Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 491: Killing the Immortal in the Sea of ​​Demons (5300 words, please subscribe)


The shark beads exuded an icy blue light and hung down, shrouding Wu Tao's body. Beyond the light were sea fish of different colors and sizes swimming around Wu Tao in groups.

Wu Tao was running the Six Yang Lihuo Zhenqi, refining a wisp of Dharma Source Qi in his belly, then stopped, and then looked inside his Dantian, thinking: "When the Dantian has recovered to half of its level, it can already mobilize the magic power of the fifth level of foundation building."

"Thanks to the strong power of stars in this world, all the injuries on the physical body have been healed, and the power of the eighth-level spiritual body to cultivate the physical body can be fully utilized."

"The spiritual will has been repaired by Lord Ding, and it has been restored to the level of 80 miles, which is equivalent to the strength of the spiritual will of an ordinary cultivator at the seventh level of foundation building."

"It is estimated that it will take two months before I can return to my peak state. However, this sea area is very safe. I have been here for so long without any accidents. So I will restore my cultivation to its peak state on the seabed and then go out to explore this new world." world."

When Wu Tao looks at the time now, he only looks at the life span of personal information and guesses the length of time.

The thoughts stopped, Wu Tao continued to practice, and restored his Dantian and Divine Mind Sea.

Thanks to the fish attracted by Wu Tao's aura, 100,000 fish gathered in this sea area, enough for the fishermen in Shewei Village to catch every day.

The fishermen in Shewei Village have become prosperous and no longer go hungry.

The most important thing is that no amount of fish is handed over to the Immortal Master Temple every month. No fisherman has been punished for not catching enough fish, and his fingers have been cut off or killed by the Immortal Masters.

Fishermen's reverence for the undersea immortals is getting stronger and stronger.

But the fishermen in Shewei Village are not ignorant. They know that the story of the Undersea Immortal cannot be told to the public or reach the ears of the Immortal Master of Shetou Island.

Therefore, every fisherman has made repeated orders at home not to say anything about the underwater immortals outside.

The Immortal Master Temple is guarded in a prosperous attic in Shewei Village.

The person staying here is a third-level Qi Refiner named Wen Xing.

To guard mortals, the third level of Qi refining is enough.

Wenxing has been very satisfied with the fishermen of Shewei Village in the past two months, because the fish they have provided in the past two months have been sufficient. It would be easier for him to do business when he returns to the Immortal Master Temple.

Although Wenxing is guarding the Immortal Master Temple, he still has to practice on weekdays, so he also hired several fishermen from Shewei Village as his assistants to help him deal with some things.

On this day, after Wenxing finished practicing, he walked out and saw a fisherman from Shewei Village standing respectfully outside the door. When he saw him, he immediately knelt down and said, "Master Immortal, I have something to report."

Wenxing looked at him and said, "What's the matter?"

The fisherman named Jiang Dahai said: "Master Immortal, don't you think it is unusual that the fish catches offered by the fishermen in Shewei Village in the past two months are sufficient? In the past, there were always one or two fishermen who were not enough every month. . And every one of them seems to look better, and they seem to be full after every meal."

Hearing this, Wen Xing narrowed his eyes and looked at Jiang Dahai and said: "If they hand over enough people for worship, it saves us trouble, isn't it good? Besides, if they hand over enough food for worship, can they eat enough? We, the Immortal Master Temple, don't care. .”

"Immortal Master, if all the fishermen can have enough to eat and no longer have to rush around to hand in offerings, and they have a leisurely mind and no longer worry about offerings every day, their respect for the Immortal Masters will become weaker and weaker. This is a big deal. What a disrespect!" Jiang Dahai continued: "Furthermore, a small consideration is that this sea area is controlled by you, the Immortal Master, and there cannot be enough fish for them to catch. If they secretly leave the area under the command of the Immortal Master Temple, If you go fishing in the sea areas under the command of other immortal masters, wouldn’t that be offending other immortal masters..."

