In the blink of an eye, another three days passed.

In the past three days, Wu Tao was really busy. It took five hours every day just to refine the components of the immortal boat. Two hours to refine the second-level advanced immortal boat components, and three hours to refine the second-level ultimate immortal boat. part.

Then he practiced the Six Yang Lihuo Zhenqiu for three hours, and practiced the Star Body Cultivation Technique for three hours, leaving only one hour.

More than half an hour was spent meditating on the runes of the world. After all, the runes of the world were extremely important to him and related to his path to immortality after Nascent Soul.

Wu Tao used the remaining time to rest and adjust his breath. After all, even if he is a seventh-level immortal cultivator, he is not a pure machine. Refining magic weapons requires consuming mana and spiritual energy. If he does not adjust his breath to recover, Over time, it has been consumed, and to a certain extent it will damage the foundation.

Wu Tao would definitely not do this kind of self-destruction.

So in the past three days, Wu Tao did not return to the cave and stayed in the weapon refining room.

As for the cave, Chen Yao was informed with a sword and calligraphy tool.

This day.

After refining the components of the immortal boat, Wu Tao was about to adjust his breath and recover when Zhou Chongwen came over.

Wu Tao looked at Zhou Chongwen and felt suspicious. Today was not the time to send spiritual materials, so he asked, "Senior nephew Zhou, what's the matter?"

Zhou Chongwen said respectfully: "Uncle Han, Senior Chen Yao is outside the hall and said he wants to see you!"

"Why is Ayao here?" After hearing Zhou Chongwen's words, Wu Tao was confused, but he still got up and came out of the hall, where he saw Chen Yao standing there waiting with a food box.

After seeing Wu Tao, Chen Yao immediately ran over with a food box and shouted: "Senior brother!"

Wu Tao looked at her and said: "Ayao, didn't I use the sword to send you a message? Do you have to stay in the weapon refining hall during this period? Why are you still here? You don't want to bring me food, do you?"

Wu Tao looked at the food box in Chen Yao's hand.

Chen Yao said: "Senior brother, I know you don't like eating bigu pills very much, so I made some monster meat and some spiritual rice for you to eat. Let's go over there."

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao immediately sat aside with Chen Yao.

Chen Yao took out the monster meat and spiritual rice in the food box for Wu Tao to eat.

While eating monster meat and spiritual rice, Wu Tao asked Chen Yao: "Ayao, I have been very busy in the weapon refining hall recently, and I probably won't be able to return to the cave."

Chen Yao said: "I know that senior brother is busy in the weapon refining hall, but why did senior brother want to hide it from me..."

At this point, she sniffed, her eyes were a little red, and she said in a slightly aggrieved voice: "Brother, why didn't you tell me about the curse attack you received three days ago..."

The fact that Zhao Zhen and Fan Zhifeng were cursed was not a secret. It had already been spread in Lingxu Sect. Chen Yao only found out about it today. She was frightened for a while, worried that something might happen to her senior brother, so she cooked some food. In fact, it was I want to see the status of my senior brother and whether he is safe and sound.

Wu Tao looked at Chen Yao's aggrieved look, scratched her nose with his index finger, and said, "Isn't it okay? I didn't tell you. I was afraid that you would be worried. I didn't expect you to find out anyway."

Chen Yao clenched her fists. He punched Wu Tao's chest hard and said, "Senior brother, you are just like dad, always reporting good things but not bad things... Can you please stop hiding things from me in the future? Ayao is willing to share everything with senior brother."

Wu Tao looked at Chen Yao's appearance and suddenly felt a little distressed. He touched her milk bag and said, "Okay, senior brother, I promise you that I will tell you all my joys and sorrows from now on, and I will never hide it."

Only then did Chen Yao burst into laughter.

Now that she has seen that her senior brother is safe and sound, she feels relieved.

After Wu Tao finished eating, Chen Yao packed up the food box and stood up, then said: "Senior brother, I'm going to go now. I know you have a heavy workload in the weapon refining hall, and I will wrong you to take Bigu Pill during this period. I won't come. I’m delivering the food, so as not to delay your business.”

