Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 600 In the mountains and seas, outside the mountains (please subscribe)

Emperor Shenjun and Wang Jing came hand in hand.

The moment Wu Tao saw Emperor Shenjun, he couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in his heart.

This time he met Emperor Shenjun for the second time.

This strange feeling was exactly the same as the first time he met the Emperor Shenjun, which made Wu Tao very surprised.

I also feel very puzzled.

It was a strange feeling that he couldn't even control.

As a Jindan Daoist, he is no longer a rookie in the world of immortality, but he can't even control an emotion, which makes Wu Tao feel very incredible.

Just as the strange feeling was born, Emperor Shenjun and Wang Jing had already arrived in front of the Dharma boat.

Regarding Emperor Shenjun, the Jindan Immortal Cultivators in the sect did not know him, but Wang Jing's name was even more famous in the Immortal Palace than the Master of Xingchen Immortal Palace, and he was the first of the ten true kings in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm.

Who in the world doesn’t know you!

The person who can allow Wang Zhenjun to accompany him must have an unusual identity.

"Greetings to Wang Zhenjun, greetings..."

The golden elixir cultivators on the Dharma boat bowed to Wang Jing and Emperor Shenjun.

Wu Tao also bowed and saluted.

At the same time, he was also very confused. As the God-incarnation God-Monarch, his cultivation was already at the pinnacle of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm. Why did he still need to take a fourth-level magic ship to the Boundary Islands? It would not be faster to fly there directly.

But how could a mere golden elixir like him guess the thoughts of the Lord Shen.

God-incarnation king, if you want to take the Dharma boat, you can take the Dharma boat. If you don’t want to take the Dharma boat, you don’t want to take the Dharma boat.

It's that simple.

Wang Jing's eyes glanced at the Jin Dan who was bowing on the Dharma boat. He stayed on Wu Tao for a moment, then nodded and said, "Let's get ready to sail first!"

Emperor Shenjun stood beside Wang Jing. He had no interest in the other three golden elixir cultivators from the Star Palace. Instead, he glanced at Wu Tao. As for what he felt in his heart, others could not know.

The three Jindan took the order and left, and Wu Taosui also followed. Although he said he was very familiar with Wang Jing, the divine king was by his side, and he couldn't reveal his connection with Wang Jing in the first place, so it was impossible to stay.

The four Wu Tao people entered the Dharma boat and made preparations respectively. Wang Jing looked at the Emperor Shenjun on the side and smiled and said: "Shenjun, please!"

Emperor Shenjun nodded and followed Wang Jing to the top of the Dharma Ship.

Wang Jing was also ordered by Divine Monarch Yuanding to accompany the Divine Monarch to the Boundary Islands this time. According to the words of Divine Lord Yuanding, it was the Emperor Divine Lord who said that he wanted to take a look at the Sea of ​​Stars and Immortal Realm after seeing the entire map of the Sea of ​​Stars and Immortal Realm painted in the Immortal Palace, as well as the entire map of the Demon Realm.

The Yuanding Divine Lord himself did not have time and needed to collect the star streamers consumed by the last magical weapon, the Star Cauldron, so he handed over the task of accompanying him to Wang Jing, asking Wang Jing to accompany the Emperor Divine Lord to personally visit the Star Sea Cultivation World.

In the first battle, Emperor Shenjun chose the Border Islands.

Wang Jing also needs to practice. After he got the mission from Yuanding Shenjun, he wanted to use his magic weapon directly with the Emperor Shenjun. Instead of taking a magic ship, he could shorten a lot of time and visit the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm. .

But Emperor Shenjun insisted on taking the Dharma boat.

The Emperor Shenjun is a distinguished guest in the Immortal Palace, so he naturally has to follow the guest's ideas. Wang Jing had no choice but to ask the sect to arrange a fourth-level high-level Dharma ship and a few accompanying golden elixirs.

Unexpectedly, I saw the boy 'Han Fan' on the French boat.