When Jiang Dahai said this, he saw a stern look in Wen Xing's eyes. He immediately knew that he had said the wrong thing and kowtowed quickly: "Master Immortal, that's not what I meant. I didn't say that Master Immortal is afraid of other immortal sects. I mean, keep the fishermen from getting into trouble for the Immortal Master Temple.

Wenxing looked at Jiang Dahai, who kept kowtowing, and took off the magic sword from his back. With a flash of sword light, Jiang Dahai cut off a thumb on his right hand and said, "This is your punishment for saying the wrong thing."

Jiang Dahai didn't dare to cry out in pain, and quickly held his bloody fingers. His face turned purple with pain, and he kept kowtowing: "Thank you so much, Master Immortal, for sparing my life."

Wenxing looked at him and said with some humor: "Jiang Daiqin is also a fisherman by birth and a member of Shewei Village. Why are you unhappy when you see that everyone in Shewei Village can offer a sufficient amount of fish without being punished by me?"

Jiang Dahai said flatteringly: "Master Immortal, I am thinking from your standpoint, Immortal Master, not..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Dahai couldn't help but scream in pain, and immediately shut up. Wen Xing's sword light fell, and he cut off one of Jiang Dahai's fingers, and coldly snorted: "From my standpoint, what do you have to say?" Standing in my position, a mortal dares to compare with me? But, I finally understand that you mortals are the cruelest to your own people."

"It's up to you to investigate this matter and report to me."

After that, Wenxing turned and left, ignoring Jiang Dahai.

After Wen Xing left, Jiang Dahai looked at his two fingers that fell on the ground, and then screamed in pain.

After screaming, Jiang Dahai's face turned gloomy, and he whispered hysterically: "It's all you. If it weren't for you, would I be punished by the immortal master and have two fingers chopped off?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Dahai walked out of the attic with a gloomy look, brought other fishermen working in the attic, and started to arrest the fishermen with weapons, tortured them, and asked them about the recent bumper fish harvest.

"Jiang Yuan, if you don't say anything, there will be more than just two fingers." Jiang Dahai looked at Jiang Yuan and said fiercely.

"Uncle Dahai, aren't our ancestors one family? Why are you doing this to me?" Jiang Yuan exclaimed in pain. The index finger and ring finger of his right hand were cut off by Jiang Dahai.

"Who and your ancestors are in the same family, but I work with the immortal master." Jiang Dahai snorted coldly, picked up the knife again, and pointed it at Jiang Yuan's other finger.

Cold sweat rolled down Jiang Yuan's forehead. He looked at the knife with a cold light. If he didn't say anything, his finger would be in danger again.

Unable to bear the pressure, Jiang Yuan still told everything about the undersea immortal.

Jiang Dahai showed joy on his face. He patted Jiang Yuan's cheek with the back of his knife and said, "Would you have said no earlier? You wouldn't have suffered the pain of your flesh and blood and had three of your fingers cut off."

Jiang Yuan was stunned and said: "Uncle Dahai, aren't there two?"

Jiang Dahai's expression immediately dropped. He pressed down the little finger of Jiang Yuan's other hand with a knife, cut it off, and said, "Now there are three. I hate people questioning me the most."

Jiang Yuan screamed, and Jiang Dahai laughed and left to report to Immortal Master Wenxing.

Immortal Master Wenxing looked at Jiang Dahai. Hearing Jiang Dahai's report, he frowned slightly: "Is what you said true?"

Jiang Dahai knelt on the ground and said respectfully: "Return to the Immortal Master, I tortured more than a dozen fishermen to confess. All of them were consistent in their words and deeds. With their courage, they would not dare to deceive the Immortal Master."

Wenxing had no doubt that he was there. In the sea area managed by his Immortal Master Temple, there were undersea immortals under the sea, and they also bewitched the mortals under their jurisdiction. This was a demonic act.

Moreover, if the nameless immortals come to the sea area under the control of their Immortal Master Temple and do not ventilate to the Immortal Master Temple, they are probably coming with bad intentions and malicious intentions, and the Immortal Master Temple has to guard against it.

