Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 331 Incarnation (please subscribe)

Che Mingxiao's storage bag contains all the things for cultivating immortals, all spiritual things. Only this iron scroll is ordinary and has no aura.

Che Mingxiao is a fifth-level foundation builder with both righteous and demonic knowledge. It is impossible to put this mortal iron scroll solemnly in the storage bag.

"Could it be another treasure?"

Wu Tao guessed in his heart.

This iron scroll was a bit like an iron coupon from an alchemy book. It was shaped like a tile and was stained with rust. It looked very bad. Wu Tao poured his magic power into the iron scroll, but there was no response. In an instant, he knew that this thing was not a treasure.

I don’t know why Che Mingxiao put this item in the storage bag.

In order to do some research, Wu Tao took out the magic sword again and began to rub off the rust on the iron roll. After it was rubbed away, it was just a rust-free iron roll, still unchanged.

"When I have time, I will study it again. Maybe it is as great a treasure as a coffin nail?" Wu Tao thought in his mind.

But just thinking about it, he didn't think that he could have such good luck and have such good things happen twice.

The reason for research is just research. If it is really amazing, then it is an unexpected surprise. If it is really a common thing, it is not a big deal.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao stopped caring about the iron roll, put it aside, and continued to count Che Mingxiao's storage bags.

"The formation-breaking magic talisman..."

A talisman appeared in Wu Tao's hand, and Wu Tao's face was filled with joy. He was very familiar with this talisman. At that time, Che Mingxiao almost broke through his own small Five Elements Upside Down Formation just by using such a talisman.

It can be seen that this talisman is really a weapon to break the formation.

"This is a talisman drawn by a magic talisman master. However, it is still inspired by mana, so it is considered valuable." Wu Tao solemnly put the formation-breaking magic talisman into his storage bag.

Then, Wu Tao continued counting.

"Two bottles of mana pills, thirty-five strands of magic source energy." Wu Tao took out three jade bottles. Two jade bottles contained mana pills. Each bottle contained five mana pills. They were from the Lingxu Sect's alchemy hall. It is made by an alchemist and has the logo of the alchemy hall on it.

Thirty-five strands of Dharma Source Qi, these are very good cultivation resources, comparable to the output of Wu Tao's second-class cave in seven months.

Wu Tao continued to count.

"Five hundred pieces of middle-grade spiritual stones, thirty-two pieces of high-grade spiritual stones, one piece of second-order red gold fine iron, one piece of second-order evergreen wood..." Wu Tao kept taking out the treasures one by one from the storage bag, very quickly After taking inventory, I put it into my storage bag very naturally.

"Che Mingxiao's identity plate..."

Wu Tao looked at the identity plate in his hand and said regretfully: "I wonder how many merits are there? It's a pity that I can't be like Che Mingxiao and go to the Lingxu Sect Merit Hall to consume his merits."

Che Mingxiao is already dead. If he becomes Che Mingxiao, wouldn't he be throwing himself into a trap?

Besides, Lingxu Sect has regulations. Once the Lingxu Sect's foundation builder is confirmed to be dead, the Merit Hall will immediately close the person's merit exchange channels.

Wu Tao put Che Mingxiao's identity plate aside and would destroy it later.

Then, Wu Tao took out a book from Che Mingxiao's storage bag and opened it. It turned out to be a notebook. This notebook seemed to have been dusty for a long time and contained some of Che Mingxiao's experiences and experiences. .

However, there is no secret, it is more like a travelogue.

From just a few pages, Wu Tao also discovered that Che Mingxiao was actually a native disciple of the Lingxu Sect. He should have been bribed by the Demon Sect at a certain time and switched to the Demon Sect.

No wonder no one suspected that Che Mingxiao was an undercover agent of the Demon Sect.

"I didn't expect Che Mingxiao to have such a hobby."

Just as Wu Tao was about to throw the book away, suddenly, a travelogue appeared in his eyes. He immediately did not throw it away, but continued to read.

