Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 598 Exposing, visiting friends, returning (please subscribe)

Guo Huaxing left, and Wu Tao sat on a chair in Guo Huaxing's office to wait.

Not long after, Guo Huaxing came back.

"Senior Brother Guo..." Wu Tao stood up and said to Guo Huaxing.

Guo Huaxing nodded to Wu Tao, and then led Wu Tao to start deducting merit. What Wu Tao exchanged was the follow-up technique of Jiuyao Yangji Zhenqi, which can be practiced until the ninth level of the golden elixir is completed.

You can directly break the elixir to become a baby.

After that, we need to practice the techniques of the Nascent Soul stage.

After handing over the merits, Wu Tao looked at his identity token. Over the years, the harvest of Bixing Island, the merits accumulated, and the merits he earned in such a dangerous way on the Border Islands have all been basically gone.

"Well, I can only say that in the world of cultivating immortals, the method is the most important and inheritance is the most important." With such emotion, Wu Tao's expression remained as usual.

Guo Huaxing handed over a token and said with a smile: "Junior Brother Li, this is the token for passing on the Kung Fu. You should know which true master to go to the Gong Chuan Hall to teach the Dharma to!"

Wu Tao took the merit transfer token, nodded and said: "Junior brother, please save me, please excuse me, Senior Brother Guo!"

Guo Huaxing smiled and said: "I know that Junior Brother Li is very eager to obtain the Dharma. I also have some things to be busy with here, so I won't leave Junior Brother Li to reminisce about the past."

Wu Tao bowed his hands and said goodbye: "Thank you, Senior Brother Guo, for your understanding. Then Junior Brother will go to the Chuan Gong Hall first!"

After bidding farewell to Guo Huaxing for a while, Wu Tao left the Gongfa Hall and went to the Chuan Gong Hall to receive the teachings from True Lord Yuanying.

The last time he came to the Dharma Teaching Hall was when Wu Tao had just entered the Xingchen Immortal Palace.

The cultivator who was working on the foundation building work in the Chuan Gong Hall saw Wu Tao come in and saw Wu Tao wearing the uniform robe of a low-level weapon refiner of the third level of the Art Refining Hall. He immediately stepped forward and asked Wu Tao: "I have seen the real person. Which real person are you looking for?" Are you passing on your skills?"

Wu Tao took out the Kung Fu teaching token in the Kung Fu Hall, handed it to the other party and said, "I need to ask Zhenjun Wuyuan Huawu to teach me the Kung Fu, and I would like to trouble my nephew to do it for me."

After the other party took a look at the transfer token for verification, he respectfully said to Wu Tao: "Master, please wait a moment. I will send a message to Lord Wu Zhen right now."

Wu Tao nodded, and the foundation-building immortal cultivator from the Chuan Gong Hall office turned around to send a message to Wu Yuanhua.

After waiting for a moment, the foundation-building immortal cultivator came back, bowed to Wu Tao and said, "I'm telling you, Lord Wu Zhen will not have time to come over to teach the Dharma in three days. Please come over in three days."

"Three days?" Wu Tao's heart moved when he heard this. If it was only three days later, he would not be in a hurry. After all, he had taken leave from Luo Yuhua for two and a half months. He came and went for two months, and he could stay in the Xingchen Immortal Palace for half a month. .

"Okay, let's visit our friends first!" Thinking of this, Wu Tao smiled and said to the foundation-building immortal cultivator: "Okay, then I will come back in three days."

"Master, please keep your power transfer token and come back here in three days to make a certificate." The other party handed Wu Tao's power transfer token with both hands respectfully.

After Wu Tao took it, he turned around and left the Chuan Gong Hall.

After coming out of the Chuan Gong Hall, Wu Tao took out the summons token and wanted to summon Yu Zhixin, but he thought that Yu Zhixin should be at the Weapon Refining Hall office. After all, Yu Zhixin was the Golden Elixir Deacon of the Weapon Refining Hall and would be stationed at the Weapon Refining Hall office at any time. , handle some daily affairs.

So he decided not to need to be summoned and went directly to the office of Yu Zhixin, the weapon refining hall.