Thinking of this, Wen Xing said to Jiang Dahai: "Jiang Dahai, I want to go back to the Immortal Master to visit. You send people to collect all the fishing boats. During the time when I am back, fishermen are strictly prohibited from going out to sea."

Jiang Dahai felt happy and said quickly: "I will obey the order of the immortal master."

Wen Xing disappeared in the attic in a flash, heading towards the Immortal Master Temple on Shetou Island.

Three days later, Wenxing returned to the Immortal Master Temple on Shetou Island.

"Junior Brother Wenxing, aren't you guarding Shewei Village? Why are you back?" asked a cultivator who was about the same age as Wenxing.

Wenxing bowed his hands and said, "It turns out to be Senior Brother Wenzhi. Something happened in Shewei Village and he wanted to report it to the temple master."

"I see, then you go see the temple master, I won't disturb you anymore." Wen Zhi said.

Wenxing said goodbye again, and then went to the main hall where the temple master lived. First, he informed the disciple on duty. After the disciple on duty came back and told Wenxing that he could go in, Wenxing went in.

In a main hall. The old man with gray hair and a baby-like face sat cross-legged on the futon, looked at Wenxing and said, "Wenxing, what's the matter?"

Wenxing bowed and said: "Master, in the sea area of ​​Shewei Island that I guard, there is an immortal cultivator on the bottom of the sea. He doesn't know where he came from, and he doesn't know his cultivation. He is bewitching the fishermen of Shewei Island. I'm afraid he is not a good person."

Hearing this, the temple owner looked thoughtful, and then said: "Bewitching fishermen, this is a demonic act, hiding under the sea, probably using a water-avoiding magic circle, it should not be the fairy gate of the Twelve Celestial Islands..."

Wenxing asked for advice: "Guanzhu, what should we do?"

The temple leader said: "Take my oral instructions and call Wenqi and Wenle to come over."

Wenxing nodded respectfully, then exited the Guanzhu Hall and went to look for Wenqi and Wenle.

Wen Qi and Wen Le were quickly found. Wen Xing saluted and said, "Senior Brother Wen Qi, Senior Brother Wen Le, the Temple Master has orally ordered you to go to the Temple of the Temple."

After hearing this, Wen Qi and Wen Le immediately went to the Guanzhu Hall with Wenxing to pay homage to the Guanzhu.

"Wen Qi, Wen Le, I have met the temple master, but I don't know what the temple master has to say."

The viewer reached out and touched the storage bag at his waist, and four rays of light flew towards Wenqi Wenle. Wenqi Wenle caught it immediately.

The viewer said: "These are the water-avoiding talisman and the first-level high-level water arrow talisman. You two will hold these talismans and follow Wenxing to the sea area of ​​​​Shewei Village to kill the undersea monsters."

Wen Qi and Wen Le took the order and said, "Yes, Temple Master."

When Wenxing saw this, he felt happy. Senior Brother Wenqi and Senior Brother Wenle are both at the seventh level of Qi Refining. If they take action, the undersea monster in the sea area of ​​Shewei Village will inevitably die.

The three of them received the order from the temple master and without any further hesitation, they immediately left the Immortal Master Temple, took a flying magic weapon, and flew towards Shewei Village.

Relying on the speed of the flying magic weapon, the three of them landed in Shewei Village one day later.

Wen Qi said to Wen Xing: "Junior brother Wen Xing, there is no need to stay in Shewei Village. Take us directly to the sea area and quickly kill the demon. We have to return to the Immortal Master Temple to practice."

Wen Xing said: "Senior Brother Wenqi, I don't know where the sea is, and I need the fishermen of this village to lead the way."

Wen Qi looked slightly unhappy, but didn't say anything. Instead, he waited for Wenxing to summon the fishermen, and then followed the fishing boat to the sea area where the Undersea Immortal was.

Jiang Dahai grabbed Jiang Yuan, came to Wen Xing and other three immortal masters, and asked sternly: "Jiang Yuan, the demon path under the sea is at the bottom of this sea?"

