Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 336: Spirit Fetus Jade (please subscribe)

After Wu Tao heard this, he relaxed a little and let other foundation-building thoughts fall on the items in front of him. He could feel that some of the thoughts fell on his items. He was not interested, so he continued to explore the next foundation-building spirit. The items in front of Ji.

Before joining Lingxu Sect, Zhang Shenghong took herself to a foundation-building fair, but at that time, there were not even ten foundation-builders.

But now, with nearly a hundred foundation builders, Wu Tao has never seen such a large-scale trade fair, and the trading method is something that Wu Tao has never seen before, and his eyes light up.

Just for a moment, Wu Tao saw a jade bottle in front of a foundation builder flying towards the foundation builder opposite. The foundation builder took it and checked it, and the payment method also flew directly to the ground. into the hands of the seller.

As for what the two people communicated with each other, no one would know.

When Wu Tao thought of this, he also probed out his divine will. Of course, he only probed out a little of his divine will and could not expose the divine will on the third level of foundation building. None of the foundation building divine thoughts here had exploded, so they did not know the other party. The cultivation strength.

Wu Tao's mind fell in front of a Purple-Gold Cave Foundation-Building Immortal Cultivator opposite, and he began to check the treasures in front of him, but there was nothing he was interested in, so he just scanned them.

Continue sweeping out.

At this moment, a voice came out from his spiritual mind, requesting communication with his spiritual mind. Wu Tao immediately withdrew his spiritual mind and communicated with his spiritual mind: "This fellow Taoist, what do you need?"

The other party's spiritual thoughts came from a foundation-building immortal cultivator from Wuquan Mountain. He said: "Fellow Taoist, how many dharma prohibitions does this robe of yours have?"

Wu Tao replied: "To my fellow Taoist, this robe is called the Xuanming robe. It is a second-level low-level defensive weapon of the Nine Laws. Even in the middle stage of foundation building, you can't even think of breaking through this magic weapon in a short while.

The other party was obviously moved, and Shen Nian asked: "I wonder how you plan to sell it?"

Wu Tao said: "Bartering is also acceptable, the elixirs cultivated during the foundation building period, and the energy from the source of the law are all acceptable."

When we come outside, it is impossible for Lingxu Sect's achievements to be used as currency transactions. The trading system is different and other sects will not recognize it.

The other party said: "Fellow Taoist, please take a look at my place. Is there anything you need?"

When Wu Tao heard this, his spiritual thoughts immediately extended out and landed on the treasures in front of him. He explored them one by one, and then said: "Here, there are two spiritual materials that I need to refine the magic weapon. However, the price cannot be higher than the price of my Lingxu Sect Hall of Merit, otherwise, I will only accept the mana pill and the source of the law."

"Okay, Taoist friend, tell me the number."

After some haggling, Wu Tao successfully made a deal with the other party. He used the two spiritual materials for refining the second-level flying magic weapon Purple Wing Boat to pay for some. If it was not enough, he would pay with spiritual stones, mana pills, and magic source energy.

Of course, the ratio here still needs to be negotiated.

Wu Tao naturally wanted more Dharma Source Qi and less Lingshi, but the other party definitely wanted more Lingshi and less Dharma Source Qi.

However, the deal was settled, a win-win situation.

"Fellow Taoist, Xuanming robe, take it." With Wu Tao's thoughts, Xuanming robe flew towards the other party. The other party caught it and put it into the storage bag. Then, he took the two spiritual materials and other spiritual stones. , the energy of the source of law and the mana pill are sent over.

Wu Tao caught it, and after confirming it was correct, he also put it into the storage bag.

For a time, the entire exchange was in full swing, but it was very quiet. No sound was made. They were all communicating with spiritual thoughts, and items kept flying around in the air.

After Wu Tao succeeded in the transaction, he knew that there was nothing good in his stall that was worthy of Foundation Establishment. Next time, he would refine more second-level magic weapons on his body so that he could get them at the trade fair... This Thinking like this, Wu Tao began to explore one by one.

