Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 515 The virtuous live here (7400 words please subscribe)

The incident on Dongchui Island did not bring any changes to Wu Tao's current cultivation life.

He still traveled between the Dihuo Hall and the Island Lord's training hall at two o'clock, practicing step by step.

Two days later.

Liming He once again asked to see Wu Tao.

Wu Tao invited Mingminghe into the hall and said, "Minghe, but what about the follow-up actions of the three people from the Guanhaixian Sect?"

Liming He shook his head and said: "After the three immortal cultivators from Guanhai Xianzong occupied Dongchui Island, they proclaimed themselves the owners of Dongchui Island. After that, they went into seclusion to practice. No other actions were heard for two days."

"Island Master, I have two things to report to the Island Master this time. Junior Brother Zhuji who went to Dongchui Island has returned. After he arrived at Dongchui Island and told the Island Master of Dongchui Island what you said to him, Dongchui Island The owner of Chui Island also said that he had something to deal with. After a few days, he would set out with him, and Junior Brother Zhuji stayed on Dongchui Island. Unexpectedly, he encountered the changes in Dongchui Island, but fortunately, Junior Brother Xue did not There was no unexpected incident and he escaped in time."

"It's fine!" Wu Tao nodded, and then asked: "What's one more thing?"

Liming He said: "The island owner of Dongjue Island, Lin Qiyun, is here. Now he wants to see you, the island owner. He seems very anxious!"

Wu Tao heard this and said: "Don't he have something to deal with on Dongjue Island? He came here before he finished dealing with it?"

Liming He smiled and said: "That's just Lin Qiyun's excuse! Now the three immortal cultivators from the Forbidden Sea Immortal Sect destroyed Dongchui Island and became the island owners of Dongchui Island. Lin Qiyun's Dongjue Island is adjacent to Dongchui Island, so he must have He was afraid that the three people from Guanhai Xianzong would set foot on Dongjue Island, so he came to the island owner for help."

The three brothers and sisters of Guanhai Xianzong Qu Tong killed the three island owners of Dongchui Island and occupied Dongchui Island. Then they announced that they were the island owners of Dongchui Island. As for Qu Tong's strength, other island cultivating forces were all He was uneasy, but only on Nanming Island, all the immortal cultivators on the island felt at ease.

Because they have the Korean Island Master who suppresses the twenty-seven islands in the sea, and the Island Master Han Fan is the Dinghai Shenzhen of Nanming Island. Even if Naqu and three others from Guanhaixian Sect come to visit, they still believe that the Korean Island Master can protect Nanming Island.

Wu Tao smiled and said nothing. In fact, he had already guessed Lin Qiyun's thoughts, but he didn't reveal it.

Seeing that Wu Tao didn't speak, Liming He raised his hands and said, "Island owner, do you want to see me or not?"

Wu Tao smiled and said: "Since he is here and the other party is also the master of the island, why can't he see you? Invite him to come over!"

Although he said that, Wu Tao met him because of the matter of Dongchui Island Jindan Water Mansion.

Liming He received the order and immediately stood up and said: "Yes, Island Master, I will invite Island Master Lin to come over right now!"

Dawn River out.

After a while.

Wu Tao met Lin Qiyun, the owner of Dongjue Island. Lin Qiyun's face was not anxious at this time, but very calm. He cupped his hands and said to Wu Tao: "Lin Qiyun of Dongjue Island has met the owner of Han Island!"

Although they were both island owners, Lin Qiyun was still able to relax when facing Wu Tao.

In the world of immortality, strength determines the right to speak.

This is an eternal truth.

Wu Tao looked at Lin Qiyun with a smile on his face and said: "Island Master Lin, there is no need to be polite, please sit down!"

Then Wu Tao waved his hand and signaled Liming He to go out. He wanted to talk to Lin Qiyun alone. Liming He handed over and exited the island owner's hall.

Wu Tao looked at Lin Qiyun, picked up the purple clay tea cup, poured Lin Qiyun a cup of spiritual tea, and said, "I heard from Ming He that Island Master Lin had important things to deal with, so why did he finish the important things so quickly?"

