Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 514 Guanhai Immortal Sect! Jindan Water Mansion! (7000 words please order)

Chapter 514 Guanhai Immortal Sect! Jindan Water Mansion! (7000 words please subscribe)

His eyes swept across the personal information, and Wu Tao already knew it!

Then close personal information.

"I finally broke through the ninth level of foundation building! Next, the most immediate goal is to complete the foundation building stage of the Tianyan God Refining Scripture, so that the divine will can reach a point where there is no further progress."

"The second is to practice the true art of Invisible Sword to the master level, so as to be fully prepared for the Water and Fire Alchemy Pill."

"The third step is to understand the Lingxu True Fire Technique and practice the Star Ten Dharma Sutra. The Six Yang Lihuo True Technique and the Star Body Refining Technique should be practiced step by step."

"It takes at most two or three years to achieve perfection in Dharma practice and body practice."

"The last step is to explore the sea area of ​​​​Twenty-Seven Islands where the golden elixir cultivators have come for thousands of years to see if there are any traces left."

"Of course, the prerequisite for the detection is to complete the ninth level of foundation building and the ninth level of spiritual body before reaching perfection. If nothing is found after both are completed, we will have no choice but to venture out of the Lost Sea."

There are no resources for golden elixir cultivators to practice in the twenty-seven island waters, and they have never heard of spiritual fire and spiritual water things, so it is impossible for Wu Tao to be trapped in the twenty-seven island waters.

Even if the Lost Sea is as dangerous as it is said to be in the Twenty-Seven Islands, Wu Tao must step through it. His goal is to become an immortal, how could he be intimidated by the Lost Sea?

His eyes moved slightly, and various thoughts flashed through his mind. Wu Tao took a deep breath and began to prepare to break through the second level of the Tianyan God Refining Manual.

The Tianyan God Refining Manual is slowly running. Wu Tao has already cultivated the second level to 99%. He only needs an opportunity to break through to the third level and increase his spiritual thoughts.

It ran for less than a quarter of an hour.

The foundation building stage of the Tianyan God Refining Scripture has already reached the third level.

Wu Tao immediately felt that his spiritual consciousness was growing rapidly, and soon it increased by thirty miles, reaching one hundred and eighty-two miles.

After the growth of his spiritual thoughts was completed, Wu Tao stopped running the Tianyan Divine Refining Manual, and his face showed joy.

"The second level of the Tianyan God Refining Manual can increase the spiritual power by 20%, and now it has reached the strength of 182 miles of spiritual power. When I complete the third level of cultivation, it will increase by 30%, and the spiritual power will reach 20%. One hundred and thirty-eight miles.”

Regardless of the fact that the Tianyan God Refining Manual has completed the foundation building stage, it can only reach the strength of 238 miles of divine thoughts. It seems that it is not of much help to him now, and it cannot cross the boundary to fight against the golden elixir.

But once he breaks through the golden elixir, coupled with the 238 miles of divine will, it can bring him a dramatic increase in combat power.

After feeling some spiritual thoughts, Wu Tao got up from the futon, entered the hall next door, and began to read books.

The twenty-six island cultivating forces sent a book of books to each island. Although Wu Tao read it very quickly using the spiritual quantum reading method, it also took time.

"Yesterday I read the collection of books on Dongxing Island, and today I will read about Dongjue Island." Wu Tao stood in front of a bookshelf, then picked up the books sent by Dongjue Island and started to read.

They are both immortal cultivating forces in the twenty-seven island waters. In fact, the records in many books are similar. Wu Tao has read so many books and is already very familiar with the waters of the Twenty-Seven Islands.

However, his goal is to find strange things that appear in the books, such as the legend of strange phenomena appearing in the sea or the legend of Jin Dan getting lost from the Lost Sea.

"Hey, I finally found something..." Wu Tao was surprised, stopped his thoughts, and picked up a book in front of him.

The title of the book is "Island Owners' Insights", and it is the island owners of all generations who recorded their experiences in this book.

"It records that an island owner of Dongjue Island thousands of years ago knew a secret about Dongchui Island. According to his story, there was a golden elixir cultivator who lost his way in the Lost Sea on Dongchui Island a thousand years ago. , but only appeared in the waters of Dongji Island. The island owner of Dongjue Island knew about it because Dongjue Island was adjacent to Dongchui Island... He also paid attention to it. He heard that the Jindan was in Dongjue Island. A water mansion was established in the waters of Chuidao..."