The trade fair was equal, and anyone could inspect the items in front of them. Wu Tao quickly scanned the circle, and in the end, only the items in front of Yang Qi and others were left unexplored.

With a thought in his heart, his mind fell directly on the objects suspended in front of Yang Qi, and he began to explore them one by one.

Yang Qi looked calm. At this time, his belongings were already being inspected by several Foundation Builders.

The six of them built a nine-level foundation and had advanced cultivation. Everyone thought they had good things in them.

In fact, there are no good things in exchange meetings, only things that suit you.

Wu Tao checked Yang Qi's items and found that there was indeed nothing he was interested in. The items continued to fall in front of the ninth-level immortal cultivator of the Qingling Sect on his left.

Finally, he explored Wuquan Mountain, Zijin Cave, and the nine-level foundation building of the Beast Control Sect. The most interesting thing was the ninth level of the Beast Control Sect. He wanted to see if there was anything about the Beast Control Sect. The beast's book, it doesn't matter if it's not the sect's top secret book, but I didn't see it.

The golden-winged eagle is now only a first-order monster. It has been cultivated since childhood and has been naturally close to it. When it becomes a second-order or third-order monster in the future, how can it be used to control it?

This is a problem.

However, Wu Tao was not surprised that he did not find it. Every sect's cultivation secrets were well hidden, let alone this kind of sect-suppressing secrets.

"Only the ninth floor of the Immortal Medicine Valley's foundation building is left unexplored." Wu Tao's heart moved, and his mind immediately fell on the spiritual object suspended in front of the ninth floor of the Immortal Medicine Valley's foundation building.

The nine-level Immortal Medicine Valley Foundation Builder had elixirs and elixirs in front of him the most... But Wu Tao didn't need these elixirs, so he continued to explore.

"This is?"

Wu Tao's heart moved, and his mind fell on a jade stone the size of a millstone. He checked it inside and out before confirming that it was indeed what he needed.

The spiritual fetus jade is one of the nine treasures he used to refine his body. The spiritual fetus jade nourishes the spiritual fetus and molds the spiritual body.

The common knowledge he had gained in the past was that the spiritual embryo jade was a second-level spiritual material that could be used to refine magical weapons and elixirs. But the information he got in the body incarnation was that the spiritual embryo jade could grow if cultivated with special secret techniques. It was precisely because of this secret technique that the spirit platform jade was selected by the body incarnation as a spiritual material for refining. one.

To be precise, it was the Immortal Power who created the incarnation. The incarnation he created used all the spiritual materials that could be found. It would not be said that it was difficult to find them in heaven or on earth, but it was just a little hard to find.

However, even if it is an ordinary spiritual material, relying on the secret techniques inside, it can turn decay into magic.

Moreover, this incarnation is listed in great detail. There are nine methods for refining the spiritual materials required for the incarnation. From refining Qi to building foundations, to golden elixirs, to Nascent Soul... there are all specific methods for refining them.

Wu Tao is now a Foundation Builder, so his choice is of course to practice the Foundation Builder as an incarnation. The spiritual materials he needs are also second-level spiritual materials.

However, after practicing the body avatar, the body avatar can grow with the cultivation level of the deity. There is no need to worry about having to practice the body avatar again when the realm improves in the future.

Wu Tao calmed down, immediately communicated with his mind, and asked: "Senior brother, how much does this thing cost?"

The ninth floor of the Immortal Medicine Valley Foundation Establishment glanced at Wu Tao, and replied with his spiritual thought: "Junior brother, this is the spiritual embryo jade. Such a large piece of spiritual embryo jade is very expensive."

After that, he named a number.

Wu Tao was slightly surprised and began to bargain, saying: "Senior brother, the spiritual fetus jade is only a second-level spiritual material. Although it is more precious than ordinary spiritual materials, it cannot be as high as this price. Senior brother, can you give me some?"

The fifth update has arrived. Asking for a monthly ticket!

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