Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 489 There is an Immortal under the Sea (4200 words please subscribe)

Wu Tao felt that his consciousness was in chaos, sometimes awake and sometimes ignorant. Scenes of dreams were like a fleeting view of the past and present life, tall buildings, magic weapons and flying swords in his consciousness.

Gradually, these dreams disappeared one by one, and his consciousness gradually woke up.

His consciousness was very weak, like a candlelight in a winter night, only illuminating a small area of ​​darkness. Wu Tao wanted to open his eyes, but he felt that his eyelids were as heavy as a stone.

He wanted to control his body, but found that he couldn't. He also had a strange feeling that his body was floating like rootless duckweed.

"Did I encounter a ghost hitting the wall?"

This strange state is very much like a ghost beating a wall.

"No, I am now an immortal cultivator at the eighth level of foundation building. How can I encounter ghosts beating the wall?"

Wu Tao's consciousness instantly dispersed his distracting thoughts, and then he rushed forward with force, and his eyelids suddenly opened.

What he saw was a deep blue seabed, with seaweed rising and falling with the water, of different colors, and sea fish of different shapes swimming around him.

Wu Tao immediately mobilized his spiritual thoughts and found that he could only mobilize a tiny amount of spiritual thoughts, which could only extend within a radius of one mile.

"One mile is enough!"

When his spiritual thoughts moved, it reflected all over his body. The Liuyun Immortal Clothes on his body were in tatters, and he was in a state like a soft-footed shrimp. All the bones in his body were shattered by the explosion of the tunnel. His body could not move, and only his spiritual thoughts could move. .

He couldn't care about anything else at this time, he felt the pressure of the sea suffocating him.

If he hadn't been an eighth-level immortal cultivator, he would have died long ago if he sank to the bottom of the sea like this.

"Fortunately, the storage bag is still there!"

With a thought, Wu Tao reached into the storage bag, and an ice-blue bead immediately floated out from the storage bag. It was the shark bead.

As soon as the shark bead came out, it emitted a faint blue light, and then all the seawater a mile away from Wu Tao avoided and no longer came close to Wu Tao.

The suffocating feeling also dissipated.

The shark beads slowly floated above Wu Tao's head.

Wu Tao felt a sense of comfort. With this shark bead, he could swim like a fish in the deep sea.

Slowly calming down the emotions in his heart, Wu Tao's mind began to check his own situation.

He first sank into the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts, and found that the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts was in a mess, and was extremely seriously injured. In the center of the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts, there was only a mile of pure land, and the coffin nails were quietly suspended in the center of this pure land, emitting a black sound. of light.

These black lights were spreading in his sea of ​​spiritual thoughts like ripples in a lake. Wu Tao discovered that as the black light spread, his sea of ​​spiritual thoughts, which was seriously injured and disordered, was slowly recovering.

"It seems Master Ding is still good to me!"

Wu Tao thought.

Then he checked in the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts again, but did not find the golden page. It turned out that the golden pages divided his sea of ​​spiritual thoughts with the coffin nails, occupying the east and west.

Wu Tao remembered that at the moment when the Realm Tunnel was about to explode, his body incarnation pushed him out, and at that moment, the golden page in his mind suddenly flew out of the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts and entered the Realm Tunnel.

Wu Tao thought with his mind: "No wonder the Secret Art of Incarnation was not entered into my personal information as a spell or a magical power after I successfully practiced it. This golden page actually has autonomous consciousness, and he also has Can compete with coffin nails with extremely mysterious origins..."

"It can be seen that I can't control it, but at the critical moment, the incarnation saved my life. Otherwise, with the power of the explosion in the tunnel, I would definitely die."

When Wu Tao thought of this, he didn't feel worried about gains and losses.

"After the injury recovers, let's explore this world to see what kind of immortal world it is, and then consider whether we can refine another incarnation."

Wu Tao thought like this, and his spiritual thoughts traveled throughout his body, and found that all the bones in his body had been broken, but there was a faint star power in the broken bones repairing the bones.

His spiritual thoughts entered Dantian and found that Dantian was also on the verge of being broken, and his magic power was disordered and unable to be mobilized.

"The boundary-breaking magic circle has lasted for 120,000 years and has not been maintained or repaired. It has been invaded by time. It is a fluke that I can pass the boundary here."

"The world-transmitting corridor has been annihilated. The moment I escaped from the world-transmitting corridor, I seemed to see that the boundary-breaking array connected deep under the sea had also been destroyed."

"So, if I want to return to the Xianyuan world again, I can no longer pass through this boundary-breaking magic circle."

"We must find other boundary-breaking magic circles. If we can find one, we can find the second one...or through other methods..."

Wu Tao's thoughts were surging, and various thoughts flashed through his mind.

"That's all, the most important thing now is to heal your wounds first!"

At this time, Wu Tao could not move his body, nor could he move his mouth, he could only move with his thoughts, so he could not swallow mana pills and magic source energy to recover from his injuries.