After Wu Tao read a record inside, his eyes fell into thinking.

Why did Dongjue Island send such an important book?

According to what Wu Tao learned, there are often collisions and conflicts in the adjacent waters between Dongjie Island and Dongjue Island, and there is hatred. Therefore, Dong Jue Dao had ulterior motives in sending this book.

"Thousands of years ago, the golden elixir came to the waters of Dongchui Island, and it was suspected that a water palace was established... It stands to reason that the arrival of the golden elixir cultivators in the waters of the Twenty-seven Islands is not a trivial matter. Why are there no records of other island cultivating forces? Is it possible that it is really like Dongjue? According to Dao, the mysterious person from Jindan has never been out of the waters of Dongchui Island, so he was kept secret by Dongchui Island..."

"Now that we have discovered the news about the suspected golden elixir and the establishment of the Water Mansion, no matter whether Dongjue Island has ulterior motives or not, we have to ask the owners of Dongjue Island and Dongchui Island..."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao immediately took out the sword book from his storage bag, activated the sword book, and summoned the Dawn River.

Then Wu Tao waited in the hall for the arrival of Liming He.

After a while.

Liming He had already arrived. He bowed his hands to Wu Tao respectfully and said, "Island Master, are you looking for me?"

Wu Tao looked at Liming He and said: "Ming He, I need you to go to Dongjue Island and invite Island Master Lin over and tell him that I have something to ask him.

Liming He looked at Wu Tao, his face a little embarrassed, and expressed his doubts: "Island Master, I am worried that the Island Master of Dongjue Island will not come to Nanming Island. After all, the Island Master has cultivated to Tongtian..."

Wu Tao nodded. : "You don't have to worry about this. If he doesn't come, you will tell him that when I go there in person, the ending may be different."

Wu Tao must have had an ulterior motive when he thought of Dongjue Island and sent him the book "Island Master's Insights".

Therefore, he put down his threatening words first. If Dong Jue Dao didn't have ulterior motives, he would personally refine a second-level high-level magic weapon for him, which would be considered compensation.

The most important thing is to find out whether the story about Jindan Water Mansion is true.

After hearing this, Liming He nodded and said, "I know the island owner, and I will set off for Dongjue Island right now."

Wu Tao stopped him and said: "Send another foundation-building junior brother to Dongchui Island, and also invite the island owner of Dongchui Island. Tell the island owner of Dongchui Island that I have something to ask, if you can answer me some questions If you have any doubts, a magic weapon will be refined for him."

Liming He cupped his hands and said, "Yes, Island Master!"

Watching Liming He leave, Wu Tao thought: "It doesn't matter whether you have ulterior motives on Dongjue Island or whether you want to borrow a knife to kill people, but I will invite the owner of Dongchui Island here. If it is true, just ask the owner of Dongchui Island directly." Okay, I now have the strength to suppress the twenty-seven islands in the sea, and I will exchange it with Dongchui Island at an equal price. I think the owner of Dongchui Island will not refuse."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao returned to the training hall and prepared to practice some invisible swords.

Dongjue Island.

In the main hall of the island owner.

Lin Qiyun, the owner of Dongjue Island, sat opposite the two deputy island owners.

"Island Master, I heard from the junior brother in the library that you sent the book "Island Master's Insights" to Nanming Island?" asked a deputy island master.

Lin Qiyun smiled and said: "Since Island Master Han wants to see our collection of books, the "Island Master's Insights" is also in the library, so I will naturally send it over as well."

The deputy leader looked a little worried. He looked at Lin Qiyun and shook his head: "Island Master, do you really just want to give the book to Island Master Han to read? Don't you have any other intentions?"

Lin Qiyun shrugged and said, "Junior Brother Zhang. What else do you think I can mean?"

Deputy Island Master Zhang said: "Island Master, I have also read the "Island Master's Insights". It records an observation by Island Master Wang thousands of years ago... As we all know, Han Dao's major is Tongtian, and he must not be willing to be buried in the Second World. In the sea area of ​​​​Seventeen Islands, he definitely wants to improve his cultivation further, and the knowledge of the golden elixir cultivator must be very attractive to him..."

"Island Master, you understand what I mean... You want to borrow a knife, but have you considered whether you have the strength to hold this knife? If you fail to hurt the enemy, you will also hurt yourself?"

When Lin Qiyun saw that he had made his words clear, his face darkened and he said, "Junior Brother Zhang, what do you mean?"

