Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 490 Sacrifice, Immortal Master Temple (4400 words please subscribe)

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Jiang Yuan collapsed on his fishing boat, next to the dead big fish, and he laughed feebly and heartily.

He is not dead.

Big fish were also caught.

He also met an immortal, who saved him.

When the strength in his body gradually returned, Jiang Yuan immediately stood up and knelt down in the direction of the undersea immortal: "Thank you, immortal, for saving your life. Thank you, immortal, for your life-saving grace. I will never forget this, my boy, Jiang Yuan."

After kowtowing for more than ten times in a row until his forehead was bleeding, Jiang Yuan stopped, then hugged the big fish and giggled happily.

"My finger is saved!"

After looking at the time, Jiang Yuan started rowing, preparing to return to Shewei Village. While the big fish was still fresh, he was about to hand it over to the Immortal Master Temple on Shetou Island.

After all, the immortal masters would not ask for stale fish.

This one big fish was enough for the offering, and he kept the remaining three small fish for himself.

Jiang Yuan thought happily.

When a mortal fell into distress in the sea, Wu Tao met him and did his best to save him if he wanted to.

After rescuing the mortal boy, Wu Tao didn't care and immediately swallowed the mana pill and began to comb and repair his Dantian.

Fortunately, he was only seriously injured, not a fall in his realm. After repairing his Dantian and Divine Mind Sea, he was still an eighth-level immortal cultivator.

As the Liuyang Lihuo Zhenqing slowly started to work, Wu Tao began to repair his Dantian.

While he was repairing his Dantian, a faint aura appeared on Wu Tao's body, attracting the surrounding sea fish to gather around him.

As Wu Tao further repaired and combed his Dantian, the aura on his body became more and more intense, and more and more sea fish gathered around Wu Tao, swimming around him and drowning Wu Tao's figure.

But Wu Tao didn't care about all this, and he continued to refine the mana pill.

According to this trend, he will soon be able to sort out and repair his Dantian and restore his magic power to the eighth level of foundation building.

Today is the day when fishermen from Shewei Village offer their catch to the Immortal Master Temple on Shetou Island.

Each fisherman came to the offering place carrying a piece of fish.

Hand the fish catch to the immortal master, who will accept it only after the immortal master confirms that it is qualified. If you are unqualified and don't catch enough fish, you will have to be punished.

The immortal master in the Immortal Master Temple has a fair face, is wearing clean white clothes, and carries a magic sword on his back. This is in sharp contrast to the fishermen in Shewei Village. He feels like he is from two different worlds. .

However, in the eyes of the fishermen in Shewei Village, this is extremely normal, because the Immortal Master is a person who cultivates immortality and can fly into the sky, which is beyond the reach of their mortals.

Jiang Yuan came over carrying a big fish, attracting the attention of all the fishermen.

It also attracted the attention of the Immortal Master of Shetou Island, who immediately called Jiang Yuan over.

Jiang Yuan immediately carried the big fish respectfully, crossed the team, walked directly to the immortal master, bent down and said respectfully: "Immortal master, this is the big fish I caught, and I offer it to the immortal masters.

The immortal master approached Jiang Yuan and looked at the gills of the big fish. Seeing that the gills were still bright red, he immediately nodded with satisfaction and said, "Not bad, I'm very satisfied with your fish."

Jiang Yuan was overjoyed, knowing that this level had been passed. He quickly placed the big fish in the position designated by the immortal master, and then withdrew from the team.

All the fishermen looked at Jiangyuan with envy, wondering where Jiangyuan caught such a big fish.

Jiang Yuan returned home happily and took out one of the remaining three fishes to make soup and eat it.

Just as he was finishing cooking the soup, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door and the familiar shouts of fishermen.

"Is Xiaoyuan here? We are here to see you."

When Jiang Yuan went out, he saw fishermen from the same village standing at the door of his house. He was shocked and knew that these fishermen were here to find out which sea area he caught the big fish from.

But Jiang Yuan wouldn't say that.