All the spiritual stones on his body were filled into the boundary-breaking array, and there was no more spiritual stone left.

But fortunately, his magical power can take out the Shark Pearl, ensuring that he is as good as flat land at the bottom of the sea.

"I can't move now, just like a corpse. It's safer in this deep seabed."

After enjoying the pain, Wu Tao immediately activated the Six Yang Lihuo True Technique. As soon as he activated the Six Yang Lihuo True Technique, Wu Tao felt a strong stinging sensation in his Dantian.

And as he used the Liuyang Lihuo True Skill, Wu Tao found that the spiritual energy around him was pitifully thin, not as strong as the spiritual energy in Xiuxian City.

"With such a strong level of spiritual energy... it's difficult to refine it..."

"Let's repair the body first. Use the star body training technique to repair the body. When the body can move and the mouth can open, you can take out the mana pills and law source energy in the storage bag to restore the Dantian."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao stopped operating the Six Yang Lihuo Zhen Gong and turned to the Star Body Refining Kung Fu.

As soon as the Star Body Refining Technique was activated, Wu Tao was overjoyed, because he discovered that the power of stars in the new world was actually stronger than the power of stars in the Immortal Realm.

"The speed of practicing the star body training here is three times that of the Xianyuan world."

Wu Tao was ecstatic, as this meant that the time to repair his physical body would be greatly shortened. And not only that, after he practices star training in this world in the future, he will be able to condense his spiritual body faster with each passing day.

After calming down the ecstasy in his heart, Wu Tao went all out to run the star exercises.

As the star exercise exercise continued, hazy starlight seemed to shine down on the azure blue sky over the sea, forming a beam of light that penetrated the blue sea water and illuminated Wu Tao's body.

Wu Tao's body immediately emitted starlight like a star.

Coiled Snake Island.

Snake Tail Village.

Shewei Village is a fishing village. As the saying goes, if you rely on the mountains to eat, you will eat the sea. The villagers here make a living by fishing for sea fish.

Jiang Yuan is an orphan, 15 years old this year. Fortunately, his parents left a fishing boat for him before their death, otherwise he would have starved to death.

But even if he didn't starve to death, Jiang Yuan would still live a life full of food and hunger.

At the beginning of the year, the night was dark, so Jiang Yuan opened his sleepy eyes and got up from the bed.

He is going to sea.

After walking out of the dilapidated wooden house, Jiang Yuan looked up at the dark night sky. There were a few stars in the night sky, and he could hear the sound of the ebb and flow of the sea in the distance.

Most of the fishermen in Shewei Village go to sea at this time.

Jiang Yuan carried a fish oil lamp and walked towards his fishing boat. On the way, he greeted several fishermen from the same village.

Arriving on his fishing boat, Jiang Yuan hung the fish oil lamp on the boat, then untied the reins and pushed the boat into the sea, then got on the boat and started paddling out to sea.

The dim light of the fish oil lamp illuminates the entire fishing boat. Although Jiang Yuan is only 15 years old, he is not a novice. He has been going to sea for two years. With two years of experience, he rowed towards his familiar sea area.

"Hopefully I can catch fish today..."

Jiang Yuan felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

Because there are still 10 days left to pay tribute to the Immortal Master Temple on Shetou Island. If he does not have enough fish to pay tribute after 10 days, the consequences will be disastrous.

Last month, Jiang Lao'er from the same village was short of two fish. The immortal master of Shetou Island moved his eyes and cut off one of Jiang Lao'er's fingers with a flying sword.

Jiang Yuan didn't want to have his fingers cut off, that would be so painful.

And now that he has not married a wife, the lonely nights depend entirely on his hands.

If he didn't have hands, he might as well be dead.

"Erya from Tuesday's mother's family is strong and has dark skin. She is a good woman who can go to sea. If I can marry her... Oh, it's a pity that Tuesday's mother's price is too high. It takes 40 fish to marry Erya. I probably won’t be able to get married in this life.”

Jiang Yuan sighed in his heart and continued to row hard.

An hour later.

It's not that dark anymore, but the sun hasn't come out either, but you can vaguely see the black water under the boat.

Jiang Yuan started to go offline.

After setting the net, Jiang Yuan turned around and saw a red light appearing at the end of the circular sea. The red light is like a person's eyelids. When they are opened, it is dawn.

It's finally dawn.

The black water turned blue at this moment, and the salty sea breeze blew on Jiang Yuan's dry and dark face, blowing the hair on his forehead.

“Hopefully we’ll catch a big fish today.”

Jiang Yuan looked at the red sun on the distant sea and prayed in his heart.

Unfortunately, Jiang Yuan's prayer was not heard by the scorching sun in the sky. He only caught a few shrimps that day, which was not enough to satisfy his hunger.

the next day.

After dispelling his disappointment, Jiang Yuan continued to go to sea.

