Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 601: Breakthrough is imminent (please subscribe)

Wang Jing's spiritual thoughts are very powerful, and he is worthy of being the top ten true kings in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm.

His spiritual thoughts enveloped the border islands of the two Immortal Palaces, and he recalled the words of the Emperor God Lord in his mind.

In fact, the two major border islands between Huiyue Immortal Palace and his Star Immortal Palace are very similar, and the spiritual veins growing under the islands are not much different. The senior officials of the two major Immortal Palaces know this.

For tens of thousands of years, no one had any doubts about these two bordering islands.

I haven’t been able to figure out the secret!

I just feel that the spiritual veins under these two border archipelagos have infinite possibilities, and may grow to the fourth level of spiritual veins. At that time, the two immortal palaces will be equivalent to having a lower sect.

It is even possible to grow to fifth level spiritual veins.

The fifth-level spiritual vein means that the god-turned-god can be born.

This is also the reason why Huiyue Immortal Palace and Xingchen Immortal Palace regard the Boundary Islands so importantly. However, because of the external threat of the Demon Realm, the two Immortal Palaces are very restrained and have a tacit understanding and will not allow True Monarch Nascent Soul to visit the two archipelagos. Take action.

The main reason is that Nascent Soul Lord is too strong. If he takes action, the terrifying aftermath will affect the spiritual veins that are still growing. If there is any damage, it will be regrettable.

This is a result that neither Stars Immortal Palace nor Huiyue Immortal Palace want to see.

After a moment, Wang Jing retracted his spiritual thoughts, raised his hands to the Emperor Shenjun and said: "Shenjun, these two border archipelagos are very symmetrical and very similar. Even the growth rate of the spiritual veins under the islands is exactly the same. These are my Immortal Palace and Huiyue. All the Immortals know about it.”

"We don't know what the secret is, but I hope God can tell me?"

Emperor Shenjun is a god-turned-god, and he is a more powerful being than Yuanding Shenjun. Yuanding Shenjun once told him that Emperor Shenjun’s cultivation is more powerful than any other god he has ever encountered. It can be said that he is The first divine king in the Xingchenhai Immortal Realm.

In addition, the Divine Lord was not born in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, but came from the outside world.

Wang Jing felt that his words must have deep meaning and he would not say them without any reason.

Furthermore, as a divine king from the outside world, he has vast knowledge. There may be other mysteries that the divine king in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm cannot see.

Therefore, Wang Jing asked Di Shenjun, hoping to get an answer.

Emperor Shenjun looked at Wang Jing, shook his head and said, "Let's go to the next stop!"

Emperor Shenjun did not directly tell Wang Jing the answer, but Wang Jing was not in a hurry. He wanted to accompany this Emperor Shenjun to travel throughout the Starry Sea and Immortal Realm. Take a closer look and you should gain some insights.

"God please!"

Wang Jing stretched out his hand, and the two of them turned into flowing light and returned to the fourth-level high-level Dharma boat parked outside the Boundary Islands Pier.

The golden elixir cultivator on the Dharma boat was about to go to the Boundary Islands to do some repairs, but suddenly saw Wang Jing and the divine king coming back, and immediately stepped forward to bow to see them.

"Greetings to Mr. Wang Zhen and Mr. Emperor Shen!"

Since this journey, the three of them have also learned that the name of this divine king is Emperor Shenjun.

Of course, this is what Wang Jing told him, so as not to be unable to address him when he meets her in the future, which would be rude to the Immortal Palace.

Wang Jing said to the leading Jindan cultivator: "Set the boat and go to the next location."

Wang Jing spoke, and the golden elixir cultivator did not dare to neglect. He immediately nodded in response and turned around to activate the fourth-level advanced magic ship.

The formation on the fourth-level advanced magic ship appeared, and soon turned away from the Boundary Islands dock, sailed towards the public waters, and disappeared.

Just a moment after the fourth-level magic ship disappeared, streams of light fell down, revealing the figures of golden elixir cultivators. The leader was none other than the true disciple Luo Yuhua.

Luo Yuhua looked at a Jin Dan at the dock and asked Dan: "Where is Mr. Wang Zhenjun?"