Wu Tao smiled and said: "Don't worry, you can practice well in the cave alone and you will be over soon."

Chen Yao nodded slightly, then turned and left.

Watching Chen Yao's leaving figure, Wu Tao returned to the refining room of the Earth Fire Palace and continued to refine the components of the immortal boat.

Tianyin faction.

Protector Xuanyin came to the sect leader's hall again to meet Zhang Taiyin.

"Sect Master, our people from Lingxu Sect have sent back the news." Protector Xuanyin said to Zhang Taiyin with his hands in hand.

Zhang Taiyin said: "Say!"

Protector Xuanyin said: "According to the accurate news sent back over there, it has been confirmed that Zhao Zhen and Fan Zhifeng were seriously injured and unable to continue the mission of practicing calligraphy on the Immortal Boat. However, Han Fan seems to have nothing to do and has been staying at the refinery." The task of refining the fairy boat."

"As the sect master said, if this son is not eliminated for a day, he may become a serious problem. Sect master, do you want to mobilize our personnel in the Lingxu Sect to attack and kill this son?"

Zhang Taiyin waved his hand and said: "Xuanyin, you still haven't remembered my words. I told you before, never underestimate True Lord Yuanying. If you launch an attack under the eyes of True Lord Yuanying, do you think you can succeed? Is it? It will only waste the people we have placed in Lingxu Sect."

Protector Xuanyin immediately said with a face of being taught a lesson: "Yes, sect master, I understand. Then there is only one thing. As soon as Han Fan leaves Lingxu Sect, I will immediately notify Junior Brother Zhang Baiyin to kill him." .”

"When the golden elixir attacks the foundation, he will definitely die!"

Zhang Taiyin nodded, and then asked: "Are the curses of the other five sects successful?"

Protector Xuanyin said: "All were successful, but there were also interferences from the Nascent Soul Lords. Only three weapon refiners died, so the effect was not great. If given more time, it can reach the level of cursing the golden elixir. By then, the golden elixir will be cursed." When Dan fights, he activates the curse..."

Zhang Taiyin was very satisfied with the result. He said: "Since the Immortal Boat Plan of the Six Demonic Sects has been successfully delayed, you must pay attention to the situation at the Blood Pond Cave. You must not lack blood food to avoid delays. The Supreme Elders wake up. As for what you said, it is a foregone conclusion. It is useless to say more!"

Protector Xuanyin bowed and said: "Yes, Master!"

Zhang Taiyin had no further instructions, so Protector Xuanyin left the sect master's hall.

On the way, he remembered a relatively dangerous mission, and the face of Junior Brother Shamaye appeared in his mind, and he thought: "Junior Brother Shamaye is a person with deep blessings, and he can easily escape death. Such a dangerous mission is just right for him. Junior Brother Shamoye."

Thinking of this, he immediately went to look for Shamayya.

On the Lingxu Sect side, Wu Tao also learned through his master Wen Xingrui that the weapon refiners of the other five sects had also suffered curse attacks, resulting in the death of three weapon refiners.

The Xianzhou plan will inevitably be delayed.

On this day, taking advantage of some free time, Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui sat and talked.

Wu Tao asked: "Master, it seems like the Immortal Boat Project is really going to be delayed?"

Wen Xingrui smiled and said: "No need to delay, assemble and refine regularly."

Wu Tao looked confused and asked: "Master, haven't all the weapon refiners of the other five sects been injured? Why can they still assemble and refine them regularly?"

According to the information obtained by Wu Tao, the second-level senior weapon refiners of the other five sects have also been injured and cannot refining normally like him and also perform the second-level intermediate refining work.

Wen Xingrui said: "That's not the case, but the date we set at that time was extremely conservative. It was said to be one year, but in fact eight months was enough. So even if it is injured, the immortal boat can be assembled and refined regularly."

"That's it." Wu Tao suddenly said.

It’s still Master and the others who are experienced in doing things!

Ten thousand words have arrived in the fifth update. Please vote for me. Sheep appeared here. It was so difficult. It was the first time I was so close. I can’t go anywhere in the future. Why! Can we go back to 19 years ago?

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