Since giving the 60,000 kilograms of star stones to 'Han Fan', Wang Jing has no longer paid attention to 'Han Fan'. Although it is a 'chess piece' he chose, he will not pay special attention to it, firstly because ' Han Fan' is not his only choice. Secondly, those who can grow up will be helpful to him.

Thinking like this, Wang Jing has already brought Di Shenjun to the uppermost deck. There is also a square loft and an observation deck on the uppermost deck.

Wang Jing then thought about arranging for Emperor Shenjun to rest in a room in the attic, and he also found a room himself to practice.

"Shenjun, this is a fourth-level high-level magic ship. At its speed, it can reach the Border Islands in twelve days. Shenjun will rest in the attic room. When we get to the Border Islands, I will call for Shenjun!" Wang Jing said to Emperor Shenjun.

At this time, the fourth-level advanced magic ship has been activated. Emperor Shenjun stood on the highest deck of the Dharma ship, watching the Dharma ship sail into the sea area within the Star Immortal Palace Sect.

Then he looked back at the observation deck on the upper floor and said, "Fellow Daoist Wang, when you have reached the level of cultivation that I am waiting for, you don't need to rest all the time. Why don't you accompany me to the observation deck to drink tea and chat."

When Wang Jing heard this, he could only say: "That's fine, the Lord God will come with me."

Wang Jing then introduced Emperor Shenjun to the observation deck, and the two sat down opposite each other.

Wang Jing reached out and wiped his hand from the storage bag, and a box of spiritual tea appeared in his hand. He said to the Emperor Shenjun: "Shenjun, this tea is picked from the top spiritual tea tree in our Xingchen Immortal Palace..."

After saying that, Wang Jing picked up the small red clay stove beside the observation deck and began to boil water and make tea.

As the fourth-level advanced magic boat left the Star Immortal Palace sect, the water in the kettle was already boiling. Wang Jing reached out to pick up the kettle and started making tea.

It is indeed the tea produced by the top spiritual tea tree in Xingchen Immortal Palace. Once boiled water is poured on it, the fragrance of the tea will permeate a ten-mile radius. Some of the sea beasts attracted were swimming around the fourth-order magic ship.

"It smells so good, this is...the smell of spiritual tea!" At this time, Wu Tao was in the room preparing to meditate on the follow-up exercises of the Jiuyao Fusion Yang Zhenqi taught by Zhenjun Wu Yuanhua, when he suddenly smelled the fragrance of spiritual tea. After taking a sip, I felt a refreshing feeling.

There is even a wonderful sense of sudden enlightenment.

"Senior Wang should have brought out the top-grade spiritual tea to entertain the Emperor God Lord. Only the Emperor God Lord can drink the top-grade spirit tea, so it has such a magical effect."

"If I could drink top-quality spiritual tea all the time, it would definitely be of great benefit to my cultivation!"

Of course, this is just Wu Tao's fantasy. With his current cultivation level in the early stage of Jindan, he is not qualified to enjoy this top-notch spiritual tea.

Not only Wu Tao, but the other three golden elixir cultivators on the Dharma boat also smelled the fragrance of the spiritual tea, and they were all moved.

"Master Shen, please have some tea!" Wang Jing placed the poured cup of spiritual tea on the tea table in front of Emperor Shenjun with both hands and said.

Emperor Shenjun stretched out two fingers, held the teacup, took a sip, and said: "It is indeed a good tea." However, his expression remained the same, and it was obvious that he was not surprised.

"Fellow Daoist Wang..."

Hearing Emperor Shenjun call him Taoist friend again, Wang Jing quickly raised his hands and said: "Shenjun, please don't call this junior my Taoist friend again. How can I make this junior call me Taoist friend!"

"Haha..." The Emperor Shenjun laughed twice, but he didn't care.

Instead, he pointed to the vast sea nearby and said, "Fellow Daoist Wang, what do you think the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm is like?"

Wang Jing looked at the majestic Emperor Shenjun. With a person like Emperor Shenjun, his words would naturally not be without reason. He looked at the surrounding sea area. The waves were calm and monsters were chasing their fourth-level advanced magic ship.

