Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 335 Six Sects Foundation Building Exchange Meeting (please subscribe)

Wu Tao looked at Wu Zhongxing and said without saying anything, "Fellow Daoist Wu, I wish you success.

Wu Zhongxing shook his head and said: "It's difficult. Fellow Daoist Li, I know my situation. You sense my breath."

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao immediately used the Wangqi Technique. During the opening ceremony of the sect, Wu Tao had thought of using the Wangqi Technique to see how far Wu Zhongxing had practiced, but at that time, there were many golden elixirs, so he naturally extinguished that reckless one. idea.

Now, it was Wu Zhongxing himself who requested it.

The Qi Watching Technique focused on his eyes. Wu Tao took a look and discovered that Wu Zhongxing was on the first level of the foundation building, but his first level of foundation building was like a rootless tree, not like a real foundation building at all.

He canceled the qi-watching technique and asked: "Fellow Daoist Wu, what is this?"

Wu Zhongxing smiled and said: "I'm not as good as fellow Taoist Li, a genius in cultivation and a genius in refining weapons. After so many years, to be honest, I was very surprised when I saw that fellow Taoist Li was actually a second-level weapon refining master of Lingxu Sect again. Of course, , I am also happy for Fellow Daoist Li."

"My foundation-building cultivation level was actually forcibly improved using the secret techniques of Immortal Medicine Valley. There is no way forward."

Wu Tao was startled and asked: "Then, Fellow Daoist Wu, why do you do this?"

Wu Zhongxing smiled bitterly and said: "Look at any of the major immortal sects, the leader of the sect is not Jindan Zhenren. As for my casual cultivator alliance, the leader cannot be in the Qi Refining stage. This is also proposed by the six sects such as Immortal Medicine Valley. If I don't want to If you accept secret techniques to improve your cultivation, then you won’t see the establishment of an alliance of casual cultivators.”

"I have no choice but to agree. If I don't agree, there will be no chance at all."

Wu Tao understood.

Wu Zhongxing continued: "Fellow Daoist Li, in fact, I also know that I am a pawn of the Six Sects and an object of use by another branch of Tianmen Mountain. Even if I am the leader of the Loose Cultivator Alliance now, I am just a puppet. But, becoming a puppet, I Only then can I have the opportunity to do something..."

"Fellow Daoist Li, do you think I invite you here this time to win you over to join the Rogue Cultivator Alliance?"

Finally, Wu Zhongxing asked.

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao was silent for a moment and said, "That's what I really think."

Wu Zhongxing said: "I will not invite Fellow Daoist Li, because the situation of casual cultivators is extremely dangerous, and it is impossible for me to drag Fellow Daoist Li into the dangerous whirlpool. I just saw my old friend this time and wanted to reminisce about the past."

Wu Tao nodded, even if Wu Zhongxing tried to win over him, he would not join.

He is not as selfless as Wu Zhongxing.

Yang Qi walked through the arch and walked under a pavilion. In the pavilion, Ning Qiudao and Yao Guangsheng were playing chess in black and white.

After Yang Qi saw the ceremony, he said to Yao Guangsheng in the pavilion: "The hall master, leader Wu of the casual cultivator alliance, invited Junior Brother Han Fan to Tianmen Peak. Maybe he wanted to win over Junior Brother Han Fan because he was a casual cultivator. ...Should we intervene..."

Before Yao Guangsheng could reply, Ning Qiudao said: "Ignore it, go down.

When Yang Qi saw that Master Ning had already spoken, he said no more and bowed to leave.

Yao Guangsheng glanced at Ning Qiudao strangely and asked, "Senior Brother Ning, seems to care a lot about Junior Brother Han Fan?"

He remembered that Ning Qiudao not only appeared at Han Fan's initiation ceremony, but also spoke to Junior Brother Han Fan before setting off. How could he not let Yao Guangsheng think too much about this?

Ning Qiudao pinched one with his fingers, lowered it, and said calmly: "Master Nephew Han is a weapon refiner, so why shouldn't he be kind to the weapon refiner?"