Seeing that Jiang Yuan was not offered any help, the fishermen had no choice but to return home disappointed.

the next day.

Jiang Yuan was rowing a boat and found a boat following him.

He immediately gave up going to the sea area of ​​​​the Immortal and went to other sea areas.

After ten consecutive days of fishing with no results, the fishermen finally gave up tracking the fishing boats in Jiangyuan, thinking that it was just bad luck that the big fish caught in Jiangyuan was just bad luck.

Seeing that no fishermen were following him for two consecutive days, Jiang Yuan rowed his boat to the sea area where the undersea immortal lived.

He first knelt on the boat and kowtowed twenty times, then lowered the fishing net and said, "Immortal, please bless me for catching many fish."

Two hours later, Jiang Yuan began to close the net. As soon as he closed the net, he felt heavy pressure in his hands, and his whole face blossomed into a chrysanthemum.

White fish all over his fishing net.

"So many fish! So many fish!"

An hour later, Jiang Yuan pulled up all the fishing nets and looked at the fish piled up like a mountain on the boat, grinning from ear to ear.

He was very excited and knelt down again and kowtowed thirty times in the direction of the underwater immortal.

"Thank you, the immortal, for the fish! Thank you, the immortal, for the fish!"

After kowtowing, Jiang Yuan stood up and counted the fish on the boat. There were 60 fish in total.

Each fish is as big as two palms.

Jiang Yuan immediately took 5 fish and started killing them and cooking them on the boat.

After cooking, Jiang Yuan threw the three cooked fish into the sea and said respectfully: "Immortal, please eat the fish!"

Then Jiang Yuan had a full meal of the remaining two fish.

After returning home with a bumper harvest of fish, Jiang Yuan took 40 fish to his parents' home on Tuesday.

"Tuesday mother, Tuesday mother." Jiang Yuan knocked hard on the door of Tuesday's mother's house.

"Who is it? So hard, you'll have to pay if you knock on the door." Tuesday's mother opened the door suddenly and was about to curse when she saw Jiang Yuan's face. Then she saw the 40 fish in Jiang Yuan's hand and immediately Swallowing the curse back, he said in surprise: "Jiang Yuan, what is this?"

Jiang Yuan walked into Tuesday's mother's house and said: "Tuesday's mother, didn't you say that whoever brings 40 fish can marry Erya? I'm here to marry Erya as my mother-in-law.

Tuesday's mother remembered that the last time she handed in offerings to the Immortal Master Temple on Shetou Island, Jiang Yuan brought a big fish, and now he brought 40 more fish. She thought about it and took it from Jiang Yuan with a smile. After passing 40 fish, he said: "Jiang Yuan, I didn't expect you to be so capable and catch so many fish."

When Jiang Yuan saw her accepting his 40 fish, he knew that he wanted Erya to be his mother-in-law. But the next second, he heard Tuesday's mother say: "Jiang Yuan, you are so powerful, you want to marry Erya. We can’t just have 40 fish, we have to bring 40 more fish.”

Jiang Yuan was about to explode when he heard this. He argued: "Didn't you say that 40 fishes are enough?"

Tuesday's mother said: "That was before. Now Erya's ability to go to sea is getting better and better, and he catches more and more fish. Naturally, he wants more fish."

Jiang Yuan couldn't find any words to refute.

Tuesday's mother continued: "Then do you want to marry Erya?"

Jiang Yuandao: "That's what I thought."

Jiang Yuan left Tuesday's mother's house. The next day, he brought another 40 fish to Tuesday's mother's house. Tuesday's mother said it was not enough and needed 40 more fish.

Jiang Yuan thought that he was not a big grievance, so he quit the job and said that he would not marry Erya but a girl from Zhou's natal family.

Only then did Tuesday’s mother agree.

That night, Tuesday's mother and her husband looked at Jiang Yuan who was sitting opposite and asked: "Jiang Yuan, tell me honestly, which sea area did you catch these fish from?"

Jiang Yuan looked at the two of them, and then at Erya behind them.

