Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 599: Walking with the Emperor God (please subscribe)

"Senior Brother Liu is joking, it's not so easy to break through in the middle stage of Golden Core!" Wu Tao said modestly.

"Come, Junior Brother Li, drink tea first. I got this spiritual tea with great difficulty from Senior Brother Yu Zhixin." Liu Yidao picked up the spiritual tea cup and motioned to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao nodded lightly, picked up the Lingcha cup, and offered tea to Liu Yidao from a distance. Then he took a sip and praised: "It is indeed a good tea. I didn't drink such good tea in Senior Brother Yu's office just now. Sure enough, , Senior Brother Liu’s face is greater than mine.”

"Hahaha, where is it~~" Liu Yidao laughed, saying something in his mouth, but his face was extremely happy.

Then, Liu Yidao talked about something about Fang Zhengqing's reconciliation with Lie Qiyang, and expressed that he was very worried about Wu Tao's safety.

Liu Yidao gave him a third-level intermediate defensive robe before he went to the Border Islands to take command. At this time, Wu Tao was moved when he heard Liu Yidao say he was worried about his safety.

If you want to ask who treats him most sincerely in the Palace of Stars, Wu Tao would definitely recommend Senior Brother Liu Yidao.

Afterwards, Wu Tao and Liu Yidao reminisced and drank spiritual tea. After two hours of reminiscing, he said goodbye and left.

Three days later.

Wu Tao came to Chuan Gong Hall and found a foundation-building clerk. Give him his power transfer token. According to the transfer order, the Foundation Establishment Officer quickly summoned Zhenjun Wu Yuanhua.

"Master Li, please wait a moment, Mr. Wu Zhen will be here soon!"

Wu Tao nodded to him, then sat down on a chair in the waiting hall of the Chuan Gong Hall and slowly waited for Wu Yuanhua to arrive.

Since his eyes were always on the entrance of the hall, as soon as Wu Yuanhua appeared, Wu Tao stood up immediately, walked quickly to Wu Yuanhua, bowed and saluted: "Disciple Li Mo, pay your respects to Lord Wu Zhen!"

Wu Yuanhua glanced at Wu Tao and said, "I remember you. I taught you the Dharma at that time."

"Wu Zhenjun has a good memory, I admire him." Wu Tao said in a scene.

"Without further ado, let's go to the Dharma Teaching Room!" After Wu Yuanhua finished speaking, he took the lead and walked to the Dharma Teaching Room.

Arriving at the door of the teaching room, Wu Yuanhua looked at Wu Tao. Wu Tao immediately understood what Wu Yuanhua meant and hurriedly took out the transfer token and opened the door of the teaching room.

The two entered the teaching room. Wu Yuanhua sat cross-legged on the futon and said, "Sit down!"

Wu Tao sat down as he was told and handed over the power transfer token with both hands. The power transfer token contained the power transfer information.

Wu Yuanhua took it and read the transfer information inside, and knew that what Wu Tao needed was the follow-up method of the third level of Jiu Yao Rong Yang Zhen Gong Jin Dan.

Returning the teaching token to Wu Tao, Wu Yuanhua said: "Get ready, let's start teaching now!"

When Wu Tao heard the words, he immediately said "yes" with a straight face, began to clear his mind, made sufficient preparations, and released his spiritual thoughts.

Next, is the spiritual transmission of the law.

After two full hours of teaching, Wu Tao's mind felt that Wu Yuanhua's mind had withdrawn, and he immediately withdrew his mind.

After retracting his spiritual thoughts, Wu Tao stood up, bowed and gave a big salute to Wu Yuanhua, and said sincerely: "Disciple, thank you very much Lord Wu Zhen, for your kindness in teaching the Dharma, I am here to repay you."

If the general teaching process is followed, True Monarch Nascent Soul will receive income from meritorious cultivation resources when teaching Jin Dan. They only need to teach the methods required by Jin Dan.

