Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 513: Nine levels of foundation building (please subscribe)

One month later.

The No. 1 refining room of Dihuotang.

Level 8 of Liuyang Lihuo Zhenqing: (85%)

Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon and looked at the column of personal information Liuyang Lihuo Zhenqing. It had been a month since he broke through the ninth level of the spirit body.

After this month of practice, the Liuyang Lihuo True Skill has been improved from 80% to 85%.

"It seems that we can successfully break through the ninth floor of the foundation in three months."

Wu Tao's eyes moved slightly, and he was secretly happy.

Ninth level of Star Body Training: (6%)

"The progress of Xingchen's physical training in one month is 6. This speed is not slow anymore! If it is placed in the Xianyuan world, it will be even slower!"

"Continue to practice and don't let up."

Wu Tao muttered to himself, closed his personal information, and then continued to take out the energy of the source of law to practice the Six Yang Lihuo True Skill.

After practicing the Six Yang Lihuo True Skill, Wu Tao walked out of the weapon refining room and was about to return to the island master's training hall to continue practicing spells.

But Gao Qifeng found him.

"Junior Brother Gao, what do you want from me?" Wu Tao looked at Gao Qifeng and asked.

Gao Qifeng respectfully bowed his hands to Wu Tao and said: "Returning to the island owner, since Master Fu returned to Dongjiu Island, he has preached that the island owner's weapon refining skills are the best in the twenty-seven islands. Now the entire twenty-seven islands All the weapon refiners know that you, the island master, are the number one weapon refiner in the twenty-seven islands."

Wu Tao didn't care about what Gao Qifeng said or the false reputation of the number one weapon refiner. He looked at Gao Qifeng and said, "Junior brother Gao, let's get to the point. Why are you looking for me?"

Gao Qifeng smiled awkwardly and said: "Island Master, this is either next month or the day when the Twenty-Seven Islands Artifact Refining Conference will be held. This is a conference dedicated to our weapon refining masters. At the conference, the weapon refining masters can Exchange the art of weapon refining and improve yourself... The owner of the island is the number one weapon refiner in the twenty-seven islands, so Dongxing Island, which is hosting this time, wants to invite the island owner to Dongxing Island to participate in the weapon refiner conference. Give some guidance to the weapon refiners in the twenty-seven islands!"

After Wu Tao heard this, he refused without hesitation and said: "Dongxing Island is too far away. If it is held on my Nanming Island, I can still spare a day or two to come."

Wu Tao is now at the critical stage of breaking through the ninth level of foundation building, and he doesn't want to waste time.

Going to East Star Island is further away than going to Chaos Island, and it will take at least ten days to waste.

Gao Qifeng had already expected Wu Tao's rejection, and he also came to convey the words of the Dongxing Island organizer.

"Okay, Island Master, I understand. I will pass your words to Dongxing Island." Gao Qifeng could only say this.

Wu Tao nodded, then left the Earth Fire Hall and returned to the island master's training hall to continue practicing.

Gao Qifeng immediately conveyed the news to Dongxing Island that Wu Tao would not attend the weapon refiner conference.

Twelve days later.

A French ship carrying the logo of Dongxing Island arrived at Nanming Island.

Gao Qifeng personally greeted the other party at the Nanming Island Pier.

"Fellow Daoist Gao!" A middle-aged man walked out of the Dongxing Island Dharma Boat. This man was Dongxing Island's second-level intermediate weapon refining master Dongfang Xing. He was also the leader and person in charge of the Dongxing Island weapon refining hall.

"Fellow Taoist Dongfang, why are you here in person?" Gao Qifeng looked surprised when he saw Dongfang Xing, and asked with his hands raised.

Dongfang Xing said with a smile: "As long as the owner of Han Island is the first immortal cultivator and the first weapon refiner in the twenty-seven islands, I should come in person."

Hearing this, Gao Qifeng was extremely proud, but he did not show this pride. Instead, he enthusiastically invited Dongfang Xing to the living room of Dihuo Hall.

The two sat opposite each other in the living room of Dihuotang, and Gao Qifeng began to boil water and make tea. He did not expect that after he conveyed the news to Dongxing Island that Master Han would not attend the Dongxing Island Refiner Conference, Dongxing Island would send Dongfang Xing to come in person.