Seeing Jiang Yuan's hesitation, Tuesday's mother said: "Jiang Yuan, we have agreed to let Erya be your mother-in-law, then we are a family. If one family does not speak the same language, what secrets can you keep from your own family! "

Seeing this, Jiang Yuan had no choice but to tell him about his encounter with the underwater immortal.

After hearing this, Tuesday's mother's family all looked startled.

Tuesday's mother said bluntly: "Jiang Yuan, don't lie to me. On Snake Island, we only have immortals at the Shetou Island Immortal Temple. And those immortals only want our offerings, so how can they give us fish and alms?" .”

Jiang Yuan saw the disdainful expressions on Zhou Yi's mother, Zhou Yi and Er Ya's faces. He said anxiously, "I'm not lying to you. I'll take you there when we go to sea."

Tuesday’s mother’s family was still dubious.

Because there are immortals only at the Immortal Master Temple on Shetou Island on Panshe Island. How could there be immortals under the sea?

Ugly time.

The two fishing boats set off quietly. Under the leadership of Jiang Yuan, after an hour, he took Tuesday's mother's family to the sea area of ​​​​the Undersea Immortal.

Jiang Yuan stood on the boat and said to Zhou Zhou's mother and family: "Uncle Zhou, Zhou's mother, Erya, the bottom of the sea is the residence of the underwater immortal. It is here that I set the net and harvest fish every day."

Hearing this, Tuesday's mother said: "Why don't you lower the net quickly?" She then picked up the fishing net on the boat and started to lower the net.

Jiang Yuan quickly stopped her and said: "Mother Zhou, you will offend the immortals. You must kowtow 30 times before you get off the net."

After saying that, Jiang Yuan knelt down and kowtowed 30 times.

Tuesday's mother's family looked at each other, but what the other party said was an immortal, and they would rather believe it than not. Tuesday's mother's family also kowtowed 30 times along with Jiang Yuan.

Then, the four began to lower their fishing nets.

Two hours later, Jiang Yuan said: "It's time to close the net."

Then he watched Tuesday's mother's family start to close the net. As soon as they closed the net, there were white fish on the net. Tuesday's mother's family all laughed happily. They finally believed Jiang Yuan's words that there really were immortals at the bottom of the sea.

An hour later, all the fishing nets were put away, and the two fishing boats were full of fish.

Tuesday's mother looked at Jiang Yuan and said, "Jiang Yuan, there really are immortals at the bottom of the sea. There are so many fish. I have never seen so many fish."

Jiang Yuan nodded, then looked at Erya.

Tuesday's mother understood Jiang Yuan's eyes and immediately said, "I'll let you sleep with Erya tonight."

Erya's dark face turned red with embarrassment, but she did not reject Jiang Yuan in her heart, because Jiang Yuan could catch so many fish, and being his mother-in-law was a good choice.

Jiang Yuan was also very happy and said: "Uncle Tuesday, Mother Tuesday, let's kowtow 30 more times to thank the immortal for the fish, and then go back!"

Tuesday's mother said: "There are so many fish, why don't you catch one more?"

Jiang Yuan shook his head and said: "Absolutely not. Beat him once a day. Don't be greedy, otherwise the immortal will blame you."

Tuesday's mother was shocked and did not dare to mention the fishing thing again, just because the immortal masters in the Immortal Master Temple often killed people when they blamed her. The undersea immortals are also immortals.

The two families returned to Shewei Village.

That night, Jiang Yuan felt a different feeling from his fingers, the feeling of being fully wrapped, with no gaps, and very happy, but it was just a little too fast, which made him quite embarrassed.

in the days that followed.

Jiang Yuan and Zhou Zuiniang's family both went to sea an hour early to avoid other fishermen in Shewei Village.

Every day we return home with a full load.

Jiang Yuan never went hungry again, because he had endless fish, and the endless fish could be traded for other daily necessities.

But paper cannot contain fire after all.

It is abnormal for someone in Jiangyuan to suddenly marry Erya as his mother-in-law and become a family member of his family.