Lin Qiyun heard this and said: "There is indeed something important, but it has been dealt with. As soon as this is dealt with, I will come to see Island Master Han immediately!"

Wu Tao looked at Lin Qiyun's calm expression and thought to himself: "You are worthy of being the master of an island, and worthy of building the ninth level of the foundation. After living for a long time, you will naturally become thick-skinned!"

Naturally, he would not care about this, but said: "Island Master Lin, do you know why I asked you to come to Nanming Island?"

Lin Qiyun showed doubts and asked, "I don't know about this!"

Wu Tao said: "Before this, I asked other islands to send their collections of books. The islands were very considerate to me and also sent their collections of books. However, none of the other islands sent books like the island owner's knowledge. Only Dongjue Island Be generous and send all the books recorded by your island owner! I am very grateful, so I invite you to come over and thank you."

When Lin Qiyun heard this, he looked suddenly enlightened and said with a smile: "Island Master Han is so polite, no need to thank me. I heard that Island Master Han mainly reads the complete books on the islands and does not read the techniques, secret books and magic secret books of each island.

Island Master Han is the number one immortal cultivator and weapon refiner on the Twenty-Seven Islands. I, Lin, admire him very much. Naturally, as soon as Island Master Han said that, I brought all the books to Island Master Han to see.

What the island owner had seen and heard was neither a secret book of exercises nor a secret book of spells, so he naturally transported them all together. "

Now that Dongchui Island has been destroyed, Lin Qiyun naturally decided to pretend to be confused to the end.

Seeing Lin Qiyun pretending to be confused, Wu Tao didn't care, but asked directly: "Island Master Lin, I have read the book "The Island Master's Experience of Dongjue Island", which records that there are suspected golden elixir cultivators in the waters of Dongchui Island, leaving water behind. Regarding the government, is it true or false?"

Lin Qiyun said: "Master Han, regarding the golden elixir cultivator on Dongchui Island, it is suspected that he left the Shuifu Mansion thousands of years ago. Over the past thousand years, I, the island masters of Dongjue Island, have paid special attention to Dongchui Island. Movements, but we haven’t confirmed whether the Jindan Water Mansion is real or fake!”

"I guess only the owner of Dongchui Island knows about it!"

Wu Tao said: "Dongchui Island has been destroyed by the Guanhai Immortal Sect!"

Lin Qiyun said: "Han Dao's major cultivator is Tongtian, and Guanhaixian Sect is definitely no match for Han Dao Master.

Wu Tao looked at Lin Qiyun and said, "Since Island Master Lin doesn't know, then I won't keep Island Master Lin either."

Seeing this, Lin Qiyun had no choice but to stand up and cup his hands and said: "Island Master Han, then Lin will leave first!"

Lin Qiyun came out of the island owner's hall, saw Liming He, and said, "Vice island owner Li, can I stay on Nanming Island for a while?"

When Liming He heard this, he immediately knew what Lin Qiyun was thinking, but he did not reveal it and said, "Of course, Island Master Lin can stay as long as he wants."

Lin Qiyun said happily: "Thank you very much, Vice Island Master Li."

Wu Tao sat on the chair. After sitting for a while, he immediately called Liming He.

Liming He cupped his hands and said, "Island Master, are you looking for me?"

Wu Tao said to Mingminghe: "Minghe, send the disciples on the island to pay attention to the movements of the waters of Dongchui Island at all times. If there is anything abnormal, come and report to me."

Liming He nodded and said: "Yes, Island Master, I understand."

After finishing speaking, he remembered something again and said to Wu Tao: "Island Master, Island Master Lin wants to stay on Nanming Island. He is probably worried that the three immortal cultivators from the Guanhai Xian Sect want to stay on Nanming Island and be protected by the island owner."

Wu Tao said: "Let him go!"

Liming He nodded, indicating that he understood, and bowed to leave.

After Liming He left, Wu Tao began to practice.

Dongchui Island.

The island owner's training hall was now occupied by Qu Tong.