Yao Guangsheng smiled and said, "There is nothing you can't do."

Wu Tao didn't know that as soon as he stepped into Tianmen Peak, he was informed that he had arrived at Yao Guangsheng's place.

After reminiscing with Wu Zhongxing for half an hour, Wu Tao left Tianmen Peak and returned to his assigned residence in the Loose Cultivator Alliance.

I have seen this side, but next time, I may not see you again.

However, Wu Tao didn't have any emotions. At most, he just sighed. Everyone has his own pursuit. His pursuit was to become an immortal and seek immortality.

It would be better if you can cultivate steadily on the way to seek Taoism and immortality.

Not long after Wu Tao came back, Yang Qi came to the door.

"Senior Brother Yang, what's the matter?"

Yang Qi smiled and said: "It's like this. It's hard to get so many of the six foundation building sects together, so we thought of holding a foundation building exchange meeting to share what we have and trade some spiritual materials or unnecessary things. Junior Brother Han, are you interested?"

Wu Tao's heart moved and he said with a smile: "Of course, thank you Senior Brother Yang for the tip, otherwise I wouldn't have known about it."

Yang Qi smiled and said: "It will be held in the reception garden in the afternoon. Junior Brother Han can come by himself."

Wu Tao cupped his hands and said, "I understand, Senior Brother Yang."

Yang Qi said he wanted to inform other fellow disciples, so he said goodbye and left.

Wu Tao closed the door, took out the energy of the source of law, and began to practice.

The training time passed quickly, and soon it was afternoon. Wu Tao went out and headed to the reception garden. On the way, he happened to meet Jiang Lian and Han Zhen, so they went together.

As Yang Qi said, there are very few opportunities to bring together six sects to build foundations. The trade fair is also an opportunity in cultivating immortality.

"Hopefully get some good stuff."

Wu Tao said in his heart.

The three of them chatted and laughed and soon arrived at the reception garden.

This time, more than a dozen foundation builders from each of the six sects came. At this time, nearly a hundred foundation builders gathered in the reception garden. Together with the six sect leaders, they could completely wipe out the casual cultivator alliance.

Qingling Sect, Wuquan Mountain, Zijin Cave, Beast Control Sect, Immortal Medicine Valley, plus Lingxu Sect, the six major sects. Wu Tao has never come into contact with the foundation-building immortal cultivators of the Immortal Medicine Valley. He heard about the immortal cultivators of the Immortal Medicine Valley. , is good at growing elixirs, and the skills he practices are also related to elixirs. It is precisely because of this that he can restrain the poison-using demon sect Wandu Sect to death.

In the reception garden, there was a Foundation Builder sitting on every armchair. At the top, there were six Foundation Builders sitting on the ninth floor. Yang Qi was also included. They were the Nine Foundation Builders of the six sects. This exchange meeting organized.

Yang Qi looked at everyone and said: "Fellow Taoists, this is an exchange meeting at our foundation level. Except for sect secret books, we cannot exchange other foreign objects, or secret books and spells obtained by external opportunities. All spiritual materials can be exchanged."

"Five fellow Taoists, let's begin the exchange meeting." Yang Qi looked at the ninth floor of the other five sects' foundation buildings and said.

"Okay, let's get started, no need to be restrained."

As the exchange meeting began, each of the Zhuji present took out things they didn't need from their storage bags and suspended them in front of them.

Wu Tao also took out some useless things, including a Xuanming robe. After selling the spare Xuanming robe to Feng Yuan, he refined another one.

Just when all the foundations were laid out, a stream of spiritual thoughts flew out, probing in front of everyone. Wu Tao also felt several spiritual thoughts probing in front of him, probing the objects suspended in front of him.

Wu Tao's heart trembled, but Han Zhen next to him smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist Han is a casual cultivator. This kind of large-scale foundation-building exchange meeting is like this. Whoever you want to see, just sweep it away with your mind. If you like it, Just communicate through spiritual thoughts.”

The fourth update has arrived.

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