Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 334 I came from casual cultivation (please subscribe)

"Welcome fellow Daoists from the six sects to witness the establishment of our Rogue Cultivator Alliance. 6̾̾" One after another, the figures of the Rogue Cultivator Alliance appeared, headed by one person, manifesting the aura of the golden elixir.

Wu Tao looked at the figures, but did not see that familiar figure.

"Why don't you see Alliance Leader Wu coming to greet you?" a voice sounded from the Qingling Sect's flying boat.

Jindan of the Loose Cultivator Alliance immediately smiled and said, "Forgive me, Sect Master Yan, the leader is busy now, so I will receive you all."

Liu Qinyuan was beside Wu Tao and whispered to Wu Tao: "The Jin Dan of the Loose Cultivator Alliance was formerly the head of the Tianmen Mountain Foreign Affairs Hall, Jing Tianhong."

"Tianmen Mountain Foreign Affairs Hall?" Wu Tao was slightly surprised. When he was in Lingxu Sect, he did not deliberately inquire about the casual cultivator alliance, so he did not know the situation of the casual cultivator alliance.

Mainly because he is a casual cultivator and wants to avoid suspicion.

Since he has joined the Immortal Sect and is enjoying the benefits of the Immortal Sect, his butt determines his head. This position must stand firm. In this world, there is no right or wrong, only positions.

Liu Qinyuan said: "You will know when the time comes. I am not very clear either."

Wu Tao stopped talking.

The six sects flew across the void boat and docked it in the Rogue Cultivator Alliance. Jing Tianhong hosted him and welcomed all the immortal cultivators from the six sects in. Wu Tao discovered that the sect masters of the six sects were all here.

The six sect leaders are all late Jindan bosses.

Wu Tao felt that it was absolutely impossible that this was just to congratulate the establishment of the Rogue Cultivator Alliance... Rogue cultivators were not looked down upon in the eyes of the Immortal Dao sect. If they could send a foundation builder, they were all in high regard, so how could they send out six sect leaders? Where is the leader?

There are definitely other more important things when the six big guys meet.

Maybe it was just under the guise of establishing the Rogue Cultivator Alliance.

However, Wu Tao had no chance to access that level of secrets.

The opening ceremony of the Rogue Cultivator Alliance will be held tomorrow. Therefore, there are immortal cultivators from the Rogue Cultivator Alliance who are in the Qi Refining Period, leading Wu Tao and other six sect cultivators to settle down and rest.

Wu Tao was led by a late-stage qi-refining immortal cultivator and went to the room to rest.

Wu Tao asked: "Are you a casual cultivator?"

The immortal cultivator in the Qi refining period replied: "To answer this senior's question, I am not a casual cultivator. I am originally a disciple of Tianmen Mountain."

Wu Tao thought in his heart and asked no more questions.

When they arrived at the room, the Qi Refining Stage man bowed and left.

Wu Tao recalled what he had seen and heard along the way, and thought to himself: "Isn't this an alliance of casual cultivators?"

About a quarter of an hour.

Wu Tao heard a buzzer outside the door, someone was visiting outside.

He immediately stood up and opened the door. There were two immortal cultivators standing in front of the door, one looked middle-aged and the other looked like an old man. However, the aura of these two immortal cultivators was that of Foundation Building, and they also had a familiar smell.

It's the smell of earthly fire.

An idea flashed in Wu Tao's mind, he raised his hands and asked, "But Taoist fellows Han Zhen and fellow Taoist Jiang Lian?"

The two laughed and said, "Exactly, I have met fellow Daoist Han. Fellow Daoist Han is really as young as Senior Brother Gao said in the summons... He has a promising future!"

Wu Tao greeted warmly: "Two fellow Taoists, please come in and talk."

Wu Tao immediately invited Han Zhen and Jiang Lian in. These two people had been working in Tianmen Domain and should be able to bring him some information here.

In the living room, Wu Tao boiled water and made tea, poured a cup for the two of them, and asked: "Two fellow Taoists, can you tell me about the situation in Tianmen Domain?"

"This is easy to talk about..." Han Zhen and Jiang Lian immediately told Wu Tao about the situation in Tianmen Domain.

Also talked about the Loose Cultivator Alliance.

The Rogue Cultivators Alliance was established by a Rogue Cultivator named Wu Zhongxing. It brought together Rogue Cultivators and established the power of Rogue Cultivators.

However, half of the immortal cultivators in the casual cultivator alliance were originally cultivators from Tianmen Mountain, and with the help of cultivators from the six sects, Tianmen Mountain was finally overthrown.

The general situation is like this, but the information contained in it is too huge.

Jiang Lian smiled and said: "How can we overthrow Tianmen Mountain with just casual cultivators? In fact, there is a problem within Tianmen Mountain, and it is unwilling to cooperate with our six sects, so it was plotted by the six sects to support the rogue cultivator alliance. Overthrow Tianmen Mountain. Now it is better to say that it is a loose cultivator alliance than a puppet of our six sects."

Wu Tao said: "In that case, the Rogue Cultivator Alliance is actually still Tianmen Mountain, but it just changed its name?"