Looking at his junior brothers and sisters who were recovering from cultivation in the second-level spiritual veins, Qu Tong sat cross-legged on the futon, took out the storage bag that he had just killed the three island owners of the ninth-level foundation building in Dongchui Island, and began to count the harvest.

He was born in the Guanhai Immortal Sect, which is a great sect of Immortal Dao under the leadership of True Monarch Nascent Soul. He is not very interested in the nine-story storage bags of Dongchui Island, but he wants to wait for his junior brothers and sisters. After cultivating to restore my magic power, I took inventory out of boredom.

After counting the storage bags of the two deputy island owners, as Qu expected, the magical artifacts were of low-level refining and the refining techniques were inferior to the magical artifacts he purchased from Guanhaixianzong.

"After absorbing the memories of the two people from Dongchui Island in the middle stage of foundation building, and after occupying Dongchui Island, I asked Dongchui Island for more detailed information about the twenty-seven islands... I heard that Han Fan has a magic weapon called Luobao Money, any magic weapon will lose control as soon as it comes into contact with his treasured money..."

Qu Tong's face showed interest.

"After the junior brothers and sisters recover their magic power, we will go to Nanming Island to meet Han Fan for a while. If the other party is like us, we will invite him to find the way back together!"

Qu Tong made up his mind and continued counting the last storage bag.

"Hey, this is it?"

Suddenly, Qu Tong had a thought, and an animal skin drawing appeared in his hand.

His eyes were drawn to the map on the animal skin drawing.

"Golden elixir water mansion? A water mansion built by a golden elixir cultivator? A golden elixir cultivator actually came to this barren sea area. Perhaps like us, he encountered a storm at sea and got lost."

Qu Tongnai had completed the ninth level of foundation building and was not interested in the treasures on Dongchui Island, but he was very interested in the water mansion left by the golden elixir cultivators. He immediately wanted to explore the golden elixir water mansion, but he thought of his junior brothers and sisters. He was still recovering from his injuries on Dongchui Island and recovering his cultivation.

Then he pressed down.

"Wait a minute, wait for the junior brothers and sisters to recover their magic power, then go and explore the Jindan Water Mansion on the map. Is it true or false?"

Qu Tong does not have high hopes.

Any immortal cultivator who encounters a storm at sea and gets lost in the barren sea will try his best to find his way back.

They don't want to be trapped in the barren sea, with the path to immortality cut off.

Two months later.

Luo Xing and Guan Tong have completely recovered from their injuries, and their cultivation levels have returned to their peak. Both of them are at the ninth level of foundation building.

Seeing this, Qu Tong smiled and handed the animal skin scroll to Luo Xing and Guan Tong.

Luo Xing and Guan Tong took it, looked down and looked shocked, and couldn't help but blurt out: "Golden Pill Water Mansion?"

"Senior brother, how is it possible that there are golden elixir cultivators in this barren sea area, let alone the golden elixir water mansion? It can't be a fake map, right?"

Qu Tong shook his head and said: "Perhaps he got lost in a storm at sea like us. Everything may be true or false. You and I will find out once we find out."

"Senior brother, let's go quickly. There's not much to do here fishing!" Luo Xing said.

Qu Tong nodded.

Then three rays of light flew out of Dongchui Island and flew towards the sea area marked on the animal skin scroll map.

Five hours later.

Sandaofuguan is located on the edge of the Dongchui Island sea area, and is also the junction with the Lost Sea area.

Qu and the three of them arrived, suspended at the edge of the Dongchui Island sea area, looking towards the Lost Sea area. The fog on the Lost Sea area was so hazy that even spiritual thoughts could not completely penetrate it.

"The Sea of ​​Stars is full of desperate places. I never thought that the three of us, brothers and sisters, would one day end up in such desperate places as the Lost Sea!"

"If you want to go back, you will probably have to cross the Lost Sea, but there is no direction in the Lost Sea and it is extremely easy to get lost."

Qu Tong said with emotion.

Guan Tong said: "If senior brother breaks through the golden elixir, he will definitely be able to lead us through the lost sea."