Deputy Island Master Zhang sighed and said: "I just want to tell the Island Master that the Island Master must be considerate in his actions. If you think about the foundation of Dongjue Island, don't ruin the foundation of Dongjue Island."

Lin Qiyun snorted coldly and said: "Deputy Junior Brother Zhang, as the island owner, I naturally know my responsibilities. You don't need to mention these things. Okay, if there is nothing else, just retreat!"

At this moment, a disciple outside the store reported: "Island Master, Deputy Island Master Li from Nanming Island came to ask to see the island master."

Lin Qiyun was overjoyed when he heard this and said in his heart: "It's finally here!"

Then, he looked at Deputy Island Master Zhang and the other Deputy Island Master and said, "Two fellow Taoists, I have a visitor!"

"Island Master, I'll take my leave then." Another deputy island master pulled the reluctant deputy island master Zhang out of the island master's hall. As soon as he came out, he bumped into the Liming River coming forward, and both sides held hands with each other. After bowing, Liminghe entered the island owner's hall and met Lin Qiyun.

"Island Master Lin, we meet again."

"Master Li, please sit down. I wonder why Master Li came to our Dongjue Island?" Lin Qiyun said while looking at Liming River.

Liming He said: "Island Master Lin, our Island Master Han wants to see you, please Island Master Lin follow me to Nanming Island."

Lin Qiyun heard this and immediately said: "Li Island Group, I, Dongjue Island, have some matters that have not been settled yet, so I may not be able to go to Nanming Island with you. If there is something wrong with Island Master Han of Nanming Island, you can ask Island Master Han to come over to Dongjue Island with you." Island to discuss, I, Dongjue Island, welcome you at any time.”

Liming He was not surprised when he saw Lin Qiyun's refusal, and he immediately told Wu Tao's original words.

Sure enough, Lin Qiyun's face stiffened upon hearing this, and then he said with a forced smile: "Island Master Li, let's do this. After I finish handling the affairs of Dongjue Island, I will go to Nanming Island to see Island Master Han in person in five days at the latest. How about that? "

Liming He didn't want to push too hard, because he knew that Wu Tao would one day leave the waters of Twenty-Seven Islands. If he pushed too hard and had a grudge with Dongjue Island, it would be difficult to deal with it then.

Then he said: "Okay, I will definitely tell Island Master Han."

Lin Qiyun felt relieved and said: "Master Li, you can wait on my Dongjue Island for five days, and then you can go to Nanming Island with me."

Liming He waved his hand and said: "Thank you Island Master Lin for your kindness. However, Nanming Island has many affairs and I have to go back to preside over it, so I won't bother you anymore and say goodbye!"

After Liming He left, Lin Qiyun's face turned completely gloomy, but in the end he showed a look of helplessness.

Just as Deputy Island Master Zhang said, he indeed sent the book "Island Master's Insights" to Nanming Island on purpose.

But this was a conspiracy, an upright plan, not a conspiracy, or a deliberate attempt to use the Korean island master to put pressure on Dongchui Island.

His conspiracy only gave Dongchui Island the right to choose. If Dongchui Island truthfully explained to the Korean island owner about the Jindan Water Mansion, Dongchui Island would naturally ignore it. If Dongchui Island concealed it, then he Only then can the conspiracy be realized.

Although it is a bit risky, Lin Qiyun feels that the risk is controllable.

After all, he told the news that Island Master Han was most interested in. Island Master Han should not blame him.

"Is there really a Jindan Water Palace on Dongchui Island?" Lin Qiyun frowned. In fact, he didn't know if there was one. If it was really confirmed, the other twenty-six islands would probably have already besieged Dongchui Island.

Liming He returned to Nanming Island, asked to see Wu Tao, and said to Wu Tao: "Island Master, Island Master Lin said that there are important things to deal with on the island, and he will set out again in five days."

Wu Tao nodded and said, "Then wait for him for a few days!"

He is not in a hurry, since the foundation building and the spiritual body have not been completed yet.

The waters of Dongchui Island.

An isolated island.

In the cave.

At this moment, Qu Tong's injuries have all healed, and his cultivation has returned to the ninth level of foundation building. He looked at his junior brother Luo Xing and his junior sister Guan Tong and said: "Junior brother Luo Xing, junior sister Guan Tong, now we have the elixirs and the energy of the source of the law. It has been used up. Although the two of you have not fully recovered from your injuries, you can explore this sea area with my protection."

