Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 455 If this son is not eliminated, he may become a serious trouble! (Please subscribe)

As for the condition of the two nephews, they are not dead. They knew it when they were practicing the secret art of curse. Originally, they exchanged their life span for life span. This kind of consequences is normal.

"Everything is for the revival of the Immortal Saint Sect!"

Xuanyin Protector said in his heart.

Then he looked at the dead sixth-level foundation-building demon cultivator and frowned slightly: "I wonder what will happen to Han Fan?"

The foundation-building demon cultivator who cursed Han Fan died suddenly, and nothing could be asked. However, from his last words, he learned that the name of Han Fan, the second-level senior weapon refiner of Lingxu Sect, was not his real name.

The reason for the backlash is that only when the curse is successful can it be backlashed. This is a sufficient and necessary condition.

So why curse success? It was entirely because of Han Fan's items that were contaminated with aura that the curse could be successful.

"Whether it will be successful or not, we will have to wait for the news from Lingxu Sect in a few days."

Xuanyin protects the heart of the law.

Then he said to the two living Foundation Establishment Demonic Cultivators: "Two nephews, thank you for your hard work. You can rest and recuperate. I will report to the sect master."

After saying that, he walked out of the hall. Seeing Shamoye, he immediately followed his footsteps and asked respectfully: "Master Protector, what about me?"

Protector Xuanyin glanced at him and said: "Since the task has been completed, you can go back and wait for the next instructions from the sect.

After saying that, Protector Xuanyin left.

Shamoye stood there, looking at the disappearing figure of the Xuanyin protector, and then looked back at the main hall where the secret order hall was used to curse, and said in his heart: "Should we pass the matter of the curse secret technique to the hands of Yao Guangsheng of the Lingxu Sect? ?”

After thinking for a moment, Shamoye finally gave up, because the curse was over, and it didn't make much sense to pass it back to Yao Guangsheng at this time.

Moreover, as an undercover agent, you don’t have to do too much of such unimportant things. If you do too much, you will risk exposure.

Protector Xuanyin came all the way to the sect master's hall, saw Zhang Taiyin, and immediately reported the situation.

"Reporting to the sect leader, the curse ceremony has ended. The opponent's second-level intermediate weapon refining masters have all had their lifespans reduced by one year. Their mana and spiritual thoughts have been damaged, and they cannot continue to refine the magic weapons. If it were not for the Nascent Soul Lord of the Lingxu Sect, If we take action, these two second-level intermediate weapon refiners will definitely die."

"Sect Master, the cursed secret technique disappeared from the world tens of thousands of years ago. Only the Immortal Saint Sect, the predecessor of Tianyin Sect, has retained some of it, so it was obtained in the secret realm. Why can the Nascent Soul Lord of Lingxu Sect interfere with it? Curse secret?"

After hearing this, Zhang Taiyin said: "True Lord Yuanying is the top immortal cultivator in the Thirteen Realms. Don't underestimate any True Lord Yuanying. You can't guess their magical powers. Since the curse has been successful, then you can Delay their immortal boat refining plan and wait for the Supreme Elders to wake up."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Taiyin remembered something again. It seemed that someone was missing and had not yet reported. He immediately asked: "Where is Han Fan, the second-level senior weapon refiner of Lingxu Sect, why don't you report his situation?"

Protector Xuanyin immediately raised his hand and replied: "Sect Master, I was about to report that the nephew who cursed Han Fan suddenly died suddenly and suffered backlash. Before he died, he said that Han Fan was not his real name, and that the other party had hidden his cultivation. It's not the fifth level of foundation building, so we can't speculate on whether Han Fan's curse will be successful or not. We can only know the final result after our people from Lingxu Sect send us news for confirmation.

After hearing this, Zhang Taiyin said: "It's not his real name. He hid his cultivation. In just ten years, he went from a second-level low-level weapon refiner to a second-level high-level weapon refiner? The disciple who cursed was the sixth-level foundation builder." Regarding his cultivation level, we can guess that this person must be in the late stage of foundation building!"

Having said this, Zhang Taiyin was slightly shocked, and continued: "The talent in weapon refining is so amazing, and the talent in cultivation can also be so amazing, from the early stage of foundation building to the late stage of foundation building in more than ten years?"

"If we don't get rid of this child, it will definitely be a big problem in the future!"