Qu Tong shook his head and said: "Junior sister, you are too optimistic. The reason why this sea area is called a barren sea area is that it cannot breed golden elixirs. There is no place where spiritual fire and spiritual water are born. There is a lack of spiritual fire and spiritual water. How can I break through the golden elixir?"

Guan Tong smiled and said: "Senior brother, you are extremely talented and are the best in building the foundation of our Guanhai Immortal Sect. Besides, isn't there a Jindan Water Mansion below? Maybe you can get the spiritual water from the Jindan Water Mansion. And the spiritual fire thing, let senior brother successfully break through the golden elixir!"

Qu Tong said: "We still don't know whether the Jindan Water Palace is true or not. Well, let's not talk about it anymore. You and I will go deep into the bottom of the sea to see if the Jindan Water Palace is true or not!"

Having said this, Qu Tong's body surged with magic power, running the skills of Guanhaixian Sect, and plunged into the sea.

Luo Xing and Guan Tong immediately followed and plunged into the sea.

The three of them practice the Sea Tide Technique of Guanhai Xianzong. This technique allows them to move freely in the sea, like a fish in water.

The magic power of the three people turned into protective shields and escaped towards the seabed.

I don’t know how much time passed, but it must have been more than half a day.

Finally they set foot on the bottom of the sea and came to a coral land.

Qu Tong looked around and frowned slightly.

The land of coral is empty.

Luo Xing sent a message: "Senior Brother Qu, you haven't seen the Jindan Water Mansion. It must be a lie?"

Guan Tong also looked disappointed.

Qu Tong pondered for a moment and said, "Maybe it's buried. Let's dig it out first!"

Luo Xing and Guan Tong had no objection to Qu Tong's suggestion, and the three began to dig in the coral land.

The hard work paid off, and after digging for an unknown amount of time, they finally found a formation.

Fortunately, Guan Tong was alert, otherwise he would have been injured by that formation.

The faces of the three people showed joy, and their eyes looked towards the formation deep under the sea.

Through the formation light curtain, one can see a stone door with four big characters on it - Shao Yuanshui Mansion.

"Senior brother, there really is a Golden Pill Water Mansion!" Guan Tong said happily.

Qu Tong nodded and was also very happy. He remembered that Guan Tong was almost involved in the third-level formation just now, and he knew why Dongchui Island had a golden elixir water palace, and he did not take away the treasures in the water palace.

They can't get in.

Being blocked by the third-level formation, they can only wait for the long baptism of water and moon, and annihilate the third-level formation in the years before Dongchui Island can enter the Jindan Water Mansion and obtain the treasure.

So, he said: "However, this water palace is protected by the Three Realms Formation. It is very difficult to break through this formation!"

Guan Tong said: "No matter what, these three realm formations must be destroyed, so that we can enter the Golden Core Water Mansion and obtain the treasure left by the Golden Core Immortal Cultivator!"

Qu Tong looked at Luo Xing, and Luo Xing's eyes were completely focused on the third-level formation. He knew that Junior Brother Luo Xing knew a little bit about the formation.

Then he asked: "Junior Brother Luoxing, can you recognize this formation?!"

Luo Xing took a step forward, approached the light screen of the formation, walked around again, then came back and said to Qu Tong: "Brother, this is a four-level protective killing formation of four levels. If you want to forcefully break through this formation, you must start from the four levels." Four points are attacking at the same time. But there are only three of us?"

Qu Tong frowned and asked, "Can't the three of us break through this formation?"

Luo Xing said: "Three people can only occupy three of the three poles. There is still one pole missing. One pole will be filled continuously. This formation will never be able to be broken. Moreover, if the four poles and four positions are not occupied at the same time, Attack, it is easy to be involved in the killing array."

Guan Tong said: "That's simple. Just grab any island owner in the twenty-seven islands and let him attack this formation with us."

Luo Xing shook his head and said: "The four-pole protective killing formation is composed of two groups of main positions and two groups of sub-positions. The waters of these twenty-seven islands are barren, and the strength of the ninth level of foundation building is mediocre. Let them attack these three The level formation method will not play a big role at all."