Gao Qifeng knew that Dongfangxing came in person to invite Island Master Han to Dongxing Island to attend the weapon refiner conference, but he felt that even if Dongfangxing came to Dongxing Island in person, Island Master Han would not necessarily agree. .

Maybe Dongfang Xing’s trip would have been in vain.

Dongfang Xing watched Gao Qifeng fill him with tea. He took a sip and said, "Fellow Taoist Gao, when will you arrange for me to meet you, Island Master Han!"

Gao Qifeng said: "Fellow Taoist Dongfang, you came in too hasty. I haven't reported the news of your coming to the island owner yet!"

"However, fellow Taoist Dongfang, I think your trip may have been in vain!"

Dongfang Xing's expression paused, he looked at Gao Qifeng, and asked in confusion: "Why did Fellow Taoist Gao say this?"

Gao Qifeng said: "To be honest, our island owner is an ascetic monk. He is dedicated to practicing hard and will not leave Nanming Island unless necessary. After I informed the island owner about the weapon refiner conference at that time, the island owner said, Dongxing Island It’s too far away, if it were held on Nanming Island, he could still spare a day or two to participate.”

Gao Qifeng deliberately told Wu Tao's original words.

The Weapon Refiner Conference is held every five years. To become the organizer, you must have a second-level intermediate Weapon Refiner in your family.

There has never been a second-level intermediate weapon refiner on Nanming Island. It's just that the island owner is powerful, so there has not been a weapon refiner conference held on Nanming Island.

Holding the Weapon Master Conference is also a symbol of strength.

Therefore, when Gao Qifeng told Wu Tao's original words, he intended to hint to Dongfang Xing to see if the Weapon Refiner Conference could be held on Nanming Island, which would also demonstrate the powerful strength of Nanming Island.

Sure enough, after listening to Gao Qifeng's words, Dongfang Xing frowned slightly and asked, "Island Master Han really said that?"

Dongfang Xing was on an important mission this time. The Weapon Refiner Conference was held on his Dongxing Island, and invitations were sent to the Weapon Refiners from all islands. Under normal circumstances, the Weapon Refiners from the twenty-seven islands would gather on the host island.

But this time.

Dongxing Island sent the invitation letter to Fu Xuan of Dongjiu Island, but Fu Xuan said that he would not participate in this weapon-refining master conference, and that he would retreat to understand the art of weapon-refining.

According to the news obtained by Dongxing Island, Fu Xuan was taught the art of weapon refining by the owner of Han Island on Nanming Island.

And Fu Xuan also disclosed that his weapon refining skills were not as good as Island Master Han.

It can be seen that the master of Han Island on Nanming Island has an extremely high level of weapon refining.

If the Korean island owner can be invited to the Dongxing Island Artifact Refining Conference, then Fu Xuan may also come. At that time, the reputation of their Dongxing Island will resound throughout the twenty-seven islands. This is his plan for Dongxing Island.

Gao Qifeng looked at Dongfang Xing, nodded and said: "Fellow Taoist Dongfang, the island master really said that, how can I still lie to you?"

"I will arrange for you to meet the island owner in two days. You will know after inviting me!"

When Dongfang Xing heard this, he had no choice but to cup his hands and say, "Then I'll be in trouble for fellow Taoist Gao!"

Gao Qifeng said: "What's the trouble!"


Two days later.

After Gao Qifeng waited for Wu Tao to come out of the weapon refining room, he stepped forward and said respectfully: "The island owner, Dongfang Xing, a second-level intermediate weapon refiner from the Dongxing Island Artifact Refining Hall, has come to Nanming Island and wants to see the island owner."

Wu Tao glanced at Gao Qifeng and naturally knew Dongfang Xing's purpose of coming to Nanming Island, and said, "Junior Brother Gao, didn't you tell Dongxing Island what I said?"

Gao Qifeng said: "Island Master is wronged. I told Dongfangxing all your true words, but Dongfangxing refused to give up and insisted on seeing you in person!"

Wu Tao pondered for a moment and then said: "Then let's meet!"

Wu Tao still has a favorable impression of the weapon refiner. Of course, this good impression is based on the condition that one's own life cannot be threatened.

