jiao and Chief Zhang, but he was unhappy with Chief Cui of Xingchen Immortal Palace. After all, he was there when the Three Palaces True Legend discussed it and saw Chief Jiao's embarrassment with his own eyes. Now that Chief Jiao has taken the position of chief of Huiyue Immortal Palace, he naturally wants to have an arm-wrestle with Chief Cui.

Thinking of this, he quickly said respectfully: "Chief, I'll do it right away."

Jiao Ming nodded with satisfaction and waved, "Go!"

Star Palace, outside the chief palace!

Yan He looked at the woman wearing a beautiful robe. This woman came from Huiyue Immortal Palace. She said that she had been ordered by Chief Jiao of Huiyue Immortal Palace to send the document that Chief Jiao was temporarily acting as chief. Chief Choi.

In the three major immortal palaces, the true chiefs will send documents to each other, which not only expresses their status, but also implies that if there is cooperation in the future, communication can be facilitated.

After all, although the three major immortal palaces are competitors, in many cases, they also need win-win cooperation.

"Junior sister, please wait a moment, I'm going to report to the chief." Yan He glanced at the other party and said.

The female disciple of Huiyue Immortal Palace, Yingying, bowed and said, "Then I'll bother Senior Brother Yan."

Yan He nodded carelessly, then entered the palace, kept moving forward, and soon saw the chief Cui Qing who was handling things. He cupped his hands and said: "Tell the chief, the Huiyue Immortal Palace has selected a chief, and a document has been sent."

Cui Qing stopped what she was doing, looked at Yan He, and said, "Invite people in!"

Yan He nodded, turned and left, and soon invited the female disciple of Huiyue Immortal Palace in.

Cui Qing was slightly startled when she saw the female disciple walking calmly beside the rock gully with her head lowered.

"Ming Yue, the core disciple of Hui Yue Immortal Palace, has met Chief Cui." Mingyue bowed.

Cui Qing looked at Mingyue, the core disciple of Huiyue Immortal Palace who was saluting him, and said: "The visitor is a guest, so there is no need to be polite!"

"Junior Brother Yan, please exit first!"

"Yes, Chief." Yan He glanced at Ming Yue and bowed out respectfully. Ming Yue was only at the eighth level of the Golden Core and could not pose any threat to the Chief, so he was relieved.

After Yan He exited the back of the chief palace, Mingyue raised her head, reached out and flipped through it, and a document appeared in her hand. She said respectfully: "Chief, this is the document from Chief Jiao of Huiyue Immortal Palace. I also ask Chief Cui to take a look."

With that said, Mingyue stepped forward and came all the way to Cui Qing's desk, wanting to put the documents on the desk in front of Cui Qing. Suddenly, Cui Qing stretched out her hand and held Mingyue's white wrist.

"Chief Cui, please respect yourself!" Mingyue exclaimed and struggled quickly.

Cui Qing looked at her struggling and frightened look, shook her head and said with a smile: "Master Yinxian Palace, I noticed you from the moment you entered the door."

Seeing that he had seen through her disguise, Mingyue stopped struggling. Her face changed for a while and returned to her original appearance. She was a beautiful woman in her early thirties, with a dignified stomach.

"Chief Cui, you are quite powerful. You can spot the disguise of this Palace Master at a glance." Palace Master Yinxian frowned and snorted twice, put down the document in his hand, looked at Cui Qing with a smile on his face and said.

Cui Qing picked up the document and said while reading it: "It is unheard of for the dignified master of Huiyue Immortal Palace to come here disguised as a core disciple and deliver documents to a chief."

Hearing this, the Lord of Yinxian Palace stretched out his round fingers like ears, touched Cui Qing's chin and said, "Isn't this just to see you? We haven't seen each other for a long time, I miss you very much."

Cui Qing leaned back, avoided her fingers, and said seriously: "Palace Master, please respect yourself!"

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