Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 337 True Lord Yuanying (please subscribe)

Facing Wu Tao's bargaining, the other party's spiritual mind sent a message: "Junior brother, as you said, the spirit embryo jade is indeed a second-level spiritual material. However, it is difficult for the spirit platform jade to be as big as this. Looking for it. Besides, I think my junior brother likes this spiritual embryo gem very much. As the saying goes, it’s hard to buy something like it, so if you like it, it’s not expensive at all.”

Wu Tao was speechless. The other party was really tough and refused to give in at all, but this Lingtai Baoyu was the spiritual material he must have.

The exchange between Wu Tao and the Immortal Medicine Valley's ninth floor, the collision of spiritual thoughts, could not be hidden from Yang Qi. Yang Qi saw a subtle and undetectable change in Wu Tao's face, and thought of the attitude of Head Ning towards Junior Brother Han in the morning, and his heart moved. , his spiritual thoughts immediately collided and communicated with Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts.

"Junior Brother Han, what do you fancy?"

Wu Tao saw that Yang Qi took the initiative to inquire with his spiritual mind, but did not hide it. No one knew that this spiritual embryo jade could be used to refine the body, so he said directly: "Brother Yang, I have taken a fancy to the immortal." This senior brother in Yao Valley is asking too much for the Lingtai Baoyu."

Yang Qi glanced at the ninth floor of Immortal Medicine Valley Foundation Building in the same row, and then sent a message: "Junior Brother Han, let me tell you."

When Wu Tao heard this, he felt happy. It would be great if Senior Brother Yang Qi was willing to come forward to bargain. So, he sent a message of gratitude and said: "Then I'll bother Senior Brother Yang."

Yang Qi immediately sent a message to the ninth floor of Immortal Medicine Valley's foundation building and said: "Fellow Taoist Medicine, can you give me some face? My junior brother Han Fan wants your Taoist's spiritual fetus jade. Isn't the price you offered too high?"

Fellow Taoist Medicine Master was startled when he heard this, glanced at Yang Qi, and then said with a smile: "Okay, for the sake of Fellow Taoist Yang, I will give in."

So, the two were originally negotiating the price, and Yang Qi also joined in. In the end, Wu Tao finally got a satisfactory price. In order to prevent the ninth-level foundation builder of the Immortal Medicine Valley from changing his mind, he immediately lost both money and goods.

"Junior brother of Lingxu Sect, Lingtang Baoyu, it's ready."

Wu Tao took the spiritual fetus jade and checked it with his magic power and spiritual consciousness. After confirming that it was correct, he put it into his storage bag.

Now that he had what he needed, Wu Tao no longer conducted transactions, but withdrew his spiritual thoughts and sat quietly on the chair, waiting for the end of this large-scale foundation-building exchange meeting.

Two hours later.

Yang Qi said: "Fellow Taoists, this exchange meeting ends here. Seeing that all the fellow Taoists have gained something from this exchange meeting, this is the purpose of our opening this exchange meeting."

After finishing speaking, all the Zhuji present put the items in front of them that had not been traded back into their storage bags.

After chatting in groups of twos and threes for a while, this foundation-building exchange meeting was considered a complete success.

However, Wu Tao could see from this foundation-building exchange meeting that the Six Sects really looked down on the casual cultivator alliance and did not play with the casual cultivator alliance at all.

After it was over, everyone left the reception garden one after another.

Naturally, the foundation builders of Lingxu Sect walked back together. Wu Tao quickly walked to Yang Qi in front, raised his hands and sincerely thanked: "Thank you so much for Senior Brother Yang. If Senior Brother Yang hadn't come forward, I would have been in trouble for a while. Take that thing.”

Yang Qi smiled and said: "We are all brothers from the same sect. After leaving the sect, we have to help each other so that we can be safer. So, Junior Brother Han, you don't have to be polite."

Wu Tao nodded and said: "Senior Brother Yang is right, then I won't be polite. If you need to use your junior brother's place in the future, just give me your instructions.

"Okay. Let's go back. Tomorrow, we will return to Lingxu Sect." Yang Qi said.

When Wu Tao heard this, his heart moved. Will he return to the clan tomorrow? Regarding this, Wu Tao naturally hopes to return to the sect as soon as possible, but he always feels uneasy here in Tianmen Domain.

It's not stable here at all.

Although there were six sects and twelve golden elixirs present, as well as six sect leaders, Wu Tao felt that the water here was very deep... Nascent Soul Lord... Wu Tao was thinking of Yuanying True Lord of Tianmen Mountain...

