Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 332: Escaped the first grade of junior high school, but did not escape the fifteenth grade (

Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts exited his mind. He frowned slightly and began to check his spiritual thoughts. Then he found that his spiritual thoughts were not damaged. It might have been caused by the iron roll just now... No, it was the gold pages that had rubbed against the coffin nails... And A little bit affected.

Something that can cause friction and fight with coffin nails must also be a great treasure.

"So, I have another unexpected opportunity?" Wu Tao said to himself, remembering that when he sent the iron scroll into the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts, he seemed to feel a feeling of hatred from the coffin nail.

This was the first time he felt such human emotions from Nail in the Coffin.

The hatred was completely directed at Tiejuan.

"Could it be that the coffin nails and the iron rolls have a fateful hatred?" Wu Tao guessed in his heart, feeling more and more that the coffin nails had extraordinary origins, and that being able to compete with the coffin nails and use his spiritual mind to control the east and west would definitely No worse than a coffin nail.

"Incarnation? There seems to be a great secret technique recorded on the golden page?" When Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts fell on the golden page just now, the golden page shone brightly, and these three words were reflected in his spiritual thoughts. .

"Restore the spiritual sense first..." Wu Tao no longer continued to speculate, but planned to restore the spiritual sense. Now the spiritual sense is still aching, and he will study the golden page after the pain is dispelled.

Half an hour later, Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts finally felt less painful. As soon as his spiritual thoughts moved, they sank into his mind.

The coffin nail is still floating quietly, but it is no longer in the center. With the existence of the gold page, the coffin nail has to give up some ground first.

Wu Tao's mind fell on the coffin nail and asked about the origin of the golden page, but the coffin nail remained silent and did not answer Wu Tao's inquiry. This was his usual behavior, and Wu Tao did not find it strange.

Beside the coffin nail, the Soul-Eating Insect was fine, which surprised Wu Tao. Did the coffin nail protect the Soul-Eating Insect?

Wu Tao ignored it and looked at the golden page. The golden page was not big, just as big as a book. It no longer looked like a shabby iron scroll. It was now completely golden, with a faint golden halo coming from the golden page. emanating from above.

"Look at the incarnation of the body on the golden page. What kind of secret technique is it?" Wu Tao thought, and his spiritual thoughts fell directly to the golden page.

Just like before, as soon as Wu Tao's spiritual thought landed on the golden page, the golden page immediately emitted a golden light. Wu Tao's spiritual thought suddenly felt painful, and golden light penetrated into his spiritual thought.

Wu Tao endured the sting of his spiritual thoughts, and each golden tadpole-like text twisted and took shape in his spiritual thoughts...

"Incarnation..." Wu Tao couldn't help but murmured.

After another half an hour, the golden light on the golden page converged a little, and with a flick, Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts exited his mind.

Outside the spirit gathering array, Wu Tao opened his eyes. Deep in his eyes, golden light seemed to flash through his eyes. At this moment, a smile of joy appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The secret technique of the outer body recorded on the golden page was actually a secret technique created by a powerful immortal. According to the secret technique, one can refine an outer body. The strength of this outer body is the same as that of the main body. Moreover, , this incarnation is not a puppet incarnation, but a second self.

The thinking self.

"Isn't this secret technique of incarnation too powerful? Moreover, according to the founder, no one can detect that this body is actually an incarnation."

"However, it is not easy to refine this incarnation!" Wu Tao pondered in his heart. From the secret technique of body incarnation he just obtained, to refine an incarnation requires a lot of spiritual materials, including all five elements, as well as his own essence, blood, and soul. …

However, even though it is extremely difficult to train, Wu Tao still plans to train this incarnation. The fact that it is the same as the original body is already very moving.

When the time comes, when he encounters an enemy, he will be able to challenge his opponent one-on-one, and the chance of winning will be even greater.

Moreover, with an avatar, there is a lot of room for manipulation.

"According to the introduction, no one can detect the incarnation of this body. It is the same as the real body. So, can I not let this body incarnate and join the great sect of immortality?"

"First of all, I am an weapon refiner and stay behind the scenes. Although it is safe, once the righteous path and the evil path are fully engaged, the battlefield situation will change rapidly. I cannot know the situation on the battlefield. If it is not good for me, I can get the news as soon as possible. If With this incarnation, I can live with peace of mind and let this incarnation do any dangerous things. Secondly, he can also earn cultivation resources for me for my cultivation."

Wu Tao felt a little guilty for his last capitalist behavior.

"Find some time to go see if there are any spiritual materials for refining the body in the sect's merit hall." Wu Tao thought in his mind.

"Brother, it's time to eat." At this time, the anti-peep soundproof formation sounded, Wu Tao opened the door, and Chen Yao stood outside the door and said to him.

"Okay." Wu Tao put away the joy in his heart and went to eat.

The next day.

After Wu Tao had breakfast, he went to the Dihuo Peak refining room to prepare for a day of refining the components of the fairy boat. Now he accidentally obtained the secret technique of body transformation. This secret technique requires spiritual materials, so Wu Tao decided to make more every month. Refining ten fairy boat parts, earning more merits, and preparing for the incarnation.

After meeting Fan Zhifeng, Fan Zhifeng said: "Fellow Daoist Han, after you finish refining the components of the immortal boat, go to the weapon refining hall. Senior Brother Gao Xinggao will look for you."

Wu Tao asked: "I wonder what Senior Brother Gao wants from me?"

Fan Zhifeng shook his head and said, "I don't know about that, but it's a good thing anyway."

Seeing this, Wu Tao didn't ask any more questions. He slightly bowed his hand to Fan Zhifeng and flew to his weapon refining room to prepare the components of the immortal boat.

As soon as Youzheng arrives.

Wu Tao stopped practicing, got up, left the weapon refining room, and followed Fan Zhifeng to the weapon refining hall to meet Gao Xing.

As soon as they landed in the landing square, Meng Haoting was already waiting here. As soon as he saw Wu Tao, he stepped forward and bowed: "Uncle Han, Uncle Gao is already waiting for Uncle Han in the small gathering hall."

Wu Tao nodded, and then said to Fan Zhifeng: "Fellow Daoist Fan, I'll go first."

Fan Zhifeng waved his hand and motioned for him to go.

Wu Tao and Meng Haoting immediately went to the small gathering hall. When they came to the small gathering hall, they knocked on the door. Gao Xing's voice sounded from inside, asking Wu Tao to come in.

After Wu Tao entered, he bowed slightly to Gao Xing and said, "Senior Brother Gao, you are looking for me."

Gao Xing looked at him and smiled and said, "Yes, in three days, the Tianmen Domain Loose Cultivator Alliance will hold its opening ceremony. The Weapon Refining Hall has decided that you will go there on behalf of the Lingxu Sect Weapon Refining Hall."

After Wu Tao heard this, his heart skipped a beat. He had escaped the task of opening up wasteland, but he still hadn't escaped this task. He left the sect and went to Tianmen Domain to participate in the opening ceremony of the Loose Cultivator Alliance. I don't know how many storms there were on the way.

However, this is the decision of the Weapon Refining Hall. Wu Tao enjoys the benefits of the Weapon Refining Hall, so he cannot shirk it. If he shirks it again, he will no longer have to hang out in the Lingxu Sect Weapon Refining Hall.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao nodded and said, "Yes, Senior Brother Gao!"

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