Jiang Yuan's face was covered with blood and he was extremely embarrassed. He said tremblingly: "Tell the three immortal masters that the Undersea Immortal is under the sea."


As soon as Jiang Yuan finished speaking, Jiang Dahai slapped him hard on the face and cursed: "What undersea immortal? That is the undersea demon, a demon that deceives stupid people."

Wen Qi frowned, looked at Wen Xing and said, "Junior Brother Wen Xing, before you say anything, the mortals under your command have punished you first. It seems that even a mortal can make the decision for you!"

Wen Xing lost face in front of Wen Qi and Senior Brother Wen Le, his face darkened, and with a flash of the magic sword in his hand, he directly pierced Jiang Dahai's heart.

Jiang Dahai looked at the magic sword on his chest, his eyes were distracted, and he looked at Wen Xing with a look of disbelief. He didn't understand why Master Wen Xing wanted to kill him if he was so loyal?

Wen Xing put away his magic sword and kicked Jiang Dahai into the sea.

After doing all this, ignoring the frightened Jiang Yuan, Wenxing said to Wenqi and Wenle: "Senior Brother Wenqi, Senior Brother Wenle, the demon path is under the seabed, and the rest will be left to these two senior brothers. ”

Wen Qi nodded, took out the water-avoiding talisman, and was about to activate it, but Wen Le stopped Wen Qi, looked at Wen Xing and said, "Junior Brother Wen Xing, do you know the cultivation level of the demon in the seabed?"

Wenxing shook his head and said, "Junior brother doesn't know either!"

Hearing this, Wen Le's heart sank, and he looked at Wen Qi and said, "Wen Qi, we don't know the cultivation level of the undersea monster. What if the other party's cultivation level is much higher than ours, and what if the other party is a foundation builder? ?”

Wen Qi said: "Wenle, you are worrying too much. There are only 12 island owners on the Twelve Celestial Islands who are foundation-building cultivators. Where else can there be any foundation-building? Besides, will foundation-building fool fishermen by such means? ? And among the Twelve Celestial Islands, there is only one level of spiritual veins in the center of the island. All immortal cultivators gather their spiritual veins to practice. Who would be nesting on the bottom of the sea? Doing such boring things."

"In my opinion, this underwater demonic path has overwhelmed the mid-stage cultivation of Qi. You and I are both in the late stage of Qi-refining. We have the first-level advanced water arrow talisman given by the temple master. The leader of the demonic path is not easy to capture!"

Seeing him say this, Wen Le felt a little relieved.

Wen Qi said: "Wen Le, stop dawdling, quickly complete the mission of the temple master, kill the demons, and then return to the Immortal Master Temple to practice. The spiritual energy in this place is thin, and I don't want to stay any longer."

After saying that, Wen Qi activated the water-avoiding talisman in her hand and jumped into the sea.

Bunraku followed closely behind, also activated the water-avoiding charm, and jumped into the sea.

Wenqi Wenle has a water-avoiding talisman that avoids the sea water in front of her and flies to the bottom of the sea very smoothly.

Then I saw dense schools of fish surrounding the bottom of the sea.

Wenqi Wenle looked at each other, pulled out the magic sword from behind, and dispersed the fish.

After the fish dispersed, they finally saw the demon path.

Demon Dao was covered in tatters, with a strange bead on his head, and no aura on his body was revealed at all.

He had his eyes closed and seemed to be sleeping.

In fact, Wu Tao had already sensed two immortal cultivators at the seventh level of Qi Refining flying towards him. He was also about to ask these two immortal cultivators at the seventh level of Qi Refining about the basic situation of the immortal cultivation world in this world.

Feeling the two seventh-level Qi Refining Immortal Cultivators approaching, Wu Tao opened his eyes, looked at them, and said: "You two..."

Before he finished speaking, Wen Qi scolded, activated the water arrow talisman in his hand, and fired towards Wu Tao.

"There really is a demon, let's die!"