The golden elixir cupped his hands and replied: "Back to Senior Brother Luo, Wang Zhenjun came back with the divine monarch just now, and then the fourth-level high-level magic ship turned around and left."

When the fourth-level high-level magic ship in the Immortal Palace came to the Boundary Islands, it would naturally have negotiations with the immortal cultivators here, so it was notified to Luo Yuhua. When Luo Yuhua heard that Wang Jing had arrived, and there was a god-transforming god beside him, he immediately came forward Come and meet me.

But unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived, the fourth-level high-level magic ship had already left.

He felt very sorry.

It’s okay with Wang Jing. As a true disciple, he is qualified to meet Wang Jing, the number one true king in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm.

But the Emperor God Lord next to Wang Jing is the God Transformation God Lord, the highest immortal cultivator in the Xingchen Sea Immortal World. Even if he is a true disciple, it is difficult for him to have the opportunity to stand in front of the God of Transformation and listen to his teachings.

Such a rare opportunity was lost like this. Luo Yuhua sighed in his heart, but he had no choice but to say: "Go back!"

In fact, as a true disciple of Xingchen Immortal Palace, he was very close to the chief Cui Qing. When Yuanding Shenjun came back, a god-transforming god named Di Shenjun came back to Immortal Palace with him. Cui Qing once said in a gathering.

Cui Qing, as the chief, has naturally met the Emperor Shenjun. It is said that the Emperor God Lord is very extraordinary and gives people a very majestic feeling, even more majestic than the God Lord in Huiyue Immortal Palace. As the chief true successor of Xingchen Immortal Palace, Cui Qing would naturally not be able to compare with the gods of his own Immortal Palace.

Huiyue Immortal Palace is the top immortal sect in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm. The sect's God Transformation Lord can be said to be standing at the top of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm. He has a high position and is more powerful than any mortal emperor. The aura and majesty of the body are developed over time.

However, it is difficult for the sect masters of smaller sects to develop the aura of the senior officials of top celestial palaces such as Star Palace and Huiyue Palace.

The aura of Emperor Shenjun is majestic and even stronger than that of Huiyue Immortal Palace. Doesn’t it mean that Emperor Shenjun was born into a sect that is even more powerful than Huiyue Immortal Palace.

Luo Yuhua understands this comparison.

Cui Qing vaguely revealed that Emperor Shenjun is not from this world.

As a true successor, Luo Yuhua had never heard of the title of the Emperor God Lord. He could count the number of God Lords in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm with his hands. The name of each God-Transforming God Lord was resounding throughout the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm.

I thought I could catch a glimpse of the Emperor God Lord this time, but I didn't expect it and regretted missing it.

"I heard that this time, Junior Brother Li Mo came with the fourth-level high-level Dharma Ship. I guess he got a glimpse of the Emperor God Lord?" Beside Luo Yuhua, a ninth-level golden elixir cultivator said .

Hearing his words, Luo Yuhua sighed: "This is cultivating immortals, and the fate of immortality is unpredictable. We are more important than Junior Brother Li... but we don't have the fate of immortality like him."

However, Luo Yuhua looked relieved. He would not keep it in his heart and feel regret all the time. After all, he still had to rely on himself to practice.

at this time.

Wu Tao has already sent two senior brothers, Wei Tianbao and Zhao Ting, out of the True Fire Palace, returned to the training room, and started to meditate on the third level of the Jiu Yao Fusion Yang Zhen Kung Fu.

Only with a thorough understanding can he continue to practice the golden elixir realm.

"It will take at most half a month to fully understand it!"

Thinking of this, Wu Tao was full of energy.

Wu Tao came back this time because he took a fourth-level high-level magic ship from the Immortal Palace to return to the Boundary Islands, and because the fourth-level high-level magic ship contained the strongest Nascent Soul senior in the Immortal Palace and a God-Transforming God Lord.


Wu Tao also received a special interview from Luo Yuhua, and asked him about what happened on the fourth-level Dharma boat. Wu Tao also answered truthfully, saying that he only met the Emperor God Lord once when he got on the Dharma boat, and never saw him again. Pass.

