Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 338 The war is about to begin (please subscribe)

Lingxu Sect flew across the Xuzhou.

In a tea room on the second floor, Yao Guangsheng and Ning Qiudao were sitting opposite each other. Yao Guangsheng was making tea, and the fragrance of tea filled the entire tea room.

Yao Guangsheng picked up the teapot, leaned forward, filled a cup of tea for Ning Qiudao, stepped back, put down the teapot, and said with a thankful face: "It's finally safe to stay away from the gate of Tianmen Mountain. Senior Brother Ning, I'm afraid. Then Ling Zhifu can’t help but take action, after all, we are oppressing Tianmen Mountain too hard, and the heads of the six sects gathered in Tianmen Mountain, this is really a slap in Tianmen Mountain’s face!”

Ning Qiudao took a sip of tea and said, "I never thought that Junior Brother Yao would be afraid?"

Yao Guangsheng smiled calmly and said: "Then Ling Zhifu is the Nascent Soul. I have just entered the golden elixir. How can I not be afraid?"

Ning Qiudao smiled and said: "This time, I hope Ling Zhifu can be tough, but the other party still holds back. If you think about it carefully, Ling Zhifu is the most tolerable person among the seven sects Nascent Soul True Lord."

When Yao Guangsheng heard this, he cupped his hands and said, "I'm not as good as Senior Brother Ning!"

Ning begged: "You should stop flattering me. I don't know you yet. If you are afraid of Ling Zhifu, you will definitely shirk it and won't come to Tianmen Domain this time."

Yao Guangsheng giggled twice, covering up the embarrassment on his face, and changed the subject very flexibly and said: "Brother, Lingxu has been in seclusion for so long, he should be able to break through the golden elixir soon, right?"

Ning Qiudao said calmly: "Whether he can refine the golden elixir depends on his own destiny. If he is too obsessed with it, trapped in it, and has inner demons, then no one can help him."

Yao Guangsheng knew what Ning Qiudao said about Ji Lingxu's obsession. He sighed and said: "It's not the fault of Junior Brother Lingxu. Junior Brother Lingxu's cultivation talent is also unique. It's just that Pei Qing is too strong." The first time I asked Pei Qing to take action, he challenged me to hit the target with one move. His strength is really strong. If he can successfully reach the ninth level of the Golden Core without dying prematurely, he will definitely be invincible with the Golden Core, just like his senior brother. "

Ning Qiudao smiled and said: "Golden elixir is not as good as foundation building, not necessarily. When I was building foundation, I was mediocre. It wasn't until after golden elixir that my talent began to show. Pei Qing had just broken through golden elixir and was able to reach that step. Now It’s still unknown.”

Yao Guangsheng felt the same way and said, "Yes, Senior Brother Ning is absolutely right."

Wu Tao stood at the window of the room, looking at the sea of ​​clouds outside. The window on the second floor was not like a bottom cabin with only a small round window, but a carved window, which was extremely luxurious.

The speed of flying across the virtual boat is very fast, comparable to the speed of the golden elixir, so wherever it passes, the sea of ​​clouds is washed away.

Wu Tao watched quietly for a moment, then sat cross-legged on the bed. This return trip would still take half a month. This half month should not be wasted. He should race against time to practice.

During the day, he practiced the Six Yang Lihuo True Kung Fu, and at night he practiced the Star Body Refining Kung Fu.

On the virtual boat, unlike the Earth Fire Peak, the Six Yang Lihuo True Skill has no improvement in practice.

"There were no attacks on the way here, and I hope you will be safe on the way back." Wu Tao thought secretly in his heart, and immediately took out the mana pill, activated the Six Yang Lihuo True Skill, and entered into practice.

Sure enough, one cannot be unlucky all his life.

On the way back, in fifteen days, there was no attack by demonic cultivators on the way, and he returned to Lingxu Sect smoothly.

After getting off the virtual boat, Wu Tao immediately flew to his cave.

I haven't seen Chen Yao for more than a month, and I miss her so much.

The purple-winged boat landed outside his cave magic circle. With Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts, the purple-wing boat flew back to the storage bag. He took out the main token, opened the cave magic circle, and then stepped in.

What caught the eye was golden spiritual rice, full of fruits and plump grains. A large golden eagle was flying in the air. Sensing Wu Tao's return, the golden-winged eagle immediately chirped and shot toward Wu Tao.