Wen Le followed closely behind and activated the water arrow talisman in his hand. The water arrow talisman turned into a water arrow and shot towards Wu Tao.

Wu Tao was startled and didn't understand why these two immortal cultivators at the seventh level of Qi Refining were so angry and started to attack with murderous intent without saying a word. It's just a first-level advanced water arrow talisman. He is now at the eighth level of spiritual cultivation. This water arrow is not even qualified to tickle him.

Two dings...

The water arrow exuding murderous intent shattered on Wu Tao's forehead.

There was not even a trace left on Wu Tao's forehead by the water arrow.

Seeing this scene, Wen Qi and Wen Le felt their scalps numb and turned around to escape without hesitation.

But the next second, an aura even more terrifying than that of their Immortal Master Guan Island Master enveloped them. The two of them instantly stagnated uncontrollably, their whole bodies trembling and their legs swinging.

"Senior, have mercy on me, senior, have mercy on me!"

Wu Tao watched the two people begging for mercy and thought to himself: "It seems that there are immortal cultivators here. They are not willing to communicate with me, so I will find someone else to communicate with them."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao slowly stretched out his hand to explore the area covered by the shark beads. He pinched two drops of seawater with his fingers and flicked them back. The two drops of seawater turned into water arrows and shot directly through Wenqi Wenle's forehead.

Repay the other person with his own way!

Wenqi Wenle's eyes widened and he died.

With a flash of his mind, Wu Tao took a token from their waists and ignored Wen Qi and Wen Le's body being washed away by the sea and then eaten by the surrounding fish.

"Coiling Snake Island, Immortal Master Temple!"

These two tokens are engraved with these 6 characters.

"It turns out that this area is called Panshe Island, and these two immortal cultivators are immortal cultivators from the Immortal Master Temple on Panshe Island!"

"It's just that I have been practicing here and recovering my cultivation. Why does this immortal cultivator from the Immortal Master Temple want to cause trouble for me and kill me?"

Wu Tao frowned slightly, a little puzzled.

"That's all. Now that you have been discovered, you still want to kill me, which means this place is not a safe place. Now that you have restored the seventh level of foundation building mana cultivation, let's go out to explore the strength of the Panshe Island Immortal Master Temple."

"If they are not as strong as me, then I have to reason with them. Why did they send my immortal cultivators to kill me for no reason!"

"If you are stronger than me, then wait until my strength exceeds that of Immortal Master Guan, and then you can reason with Immortal Master Guan."

After thinking about this, Wu Tao put away the two tokens and stood up.

As he stood up, the shark beads above his head also moved upward.

Wu Tao moved his steps slightly, lifting himself up with magic power, and walked step by step towards the sea.

Wherever his figure went, all the sea water was diverted to both sides.

All the fishermen on the sea looked at Master Wenxing with trepidation.

They knew that after the two immortals from the Immortal Master Temple killed the underwater immortals, it would be their turn to settle accounts with them.

Wenxing's eyes were always on the sea. With Senior Brother Wenqi and Senior Brother Wenle taking action, he felt that the demon would definitely suffer from hatred.

At this moment, there was movement on the sea surface in front of him, and the water flowed to both sides.

Wenxing was overjoyed and shouted: "Senior Brother Wenqi, Senior Brother Wenle, has that evil spirit ever..."

Stopped abruptly.

I saw the sea water dividing, and a 20-year-old young man wearing a tattered robe walked out of the sea step by step, with a mysterious ice-blue bead on his head, without a drop of sea water on his body.

The young man stood on the sea, and the water under his feet gathered and recovered. The young man stretched out his hand, and the ice-blue beads on his head were immediately put into the storage bag on his waist, and then his eyes fell on Wenxing.

Wenxing only felt his scalp numb and his heart palpitating. Such a calm gaze gave him the same feeling as when he was facing the Master Guan Island Master.

No, it’s even more terrifying than the island owner.

At this moment, Wenxing heard the young man speak.

"Are you also a cultivator of Immortal Master Temple?"

The third update of 14,000 words is here, please vote for me!

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