Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 602 The fourth level of the real body (please subscribe)

"I'm seventy-nine years old, and I'll be eighty in half a year!"

Wu Tao looked at his life span column. Among mortals, an eighty-year-old is already an old man, or trees have already grown on his grave. But as a golden elixir master, he has already achieved some success among immortal cultivators, and he is still young at the age of eighty.

"In two years, the third level of Jiuyao Fusion Yangji Zhenqi has been cultivated to 36%, and the progress is steadily improving at 1.5 per month. If we speculate based on this progress, it will take another four years to break through to the fourth level of Jindan. It’s the middle stage of Golden Core.”

"But today I will break through to the fourth level of the real body. By then, the breakthrough in the Zhoutianxingchen body training skill will inevitably drive the speed of the cultivation of Jiuyao Fusion Yangji real skill. Maybe... I can break through to the fourth level of the golden elixir in three years."

Wu Tao speculated and calculated in his heart, feeling happy.

As a cultivator of immortality, progress in cultivation is something that makes a cultivator of immortality happy.

"It takes up to 10 days to complete the third refinement of the Nine Golden Elixir Refiners, and you can break through to the fourth refinement. By that time, your magic power will increase again."

Wu Tao's eyes fell on the spell column.

In the past two years, he has mainly focused his time and energy on the third-level intermediate true forbidden skill, as well as the daily Jiuyao Fusion Yangji true skill and the Zhoutianxingchen body training skill.

As well as the escape technique Xuanguang Yanyundun, Xuanguang Yanyundun has also broken through another level and reached 15% of the mastery level under his focused practice.

"There are still 10% left for the third-level intermediate true prohibition to be fully comprehended. After that, we will be promoted to the third-level intermediate weapon refiner. However, this last 10% is very difficult. It is estimated that it will take half a year or even a year to complete." breakthrough."

Wu Tao set his sights on mastering the restrictions.

Finally, he glanced at the physical training column and closed his personal information.

He was about to prepare to break through the fourth level of the real body.

With a thought, pieces of star stones flew out from the storage bag at his waist and floated around him.

Wu Tao looked at the remaining 1,500 kilograms of star stones. He no longer hesitated. With a thought in his heart, he began to run the Zhou Tianxing Body Refining Technique True Body Chapter. His magic power and spiritual thoughts shrouded a star stone. Then he refined the essence of the stars and refined it into the true body of the stars.

Wu Tao concentrated on running the Zhoutian Star Body Exercise and refining the Star Stone.

As time passed, his true star body became stronger and stronger, getting closer and closer to the critical point of the fourth level of the true body.

And his true star body also emitted star-like light, but it was shrouded by the breath-avoiding magic circle. The aura of his cultivation was also shrouded by the breath-avoiding circle, without leaking at all.

In this way, no one will find out that he is practicing the Zhoutianxingchen body training technique. In addition to being a weapon refiner, he is also a body cultivator.

One star stone was completely refined, and the impurities turned into powder and fell to the ground. Wu Tao's mana and spiritual thoughts continued to envelope the other star stone, continuing to refine the essence of the star and strengthen the true body.

Three hours later.

Wu Tao felt that the critical point of breaking through the fourth level of the real body was right in front of him. He immediately used the Zhoutian Star Body Refining Technique with all his strength to extract all the star essence from the two head-sized star stones, and then absorbed it into the real star body in one go. , rushing towards the critical point.

He felt that the starlight on him suddenly shone brightly, and immediately, the critical point was pushed away.

Wu Tao succeeded naturally and naturally broke through the fourth level of the real body.

Then he felt that his star body was getting stronger and stronger, and his spiritual thoughts were becoming more and more solid, and they were also strengthening and extending.

This is a natural growth process after a breakthrough in cultivation. Wu Tao used Zhou Tianxing to practice physical exercises and carefully understood this kind of enhancement after a breakthrough.

It is a pleasant thing to feel one's cultivation grow.

About three quarters of an hour later, Wu Tao felt that his real body cultivation was becoming more and more stable, and finally stabilized, and the growth of his spiritual mind also stabilized.

At this time, more than half of the floating star stones around Wu Tao were gone, leaving only five or six head-sized star stones floating behind him.

On the ground in front, there is a thick layer of star stone impurity powder.

In this breakthrough, he consumed 1,000 kilograms of star stones and still had 500 kilograms left.

Senior Wang Jing gave him 60,000 kilograms of star stones, saying they would help him cultivate to the fourth level of the real body.

It took 10,000 kilograms of star stones to break through the second floor of the real body; it took 20,000 kilograms of star stones to break through the third floor of the real body; and now it took 30,000 kilograms of star stones to break through the fourth floor of the real body. The reason why there are still 500 kilograms left is because Wu Tao absorbed a lot of star streamers during the Demon Suppression Island incident at that time, which greatly increased his star body's cultivation.

"Calculating it this way, in fact, I used a little more star stones, which shows that my true star body is not weak."

Wu Tao naturally knew that his true star body was not weak, because he had reached the limit and extreme when condensing the true body into it.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao felt his real body cultivation after a breakthrough.