Then the two families would trade fish from time to time.

The fishermen in Shewei Village began to pay attention to Jiang Yuan and Tuesday's Niang family.

I kept asking people to inquire, but no one found out.


The fishermen in Shewei Village began to resort to any means.

They directly tied up Tuesday's mother's family and forced them to interrogate them.

Even though his life was at stake, Jiang Yuan still told the story about the underwater immortal.

This day.

The night was dark in the sea, and there were many stars in the sky. Two fishing boats were sailing in front, followed by more fishing boats.

An hour later.

Jiang Yuan looked at all the villagers standing on the fishing boats behind him and said: "Folks, this sea area is the sea area of ​​the undersea immortal. You can set your nets if you want, but you must follow the immortal's rules, otherwise the immortal will blame you and punish you. There’s nothing I can do.”

Immortals should not be insulted. The fishermen had already learned from the immortals at the Immortal Master Temple, so none of them dared to follow the rules Jiang Yuan said.

After all the fishermen finished kowtowing, they immediately lowered their fishing nets.

At this time, Wu Tao in the seabed was exuding a haze of spiritual energy. His Dantian was about to be sorted and repaired, and his mana could also be mobilized a little.

And with this period of time, day and night alternated, repairing the Dantian during the day, and practicing the star body exercises at night, all the bones in his body were repaired and healed.

The spiritual consciousness has also been restored to the level of 30 miles, which is equivalent to the second level of spiritual consciousness in foundation building.

He counted the time in his mind, and it seemed that it was less than a month.

Wu Tao was overjoyed and opened his eyes to look at the fish attracted by his soul. The fish could not break through the range covered by the shark bead, but just wandered outside the light formed by the shark bead.

"There should be tens of thousands of fish here, and not a single monster fish has been found. It seems that there should be no monsters in this sea area, otherwise those mortals would not be able to survive at all." Wu Tao thought of a mortal boy he saved before.

At this moment, Wu Tao felt a lot of nets cast down, ten miles away from his head, like those fish schools.

It's the fishermen who come to catch fish.

Wu Tao didn't care, and it didn't disturb him, so he continued to practice and recover.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Waves of laughter rang out on the sea, and all the fishermen looked at the pile of fish caught on their fishing boats, their faces filled with joy.

"Jiangyuan, there are so many fish, the whole village should share them long ago." An old fisherman said to Jiangyuan.

Jiang Yuan nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he didn't tell anyone because he was afraid that too many people would disturb the immortal and offend the immortal, which would cause him to suffer. But at this time, the underwater immortal didn't seem to care.

He said naa-na: "Uncle Zhou, you are right."

The fishermen of Shewei Village returned home with a full load for the first time.

On this day, the whole village had a full meal.

With the undersea immortals around, they no longer have to worry about not having enough fish to offer to the immortals at the Shetou Island Immortal Master Temple at the end of each month.

Being favored by the undersea fairy, the fishermen in Shewei Village thought that they were not repaying their kindness, so the fishermen in Sheweicun decided to worship the undersea fairy in two days.

Two days later.

Fishing boats set off from the seaside one after another and rowed towards the area where the underwater immortal was.

On the boat, fresh fish and cured fish were neatly placed.

Finally, we arrived at the sea where the Undersea Immortal was, and all the fishing boats were docked neatly.

"Thank you to the Undersea Immortal for blessing Shewei Village and keeping the fishermen in Shewei Village well fed."

"Everyone kowtows and thanks the underwater immortal."

At this moment, all the fishermen knelt down and kowtowed, shouting words of thanks to the underwater immortal.

After kowtowing, they threw all the sacrifices on board into the sea.

What they didn't know was that Wu Tao didn't care. He didn't know that everything the fishermen did had anything to do with him. He just focused on recovering himself.

Those sacrifices such as fresh fish and cured fish fell into the sea and were snatched and devoured by carnivorous fish.

After the sacrifice, the fishermen lowered another net, caught a boatful of fish, and returned to Shewei Village happily.

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