Judging from the current situation of the Twenty-Seven Islands, no immortal cultivator can threaten his life.

If he wants to unify the twenty-seven islands, it is not impossible, but this is completely meaningless to Wu Tao.

In the living room of Dihuotang, Wu Tao met Dongfang Xing.

"Dongxing Island, second-level intermediate weapon refiner, Dongfang Xing, pays homage to Island Master Han!" When Dongxing Island saw Wu Tao, he immediately bowed slightly and raised his hands in salute.

Wu Tao slightly cupped his hands and said, "Fellow Taoist from the East, there is no need to be polite, please sit down!"

The three of them sat down.

Dongfang Xing asked directly: "Master Han, are you really not coming to the Dongxing Island Weapon Refiner Conference?"

Wu Tao looked at Dongfang Xing and said seriously: "Fellow Taoist Dongfang, please forgive me. I am now at a critical juncture in my cultivation and cannot leave Nanming Island!"

Regarding the words spoken so seriously by the number one cultivator in the twenty-seven islands, Dongfang Xing knew that the other party was not joking.

As a result, their Dongxing Island's Weapon Refining Masters Conference was considered the most unsuccessful.

Fu Xuan couldn't come, and neither did the first weapon refiner, Island Master Han.

This time, all the second-level weapon refiners were looking forward to this conference, because they all thought that the two second-level senior weapon refiners, the first weapon refiner Han Daozhu and Fu Xuan, would come.

Of course, the one I'm most looking forward to is Island Master Han, the weapon refiner whom Fu Xuan admits is more powerful than him.

If he can get the guidance of Island Master Han, he will definitely make great progress in his weapon refining skills.

This is what all second-level weapon refiners long for, including those on Dongxing Island, including Dongfangxing.

If I missed this guidance, wouldn’t I have to wait another five years?

Dongfang Xing was thinking in his mind, weighing the pros and cons. Is he trying to protect the face of Dongxing Island? Or is it purely about pursuing progress in the way of refining weapons?

After some final weighing, Dongfang Xing gritted his teeth and made a decision. He asked: "Master Han, if the weapon refiner conference is held on Nanming Island, will you take the time to give guidance to the weapon refiners in the twenty-seven island waters? "

When Wu Tao heard this, he glanced at Dongfang Xing in surprise and said, "Isn't the Weapon Refiner Conference held on Dongxing Island?"

Dongfang Xing cupped his hands and said: "If we can get the guidance of Island Master Han so that we can take a further step in the art of weapon refining, I, Dongxing Island, are willing to hand over the right to host this time to Nanming Island!"

Hearing Dongfang Xing's words, Gao Qifeng on the side was very excited. He looked at Wu Tao and said eagerly: "Island Master, promise him quickly, promise him quickly..."

Wu Tao looked at Dongfang Xing, and he agreed very much with Dongfang Xing's pure heart towards the Tao. He never expected that Dongfang Xing would sacrifice a little bit of Dongxing Island's face to pursue progress in the art of weapon refining.

And his decision will benefit all the weapon refiners in the twenty-seven islands.

For Dongxing Island, Dongfang Xing's decision was unqualified. For the twenty-seven island weapon refiners, Dongfang Xing was their benefactor.

Wu Tao glanced at Dongfang Xing with admiration, nodded and said: "If it is held on Nanming Island, I will take two days to discuss the art of weapon refining with all the fellow Taoists."

Dongfang Xing said: "Okay, Island Master Han, then I, the Dongxing Island Artifact Refining Hall, have decided to hand over the right to host this Artifact Refining Master Conference to the Nanming Island Earth Fire Hall."

Gao Qifeng looked overjoyed.


Wu Tao didn't care much about Dongxing Island's Weapon Refining Hall handing over the hosting rights of the Weapon Refining Masters Conference to Nanming Island's Dihuo Hall. He just waited for the time when the Weapon Refining Masters Conference would be held and took two days to come.

However, as soon as the news came out from the Weapon Refining Master Conference that the master of Han Han Island would personally attend and guide the Weapon Refining Masters in the Twenty-Seven Island Sea Area for two days, the Weapon Refining Masters in the entire Twenty-Seven Island Sea Area were very excited. , one after another immediately set off for Nanming Island.