He thought for a moment, and finally looked at the Emperor Shenjun, raised his hands and asked for advice: "Wang, I don't know, do you still want the Shenjun to give me some advice?"

Emperor Shenjun shook his head and said: "I am new to the Xingchen Sea Cultivation World, and I am not very familiar with this world, otherwise I would not ask you, Fellow Daoist Wang."

After hearing the words of the Emperor God Lord, although Wang Jing and Yuanding God Lord had already guessed that this Emperor God Lord was not from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, but from other immortal realms. But at this time, Wang Jing was quite shocked when he heard Emperor Shenjun admit it himself.

He really wanted to use Emperor Shenjun to gain access to the Xingchen Sea Cultivation Realm, but he was too hasty and presumptuous, so he calmed down and said: "Shenjun, I am standing in the mountain and have not walked out of the mountain, so I don't know the meaning of the mountain. What does it look like? I am floating in the sea and have never been to the coast, so I don’t know how big the sea is? As a person from outside the mountains, the Lord God should know better than me what a mountain looks like. How big is the sea?"

Hearing this, Emperor Shenjun looked at Wang Jing and said with a smile: "Friend Wang, what you said is interesting. However, now I have become a person in the mountain and a person in the sea. I am also trapped by the mountain and the sea. , so it’s impossible to know what a mountain looks like? How big is the sea?”

"In this business, I just want to see the mountains and the sea!"

"When I finish watching the Xingchen Sea Xiuxian Realm and the Demon Realm, maybe I will have the answer in my heart."

Wang Jing pondered for a moment, then raised his hands to the Emperor Shenjun and said: "Well, Wang hereby wishes the Lord God to find the answer in his heart as soon as possible. If possible, I hope the Lord God will give you some advice."

Di Shenjun said: "Fellow Yuanding Daoist has been looking for a way to get out of the mountains and seas, but unfortunately, he doesn't know mountains or seas, so how can he break through mountains and seas and jump out of the cage."

After hearing what Emperor Shenjun said, Wang Jing fell silent, and then sighed: "Yes, this cage is so damn hard to get out of."

"Fellow Daoist Wang, don't be anxious, you will definitely be able to escape from this cage. No world can trap this emperor." When Emperor Shenjun said these words, a strong self-confidence radiated from his body, making Wang Jing couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence in his heart. A heart that is impressed.

As soon as he felt impressed, Wang Jing immediately became fearful and thought to himself: "This Emperor God Lord is really amazing. Just a kind of aura made me feel impressed. This person must have a great background."

"The Divine Lord is mighty!" Wang Jing dispelled the admiration in his heart and complimented the Emperor Divine Lord.

"Come and take a look with me." Emperor Shenjun picked up the spirit tea cup and said, his gaze seemed to penetrate the endless sea.

In a room on the second floor of the French ship.

Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon with his eyes closed tightly, but his mind had already sunk into the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts. The runes on the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts were flowing, forming a flow of immortal inscriptions. When combined, they were the follow-up skills of the third level of Jiuyao Fusion Yangji True Skill. Law.

The method is transmitted directly into the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts and imprinted on it, making it easier and faster to comprehend.

Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts wandered in the fairy tales, creating an immersive product.

Enlightenment lasted more than a few years. Moreover, Wu Tao took Bigu Pill in advance and did not need to eat. Unknowingly, he heard a prompt from the room's soundproof and anti-peep circle, and immediately withdrew from the immersive penetration.

After looking at the inscription on the table, he suddenly said: "It turns out that twelve days have passed."

After a Cleansing Technique hit him, Wu Tao got up from the futon, opened the door, and came to the second floor deck. He saw a Jindan Senior Brother standing there. He quickly said hello: "I've met Senior Brother."

The golden elixir cultivator looked back at Wu Tao and said, "Junior brother Li, the border islands have arrived. You can go to the island by yourself. We will go to the island later."

Wu Tao looked around and saw the fourth-level high-level Dharma ship parked on the pier of the Boundary Islands. He turned back and glanced at the top of the Dharma ship.

