Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 333 Breaking the Curse (Please subscribe)

Seeing Wu Tao's attitude, Gao Xing was very satisfied and said: "Don't worry, Junior Brother Han Zhen and Junior Brother Jiang Lian will meet you when we get to Tianmen Domain.

Wu Tao asked doubtfully: "Senior Brother Gao, since Taoist fellow Taoist Jiang Lian and fellow Taoist Han Zhen are both in Tianmen Domain, why do we need to send someone from the Refining Hall to congratulate and witness?"

Gao Xing explained with a smile: "Because, Junior Brother Han Zhen and Junior Brother Jiang Lian, they cannot congratulate in the name of the Lingxu Sect Artifact Refining Hall. You also know that Junior Brother Han Zhen and Junior Brother Jiang Lian went to Tianmen Domain for Helping the Loose Cultivator Alliance to capture Tianmen Mountain, Tianmen Mountain is also one of the seven sects, and they are connected by the same spirit. Therefore, although the six sects have a tacit understanding of this kind of thing, the fall to the ground is secret, and this fig leaf cannot be unveiled openly. "

Wu Tao heard this and said, "I understand, Senior Brother Gao."

Gao Xing continued: "Don't worry, this time, we are definitely not going to the Artifact Refining Hall alone, the Four Arts Hall will send someone there. The leader, Ning Qiudao, will lead the team, as well as the deputy head of the Foreign Affairs Hall, Yao Guangsheng, are safe. There won’t be any problems.”

When Wu Tao heard Ning Qiudao's name, he felt happy. With Ning Qiudao at the ninth level of the Golden Pill, he would definitely feel more at ease on the road. However, he still asked: "Senior Brother Gao, if Master Ning leaves the sect, what about this sect?"

Gao Xing smiled and said: "What can happen here in the sect? If Master Ning could not leave the sect, then our Lingxu Sect would have been destroyed by the devil so many times. Junior Brother Han, the real leader of our Lingxu Sect The Dinghai Shenzhen is those supreme elders."

Elder Taishang... Wu Tao certainly knows that. I heard that Elder Taishang is the True Monarch of Yuanying. He is practicing in seclusion somewhere in Lingxu Immortal Peak. Basically, he can’t see anyone unless a big enemy attacks the mountain gate. There are people at the mountain gate. In the danger of overturning, perhaps those Nascent Soul Lords would take action.

Wu Tao said: "With Master Ning here, this journey will definitely be smooth.

Gao Xing said: "Okay, that's it. Three days later, at the beginning of the year, when you go to the Foreign Affairs Hall, you will start from the Foreign Affairs Hall."

Wu Tao nodded, then said goodbye and left the small gathering hall.

When he came out, he said to Meng Haoting: "Okay, Xiao Meng, you can go and do your business."

Meng Haoting said goodbye.

Wu Tao returned to his cave and commanded the Ziyizhou. He thought in his heart that with Ning Qiudao, he would indeed feel more secure. There was no doubt about it.

"Tianmen Mountain, a great sect of Immortal Dao, fell down when it said it would. But it was not overthrown by the casual cultivator alliance, but by the other six sects..." Wu Tao lamented.

Thinking of going to Tianmen Domain in three days to see the Rogue Cultivator Alliance, Wu Tao couldn't help but think of that figure.

I don’t know if I can see him this time.

The three days came quickly.

On this day, after breakfast, when it was still morning, Wu Tao was ready to set off for the Foreign Affairs Hall. Although he had just set off at the beginning of the day, he could not go there on time.

He is not the eldest, the eldest is Ning Qiudao, and counting down there are Yao Guangsheng and the late-stage foundation-building immortal cultivators. These people all have higher status than him.

Therefore, it is best to go early and wait for departure.

"Senior brother, be careful. Hey, you must not encounter a demon cultivator. As soon as you leave the sect, you will encounter a demon cultivator. I am worried to death." Chen Yao said goodbye to Wu Tao.

When Wu Tao heard this, he twitched the corner of his mouth and said: "Ayao, what you said seems to be like a disaster coming to me, senior brother. With Master Ning here this time, I will be safe."

"Go back and practice hard!"

After Wu Tao finished speaking, he flew the purple-winged boat to the Foreign Affairs Hall.

From a distance, I saw the Feidu Xuzhou parked in the sky in front of the peak of the Foreign Affairs Hall. A voice on the Feidu Xuzhou shouted: "Junior Brother Han, here."