After reading it, Wu Tao couldn't help but sigh. He finally knew why there was that piece of iron in the storage bag of Che Mingxiao.

It turned out that when Che Mingxiao first entered the late stage of Qi refining, he went to the Zijin Domain to practice. At that time, he was young and energetic, and he was deceived by a casual cultivator who said that the iron scroll was found from the ruins of the Foundation Establishment Cave. What came out must be a treasure, so he sold it to Che Mingxiao.

Che Mingxiao bought it back and studied it for several years. Until he built the foundation, he found that the iron lump was just an iron lump. In anger, he went to Zijin Realm and asked the guards of Zijin Realm Xiuxian City to help him find the person who had lied to him. That casual cultivator needs to be killed to relieve his anger.

In order to remember the experience of being deceived, Che Mingxiao always carries this iron scroll with him as a warning.

"With such great hatred, no wonder this matter was recorded." Wu Tao suddenly looked at the iron scroll. At this moment, he didn't even think about studying it.

After sorting out Che Mingxiao's storage bag, the results were average. There were no secret books on exercises or spells.

There is also a storage bag on the fifth level of the Magic Building Foundation, and it will take a few days to completely eliminate the ban.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao put away all his things and prepared to practice.

"Put this iron roll away, it doesn't take up any space anyway..." Wu Tao reached out to pick up the iron roll and was about to put it back in the storage bag, but suddenly, an idea flashed and he thought to himself: "Why don't I try to ask Mr. Ding to help?" I will appraise the treasure and see if this iron scroll is a mortal object or a divine object that has concealed itself? After all, in the past, coffin nails were also concealed by divine objects."

Thinking about this, Wu Tao felt that it was very feasible.

The next moment, Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts immediately sank into the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts. In the center of the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts, the coffin nails were quietly suspended in the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts, allowing the divine thoughts to bully and wash away. The second-level low-level monster soul-eating worm was in the coffin. Nailed side.

"Master Ding, help me!"

Wu Tao's thoughts fell on the body of the coffin nail, but the coffin nail seemed to have no reaction. Since he established the foundation, the coffin nail seemed to have been dormant for a long time.

"Master Ding, do you hear that?"

"I'll bring the thing. Master Ding, help me take a look. Is this thing a treasure?"

Wu Tao did not wait for the nail in the coffin to respond. He planned to kill first and then show off. His spiritual thoughts wrapped the iron scroll and sent it into his own spiritual sea.

As soon as the iron scroll entered the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts, the originally quiet coffin nail suddenly shook. Then, Wu Tao's sea of ​​spiritual thoughts exploded with a roar like a tsunami in the sea. Wu Tao felt a surge of hatred. Rising from the coffin nails.

But Wu Tao could no longer see what was happening below, because the coffin nails were attacking the iron scroll. The aftermath of the attack immediately made him fall into a coma. At the moment of coma, he seemed to see the iron scroll emitting a dazzling golden light. The coffin nails shrouded in darkness.

I don't know how long it took, Wu Tao woke up and felt that his head was as heavy as lead. He patted the back of his head hard and suddenly remembered the scene that happened in his mind before he fell into coma. He was shocked, regardless of the pain in his eyes. Thinking, he immediately sank into the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts, only to see a golden page floating on one side, and dark coffin nails floating on the other side.

These two items seemed to divide the territory in his mind sea.

Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts fell on the golden page, and the golden page immediately emitted golden light. He suddenly felt that his spiritual thoughts stung like being pricked by a needle. Then, three large golden characters were formed in his spiritual thoughts. .


"Incarnation? What is this? Ah, my head hurts so much. I need to take a break first..." Wu Tao felt that his spiritual mind had been severely traumatized.

Thanks to the best brother in the world for the 200 starting coin reward. Thanks to Jun Chen Qingxin for the 100 starting coin reward. Asking for a monthly ticket.

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