The golden elixir cultivator saw Wu Tao looking towards the top and said, "As soon as I arrived at the Boundary Islands, I saw that Wang Zhenjun and the senior divine monarch had left with the magic weapon."

Wu Tao nodded, then raised his hand to the golden elixir cultivator and said, "Thank you, brothers, for escorting me all the way. I will go back to the Boundary Islands first."

"Junior Brother Li, you're welcome!"

"When the senior brothers get to the Boundary Islands, I will be the host and I will entertain all of you." After exchanging polite words, Wu Tao took out his Jiyun Boat and went to the Boundary Islands.

Not long after, Wu Tao had arrived at the area where the weapon refiner lived and practiced, and walked towards his True Fire Palace.

At the same time, he had already taken out the summons token and summoned Zhao Ting and Wei Tianbao to say that he had returned.

Zhao Ting and Wei Tianbao were surprised that Wu Tao returned to the Boundary Islands so quickly.

Wu Tao immediately explained that he took a Dharma boat along the way back to the Boundary Islands. It was a fourth-level high-level Dharma boat of the sect. There was a divine monarch on the Dharma boat, and he was accompanied by Wang Zhenjun from the Immortal Palace.

Hearing Wu Tao's explanation, Zhao Ting and Wei Tianbao were very surprised and said they would come to his True Fire Palace to sit.

Wu Tao didn't find it strange that the Transformation God Lord was enough to arouse the interest of the golden elixir cultivators.

Sure enough, as soon as Wu Tao returned to the True Fire Palace, Zhao Ting and Wei Tianbao came.

"Senior Brother Zhao, Senior Brother Wei, please sit down." Wu Tao invited Zhao Ting and Wei Tianbao into the tea room, took out the spirit tea and began to boil water and make tea.

Zhao Ting looked at Wu Tao and asked: "Junior brother Li, I wonder which god in the sect came to the Boundary Islands?"

Wei Tianbao said: "It shouldn't be that the Xingyuan Divine Lord is sitting on the boundary wall battlefield. That is the Yuanding Divine Lord or..."

Wu Tao shook his head and said: "It is not the divine king in my immortal palace, but an unseen divine king, accompanied by Wang Zhenjun..."

"But Junior Brother, I was only lucky enough to meet him twice, and I was not able to speak in front of the Lord God!" With that said, Wu Tao poured the brewed spiritual tea to Zhao Ting and Wei Tianbao.

Hearing Wu Tao's words, Zhao Ting smiled and said: "How can a person like Shenjun be able to talk to me and other mere Jindans if they want to? It is not easy to meet him from a distance!"

Wei Tianbao nodded in agreement and said: "Yes, I wonder if I will have a chance to see the divine king from a distance this time in the Border Islands!"

Wu Tao felt that there might be no chance. But it’s hard to say this clearly.

Later, he told Zhao Ting and Wei Tianbao about the scent of the spiritual tea on the Dharma boat.

Zhao Ting heard the words and said: "I heard that there is a top-notch spiritual tea tree in our Xingchen Immortal Palace. That spiritual tea has the function of enlightenment. It is said that after drinking the spiritual tea, you can speed up your understanding of martial arts and spells... Junior Brother Li is lucky, he can still Smell the fragrance of tea, we may never even smell the fragrance of tea in this life!"

"That's it. Thank you, Senior Brother Zhao, for clearing up the confusion..."

Above the Border Islands, above the sea of ​​clouds.

Two figures stood quietly, it was Emperor Shenjun and Wang Jing.

At this time, Emperor Shenjun's gaze seemed to penetrate the distant sea and fall on the border islands of Star Palace and Huiyue Palace.

After looking at it for about two quarters of an hour, Emperor Shenjun finally looked back and said: "It's really as I guessed!"

Wang Jing heard this, raised his hands and asked for advice: "Please give me some advice from the Emperor Shenjun."

Emperor Shenjun said: "These two border islands are so similar and so symmetrical!"

Wang Jing heard the words, his eyes moved, and he also released his spiritual thoughts, covering the boundary islands of Xingchen Immortal Palace and the boundary islands of Huiyue Immortal Palace.

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