Zhang Taiyin said in a deep voice.

Protector Xuanyin was also a little shocked. He said: "The sect leader is absolutely right, this son must not be kept. But the other party is a weapon refiner and will not leave the sect under normal circumstances. How can we get rid of this person?"

Zhang Taiyin said: "Even if you are a weapon refiner, it is impossible for you to stay away from the sect for the rest of your life. There will always be a chance. You should pay close attention to this person. Once he leaves the sect, you will kill him with thunderous means!"

Protector Xuanyin bowed and said: "Yes, sect master, I will definitely pay close attention to this son. If this son leaves the sect, I will arrange for more than five people from the ninth level of the foundation to surround and kill this person!"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Taiyin immediately waved his hand and said: "Xuanyin, since this son cannot be kept, then if you want to kill him, the most stable way is to send a golden elixir, which is the surest kill."

Upon hearing this, Protector Xuanyin immediately said: "Sect Master, I understand. I will take action myself when the time comes."

Zhang Taiyin smiled and said: "You are at the eighth level of the Golden Core. If you take action, you are killing a chicken with a knife. Bai Yin has already broken through the Golden Core. Let him take action then. The Golden Core and Foundation Establishment are like a gap that cannot be crossed. As long as the golden elixir takes action, no foundation-builder will be able to escape."

Protector Xuanyin said: "I will obey the order of the sect master and I will notify Junior Brother Fang Baiyin at that time!"

Lingxu Immortal Peak.

Ning Qiudao's spiritual thoughts returned, and then he stood up from the futon and disappeared into the head hall with a movement of his body.

The next moment, he arrived at the deepest part of Lingxu Immortal Peak, where the Supreme Elder retreated.

He walked towards the door of a cave and said loudly: "Brother Lao, I'm here!"

Inside the cave, an old and powerful voice sounded: "Come in, Junior Brother Ning!"

Ning Qiudao immediately walked into the cave. The cave was very simple, with only a futon. On top of the futon, an old man with white hair sat cross-legged. Although his head was full of white hair, his face was as smooth as a baby's.

The old man looked at Ning Qiudao and said: "Junior Brother Ning, I have been in seclusion for 300 years and there is nothing in the cave, so I would like to trouble you to bring your own futon."

Hearing this, Ning Qiudao smiled and said, "Senior Brother Lao, I have already expected it and have prepared a futon!"

After that, he took out a futon from his storage bag, placed it in front of the old man, and then sat down cross-legged.

After sitting down, Ning Qiudao said: "Senior brother, I am the curse secretary just now. It seems that the Immortal Saint Sect still retains the secret technique of curses."

Senior Brother Lao nodded and said: "It's the secret technique of curse. If you and I didn't know a thing or two about the secret technique of curse, it would be difficult to cut off the source of the curse even at the Nascent Soul realm."

Ning Qiudao nodded and said: "Yes! The other party came for the second-level weapon refiner of the Artifact Refining Hall, and it seems that he wanted to delay the immortal boat refining plan. According to the information obtained by the Foreign Affairs Hall, the six sects of the Demonic Dao have blood Ingestion will destroy the Dharma."

When Senior Brother Lao heard this, he said with a calm face: "If blood is eaten, it will destroy the Dafa. If you survive by relying on evil methods, what should you fear?"

Ning Qiudao showed a slight smile on his face and said: "Senior Brother Lao is right, you really don't need to take it to heart about the True Monarch Nascent Soul who relies on evil methods to survive!"

Senior Brother Lao nodded, then changed the subject and said, "That weapon refining master in the refining hall can actually break the curse secret technique on his own. It seems that this disciple has a very deep secret."

Ning Qiudao nodded and said: "Senior Brother Lao is right, this disciple has a lot of secrets. However, he is the disciple of the master of the Lingxu Sect's weapon refining hall. He has excellent weapon refining talent and first-class cultivation talent. Yes, it can become our Lingxu Sect’s Sea-Dinging Divine Needle in the future.”

After hearing what Ning Qiudao said, Senior Brother Lao showed interest on his face and said, "Oh, Junior Brother Ning has such a high opinion of this disciple."

Ning Qiu said: "No less than me!"

Hearing Ning Qiudao's comment, Senior Brother Lao's eyes flickered. He knew the meaning of Ning Qiudao's words. He said, "This evaluation is even higher."

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