After the three brothers and sisters arrived on the isolated island, they took out all the elixirs and magic energy. When they found that there were not enough for the three of them to recover from their injuries, they gave the elixirs to their senior brother Qu Tong first.

Upon hearing Qu Tong's words, Luo Xing and Guan Tong looked at each other, nodded and said, "We listen to senior brother."

The three people immediately took the flying magic weapon and flew out of the island, flying over the waters of Dongchui Island.

Half an hour later.

The three met a Dharma boat.

"There is a cultivator. I just happened to inquire about the situation in this sea area." Qu Tong said, and then flew towards the Dharma City with Luoxing and Guan Tong.

The flag hoisted on the French ship was the flag of Dongchui Island.

At this time, there were two mid-level foundation-building immortal cultivators sitting on the Dharma boat, and they sensed that the foundation-building immortal cultivators were approaching. Immediately ordered to stop the Dharma boat, and two middle-stage foundation-building immortal cultivators also came to the bow.

"Three fellow Taoists, you are so polite. What do you mean by coming to the waters of Dongchui Island?" said a foundation builder from Dongchui Island.

Hearing this, Qu Tong thought to himself: It turns out that this place is called the Dongchui Island Sea Area. He didn't reveal his expression as he cupped his hands and said, "Forgive me, fellow Taoist Dongchui Island. The three of us are casual cultivators, and the Dharma boat was attacked by monsters. I mistakenly entered the waters of Dongchui Island, and I hope fellow Taoist friends will forgive me."

"I see, I don't know where the three Taoist friends are going, but they can take our Dharma boat."

"Senior brother, do you want to get on the boat?" Guan Tong said to Qu with a voice transmission.

Qu Tong sent a message back to Guan Tong: "Look at their aura, they are only in the middle stage of foundation building, it doesn't matter!"

After Qu Tong finished transmitting the message, he raised his hands towards Dharma Ship Zhuji and said, "Thank you so much, fellow Taoist, then the three of us will trouble you!"

"It's okay, three of you, please come up!"

Qu Tong and the others boarded the Dharma boat, and were invited to the tea room in the cabin by two middle-stage foundation builders from Dongchui Island to boil water and make tea for them.

"Three fellow Taoists, please have tea!"

A middle-level foundation-builder from Dongchui Island stretched out his hand and said enthusiastically.

Qu Tong picked up the teacup and put it under his lips, his nose quivered, and he knew the tea was poisonous. He immediately sent a message to Luo Xing and Guan Tong: "The tea is poisonous, don't drink it!"

"Senior brother, I don't think we need to be cautious anymore. Since the other party already has malicious intentions, why don't we capture him and inquire about the situation in this sea area?" Guan Tong sent a message to Qu Tong.

Qu Tong nodded, put down the tea, looked fixedly at the two mid-level foundation builders from Dongfeng Island, and said, "You two, the tea is poisonous. What does this mean?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the two mid-stage foundation builders on Dongchui Island changed. Their mana surged and they were about to attack.

But Qu Tong was faster, and the aura of the ninth level of foundation building on his body was fully unfolded.

"Nine levels of foundation building?" The expressions of the two people on Dongchui Island changed drastically in the middle of the foundation building process.

After a while.

The two foundation-builders from Dongchui Island collapsed in the tea room in the middle of the foundation building. Their magic power and spiritual thoughts were restrained, and they looked at Qu Tong angrily.


The door of the tea room opened, Luo Xing and Guan Tong came in, nodded to Qu Tong and said: "Senior brother, everything has been solved!"

Qu Tong nodded, walked towards the two foundation builders on Dongchui Island, and said, "You two, I have something to ask you, and I hope you will answer truthfully."

"Can I survive if I answer your question?" one of the mid-stage foundation builders asked anxiously.

Qu Tong shook his head and said: "You have murderous intentions towards us. From that moment on, you will not have a chance to survive. However, if you answer truthfully, I can let you die more happily."

"Anyway, it's death. We won't answer your question." Seeing that there was no chance of survival, the two foundation builders from Dongchui Island kept silent.

Qu Tong sighed and said: "Then the only way is to use the soul-searching secret technique!"

After a moment, Qu Tong's palm was removed from the two people's heads. The two foundation builders of Dongchui Island immediately softened and fell on the wooden board. They were obviously dead.