Still found nothing.

Next, for six consecutive days, Jiang Yuan harvested three small palm fish, which was twenty-seven short of the thirty fish that were to be presented to the Immortal Master Temple on Shetou Island.

With the help of the light of the fish oil lamp, Jiang Yuan stretched out his hands and looked at his ten fingers. He felt desperate in his heart. He had only one day to catch twenty-seven fish.

One of his fingers will definitely be cut off by the immortal master from the Immortal Master Temple.

"I hope the immortal master from the Immortal Master Temple will cut off the little finger of my left hand, so that at least my work will not be delayed. Unfortunately, I have no choice..."

Jiang Yuan thought bitterly in his heart, and then walked out with a fish oil lamp. Today he planned to fish in a different sea area.

Early morning.

Jiang Yuan began to close the net. As he closed the net, his lips kept trembling and he said the words "come fish, come fish" indistinctly.

The net was put away section by section, and Jiang Yuan's lips trembled even more, because he had not seen a fish on the net yet.

"There are still three sections of the fishing net. Do I really want my fingers to be cut off by the immortal master as a warning to everyone?"

Just when Jiang Yuan was desperate, he suddenly felt a pulling force in his hand.

He was overjoyed. With his many years of experience, he knew that he had caught a big fish, otherwise the gravity in his hand would not be so strong.

He immediately pulled the net hard and finally saw a huge fish head.

"Hahaha... Such a big fish, one fish is enough to be worshiped by the immortal master. My finger is saved!" Jiang Yuan laughed maniacally, feeling extremely excited.


At this moment, the big fish hanging on the fishing net suddenly swung hard, and the fishing net broke. Seeing that the big fish was about to escape, Jiang Yuan, without caring about anything else, jumped into the sea and rushed towards the big fish.

He must catch this big fish.

The big fish's body was covered with broken fishing nets, but it was half a man tall, so the fishing nets were not enough to restrain it. It swung its powerful tail and fled toward the deep sea.

Jiang Yuan pounced hard and grabbed the big fish's body tightly. The powerful tail of the big fish instantly slapped his stomach. Jiang Yuan immediately grinned in pain and seawater poured into his mouth. He quickly shut up.

The big fish is fierce and struggling.

But Jiang Yuan refused to let go. He had to catch this big fish, otherwise he would not be able to save his fingers.

Jiang Yuan held his breath and fought with the big fish.

The big fish in his arms is not a big fish, but the hope in his heart.

All his thoughts were focused on this big fish.

"Even if I die today, I won't let go!"

Time passed slowly, and Jiang Yuan felt that the big fish in his arms seemed to have stopped struggling, but his consciousness became increasingly hazy. He knew that he might be dying.

As his consciousness gradually blurred, Jiang Yuan's hands still held the big fish tightly in his arms, and he slowly fell to the bottom of the sea.

"I don't know how many days have passed..."

In the seabed, Wu Tao sat quietly, with a shark bead emitting icy blue light above his head, and coral aquatic plants behind him.

Starlight emanated from him.

His broken bones have almost been repaired, at least they are not broken, but fractured.

So he could sit up cross-legged, and he planned to take out mana pills and law source energy today to sort out and repair the disordered Dantian.

Moreover, as the nails in the coffin were sorted and repaired in the past few days, Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts could extend ten miles away.

Dispelling the distracting thoughts, Wu Tao's thoughts moved and a jade bottle flew out from the storage bag.

Wu Tao poured out the mana pill from the jade bottle and prepared to swallow it.

At this moment, Wu Tao felt something falling towards him.

With a move of his spiritual mind, he stretched upward ten miles, and then under the induction of his spiritual mind, he sensed a young man wearing coarse linen clothes with his eyes closed and holding a dead fish tightly in his arms.

"There is no spiritual energy in him, he is a mortal! He is not dead yet!"

His spiritual thoughts instantly examined the fishing boy's physical condition thoroughly.

Wu Tao's thoughts moved, and the power of starlight instantly entered the young man's body.

The next moment, Jiang Yuan opened his eyes numbly, and then he saw the immortal.

When he first saw Wu Tao, he regarded Wu Tao as an immortal.

Because Wu Tao was sitting quietly on the bottom of the sea with a shark bead on his head. The shark bead exuded Dharma light, and his body also exuded the power of stars.

This is even more immortal than the immortal masters on Snake Head Island.

"It was the Immortal who saved me!" Jiang Yuan was about to kneel down and thank him, but the next second he found that he was suspended in the seabed, the sea water surrounded him, and the power of stars was radiating from his body.

The next moment, the star power on his body suddenly pulled him, forming a thrust. He felt that his figure was flying towards the sea, and he was getting farther and farther away from the immortal in the sea.


Jiang Yuan's body flew out of the sea and landed on the sea again.

The power of the stars in his body dissipated, and he immediately gasped for air and swam towards his fishing boat with the big fish in his arms.

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