After returning from the Border Islands, the first thing I would definitely do is visit Senior Brother Yu.

The Jiyunzhou took off from the Chuan Gong Hall and landed in the square, then turned into a stream of light and flew towards the Weapon Refining Hall.

The Jiyunzhou landed at the take-off and landing square of the Weapon Refining Hall. Wu Tao collected the Jiyunzhou and walked towards the numerous palaces of the Weapon Refining Hall.

Walking back through the corridor, I met many weapon refiners, all of whom nodded and greeted Wu Tao. Some asked whether Wu Tao had completed his mission and returned from the Border Islands, and Wu Tao responded enthusiastically.

Therefore, it took half an hour to arrive at the door of Yu Zhixin's office, and after a while to refresh his mind, Wu Tao cupped his hands and shouted softly: "Senior Brother Yu, Junior Brother Li Mo wants to see you."

Wu Tao's voice, following the formation prompts, reached Yu Zhixin's ears in the office.

The next second, Yu Zhixin's voice sounded: "Junior brother Li, please come in."

Wu Tao gently pushed open the door of Yu Zhixin's office, entered, looked at the slightly surprised Yu Zhixin and said, "Senior Brother Yu, long time no see."

Yu Zhixin's face was slightly surprised. He looked at Wu Tao and said, "Junior brother Li, the mission on the Border Islands has not been completed yet. What, could it be that they sent you back?"

Wu Tao smiled and said to Yu Zhixin: "Senior Brother Hui Yu, I am returning to the Immortal Palace this time because I have broken through the third level of the Golden Core and have no follow-up practice skills. Therefore, I asked for leave from Senior Brother Luo, the true guardian of the Boundary Islands."

After saying that, he showed a slight hint of the aura of the third level of the golden elixir.

Because he had to redeem the follow-up skills, Wu Tao felt that the matter of breaking through the third level of the golden elixir could not be kept as a secret. Only subsequent breakthroughs could be slightly concealed.

Therefore, when he came back this time, he naturally had to be more generous and let people see that as a casual cultivator, he could still cultivate his talent.

A little bit of cultivation talent and weapon refining talent can be taken seriously in the Immortal Palace. As long as he is taken seriously and regarded as a talent that can be cultivated, he will generally not be sent to some more dangerous tasks.

This is Wu Tao's plan.

Sure enough, he sensed Wu Tao's slightly leaked third-level aura of the golden elixir. Yu Zhixin was still a little surprised at the speed of Wu Tao's practice. In his understanding, it was impossible for casual cultivators to practice at such a fast speed.

Recalling that when he brought Wu Tao into the Immortal Palace, he didn't even have the golden elixir technique and was still at the first level of the golden elixir. In just over ten years, he had already broken through to the third level of the golden elixir.

Recalling Wu Tao's bone age, Yu Zhixin felt relieved. This junior fellow cultivator Li Mo might be a genius who is rare to see in a thousand years.

But now that he has joined his Xingchen Immortal Palace, he is no longer a casual cultivator genius, but a sect genius of his Immortal Palace.

After Yu Zhixin was surprised, he showed a look of joy. He came up and patted Wu Tao's shoulder, and said happily: "Okay, okay, okay, Junior Brother Li, good job, but you can't relax in the art of refining weapons. I don't know. How is Junior Brother Li's understanding of the third-level intermediate weapon refining method?"

With that said, he led Wu Tao to the coffee table aside, sat down, and boiled water for Wu Tao to make tea. Wu Tao hurriedly took over the boiling of water.

Wu Tao boiled water and replied: "Reporting to Senior Brother Yu, your knowledge of the third-level intermediate weapon refining method is acceptable."

Yu Zhixin smiled and said: "It's a good lesson. When you are promoted to the third-level intermediate weapon refiner, you will be able to take off your guest status and your salary will be improved. At that time, I will transfer you from the Border Islands back to the Immortal Palace."

When Wu Tao heard Yu Zhixin's previous words, he didn't think it was a surprise. What surprised him was the following words. He wanted to be promoted to the third-level intermediate weapon refiner as soon as possible, wasn't it just to transfer back to the Immortal Palace from the Border Islands?