Wu Tao landed immediately. Before landing, the Purple Wing Boat under his feet shrank and was put into the storage bag. Only then did his feet step on the second floor deck.

"Senior Brother Niu, Senior Brother Yu, and Senior Brother Yang meet again." Wu Tao slightly bowed his hands to the three of them.

The three of them were Niu Ben, Yu Zhenming, and Yang Qi. It seemed that these three people were going to follow them.

"Junior brother Han was the first one to come." Yang Qi said with a smile.

Wu Tao looked at it and asked, "Why don't you see Senior Brother Xiong? Senior Brother Xiong isn't going this time?"

Yang Qidao: "Junior Brother Xiong Tian is not going this time. He has other tasks."

Just as he was talking, three more figures flew here with flying magic weapons. Wu Tao looked up and saw Liu Qinyuan and two foundation-building immortal cultivators falling down.

"Friend Liu Dao."

Wu Tao greeted him immediately, and Liu Qinyuan seemed to be the representative of the Formation Hall.

"I wonder who these two fellow Taoists are?" Wu Tao asked Liu Qinyuan for advice.

Liu Qinyuan immediately introduced: "This is the second-level low-level alchemist Gu Xinyuan from the Alchemy Hall, and this is the second-level talisman master Chen Li from the Fulu Hall. Two fellow Taoists, this is fellow Taoist Han Fan from the Weapon Refining Hall."

After Liu Qinyuan's introduction, the four of them, as representatives of the four arts of cultivating immortality, went to the side to chat.

Not long after, rays of magic light fell, and a dozen foundation-building immortal cultivators, including those from the General Affairs Hall, and those from the Demon-Slaying Hall, gathered on the deck.

Anyone Wu Tao didn't know came forward to get to know him.

As for other Lingxu Sect foundation builders, everyone has basically known each other since childhood.

When Sichu was approaching, two figures descended from the sky. The foundations on the deck below immediately fell silent and looked at the people. They all bowed and said: "Greetings to Head Ning and Hall Master Yao."

These two Jindans are both senior masters present, but at this time, they can also be called positions.

Ning Qiudao nodded, his eyes swept over each foundation builder, his eyes lingered on Wu Tao, and asked: "Master Nephew Han, I wonder if you are still used to it in Lingxu Sect?"

Wu Tao immediately bowed and said: "When I return to the head, I am very used to it. It feels like my own home."

Hearing this, Ning Qiudao smiled and said, "That's good."

Then, Ning Qiudao said to Yao Guangsheng: "Junior Brother Yao, get ready to go."

Yao Guangsheng nodded and immediately ordered the foundation building of the Foreign Affairs Hall to start working. The disciples who were in the Qi refining stage took Wu Tao and others to the room to rest.

The flying boat rises and begins sailing.

Wu Tao looked out the window and thought to himself: "With Ning Qiudao in charge, we shouldn't be attacked by demon cultivators this time, right?"

Thinking like this, his heart was still uncertain.

Fifteen days later.

Yao Guangsheng's voice sounded on the virtual boat, Tianmen Domain arrived.

Wu Tao walked out of the room and went out. Other foundation builders also went out and came to the second floor deck... Wu Tao looked and saw a total of six flying boats, flying from different directions, all representing the six sects. Door logo.

Wu Tao said in his heart: "It seems that I am not really unlucky. This time, nothing happened along the way. Not even the monsters attacked Feidu Xuzhou."

At this moment, Wu Tao finally broke the curse that he would encounter trouble when he left the sect.

In fact, if you think about it, with Ning Qiudao in charge of Xuzhou, the demon cultivator would not be so bold as to attack. Ning Qiudao is the number one person in Jindan. He has defeated all seven sects of the righteous way and is invincible in the six sects of the evil way.

Unless Nascent Soul is dispatched.

But Nascent Soul is not so easily dispatched.

"I wonder when I will be able to reach the heights of Ning Qiudao?" Wu Tao longed for it in his heart, but felt that the golden elixir was still too far away, so he changed his goal and thought to himself: "First become like Pei Qing, an invincible player who can defeat all foundations. .”

Wu Tao thinks this goal is still feasible.

When he becomes the incarnation, two against one, he will definitely be able to defeat all foundation-building invincible opponents!

Both are me, there is nothing unfair.

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