Not only Luo Yuhua, but also the Jindan masters from other Border Islands are very interested in the Transformation God Lord. Anyone who sees Wu Tao will inquire about him, or go to his True Fire Palace to inquire. Wu Tao also receives them one by one, and speaks to them just like he did to Luo Yuhua.

As for the strange feeling in his heart when he met Emperor Shenjun, Wu Tao told no one.

Wu Tao just kept this strange feeling in mind, thinking that he would wait until his cultivation became stronger to explore why he couldn't help but feel a strange feeling when facing the Emperor God Lord.

Think about it, we have to wait until he breaks through to become a god!

After all, Emperor Shenjun is in the state of becoming a god.

Don’t even dream of detecting the depth of the Emperor Shenjun even if you have completed your Nascent Soul cultivation.

Time flies so fast that half a month later, Wu Tao finally fully understood all the follow-up techniques of the third level of Jiuyao Fusion Yangji True Skill and resumed the practice of the third level of Jindan.

Wu Tao has two goals in the future, one is to be promoted to the third level intermediate weapon refiner, and the other is to break through to the middle stage of the real body.

"Two years to see if we can both break through."

For breaking through to the middle stage of the real body, he has a professional bonus, and his monthly progress is very stable. He is still very confident that he will break through in two years.

But Wu Tao is still not very sure about being promoted to the third level intermediate weapon refiner, only 50%. The progress of understanding the third-level intermediate true taboo is about the same.

After all, the further the True Taboo goes, the more difficult it is to comprehend, and naturally it takes more time.

"Even if I can't be promoted to the third-level intermediate weapon refiner in two years, it won't have any impact on my state of mind. I just need to practice step by step."

Thanks to the change of guard on the Border Islands, and the agreement between Cui Qing and Chief Zhang of Huiyue Immortal Palace, there is basically no friction between the two sides of the Border Islands.

Wu Tao's cultivation life became more and more stable.


Such a stable cultivation life, earning merit, but not so much. Unlike when Fang Zhengqing was there, there were a lot of meritorious deeds and cultivation resources.

The greater the risk, the greater the reward. He finally understood why Fang Zhengqing conspired with Lie Qiyang, causing friction and fighting between the two archipelagoes from time to time, all for the sake of abundant cultivation resources.

Anyway, the lives of these two true disciples will not be in any danger. They are all practicing resources exchanged for the golden elixir masters underneath. If it were Wu Tao...

If it were Wu Tao, Wu Tao would not be tempted. He would not be as adventurous as Fang Zhengqing. He still prefers to be low-key and steady.

As long as the meritorious service is just right and will not slow down the progress of cultivation, Wu Tao can still tolerate it.

If it is not enough, Wu Tao would rather slow down his cultivation progress than risk his life to compete for cultivation resources.

Fortunately, he is a weapon refiner. On such peaceful days, he can still maintain the progress of his training and does not lack too many training resources.

One month later.

In the training room.

In the spirit-gathering array, Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon. The aura on his body gradually became calmer, and the cultivation of the third level of the golden elixir was restrained. He looked inside his dantian, and the golden elixir in his dantian became more and more shiny and round.

He had just completed a practice of the Jiu Yao Fusion Yang pole true skill using medium-level golden elixirs and fourth-level spiritual fire and spiritual water, and his cultivation level had slightly improved.

The next moment, Wu Tao opened his personal information and checked the progress of the third level of Jiu Yao Rong Yang Zhen Gong in one month.

This way he can estimate how long it will take for the next breakthrough?

The third level of Jiuyao Fusion Anode True Skill: (1.5%)

Looking at this progress, Wu Tao did not feel disappointed. After breaking through the golden elixir, every time he broke through a small level, the training time would be longer.

He is very satisfied with the improvement of 1.5 in one month.

After he breaks through the fourth level of the real body, he will inevitably increase the speed of practicing Jiu Yao Yang Yang Zhen Gong.

This will shorten the breakthrough time.

"Continue to practice!"

Wu Tao closed his personal information, and with a movement of his mind, pieces of star stones flew out of the storage bag. Wu Tao opened the escape array outside the spirit gathering array, and then practiced the Zhoutian Star Body Exercise, refined the star stones, and strengthened them. True body cultivation.

Two years later.