He immediately thanked Yu Zhixin and said, "Thank you, Senior Brother Yu, for your cultivation. Junior Brother, I will definitely understand the art of weapon refining and will never let Senior Brother Yu down."

Yu Zhixin said: "The main reason is that Junior Brother Li is a talented person in the art of weapon refining. He is sitting in the Border Islands, but he is overqualified. I heard that Fang Zhengqing conspired with Lie Qiyang and almost killed Junior Brother Li. I feel guilty every time I think about it. , Junior Brother Li should not be sent to the Border Islands."

When Wu Tao heard this, he had no choice but to say: "I know that Senior Brother Yu sent me to the Border Islands to test and train me. I am very grateful to Senior Brother Yu for thinking about me."

Of course, this was just a scene, and it was impossible for Wu Tao to tell the truth with such low emotional intelligence.

Yu Zhixin was very satisfied with Wu Tao's answer. He looked at Wu Tao and said: "Junior brother Li, I am very happy and relieved to have such an idea. Anyone who kills fellow Immortal Palace disciples, no matter whether he is a true successor or what his identity is, can do it." Get the punishment you deserve. Junior Brother Li must also know the fate of Fang Zhengqing, who has been sentenced to death by the chief."

Wu Tao naturally knew that Fang Zhengqing had been killed by Chief Cui Qingci, and he also received this notice in the Boundary Islands.

Unexpectedly, the seventh true biography, the perfection of the nine levels of golden elixir, the seed of Nascent Soul Lord, was given to death like this.

But actually, if you think about it, killing fellow sect members is a taboo in any sect.

As an attempted victim, Wu Tao did not feel sorry for Fang Zhengqing's death, but instead felt happy.

After all, he almost died due to the conspiracy of Fang Zhengqing and Lie Qiyang.

If Fang Zhengqing is not ordered to die by the chief, Wu Tao will take revenge when he becomes stronger in the future.

Next, after chatting with Yu Zhixin for a while, Wu Tao said goodbye. After all, Yu Zhixin still had his own affairs to deal with.

Coming out of Yu Zhixin's office, Wu Tao took out the summons token to summon Brother Liu Yidao.

When we return to the Immortal Palace, how can we not visit Liu Yidao? After all, Liu Yidao also gave him a third-level intermediate defensive robe. Wu Tao kept this kind of favor in mind.

Liu Yidao was very surprised and happy about Wu Tao's return to the Immortal Palace, but he was still on Demon Suppressing Island at this time, so he asked Wu Tao to come over to his Golden Core Island later to sit down.

"In that case, let's go back to Bixing Island first." Wu Tao quickly made a decision and returned to Bixing Island from the Refining Hall.

As for visiting Qian Chang and Wei Zhou, there is no rush in the next day or two. It will not be too late to go and reminisce with Qian Chang and Wei Zhou after he receives the teachings from Lord Wuyuan Huawu at the Chuan Gong Hall.

Back on Bixing Island, Wu Tao called Wang Sheng.

Soon, Wang Sheng arrived, bowed and saluted Wu Tao and said, "I have met the island master. What do you want from the island master?"

Wu Tao said to Wang Sheng: "Wang Sheng, go to Qiyuan Golden Core Island and ask Liang Zhenren's son Liang Minghe to come over."

Wang Sheng accepted the order, turned around and went to carry out Wu Tao's instructions.

After Wang Sheng left, Wu Tao thought, and a third-level flying sword flew out of the storage bag and landed in his palm.

This third-level flying sword was what Liang Daoyou asked him to repair. Unfortunately, after the repair, Liang Daoyou had already fallen on the front line of Xingyan Island in the Border Islands. Now, as the conspiracy between Fang Zhengqing and Lie Qiyang comes out, all Jindan in the Border Islands are in an uproar. Those fallen Jindan masters have all been compensated by the Immortal Palace.

For example, after the death of Jindan Zhenren, who owned the Jindan Island, his descendants can only have 20 years of use rights to the Jindan Island according to the previous rules. After 20 years, if the descendants have not broken through the Jindan Island, they will not be able to inherit from their father. Jindan Island.

However, in view of the special circumstances of these golden elixirs of Liang Daoyou, the number of years that their golden elixir islands can be used by future generations has been increased to 40 years.