Wu Tao didn't have to pay such a big gift, and he promised to repay the kindness of spreading the Dharma one day.

The reason for this is because when Wu Yuanhua passed on to him the third-level follow-up skills of the Nine-Yao Fusion Yangji True Skill, he also passed on his insights into the follow-up skills of the Nine-Yao Fusion Yangji True Skill. He is a Nascent Soul Lord. The understanding of the exercises is obviously precious.

This is equivalent to passing on all his private goods to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao is naturally grateful for such a kindness, and he will definitely repay the favor in the future.

This is Wu Tao, who must repay kindness and revenge.

Wu Yuanhua looked at Wu Tao and said: "Li Mo, in just over ten years, you have cultivated from the first level of the golden elixir to the third level of the golden elixir. It can be seen that you still have the talent for refining qi. I will use my knowledge of the Jiu Yao Fusion Yang pole true skill. The cultivation insights passed on to you are to help you, so that you can understand and practice well, so that you can live up to the cultivation of the Immortal Palace!"

From what Wu Yuanhua said, this was a kind of support from the seniors in the Immortal Palace to the juniors.

Wu Tao thanked him again.

Wu Yuanhua stood up, waved his hand and said, "Go back and study hard!"

After saying that, Wu Yuanhua walked out of the teaching room.

"Farewell to Lord Wu Zhen!" Wu Tao bowed and saluted.

A moment later, Wu Tao came out of the Chuan Gong Hall with great joy in his heart. He said to himself: "I didn't expect that there is an unexpected joy. With Wu Zhenjun's cultivation and understanding of the Jiuyao Rongyangji true skill, I have learned about the Jiuyao Rongyangji true skill." Subsequent enlightenment will be faster, saving a lot of time."

Sure enough, if you show your talent appropriately, you can win the favor of the seniors in the Immortal Palace.

This is the result of love.

With this thought in mind, when he arrived at the take-off and landing square of the Chuan Gong Hall, Wu Tao launched his Jiyun Boat, then turned into a stream of light and flew towards the Golden Core Sea.

Returning to Bixing Island, Wu Tao immediately entered the training hall and began to study and sort out the follow-up skills of the Jiuyao Fusion Yangji Zhenqi taught by Zhenjun Wu Yuanhua just now.

the next day.

Wu Tao stood up from the futon in the training room and thought to himself: "Although I have the understanding of Wu Yuanhua taught by Wu Zhenjun, I can't fully understand it in these ten days and a half. It will take at least a month."

"I haven't returned to the Star Palace for so many years. Those old friends I haven't visited still need to visit."

Humanity and sophistication also run through the entire career of cultivating immortals and cannot be ignored.

With this in mind, Wu Tao walked out of the training hall, took out Jiyunzhou, and began to visit some old friends in the Immortal Palace.

Such as Wei Zhou, such as Qian Chang, such as Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai.

When he went to visit Qian Chang, Wu Tao was a little shocked, because Qian Chang actually married three Taoist monks and gave birth to four babies, all with handles.

As for how much cultivation talent and weapon refining talent there are, it is not something that can be known now.

Qian Chang and his four children met Wu Tao for the first time, so naturally they needed a greeting gift. Fortunately, he had some low-level magic weapons on him, so they simply used them as a greeting gift.

As a third-level low-level weapon refiner of the same level as him, Qian Chang will definitely have many magic weapons, but this is just a formality, a friendship, as long as it is conveyed.

After visiting Qian Chang and Wei Zhou, Wu Tao went to visit Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai.

"Fellow Taoist Tang, Friend Pi!" On Tang Jingquan's Jindan Island, Pi Baibai also came together, and Wu Tao greeted the two of them.

"Fellow Daoist Li, please take a seat!" Tang Jingquan, as the owner of the island, introduced Wu Tao into the tea room and the three of them sat down.

After sitting down and drinking a few cups of tea, naturally we couldn't help but talk about the change of guard on the border islands. After all, it involves true disciples, which is considered a major event in the Immortal Palace.

