Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 456 Don’t avoid it (please subscribe)

Brother Lao no longer pays attention to Wu Tao, because Wu Tao is now just a foundation builder. No matter how high Ning Qiudao thinks of him, so what, only the genius who has grown up is considered a genius.

Those who died midway will not be counted.

Then Senior Brother Lao said: "Junior Brother Ning, I want to continue to retreat."

After hearing this, Ning Qiudao stood up, put the futon away, put it into a storage bag, and then said goodbye.

After watching Ning Qiudao leave, Senior Brother Lao looked at the futon that had been sitting under his butt for hundreds of years, and couldn't help but sigh: "Junior Brother Ning is too stingy, not even willing to keep a futon."

Ning Qiudao returned to the master's hall, and a sword book flew towards him. After reading the information on the sword book, he went to the weapon refining hall.

Soon I arrived at the Weapon Refining Hall and Wen Xingrui's office, where I saw Wu Tao was also there.

"Disciple pays homage to Master Ling." Wu Tao immediately bowed to Ning Qiudao.

Wen Xingrui passed the sword book to Ning Qiudao, and Wu Tao also saw it. He knew that Wen Xingrui came to Ning Qiudao to consult about the strange attack, so Wu Tao also stayed here to listen.

"Senior Brother Ning, please sit down!" Wen Xingrui immediately asked Ning Qiudao to sit down. After Ning Qiudao sat down, he asked: "Senior Brother, the strange attack on Han Fan and the three of them is a curse that has not appeared in the world for tens of thousands of years. Spells?"

Wu Tao immediately looked at Ning Qiudao, then heard Ning Qiudao nod and said: "It is indeed a curse spell.

Wen Xingrui became confused and asked: "Since it is a cursed secret technique, why is Han Fan okay, but Zhao and Master Nephew are?"

He was just discussing the matter, not that he hoped anything would happen to his apprentice.

Ning Qiudao glanced at Wu Tao and said: "According to some curse spells I know, and observing the strange aura, this should be a curse spell based on the real name and the items contaminated with the aura. If the cursed person has a false name, ? There is only one way for items to be contaminated with aura, and the power will naturally become smaller. Also, if the curser's cultivation is not as strong as the cursed person, the other party will also suffer backlash."

"I think there are some reasons why nephew Han has not been cursed."

After listening to Ning Qiudao's explanation, Wen Xingrui looked at Wu Tao. He knew that Wu Tao had hidden his cultivation level, so he felt that Wu Tao was not successfully cursed this time because Wu Tao's cultivation level was higher than that of the person who cast the curse.

This style has its own style.

Because he is also a weapon refiner with incredible combat prowess.

After hearing Ning Qiudao's words, Wu Tao actually felt a little guilty because he did not tell his master Wen Xingrui his real name.

But if you don’t know, just don’t know, and it won’t hinder their master-disciple relationship.

Wu Tao listened quietly and did not interrupt.

A moment later, I heard Ning Qiudao say: "Junior Brother Wen. This time the Demon Sect launched a curse on the second-level intermediate and above weapon refiners in our weapon refining hall, in order to delay the successful refining of the fairy boat. In fact, It is also to buy time for the Nascent Soul Demonic Cultivator to wake up after eating their blood."

Wen Xingrui said: "That's my guess too, but, Senior Brother Ning, what is the Dharma of annihilation by eating blood?"

Ning Qiudao explained: "The Dafa can be destroyed by eating blood. The Yuanying True Monarch has a lifespan of a thousand years. It is the sea-fixing needle of a sect. As long as the Yuanying True Monarch continues to rise, the Immortal Sect will never fall. And the Yuanying Demon of the Demon Sect By cultivating the method of annihilation through blood food, you can temporarily seal off your life and longevity and use blood food to support it."

Ning Qiudao told such a deep secret but did not avoid Wu Tao. Wu Tao knew that in Ning Qiudao's heart, he had regarded him as the true successor of Lingxu Sect's weapon refining hall, and believed that he would not betray Lingxu Sect.

Wu Tao was also extremely shocked by what Ning Qiudao said about eating blood and destroying it. Unexpectedly, it is possible to continue to exist in the world through this method. If this is the case, wouldn't it be that there is an immortal boat here and it does not have an advantage.

When Wen Xingrui heard this, he was extremely shocked. He asked worriedly: "Senior Brother Ning, if the other party's Nascent Soul Demonic Cultivator continues to exist in the world with this evil method, then if we refine the immortal boat, won't it be gone?" Advantage?"

Ning Qiudao smiled calmly and said: "Junior Brother Wen, don't worry. There is nothing to be afraid of those Nascent Soul Demonic Cultivators who enter and die by eating blood. They are people who are about to die, and they just rely on evil methods to survive in the world. Really. Fighting with magic can't really count as a Nascent Soul's combat power?"

"For example, the comparison between the third-level true talisman and the golden elixir. Even if they exhaust the power of the Nascent Soul in the end, it will only accelerate their demise."

After hearing what Ning Qiudao said, Wen Xingrui felt worried.

After chatting for a while, Ning Qiudao looked at Wu Tao and said: "Master Nephew Han, now there are no intermediate or above weapon refiners in the Refining Hall. You are the only one. I have to ask you to take on more of the task of refining the immortal boat." .”

Wu Tao immediately said to Ning Qiudao: "I understand that I will give up practicing magic during this period and concentrate on refining the components of the fairy boat."

Ning Qiudao said with great satisfaction: "The sect sees your sacrifice, and after the immortal boat is refined, the sect will definitely reward you."

"Thank you, Master. These are what disciples should do." Wu Tao said respectfully.

Wen Xingrui said: "Han Fan, go back to the Earth Fire Palace and start refining the components of the immortal boat. Time is tight and the task is heavy."

When Wu Tao heard this, he immediately stood up and cupped his hands towards Wen Xingrui and Ning Qiudao and said, "Master, head, that disciple has to retire first!"

After coming out of Wen Xingrui's office, Wu Tao immediately returned to the refining room No. 2 in the West Hall. As soon as he returned to the refining room and sat down, Wu Tao immediately opened his personal information and checked his lifespan. He found that his lifespan had not been reduced at all. Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

After calming down, Wu Tao recalled what Ning Qiudao said just now, and thought to himself: "I didn't expect that the Demon Sect has such a method as the blood-eating annihilation method. Even if the opponent is the dying Nascent Soul Lord, he is still the Yuanying True Lord, thin. A dead camel is bigger than a horse. But Ning, the head of the family, is talented and has a great strategy, so he should have taken countermeasures long ago."

"I can't participate in this high-level game. I can only place my hope in Ning Qiudao and the sect's Nascent Soul Lord."

"The True Lord Yuanying has a thousand years of life, five hundred golden elixirs, and a foundation building limit of three hundred.

When this world reaches True Lord Nascent Soul, the path to immortality is cut off. I crossed over and embarked on the path to immortality, just to live forever and never die. How could I be willing to live for a mere thousand years?

Therefore, firstly, I placed my hope on the boundary-breaking token and the boundary-breaking magic circle; secondly, it was the boundary-breaking fairy boat planned by Master Ning to break through this boundary cage. "

Wu Tao's thoughts flashed through his mind.

Then he gave up the idea and started refining the components of the fairy boat.

Starting from today, his burden becomes heavier. Not only does he have to refine the second-level advanced fairy boat components, but also the task of refining the second-level intermediate fairy boat components is also given to him.

Zhou Chongwen seemed to have received instructions from the Refining Hall to send over the spiritual materials for the second-level intermediate immortal boat components.

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