Liang Minghe is the only son of Daoyou Liang, who is in the middle stage of foundation building.

If Liang Minghe cannot break through the golden elixir forty years later, the golden elixir islands left behind by fellow Taoist Liang can only be handed back according to the sect's rules and redistributed to other new golden elixirs.

"Forty years, from the fifth level of foundation building, it is still very promising to break through to the golden elixir." Wu Tao was thinking like this. Don't take out the jade slips of knowledge about the third-level intermediate weapon refining method to understand, and wait for Liang Minghe's arrival. .

Half an hour later.

Wang Sheng's voice sounded outside the hall: "Island Master, Wang Sheng has invited Junior Brother Liang here."

"Come in!" Wu Tao put away the jade slip of knowledge on the third-level intermediate weapon refining method and said softly, but his voice reached Wang Sheng's ears without weakening at all.

Two footsteps sounded as they entered the main hall. Wu Tao looked up and saw Liang Minghe next to Wang Sheng, who had a similar look to fellow Taoist Liang. He is definitely his biological son.

"Disciple Liang Minghe, pay homage to Master Li!" Liang Minghe came to Wu Tao and immediately bowed and saluted.

Liang Minghe naturally knew about his father's death early on.

Wu Tao looked at Liang Minghe, stretched out his hand, and the third-order flying sword on the table at his hand floated up, landed in front of Liang Minghe and said: "Martial nephew Liang, this is your father's third-order flying sword. At that time, there was a war on the front line, and all kinds of war ships And the flying sword needs to be repaired. After I repaired your father's third-level flying sword, I was shocked to hear that your father died on the front line. I will return the repaired flying sword to your hands."

Liang Minghe looked at the third-level flying sword in front of him, took it with both hands, and looked at Wu Tao, full of gratitude. He bowed and thanked: "Thank you, Master Li, for bringing my father's third-level flying sword back." , Minghe dare not forget."

Liang Minghe sincerely thanked Wu Tao. As a golden elixir, even if Wu Tao took his father's third-level flying sword as his own, no one would know about it. After all, his father had died.

Thinking about it again, the Li Zhenren in front of him is a third-level low-level weapon refiner from the Weapon Refining Hall. This kind of third-level low-level flying sword can be refined just after thinking about it, so it is not worth being greedy.

But on second thought, this behavior is noble.

"Okay, you have also obtained your father's third-level flying sword. You should practice hard and break through the golden elixir quickly so that you can inherit your father's golden elixir island and live up to your father's spirit in the sky." Wu Tao encouraged.

Liang Minghe bowed and thanked him and said goodbye.

After Wang Sheng was dismissed, Wu Tao came to the training room and started practicing.

He came back from the Border Islands and didn't practice for a month. He wasted a month. When the time comes, he will also waste a month when he returns to the Border Islands.

Therefore, now that we are back on Bixing Island, we must seize the time to practice.

At dusk, Wu Tao walked out of the training room. He was going to Liu Yidao's Golden Elixir Island to visit Liu Yidao.

Jiyunzhou flew out from Bixing Island and soon arrived at Liu Yidao's Golden Core Island.

As soon as they arrived at Liu Yidao's Golden Core Island, a portal opened in the island protection formation. Liu Yidao's Immortal Master was already standing respectfully aside, saluting: "Master Li, the island owner has been waiting for a long time. Please come with your disciples."

Wu Tao nodded to him and then went to Liu Yidao's cave palace.

Seeing Liu Yidao, Wu Tao showed a joyful smile on his face, cupped his hands and said, "Senior Brother Liu, after so many years of separation, my cultivation has become even better."

Liu Yidao stepped forward, took Wu Tao's arm, pulled Wu Tao to a chair next to the coffee table and sat down, and said: "Junior Brother Li, my cultivation is still as usual and there is no breakthrough. However, Junior Brother Li, you gave Senior Brother a Surprisingly, I managed to break through to the third level of the Golden Core without saying a word. The next time I see you, I will be in the middle stage of the Golden Core."

"At that time, I didn't dare to call you junior brother anymore."

Liu Yidao said this.

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