Lingxu Sect has True Monarch Nascent Soul, so it is impossible for Tianmen Mountain, which is also one of the Seven Immortal Sects, not to have True Monarch Yuanying in charge. If not, the six sects would have encroached on their territory long ago, and they would not have stayed until now to take action.

Therefore, there must be something holding down the True Lord Nascent Soul of Tianmen Mountain.

The success of the Loose Cultivator Alliance is also the result of the mediation of the opponent's strength, and this kind of success is not really a success... it may overturn at any time.

Because, the real casual cultivators in the casual cultivator alliance only have some foundation building, not even the golden elixir.

Could it be that, as Wu Zhongxing said, he understood his situation and just thought that if he could persist a little longer and be a puppet for a while longer, he could bring a better life to the casual cultivators for a while?

With this in mind, Wu Tao followed the Lingxu Sect members to build the foundation and returned to his temporary residence.

The next day.

Under the farewell of the alliance leader Wu Zhongxing, the six sects boarded the Feidu Xuzhou and returned to their respective sects.

Wu Tao looked at Wu Zhongxing and thought to himself: "This is the last time we meet." After understanding Wu Zhongxing's situation, Wu Tao knew that the other party would not have a happy ending.

Feidu Xuzhou shook slightly and then took off into the air. Watching the mountain gate of the Loose Cultivator Alliance getting further and further away, until it was hidden in the sea of ​​clouds, Wu Tao looked away.

Returning to the sect this time, Han Zhen, Jiang Lian, and the foundation-building immortal cultivators who had previously helped the Loose Cultivator Alliance all returned to the sect. In total, there were a total of thirty-three foundation-building immortal cultivators on the Feidu Void Boat.

"If we go back this time, there will probably be a war between good and evil." Wu Tao thought to himself, then returned to his room and started practicing.

The battle between good and evil has reached a fever pitch, which should be the moment when the immortal boat is successfully refined.

Therefore, he still has time to practice.

Jing Tianhong walked on Tianmen Peak and came to the deepest part of Tianmen Peak until he saw a stone tablet with the word "forbidden area" engraved on it. He looked at it and finally walked in.

Passing through a sea of ​​bamboo, Jing Tianhong felt the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth. This was the source of Tianmen Peak's spiritual veins, where the Supreme Elder practiced and where he was seated.

Finally, Jing Tianhong came to the ridge of a spiritual field. On the edge of the ridge was a thatched house. In the spiritual field, an old man wearing coarse cloth was carrying manure and water to water the spiritual field.

When he saw Jing Tianhong arriving, the old man did not look at him, but focused on watering the spiritual field.

Jing Tianhong stood on the ridge of the field, bowed slightly and held his hands. He did not disturb the old man, but waited quietly.

Half an hour later, the old man finally finished watering the spiritual field. Then he walked towards Jing Tianhong with the empty barrel and asked as he walked: "They left?"

Jing Tianhong was startled, then followed the old man and said, "My uncle has great magical powers. How could he not know that they are gone?"

The old man sneered and said: "I didn't look. I was afraid that if I couldn't help it, I would crush all these little guys to death. In that case, my Tianmen Mountain would be destroyed."

Jing Tianhong said bitterly: "It's all Ding Mao's fault. I, Tianmen Mountain, was so humiliated by the six sects..."

The old man smiled and said: "Tianhong, there is no need to complain. Ding Mao is the leader of Tianmen Mountain. What he does represents Tianmen Mountain. He is dead, so it is over. Besides, Tianmen Mountain is not destroyed. As long as I return Now, Tianmen Mountain cannot be destroyed."

Jing Tianhong said: "The six sects have got what they want, and they no longer care about the Rogue Cultivator Alliance. Master, do you want to get rid of the Rogue Cultivator Alliance and restore the Tianmen Mountain Taoism?"

The old man said: "Don't worry, my Tianmen Mountain's vitality has been severely damaged this time. Let's bear the name of the Rogue Cultivator Alliance. In the Rogue Cultivator Alliance, aren't many foundations supported by the Six Sects? Six Sects Zong has obtained the secret book of the Immortal Boat, and will definitely start a war with the devil. When the time comes, we will push these casual cultivators to the battlefield, lest our Tianmen Mountain foundation builders go to the battlefield to fight against the devil."

"Uncle is wise!" Jing Tianhong said.

"Tianhong, practice hard. For a sect to develop, it relies on the foundation-building elixir, but for a sect to remain immortal for thousands of years, it relies on True Lord Yuanying." The old man said to Jing Tianhong.

Jing Tianhong said respectfully: "Master, I will practice hard and strive to break through the Nascent Soul."

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