Wu Tao skillfully raised his arm, and the golden-winged eagle immediately landed on his arm, opened its mouth, and waited for feeding.

Wu Tao touched the head of the golden-winged eagle, and with a thought, a medium-grade spiritual stone flew out of the storage bag and let it take it away.

Hearing the chirping of the golden-winged eagle, Chen Yao was naturally alarmed. As soon as Chen Yao heard it, she knew that her senior brother was back. She was happy and trotted out. When she saw Wu Tao standing by the spiritual field, she shouted happily Said: "Senior brother, you are back."

The two embraced each other.

Chen Yao asked: "Senior brother, have you encountered any attacks from demon cultivators this time?"

After hearing this, Wu Tao's face darkened, he patted Chen Yao's milk bag, pretending to be angry and said: "Are you so looking forward to senior brother meeting a demon cultivator?"

Chen Yao touched her head and said with a smile: "Senior brother, he met the demon cultivator twice in a row..."

Wu Tao stopped talking about this topic, turned to look at the mature spiritual rice in the spiritual field, and said: "The spiritual rice is ripe, it's time to harvest."

Chen Yao said: "Then tomorrow, we will harvest together."


Immediately, the two returned to the cave and prepared to cook.

After meal.

"Ayao, you wear that..."

Chen Yao said: "Senior brother, there is no more, you have torn them all apart..."

Wu Tao was startled and said, "Am I so violent?"

Chen Yao said: "You said you have to tear it up to make it feel better."

Wu Tao had no choice but to say: "Wait for me for a moment, and I'll refine some more." After that, he went to the main training room, took out the Spark Stone and ordinary materials, and started to refine it.

Two quarters of an hour later, Wu Tao's heart moved when he saw that Chen Yao's legs seemed to be covered with a layer of black color.


The next day.

Wu Tao said to Chen Yao: "I want to go to the Artifact Refining Hall first to see the arrangements of the Artifact Refining Hall. Just wait until I come back to harvest the spiritual rice together."

Chen Yao nodded and said: "Okay."

Wu Tao left the cave, and the purple-winged boat turned into a purple light and flew towards the weapon refining hall.

Just as they landed in the take-off and landing square of the Refining Hall, another beam of magic light fell, revealing He Changcheng's figure, and the two of them immediately greeted each other.

"Fellow Daoist Han, how do you feel about going to Tianmen Domain?" He Changcheng asked.

Wu Tao said: "I don't feel much. I just witnessed the opening ceremony of the Rogue Cultivator Alliance and then came back."

Then, he remembered the demon-catching plan of He Changcheng and Brother Zhao Zhen. Now that He Changcheng has returned to the sect, the demon-catching plan must be over, and he asked: "Fellow Daoist He, how is the demon-catching plan? How many demon cultivators have been killed?"

He Changcheng smiled and said: "There is no one. When the wasteland reclamation mission is over, the demon cultivators did not come to attack."

"How could it be? As long as Senior Brother Zhao Zhen is here, they won't be tempted?" Wu Tao was surprised.

He Changcheng shook his head and said, "Who knows."

Wu Tao was speechless. Could it be that he was the only one unlucky? Do you have an unlucky constitution?

With that said, the two of them headed to the weapon refining hall.

In the small gathering hall, Gao Xing, Zhao Zhen, Fan Zhifeng, Wu Tao, He Changcheng, Han Zhen, Jiang Lian, and all the second-level weapon refiners from Lingxu Sect are here.

Gao Xing said: "Juniors, the secret books of the Immortal Boat have been collected, and the battle is about to begin. Therefore, in the coming days, I will work hard for you all, and allocate more time every day to refine the components of the Immortal Boat."

Wu Tao and others said: "Yes, Senior Brother Gao."

Wu Tao felt a feeling that a storm was coming.

However, it should be drizzle in the early stage, but the real storm will have to wait for the moment when the immortal boat is truly refined, which is the moment of the decisive battle between the seven sects of the righteous way and the six sects of the evil way.

The sense of urgency in Wu Tao's heart became stronger and stronger.

This sense of urgency comes from his weak strength.

Foundation-building immortal cultivators are invincible in the world of casual cultivators. However, in the battle between good and evil, perhaps the golden elixir can protect itself.

I went to do the nucleic acid test, and I still have it at night.

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