After hearing this, Qu Tong pondered, and finally said: "It seems that we still have to visit the Korean Island Master!"

Originally, he wanted to find the Golden Pill Water Mansion. If he could successfully achieve the Golden Pill by relying on the Golden Pill Water Mansion, he would not need to find Han Fan to find his way back. With his golden elixir cultivation, he can successfully lead his junior brothers and sisters to break through the lost sea and return to the sect.

But now it seems that we have to invite Han Fan.

When Guan Tong heard this, his eyes lit up and he said, "Senior brother, I have forgotten that Han Fan, the owner of Nanming Island... judging from his deeds, he should be someone like me and other great immortal sects!"

"However, senior brother, this is the Jindan Water Mansion. There are treasures left by Jindan in it. Do you really want to share it with Han Fan?"

She and her three senior brothers found this, so naturally they hope not to share it with outsiders.

Qu Tong smiled confidently and said: "Junior sister, you are worrying too much. Even if Han Fan is really a disciple of the Immortal Dao sect, he is only one person, and we have three. Treasures will naturally belong to the virtuous!"

Hearing this, Guan Tong smiled and said: "Senior brother is absolutely right. Those with virtue will live in the treasures. If Han Fan is an ungrateful person and still wants to covet the golden elixir treasure, you and I will be cruel and ruthless!"

Qu Tongdao: "Junior Brother Luoxing, you will guard Jindan Water Mansion here, while Junior Sister Guan Tong and I will go to Nanming Island!"

Luo Xing nodded and said, "I understand, senior brother!"

Nanming Island.

Ever since Guanhai Xianzong Qu and three others killed the three island owners of Dongchui Island, occupied Dongchui Island, and called themselves the owners of Dongchui Island.

The other islands were worried and sent foundation-building cultivators to Nanming Island to visit Wu Tao and ask what Wu Tao meant.

But what disappointed them was that Wu Tao did not intend to take action. Instead, he practiced peacefully on Nanming Island as always, feeling as immovable as a mountain.

Two months passed in the blink of an eye.

Twenty-five islands found that Guanhai Xianzong Qu and the other three did not make any move, which made them feel a little calmer.

This day.

Wu Tao is in the training hall, practicing some invisible sword.


A loud sound penetrated Nanming Island's island protection formation and resounded throughout Nanming Island.

"Guanhai Xianzong Qu Tong and his junior sister Guan Tong are here to visit Island Master Han!"

As soon as Qu Tong finished speaking, all the immortal cultivators on Nanming Island started to move.

Liming He immediately went to the island owner's training hall and asked to see Wu Tao.

As soon as he arrived at the island master's training hall, he saw a ray of light soaring upward and flying directly into the air.

Qu Tong looked at the island protection formation on Nanming Island, quietly suspended in mid-air in front of the island protection formation.

The next moment, a ray of light flew out of Nanming Island's island protection formation, manifesting Wu Tao's figure.

Wu Tao's eyes fell on Qu Tong and Guan Tong, and he quietly used the aura technique, and found that both of them were ninth-level immortal cultivators. Qu Tong's aura was more powerful, and he should have completed the foundation building.

Qu Tong and Guan Tong were also looking at Wu Tao. They already knew Wu Tao's face.

Wu Tao looked at the two of them and said with a calm expression: "I wonder what you two came to my Nanming Island for?"

Guan Tong took a step forward and said: "My senior brother heard that Island Master Han suppressed the twenty-seven islands in the sea with one person and won the title of the No. 1 Immortal Cultivator. This time, my senior brother came here because he wanted to discuss things with Island Master Han. Fan."

As soon as Guan Tong said these words, rays of light fell behind Wu Tao. Liming He, Lin Qiyun, and a group of foundation-building immortal cultivators from Nanming Island all came. When they heard Guan Tong's words, their hearts moved.

They are not worried because they have Korean island owners.

They also wanted to see how powerful Qu Tong was in killing the three island owners of Dongchui Island who built the ninth floor.

Wu Tao did not focus on the person living behind him, but looked at Qu Tong.