"Seeing that Fellow Daoist Li is safe and sound, Junior Brother Pi and I are relieved." Tang Jingquan said to Wu Tao.

"Thank you Taoist Fellow Tang for your concern and fellow Taoist Pi for your thoughts. Li is very grateful. Thank you also for what Fellow Taoist Tang said to Li at that time." When Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai escorted him to the Boundary Islands, they met Fang Zhengqing, and Tang Jingquan once said Tell Wu Tao not to get too close to Fang Zhengqing.

But Wu Tao didn't feel it. Besides, he was only a third-level low-level weapon refiner in the early stage of Jindan, and Fang Zhenqing was a true disciple. He had a high position and was guarding the Border Islands, so it was impossible to get close to him.

Therefore, Wu Tao just kept it in mind and only did his job on weekdays.

Thinking about it now, it seems that Tang Jingquan knew some other things, but Wu Tao couldn't ask questions, so it was a favor to wake him up.

Tang Jingquan also knew the meaning of Wu Tao's words. He waved his hand and said, "I have known Daoyou Li for many years and are friends. There is no need to keep this trivial matter in mind."

Wu Tao expressed his sincere gratitude, and Pi Baibai said at this time: "Senior Brother Tang, tell me, as a true successor, why would Fang Zhengqing do such a thing? Isn't this self-destructive?"

Tang Jingquan said: "Didn't it be mentioned in the chief's announcement? In order to embezzle cultivation resources and prepare for the next True Inheritance Competition, Fang Zhengqing did such a stupid thing."

Pi Baibai shook his head and said: "I don't think it's possible. Didn't your brother say that Fang Zhengqing is a thorough and impeccable person? Even if he embezzles the sect's cultivation resources, he will not be discovered. Yes, I think it’s very strange that he was discovered.”

Listening to the conversation between Pi Baibai and Tang Jingquan, Wu Tao extracted a key point from these words. It seemed that Tang Jingquan's brother knew Fang Zhengqing very well.

Knowing a true disciple so well shows his brother's status. They discussed it in front of him and had no intention of hiding it. Wu Tao simply raised his hand and asked, "Fellow Taoist Tang, who is your brother?"

Tang Jingquan was about to answer, but Pi Baibai answered first: "You don't know, fellow Daoist Li, but Senior Brother Tang's brother is called Tang Jingyu."

"Tang Jingyu?" Upon hearing this name, Wu Tao looked surprised, then he bowed his hands to Tang Jingquan very politely and said, "I didn't expect that Tang Jingquan's brother would be such a person. I'm disrespectful."

Tang Jingyu is the third true disciple of Immortal Palace, second only to Ying Xuandao.

He is also one of the popular candidates to compete for the title of Chief True Traitor in the next True Tradition Competition.

No wonder Tang Jinquan said those words to him at that time. It turned out that Tang Jingquan learned about Fang Zhengqing's character problems from his brother.

But Tang Jingquan didn't care and said: "My brother is my brother, and I, Tang Jingquan, am me, Tang Jingquan."

Naturally, Wu Tao couldn't refute what he said. He couldn't say that your brother, as the third true disciple, the other disciples of the sect would always give you some convenience for your brother's sake.

But saying this is to refute Tang Jingquan's face, which is not something a friend should say.

Therefore, Wu Tao had no choice but to keep silent.

Tang Jingquan looked at Pi Baibai and said, "It's useless for you to speculate now, because Fang Zhengqing has been sentenced to death by the chief."

Pi Baibai nodded and said: "Senior Brother Tang, you are right, but I still wonder why Fang Zhengqing did this? As a true disciple, even if he cannot compete for the top position in the next true competition, even if he is withdrawn The position of true successor will be transferred to other parts of the sect as a golden elixir deacon, but after a few decades, he can become the true king of Nascent Soul."

As a true successor of the Immortal Palace, there are usually no surprises, and the Nascent Soul can be authentic or fake. The Golden Elixir Deacon is just a small bump in the journey.