Qu Tong sat down cross-legged, his expression sometimes distorted, sometimes struggling, sometimes calm, sometimes angry. This was the side effect of the soul-searching secret technique. After absorbing the other party's memory, all kinds of distracting thoughts in the memory interfere with his own spiritual thoughts. He will not use this secret technique unless it is absolutely necessary.

A quarter of an hour later, Qu Tong's expression recovered.

He has used the soul-searching secret technique to understand the situation in the waters of the Twenty-Seven Islands.

I also understood why Dongchui Island’s foundations were poisoned. It turned out that Dongchui Island specifically went out to sea to hunt for scattered foundations. They captured the scattered foundations alive and brought them back to Dongchui Island, imprisoned them, and specialized in producing the energy of the source of law.

He stood up and smiled at Luo Xing and Guan Tong: "Junior Brother Luo Xing, Junior Sister Guan Tong, this is the twenty-seven island sea area. There are twenty-seven island cultivating forces. The highest level is the ninth level of foundation building."

When Luo Xing and Guan Tong heard this, they both breathed a sigh of relief. Guan Tong said: "It turns out that this is the edge of the Sea of ​​Stars, so there is no need to worry. When we recover our magic power, we will also build nine levels of foundation, and we can sweep across this area. Square sea area.”

Qu Tong smiled and said: "Junior sister, you are right. How can the nine-level foundation building on the edge of the starry sea in the barren sea be compared to the nine-level foundation building of my Sea Viewing Immortal Sect."

Then Qu Tong added: "From the memories of the two of them, I learned that about a year ago, an immortal cultivator named Han Fan appeared, destroyed an island with one person's power, and then became the owner of that island."

"Senior brother, what do you mean, is it possible that Han Fan is a lost immortal cultivator from our side?" Luo Xing asked immediately.

Qu Tong nodded and said: "I think so. If it weren't for the great sect of immortality, it would be impossible for one person to kill three people who built the ninth floor of the foundation."

"Since he can sit on an island and become the owner of the island, then naturally I can also sit on an island and become the owner of the island."

"It just so happened that Dongchui Island came to our doorstep. Junior Brother Luoxing and Junior Sister Guan Tong, we will go to Dongchui Island to be the island masters. After becoming the island masters, there will be no shortage of cultivation resources, just enough for you two to restore your cultivation. "

"We listen to senior brother!"

Qu Tong nodded and immediately flew towards Dongchui Island with Luo Xing and Guan Tong.

After landing on Dongchui Island and looking at the island protection array, Qu Tong took out the token he got from Dongchui Island in the middle stage of foundation building to activate the array and entered Dongchui Island.

Now that he had found out the strength of Dongji Island, Qu Tong no longer had any fear in his heart, so he entered with his two junior brothers and sisters in a swaggering manner.

"Who are you?" Finally, a cultivator from Dongchui Island saw the stranger coming in.

"Guanhai Immortal Sect, Qu Tong, call your island master to come out!" After Qu Tong finished speaking, he immediately exuded the aura of building the ninth floor. He won't fight in step by step without showing off his cultivation. How tiring that would be!

Feeling Qu Tong's powerful aura, the immortal cultivators on Dongchui Island did not dare to neglect and immediately went to report. However, there was no need to report. The three island masters on the ninth level of foundation building could already feel Qu Tong's aura and came out of their cultivation one after another. It flew down in front of Qu Tong and the others.

"I am the owner of Dongchui Island. I don't know what happened when my friend came to my Dongchui Island?" The owner of Dongchui Island was surprised. He had never seen such a nine-story person who came out of nowhere. .

But based on Island Master Han Fanhan, he still held back his anger and became polite.

Qu Tong looked at the owner of Dongchui Island and said: "Guanhai Xianzong, Qu Tong, I heard that Han Fan destroyed Nanming Island by himself, I also want to give it a try and become the owner of Dongchui Island!"

"Presumptuous..." Before the island owner could speak, the deputy island owner beside him said angrily.

The owner of Dongchui Island quickly stopped him, looked at Qu Tong, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist, are you here to joke with me? I haven't asked yet, which sect is Guanhaixian Sect?"

Qu Tongdao: "You don't have to worry about which sect, I'm going to ask you today if you want to give up your position as the island master!"

The owner of Dongchui Island felt his heart sinking and said: "Since Taoist friends are aggressive, arrogant and unreasonable, then Li has no choice but to take action. The foundation of Dongchui Island cannot be lost in Li's hands."