Qu Tong nodded and said: "Fellow Daoist Han, I, Qu Tong, am here to discuss matters with Friend Dao Han today. If Friend Dao Han is truly worthy of his name, I, Qu Tong, will have an opportunity to give Friend Dao Han to me!"

When Wu Tao heard the word opportunity, his heart moved, and he immediately thought of Jindan Water Mansion.

In an instant, Wu Tao made a decision. Qu Tong actually had no killing intention, it was just for discussion, so he didn't have to use all his strength.

If you use all your strength, Qu Tong will die.

Just have a little fight, like Itachi did to Sasuke!

Therefore, Wu Tao looked at Qu Tong and said: "Since Qu Daoyou has such an elegant mood, Han should accompany him!"

Qu Tong took a step forward, stretched out his hand and said, "Fellow Daoist Han, please!"

"Fellow Daoist Qu, please!" Wu Tao also extended his hand to signal.

As soon as the words fell, the auras of the ninth level of foundation building were fully revealed on the two of them, and their auras pressed towards each other.

When Guan Tong saw this, he immediately ran away.

The immortal cultivators from Nanming Island behind Wu Tao also stayed away from the two of them, watching the battle quietly with great anticipation in their hearts.

"I heard that Fellow Taoist Han has a magic weapon called Luobao Money. I hope that Fellow Daoist Han will not hesitate to teach me and let Qu know about the Luobao Money!" Qu Tong laughed, stretched out his hand to touch the storage bag, and struck Wu Tao with a magical sword. Shoot away.

"Fellow Daoist Qu, as you wish!" Wu Tao shouted softly, and with a thought, the fallen treasure money flew out of the bag and fell towards Qu Tong's magic sword.

Luobao Money was light and fluttery, and seemed to be extremely slow. However, in Qu Tong's eyes, its trajectory was difficult to find and its speed was strange. He controlled the magic sword to bypass Luobao Money and directly shoot Wu Tao.

But he found that the fallen treasure money always blocked his way. Finally, he heard a proper sound, and the fallen treasure money fell steadily on his magic sword. At this moment, Qu Tong discovered that all the magic power and spiritual thoughts attached to his magic sword were Being cut off, the magic sword lost contact and fell downwards.

Lin Qiyun and the two island owners of Liming River once again saw the treasured money and showed off their power. One person's heart is extremely excited, and another person's heart is extremely complicated. With such a magic weapon, who is the opponent of this Korean island master?

When Guan Tong saw his senior brother's magic sword being touched by the opponent's magic weapon, he lost contact and fell down. She was shocked and thought: "This Han Fan, this magic weapon is really powerful and weird."

However, she is not worried that her senior brother will lose, because she has another secret skill in Guanhaixian Sect, which she can use without relying on the power of magical weapons.

When Guan Tong thought of this, he heard Qu Tong praise: "Good! Fellow Taoist Han, you are worthy of the treasure. I, Qu, have seen it today. But even if I lose the magic weapon, my combat power will not be damaged. Today Let fellow Taoist Han see the power of the Sea Tide Watching Technique of my Sea-watching Immortal Sect."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qu Tong took out the spell with both hands, and saw water pillars rising into the sky from the sea below, carrying violent power and bombarding Wu Tao.

Wu Tao fixed his gaze, and immediately launched the Star Body Refining Technique. The light of the stars bloomed from his body, and he leisurely performed the Ten-mile Falling Star Technique. His hands fell like starlight, and the water pillars burst and turned into water splashes.

"Star Body Training Technique!" Qu Tong saw the light of stars on Wu Tao's body and immediately confirmed that Han Fan really came from their sea area and was a disciple of the Seven Stars Immortal Sect.

The disciples of the Seven Stars Immortal Sect are never weak. In this case, they are qualified to explore the Golden Pill Water Mansion with him.

Thinking of this, Qu Tong immediately stopped his hand, cupped his hands towards Wu Tao and said, "It turns out he is a fellow Taoist from the Seven Stars Immortal Sect."