Han Zhen nodded and said: "Yes. Junior Brother Han, just watch. In at least ten years, the Rogue Cultivator Alliance will either become the Rogue Cultivator Alliance Sect or become Tianmen Mountain again. However, no matter what they become, we have already obtained got what we wanted.”

Chatted for a while.

Considering that Wu Tao had just arrived and needed a rest, he let Wu Tao rest, and Jiang Lian and Han Zhen left.

Wu Tao sent the two of them off and returned to the cave, thinking: "The trend of the times is that Wu Zhongxing can achieve this step, which is already remarkable. If he is smart, he should get out in time, otherwise, the fruits of victory will be harvested soon. "

According to what he learned from Han and Jiang, within the Rogue Cultivator Alliance, due to the support of the Immortal Medicine Valley, there were many casual cultivators who had achieved foundation building, but in the end their background was insufficient and they were not as good as the internal cultivators formerly known as Tianmen Mountain.

"This kind of world..." Wu Tao sighed and stopped thinking about it.

He just wants to become an immortal.

The next day, the opening ceremony of the Rogue Cultivator Alliance began.

On the viewing platform, sat the cultivators of the six sects, and the heads or heads of the six sects, all sitting in the highest position.

Wu Tao saw Wu Zhongxing, whom he had not seen for a long time.

The aura on Wu Zhongxing's body was that of building a foundation. His eyes were calm and he was dressed simply, not wearing a gorgeous robe. He looked at the people coming from the Six Sects. When he saw Wu Tao, his heart moved slightly and he swept over without leaving a trace. .

Then, the opening ceremony was held in Wu Zhongxing's speech.

"Today, the force belonging to our casual cultivators has been established! Here, I assure you that our Xiuxian City will make it affordable for everyone to live and buy. The foundation-building techniques will not block the channels of transmission. ...The purpose of our casual cultivator alliance is to be a casual cultivator who works for casual cultivators. Every casual cultivator who rises up should not forget that we come from casual cultivators and must go to the casual cultivators. Go, those who abandon rogue cultivators will surely be abandoned by rogue cultivators..."

The casual cultivator below looked excited.

The six sects of immortal cultivators who were watching the ceremony showed no expression on their faces.

The opening ceremony is over.



Early the next morning, a Foundation-Building Immortal Cultivator from the Loose Cultivator Alliance came to visit Wu Tao and said, "Fellow Daoist Han, our leader Wu has invited you."

Wu Tao knew that Wu Zhongxing recognized him and would definitely ask him to meet.

So, he said: "Lead the way."

Soon, Wu Tao followed the foundation builder and flew to Tianmen Peak, the highest peak of the original Tianmen Mountain. When he landed, a plaque loomed in the sea of ​​clouds with the word Tianmen written on it.

Wu Zhongxing stood under the archway and waited for Wu Tao. After seeing Wu Tao, he smiled and said to Zhuji: "I want to talk to fellow Taoist Han from Lingxu Sect. Fellow Taoist, please step aside for now."

After that Zhu Ji left, Wu Zhongxing raised his hands with a happy expression and said, "Friend Daoist Li, we meet again."

Wu Tao cupped his hands and said: "Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Wu, you have finally completed your idea."

Hearing this, Wu Zhongxing shook his head and said: "Surrounded by tigers and wolves, we are still far away from success. One careless move can lead to death, and all favorable situations will be overturned in one fell swoop."

Wu Tao thought to himself, it seems that Wu Zhongxing is still transparent about his situation.

He no longer said anything, but looked at the sea of ​​clouds lingering on Tianmen Peak, and the slight wind blowing, bringing with it a chill. As the saying goes, it is extremely cold at high places. He looked at Wu Zhongxing, pointed in one direction, and said: "Leader Wu , standing too high, standing in the sky, can you still see the casual cultivators thousands of miles away?"

The direction Wu Tao pointed to was the direction of Tianmen Cultivation City in Tianmen Domain, where most casual cultivators lived.

Wu Zhongxing was startled, and instantly understood the meaning of Wu Tao's words. He admitted openly: "I stand at Tianmen Peak, and it is true that I cannot see the situation of casual cultivators in Xiuxian City, but I will go to Xiuxian City to see. The faction started yesterday In the ceremony, I said that I came from a non-commercial practice and I will definitely go to a non-commercial practice."

Wu Tao said: "Yes, you can do it. It's because you are a casual cultivator and you understand the suffering of casual cultivators. However, you are too high now. You are now a foundation-building immortal cultivator living in Tianmen Peak. In the future, your The child will be born here, will he come from a casual cultivator?"

Wu Zhongxing said: "I will teach my children well... I have actually thought about the situation that fellow Taoist Li mentioned... maybe, when I return to the path, everything will go back to the way it was before, or even more, Casual cultivators will have a more miserable life... But while I am still here, I can let them live a good life and let them experience that this is how they become immortal cultivators... When I die, I will treat them as When they are oppressed by the Immortal Sect again, they will miss me...if they miss me, they will think of my ideas..."

"As long as my philosophy remains in this world of immortality, it will definitely be possible in the future."

"They have to learn to save themselves!"

Finally, Wu Zhongxing sighed.

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