As soon as he finished speaking, the owner of Dongchui Island immediately attacked Qu Tong.

He didn't believe that a person like Island Master Jiu Shi Han came out.

The war is about to break out.

But it ended quickly.

Qu Tong looked at the three corpses on the ground and said with a smile: "The ninth floor of the foundation in the barren sea is really rubbish!"

Then he looked at Luo Xing and Guan Tong and said: "Junior brother, junior sister, today we are the owners of Dongchui Island. You two can resume your cultivation with peace of mind... After your cultivation is restored, you will have to find your way back... "

"As for Han Fan, senior brother, I guess he is just like us. At that time, I will go to test the opponent's strength. If the opponent is really from the immortal sect, I will invite him to explore the way back together, so that I can take care of him!"

"Yes, senior brother!"

Qu Tong killed the three island owners and did not have time to completely destroy Dongchui Island. Some immortal cultivators from Dongchui Island still escaped.

In an instant, the news of the destruction of Dongchui Island by three immortal cultivators who claimed to be from the Guanhai Immortal Sect spread throughout the twenty-seven islands.

Qu Tong, a disciple of the Guanhai Xian Sect, single-handedly killed the three island owners of Dongchui Island who built the ninth floor of the island, and was suspected to be the second one, Han Fan.

If Han Fan hadn't been practicing peacefully on Nanming Island, many people would have known that he had never set foot on Nanming Island, and they would have wondered if Han Fan had taken action again?

The other island forces were speechless, aggrieved, and terrified. The waters of the Twenty-Seven Islands had been peaceful for so long, but in just over a year, the situation changed drastically, and two islands were destroyed.

In the past, it was said that when golden elixir cultivators came to the waters of the Twenty-Seven Islands, they did not destroy any of the islands.

This frightened the cultivating forces on other islands, making it difficult to survive, and fearing that they would follow in the footsteps of Nanming Island and Dongchui Island.

When Dongjue Island, which is adjacent to Dongchui Island, heard the news, Lin Qiyun was worried that Qu Tong would attack Dongjue Island. He couldn't bear to wait for 5 days, and he immediately set off for Nanming Island.

The island owners of other islands went to inquire about the more detailed situation, and then also sent foundation-building immortal cultivators to Nanming Island to ask Nanming's guide, the island owner, for his opinion.

After all, Island Master Han is still kind.

Changes in Dongchui Island.

Nanming Island also obtained the news. With such big news, Liming He felt it was necessary to report it to Wu Tao. He immediately came to the island owner's hall to ask for a meeting with Wu Tao.

Wu Tao met with Liming He and asked: "The time has not come yet, is it possible that the master of Nalin Island has already arrived?"

Liming He shook his head and said, "Island Master, it's not about this, but Dongchui Island was destroyed?"

"What?" Wu Tao's eyes moved, "Tell me in detail."

Liming He immediately explained the information he had obtained to Wu Tao in detail.

After hearing this, Wu Tao looked silent and thought in his mind: "Guanhai Immortal Sect, which can be called Immortal Sect, must be a major sect of immortality. Could it be that they are immortal cultivators who came from the lost sea area? With the power of one person, he can kill three people in the same realm. Ranked at the ninth level of foundation building... with this kind of combat power, I wouldn’t believe it if it wasn’t a great sect of immortality!”

"It was such a coincidence that Dongchui Island was destroyed?"

He was just about to meet the owner of Dongchui Island to inquire about Jindan Water Mansion. Unexpectedly, he was destroyed in the blink of an eye. Who was he going to inquire about?

He immediately asked: "Has Junior Brother Establishment who went to Dongchui Island come back?"

Liming He shook his head and said: "Not back yet!"

After finishing speaking, he looked worried.

"Island owner, what do you think of the changes in Dongchui Island?" Seeing that Wu Tao didn't speak, Liming He asked again.

Wu Tao said: "Don't rush now, let's see if the three people from the Guanhai Immortal Sect will follow up!"

If he really confirmed that there is a Jindan Water Mansion in the waters of Dongchui Island, he would have to go to the waters of Dongchui Island.

As for the three members of Guanhai Xianzong who occupy the waters of Dongchui Island, I wonder if they will learn about the Jindan Water Palace from Dongchui Island. If they do, they will.

There may be a collision.

"But even if we collide, I'm not afraid! As long as it's not a golden elixir, I'll be invincible!"

Wu Tao felt confident.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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