When Wu Tao saw that he had stopped fighting, he also withdrew his Star Body Exercise, held his hands to the opponent and said, "It turns out he is a fellow Taoist from the Guanhai Xian Sect."

Hearing Wu Tao's words, Qu Tong was startled and immediately lost his mind.

He had already reported his clan number to the Immortal Sect.

Qu Tongdao: "Fellow Daoist Han, you and I came from the same place, from the gate of the Immortal Sect. I believe that Friend Daoist Han is also exploring the way back..."

Wu Tao saw that Qu Tong had misunderstood, so he did not intend to clarify. Instead, he nodded and said: "Not bad!"

He has determined in his mind that the Guanhai Immortal Sect comes from outside the Lost Sea Area, comes from the same sea area as the Seven Stars Immortal Sect, and is also a major sect of immortality.

Qu Tongdao: "Fellow Daoist Han, why don't you invite me to sit on your Nanming Island and study it in detail?"

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao immediately stretched out his hand and said, "Fellow Daoist Qu, Fellow Daoist Guan, please."

After a while, the island owner's hall.

Wu Tao asked Qu Tong and Guan Tong to sit down and boil water and make tea for them.

After pouring a cup of tea for the two of them, Wu Tao looked at Qu Tong and said, "Fellow Daoist Qu, the opportunity you mentioned before the discussion was the Jindan Water Mansion?"

Qu Tong was startled when he heard this. He looked at Guan Tong and then turned his attention to Wu Tao and said, "How does Fellow Daoist Han know about the Jindan Water Mansion?"

Wu Tao smiled and said: "I have long known that there are golden elixir cultivators coming to the waters of Dongchui Island, and they are suspected to have left the water mansion. I am sending the foundation builders on the island to Dongchui Island to invite the island owner to come over, but I didn't expect that Dongchui Island It has fallen into the hands of fellow Daoist Qu."

Qu Tong heard this and said: "Since Taoist friend Han already knows it, I won't hide it. The relationship between the Seven Stars Immortal Sect and Guanhai Immortal Sect is okay. You and I have fallen into this barren sea together. If we don't return to the sect, The path to immortality is cut off... The Jindan Water Mansion has a third-level protective killing formation. I came here this time to confirm whether Fellow Daoist Han is the same as me..."

"What if I'm not from the Seven Stars Immortal Sect?" Wu Tao asked.

Qu Tong said truthfully: "If Fellow Daoist Han is not a member of a major sect of immortality such as the Seven Stars Immortal Sect, then he is not qualified to share the Golden Elixir Water Mansion with us."

Wu Tao didn't care about Qu Tong's directness, but said: "Fellow Daoist Qu, are you here to ask me to break through the third-level protective killing formation?"

Qu Tong nodded and said: "Yes, I also have a junior brother named Luo Xing, who has studied the way of formations. The third-level formation of Jindan Water Mansion is a four-pole and four-position formation. It must be composed of four people. Only by attacking at the same time can this formation be broken."

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao looked at Qu Tong and Guan Tong and said, "Fellow Daoist Qu, if that third-level formation is broken, how will the treasures in the Golden Pill Water Mansion be distributed?"

"You know, there are three people in your Guanhai Immortal Sect, but I only have one! If we don't talk about it right now, I'm afraid it will hurt our feelings later, and it will be bad!"

Qu Tong smiled and said: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Han, the treasure will be divided equally among the four of us!"

When Wu Tao heard this, his eyes showed satisfaction and said: "Since Fellow Daoist Qu is so sincere, then well, Han will accompany Fellow Daoist Qu on a trip to explore the Golden Elixir Water Mansion!"

Qu Tong stood up and said with a smile: "That matter should not be delayed, Fellow Daoist Han, we will set off now."

Guan Tong also stood up and looked at Wu Tao, but secretly thought in his heart: "When the Jindan Water Mansion is broken, I, the Guanhai Immortal Sect, will have the final say on the treasures! As Senior Brother Qu said, it is also for the virtuous to live here!"

Seeing that the two of them were in a hurry, Wu Tao nodded and said, "Okay, let's set off then!"

Asking for a monthly ticket.

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