"Who can know!" Tang Jingquan said.

After continuing to reminisce with Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai for an hour, Wu Tao said goodbye and left.

There are still ten days left before Wu Tao sets off.

So during these ten days, Wu Tao decided to stay in the Bixing Island Cultivation Hall and not go out.

But after the seventh day, Wu Tao received a summons from Yu Zhixin and asked him to go to his office.

In the training hall, Wu Tao put the summons token into his storage bag, then got up and left Bixing Island, heading to Yu Zhixin's office in the Weapon Refining Hall.

Seeing Yu Zhixin, Wu Tao cupped his hands and said, "Senior Brother Yu, are you looking for me?"

Yu Zhixin said: "Junior brother Li, count the days, how many days are left before you have to return to the Boundary Islands, right?"

Wu Tao nodded and said: "In reply to Senior Brother Yu, Junior Brother, I plan to set off back to the Boundary Islands in three days."

Yu Zhixin said: "That's a coincidence. In two days, there will be a Dharma ship from the Immortal Palace to the Boundary Islands. You can take this Dharma ship. It is safer. You don't have to rush around on the way. You can still stay in the Dharma Island." Practice on the boat.”

Wu Tao was naturally happy to have such a good thing. He thanked Yu Zhixin and said, "Thank you, Senior Brother Yu, for helping me keep an eye on it. That Junior Brother will take this French boat back to the Boundary Islands."

Yu Zhixin smiled and said: "Okay, then remember, in the afternoon two days later, you will wait at the island pier where the palace master's hall is located."

Hearing Yu Zhixin's words, Wu Tao was slightly shocked. He asked: "Brother Yu, is it the palace chief who is going to the Boundary Islands?"

The master of the Xingchen Immortal Palace, Nascent Soul has perfected his cultivation. If the palace owner goes to the border island and Wu Tao gets on the Dharma ship, it means that he is very sure and no one dares to take advantage of the Dharma ship.

Yu Zhixin shook his head and said, "That's not the case. You will know when the time comes."

Seeing that Yu Zhixin didn't say anything, Wu Tao couldn't ask any more questions, so he had to hand it over and leave, no longer disturbing Yu Zhixin's daily affairs.

Returning to Bixing Island, Wu Tao continued to practice.

Wu Tao would naturally not refuse such a good thing as being able to take the Immortal Palace's Dharma boat to the Boundary Islands, and being indirectly escorted by others. The most important thing was that he could practice on the Dharma boat.

Maybe, by the time he reaches the Boundary Islands, he will be able to fully understand the follow-up techniques of the Nine-Yao Fusion Yangji true skill.

Two days later.

In the afternoon.

Wu Tao arrived at the island dock where the palace owner practiced daily, and saw a fourth-level high-level Dharma boat parked on the sea in front of the dock.

When Wu Tao landed, a late-stage Golden Elixir cultivator came up, smiled at Wu Tao and said, "Junior Brother Li, here, Fellow Daoist Yu has already told me that I will make arrangements for you, Junior Brother Li."

Wu Tao bowed respectfully to this Jindan senior brother. Knowing that Yu Zhixin had told him this, he followed this late Jindan cultivator onto the Dharma boat.

After boarding the Dharma boat, Wu Tao found that there were not many Jindan cultivators heading to the Boundary Islands, only three.

And they are all waiting for someone.

As for who he was waiting for, Wu Tao didn't know, so he could only wait with them.

Two quarters of an hour later.

Two figures came into view of Wu Tao and the others. Wu Tao was shocked when he saw the faces of these two big guys clearly.

One person looked like an old man, it was senior Wang Jing whom Wu Tao was extremely familiar with, and the man next to Wang Jing was a middle-aged man with a majestic face.

But it is the Emperor Shenjun.

Senior Wang Jing and Emperor Shenjun were accompanying them.

Wu Tao knew that safety issues were no longer an issue on this trip back to the border islands.

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