"If we only count the physical cultivation lineage, I can now be regarded as equal to the middle-stage Jindan of the legal cultivation lineage."

"Of course, my identity as a physical cultivator cannot be exposed..." With this thought, Wu Tao stood up and released his spiritual thoughts.

Breaking through the fourth level of the real body, Wu Tao's spiritual consciousness was strengthened by eighty miles, and now it has reached the level of one thousand eight hundred and twenty miles.

The limit of Jindan Dharma cultivation is two thousand miles.

Now the intensity of Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts is equivalent to that of the late Golden Elixir.

When he breaks through the fourth level of the golden elixir again, his spiritual will will be strengthened by another hundred miles.

The superposition of the realm of physical cultivation and legal cultivation is equivalent to the ninth level of the golden elixir.

He also has the Divine Soul Secret Technique Tian Yan Divine Refining Manual. If he breaks through another level, his spiritual thoughts can increase by another hundred miles. At that time, the intensity of his divine thoughts will be the limit of two thousand miles for a golden elixir cultivator.

There is still 20% left in the Tianyan God Refining Manual before you can practice to the fifth level of perfection and reach the sixth level.

In the three levels of the golden elixir stage, every time a level is broken through, one hundred miles of divine will can be added. Different from the foundation stage.

“I don’t know how powerful Nascent Lord Nascent Soul is. When I reach the ninth level of the Golden Core, I don’t know if I can compare with True Lord Nascent Soul.

Of course, this unstable idea was extinguished when Wu Tao was born.

But it's not his fault. Every time after a breakthrough, he can clearly feel that he has become stronger. Being strong brings great self-confidence, which is why he has such unstable ideas.

This is human nature.

Wu Tao looked at the 500 kilograms of star stones floating around him. With a thought, he put the 500 kilograms of star stones into his storage bag. Then, he couldn't help but sigh: "In the future, if you practice the Zhou Tianxing Body Exercise, you will need to I’m going to buy the star stone myself.”

There is a market in the Border Islands where you can buy star stones, and the Immortal Resource Management Office can also exchange star stones, but Wu Tao will not go to either of these two places because his identity must be verified in both places, which will expose him The identity of physical cultivator.

You are a weapon refiner, why do you buy star stones?

The star stone is not a spiritual material used to refine magic weapons, but is used to provide physical training for practicing the star body training technique.

"Fortunately, there is another place here, that island, where secret transactions can be conducted. When the time comes, I will go there to buy the star stones for cultivation, and I won't have to worry about my identity being exposed."

Wu Tao's eyes moved and he thought of that place.

As the only third-level low-level weapon refiner in the Border Islands, Wu Tao has come into contact with many golden elixir cultivators on the island, so he can naturally obtain this kind of information from their mouths.

"But don't rush. It will be safer to wait until these 500 kilograms of star stones are used up, and the third of the nine golden elixir refinements is broken through, and the golden elixir's mana increases dramatically before heading to that place."

By that time, his combat power was comparable to that of the late Golden Core. When he went there, he felt that there was no danger unless it was a true disciple.

Of course, even if there is no danger, Wu Tao will be cautious, and this form cannot expand.

"After breaking through to the fourth level of the true body, in the next month, let's see how much progress is made in increasing the Jiuyao Fusion Yang pole true power?"

Wu Tao thought of this and left the training room, intending to drink a cup of spiritual tea and relax.

He has just broken through the fourth level of the real body. This is such an amazing event. Can't we celebrate it and relax a little?

Speaking of celebrations, Wu Tao couldn't help but think of Chen Yao.

"I wonder how Ayao is doing in the Xianyuan world? But I will be back soon..."

Wu Tao is now at the third level of the Golden Elixir, so will the Nascent Soul stage be far behind?

After drinking two pots of spiritual tea in the tea room, Wu Tao continued to return to the training room and practiced until dawn.

After dawn, Fu Xuan came to see him.

In the past two years, Fu Xuan has made great progress. His foundation in weapon refining has been extremely solid after being tutored by Wu Tao for many years. He only needs an opportunity to create his own new method.

As long as you create a new spell, break through to the golden elixir cultivation level, and condense the golden elixir true fire, you have a very high chance of being promoted to the third level of low-level weapon refiner.

Wu Tao often encouraged him and provided him with ideas for new laws and regulations.

On this day, Wu Tao gave Fu Xuan some pointers, and then said to him: "Fu Xuan, it's a good practice. When I leave the Boundary Islands, I will take you with me."

When Fu Xuan heard this, his expression was startled at first, and then he was ecstatic, because he knew what Zhen Li meant by taking away? This time, he will be taken to the Artifact Refining Hall of Xingchen Immortal Palace.

This is a huge opportunity.

"Fu Xuan has no way to repay the kindness of the real person. He can only use this broken body to be driven by the real person from now on." Fu Xuan knelt down and bowed to Wu Tao.

Seeing this, Wu Tao used his golden elixir power to lift Fu Xuan up and said with a smile: "Fu Xuan, I am very optimistic about you, so work hard. As for being driven by me, we will talk about it later."