In the tea room of Zhao Ting's True Fire Palace, three people were sitting opposite each other. They were the masters Zhao Ting, Wei Tianbao, and Wu Tao.

"Junior Brother Li, do you still have any doubts about the third-level intermediate weapon refining method?" Just now, Wu Tao asked him three difficult questions about the third-level intermediate weapon refining method. Zhao Ting thought for a long time before answering Wu Tao.

With a look of gratitude on his face, Wu Tao cupped his hands to Zhao Ting and said, "Senior Brother Zhao, I'm gone for the time being."

Zhao Ting showed a look of satisfaction on his face, looked at Wu Tao and said, "Junior brother Li will soon be promoted to the third level intermediate weapon refiner, right?"

Hearing this, Wei Tianbao's face was slightly shocked. He was very surprised. As far as he knew, Junior Brother Li would be promoted to the third-level intermediate weapon refiner in less than 20 years after being promoted to the third-level low-level weapon refiner. Are you a teacher?

Wei Tianbao was extremely envious of this level of talent and talent.

Thinking about Wei Tianbao, his talent in weapon refining can only stop at the level of a third-level intermediate weapon refiner. Now that he is in his old age, he has no further progress.

"It's better to be young!"

Wei Tianbao sighed in his heart, but with a congratulatory smile on his face, he cupped his hands to Wu Tao and said, "Congratulations to Junior Brother Li. By the way, Senior Brother Zhao, how did you know that Junior Brother Li is about to be promoted to the third level intermediate weapon refiner?"

After congratulating Wu Tao, Wei Tianbao turned to look at Zhao Ting and asked.

Zhao Ting explained: "The three questions asked by Junior Brother Li just now are very difficult and can only be touched by intermediate weapon refiners who are about to be promoted to the third level."

"That's it!" Wei Tianbao nodded and suddenly realized. Then congratulations to Wu Tao again.

Wu Tao was humble.

After chatting for a while, Wu Tao said he wanted to digest the knowledge of weapon refining that Zhao Ting had just taught him, and then took his leave.

Seeing this, Zhao Ting was naturally happy to let Wu Tao go back and digest it quickly.

After Wu Tao left, Wei Tianbao finally expressed his feelings: "It's great to be young. Junior Brother Li is about to be promoted to a third-level intermediate Qi practitioner at such an age. He has great potential!"

Zhao Ting also nodded in agreement and said: "I have communicated with fellow Taoist Yu Zhixin. Although this Junior Brother Li was born in a casual cultivator, his talent in weapon refining is also top-notch in the weapon refining hall. His talent in cultivation is also not bad. , after joining Xingchen Immortal Palace for more than ten years, he has already broken through the third level of Jindan."

"So, Junior Brother Wei and Junior Brother Li came to the Border Islands to guard the border islands with us as weapon refiners. It is not an opportunity for us."

Wei Tianbao naturally knew what Zhao Ting meant. Their chance was that Junior Brother Li. Being friends with Junior Brother Li would pave the way for their descendants.

Wu Tao returned to his True Fire Palace, came to the training room, sat cross-legged on the futon in the spirit gathering array, and opened his personal information.

Looking at the data above, Wu Tao smiled and said softly: "We will finally break through the fourth level of the real body."

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 79/859】

[Realm: Third level of golden elixir]

[Kung Fu: The third level of Jiu Yao Fusion Anode True Kung Fu (36%)]

[Spells: Brief, True Technique·A Point of Invisible Sword Master (Perfect) (Golden elixir natal), Tianyan Shenren Zhenjing Golden elixir stage·Fifth level (80%), Golden elixir nine refining third level (99%) , the fifth level of the Secret Technique of Transformation (90%), Mastery of Black Light, Smoke and Cloud Escape (15%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Mastering Techniques: Master of Lingxu True Fire Technique (80%), Proficient in the Art of Refining and Fighting (82%)

Master the prohibitions: slightly, third-level low-level true prohibitions (100%), third-level intermediate true prohibitions (90%)]

[Sub-professional ·Physical training: Zhoutian Xingchen Body Training·Real Physique Chapter: Third level (99%), Wu Dao War Technique Breaking God·Mastery (95%), omitted]

Wu Tao glanced over it and already knew it in his mind.

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