Fu Xuan, who wanted to go into seclusion, also set out for Nanming Island after hearing that.

For a time, Nanming Island’s reputation rose to a higher level.

The time soon came to hold the weapon refiner conference, and Wu Tao also attended for two days as scheduled, explaining the knowledge of the weapon refiner to the second-level weapon refiner and the first-level weapon refiner in the twenty-seven island sea area.

Wu Tao also gave a more basic and comprehensive explanation based on the inheritance of the weapon refiners in the twenty-seven islands.

Of course, it does not involve the knowledge of third-level weapon refiners.

After the explanation, Wu Tao continued to resume his previous practice life.

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, the day came to break through the ninth level of foundation building.

Level 8 of Liuyang Lihuo Zhenqing: (99%)

In the refining room No. 1 of Dihuotang, Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon and closed his personal information.

"The opportunity for breakthrough has arrived. Today, we will break through the ninth level of foundation building!"

Wu Tao muttered to himself, and then with a thought, each jade bottle flew out of the storage bag. The cork was opened, and the foundation-building elixir and the energy of the source of law flew out and surrounded Wu Tao's body.

Wu Tao opened his mouth and inhaled, and the elixir and the energy of the law were inhaled into his mouth. He immediately activated the Six Yang Lihuo True Skill and began to break through.

The majestic mana is converted into mana with the attributes of Liuyang Lihuo Zhengong and transported to Dantian.

At this time, the Dantian has collapsed and reorganized eight times, and looks as big as a goose egg.

But the density and quality are getting higher and higher.

As time passed slowly, the mana in the Dantian accumulated more and more, and finally reached a critical threshold.

Wu Tao also immediately sensed the small bottleneck on the ninth floor of the foundation building.

He immediately used the Liuyang Lihuo True Technique with all his strength, picked up all the magic power in his Dantian, and rushed towards the small bottleneck.

There was a boom.

The sound echoed through the dantian, and the dantian, which was as big as a goose egg, collapsed from the outside inward, becoming smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a dantian the size of a small egg.

Afterwards, the mana suddenly surged, and the spiritual consciousness also began to grow.

The ninth level of foundation building has been successfully broken through, and Wu Tao continues to use the Liuyang Lihuo True Skill to refine his magic power and stabilize his current cultivation level.

An hour later, the skyrocketing mana stabilized and the increasing spiritual thoughts stopped. Wu Tao then stopped operating the Six Yang Lihuo True Skill.

His eyes opened, the stars bloomed, Wu Tao smiled with joy, and said with joy: "The ninth floor of the foundation is finally completed, it's really not easy!"

"At 54 years and 5 months old, I broke through the ninth level of foundation building, which is slower than I expected a long time ago!"

"The next small goal is to break through the Golden Elixir before the age of 60!"

Wu Tao looked inside his Dantian. The more he looked at the Dantian, which was the size of a small egg, the more he felt that there was a rudiment of a golden elixir.

After realizing the increased mana in Dantian, Wu Tao began to sense spiritual thoughts.

Breaking through the ninth level of the foundation building, the divine will has grown ten miles without any suspense, and now reaches one hundred and fifty-two miles.

Withdrawing his spiritual thoughts, Wu Tao opened his personal information and checked the data after the breakthrough.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 54/459】

[Realm: Nine levels of foundation building]

[Kung Fu: The ninth level of the Six Yang Lihuo True Kung Fu (0%)]

[Spells: Brief, Lingxu Five Elements Sword Sutra Grandmaster (perfect), True Technique·One Point Invisible Sword Expert (53%), Tianyan God Refining Sutra foundation building stage·Second level (99%), Contracted Spirit Beast Control Technique Mastery of the first level of tactics (73%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Master the Technique: Proficient in the Lingxu True Fire Technique (59%)

Master the prohibitions: brief, second-level advanced law prohibitions (comprehensive)]

[Sub-career·Physical training: Star body training: ninth level (24%), ten-mile star fall master (perfect), hundred-mile star obliteration expert (73%), shining star step hundred-mile stage master (25%) , Grandmaster Xingchen Gangjin (90%)]


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