Fu Xuan was moved and left.

Wu Tao continued his life of cultivation.

Ten days later.

In the training room, Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon, refining the last star stone. He no longer had any star stones. If he wanted to practice the Zhoutian Star Body Training Technique, he had to obtain the star stones to continue practicing.

As the ‘hidden child’ of Senior Wang Jing, he cannot directly absorb the brilliance of the stars in the sky of the Star Sea Cultivation Realm to practice, because his identity as a physical cultivator will be discovered.

There is Nascent Soul Lord in the Boundary Islands. Even if there is no Nascent Soul Lord, Wu Tao will not easily experiment. That would be disappointing the cultivation of Senior Wang Jing.

"Today, I will practice the third refinement of the nine golden elixirs to perfection and break through to the fourth refinement."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao thought, took out the medium golden elixir and spiritual fire water, and began to practice the nine golden elixirs.

An hour later, the third of the nine golden elixir refinements was successfully practiced to perfection, and he broke through to the fourth refinement.

The magic power of the golden elixir in his Dantian also increased suddenly.

Feeling the surge in mana, Wu Tao realized that the time had come to go to that place to obtain the star stone.

"My golden elixir mana is estimated to have exceeded the fourth level of the golden elixir, which is comparable to the fifth level of the golden elixir, but far inferior to the sixth level of the golden elixir..."

"Of course, if you encounter an Immortal Palace-level prodigy who practices powerful techniques, it would be safer to fight them at the same level!"

Wu Tao's targets have always been those true seeds, those geniuses at the Immortal Palace level.

He won't be complacent just because he can defeat some casual cultivators of golden elixirs. After all, the skills of casual cultivators of golden elixirs are not as good as his, and it is normal for the golden elixirs' magic power to be less powerful than his.

"Have a day's rest and set off tomorrow!"

Thinking of this, Wu Tao stabilized the golden elixir's magic power.

the next day.

On a deserted island in the Border Islands, Wu Tao stood on a cliff and watched the waves crashing against the cliff below.

He released his spiritual thoughts and found no one within a thousand miles.

Then, he took out a black robe and a black mask that could cover his aura and cultivation. After putting it on, with a thought, a stream of light flew out from the storage bag on his waist. It was a brand new third-level low-level flying weapon. It is not the Jiyunzhou used before.

Since he wants to hide his identity, he will naturally not use Ji Yunzhou anymore.

Most of the golden elixir cultivators in the Boundary Islands knew that Wu Tao was using Jiyunzhou.

This brand new third-level low-level flying weapon was specially refined by him for this trip, and it is called Canglang Boat.

Golden elixir mana poured into the real flying weapon at his feet, and the Canglang boat immediately turned into a stream of light and flew towards the public sea area.

After flying for an hour, he encountered no danger on the way, nor did he encounter any robbery cultivators in the public waters. However, as he got closer to the target place, he began to meet other immortal cultivators, heading in the same direction as him, and also using their shielding auras. The robe of cultivation covers itself.

Needless to say, it was his fellow travelers who were all heading to that place.

Not long after, Wu Tao landed on an island!

"Hengliu Island!" This is the name of this island. Wu Tao walked towards the island regardless of the golden elixir cultivators who were hiding their auras landing next to him.

As soon as you enter the island, it's like entering a market.

Various shops are opened on both sides.

There are also cultivators setting up stalls.

But all the immortal cultivators here hide their cultivation auras and faces. But there is no doubt that all of them are powerful.

How dare you come to Hengliu Island if you are not strong.

"This Hengliu Island is a mixed bag of fish and dragons. There are golden elixirs from the border islands of Huiyue Immortal Palace, golden elixirs from the border islands of Xingchen Immortal Palace, and even more tribulation cultivators..."

"And many of the shops here are opened in the Border Islands of Huiyue Celestial Palace and the Celestial Celestial Palace Boundary Islands. Most of those who come to buy are tribulation cultivators."

"I have to say that the world is so strange. On the one hand, the tribulation cultivators robbed the two Immortal Palaces, and the two celestial palaces destroyed the tribulation cultivators, and then rubbed against each other. Finally, they gathered some resources on Hengliu Island and traded with each other."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao walked through the street and his eyes fell on the stalls and shops on both sides.

Here, you can buy whatever you want, and no one will ask you about your identity.

Of course, this is also a place without rules and order. There are no law enforcers, and life-and-death fights occasionally occur.

Just occasionally, not often. After all, after cultivating to the level of Jindan, there are not many fools who can't afford it early without any benefit. No one will look for trouble. Unless it involves great interests, they will fight to the death.

"So Hengliu Island is still a relatively peaceful place!" Wu Tao recalled in his mind that the golden elixir cultivators on the island on the border of Xingchen Immortal Palace told him about the situation on Hengliu Island, while looking around.

Just for a quarter of an hour, Wu Tao felt that this was a relatively peaceful place.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

There are people fighting at the front.

The cultivation of the fourth level of the golden elixir radiates out, and the powerful collision of magic weapons and spells occurs.

The surrounding immortal cultivators hurriedly moved out of the way to make way for them to fight.

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