Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 330 The Nameless Iron Scroll (please subscribe)

In the refining room,

Wu Tao used the Xuanyuan Weapon Refining Technique. With the changes in his technique, rays of magic light hit the flames suspended in front of him. In the flames, a magic weapon was slowly taking shape.

A quarter of an hour later.

The embryo of the Purple Wing Boat has been completely formed. Wu Tao's face was calm, and the movements of his hands did not stop at all. He changed his movements very smoothly and began to carve the nine forbidden laws belonging to the Purple Wing Boat.

Wu Tao was doing two things at once: while controlling the temperature of the earth fire and maintaining the stability of the purple-winged boat embryo, he was also using his left hand to carve spells in the void.

Everything is in order.

The moment the nine dharma taboos were carved, this dharma taboo flew towards the embryo of the magic weapon like a purple-winged bird, and flew into the ferocious and surging earth fire.


As soon as Wu Tao's technique changed, the purple-winged bird composed of nine magic prohibitions hit the embryo of the magic weapon in an instant. Then, the magic prohibitions turned into light and flowed into the embryo of the magic weapon. As it was refined, the light shone out again. , forming a series of runes and forbidden rules on the embryo of the magic weapon, manifesting on the surface.


Wu Tao shouted softly, and his technique changed again. The forbidden runes formed on the surface immediately flickered on and off, and then were refined into the embryo of the magical weapon, completely integrated with the embryo of the magical weapon.

Next, is the final step, polishing the embryo of the magical weapon and turning it into a real purple-winged boat.

Wu Tao's heart was calm, without any fluctuations, as steady as an old dog. His level of weapon refining was unquestionable, and he was very skilled. As time passed, the embryo of the magical weapon seemed to be washed away, slowly forming a purple vessel. Flying boat.


At a certain moment, Wu Tao whispered, and Xuanyuan's weapon refining method naturally changed. However, he saw that the earth fire suspended in front of him burned out, and then the light became brighter. The light flickered for about ten breaths, and then it restrained itself, showing that The purple-winged boat was successfully refined.

"It's done!"

Wu Tao felt happy, stretched out his hand, and a palm-sized purple-winged boat appeared in his hand.

The mana flowed in and traveled around the inside of the Purple Wing Boat. It was very smooth and had no sluggish feeling. After confirming that it was qualified, Wu Tao began to refine the Purple Wing Boat.

Because he refined it himself, he was extremely familiar with the purple-winged boat's laws. After a moment, Wu Tao completely refined the purple-winged boat.

Holding the Purple Wing Boat in his hand, Wu Tao stood up. As soon as he loosened his grip, the Purple Wing Boat fell to his feet. On the way, it instantly transformed into a two-meter-long flying boat. The whole body was purple, and the boat body had smooth lines. The, it's in line with the method of refining weapons.

This purple-winged boat, among the nine dharma bans, includes the small ruyi dharma ban. The small ruyi dharma ban is a water-moving dharma ban. Water has no permanent shape, which can make the purple-winged boat shrink.

The inspired purple-winged boat has three-meter-long purple wings on both sides of the boat.

This is also the reason why the Purple Wing Boat is so named.

"When I have time, I will try the speed of this purple-winged boat.

Wu Tao thought to himself, then shrunk the purple-winged boat and put it into a storage bag. Then he turned around and looked at the engraved glass placed in the corner. It was already a quarter of the hour, and it took half an hour and a quarter to refine the Purple Wing Boat.

The speed was quite fast. When Wu Tao was chatting with Fan Zhifeng and others, he discovered that it often took two hours for Fan Zhifeng and other second-level low-level weapon refiners to refine a magical weapon.

Wu Tao felt that it might be because of his master-level Xuanyuan weapon refining techniques and his main profession as a weapon refiner that he could refine weapons faster than ordinary weapon refiners. Moreover, as long as he learned it, there would be no failure rate. .

This is his advantage.

Without thinking any more, Wu Tao began to refine the components of the fairy boat. After all, this was to earn merit, and there were many good things that Wu Tao needed to redeem with merit.

After refining the components of the Immortal Boat and practicing the Six Yang Lihuo True Skill, time was very tight and he couldn't let it go to waste.

Time passed slowly.

Soon, it was time for Youzheng.

Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon, stopped operating the Six Yang Lihuo Zhen Gong, opened his mouth, and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, then stood up and prepared to leave the weapon refining room.

After walking out of the door, Fan Zhifeng also came out at this time.

It is impossible for a second-level weapon refiner to refine fairy boat parts day and night. He still needs to practice and learn the knowledge of weapon refiners. Otherwise, how to progress and become a higher level weapon refiner.

Of course, Wu Tao knew that the war was still in the future. Once the war started, it would never be as easy as now. He would have to work overtime to refine the immortal boat to deal with the war against the demonic sect.

Therefore, now, Wu Tao must seize the opportunity and improve his cultivation quickly.

The less time he goes out of the sect, the work of refining the components of the immortal boat will be very stable, and it will be enough for his current cultivation needs.

Fan Zhifeng looked at Wu Tao and said, "Fellow Taoist Han, do you want to come and sit at my place?"

Wu Tao shook his head and said: "Fellow Daoist Fan, I have something to do when I return to the cave today. Let's wait until next time."

"Okay, next time." Fan Zhifeng didn't care, took out his second-level flying magic weapon, said goodbye to Wu Tao, and then used the flying magic weapon to take the first step.

Wu Tao looked at Fan Zhifeng's leaving figure. He didn't waste any time. With a thought, the Purple Wing Boat landed at his feet. Wu Tao jumped onto the Purple Wing Boat.

The illusory purple wings on both sides of the purple wing boat swayed slightly and immediately turned into a purple light across the sky.

Wu Tao tried his best to stimulate the performance of the purple wing boat. The wind roared in his ears, making the Lingxu Sect Foundation Establishment Uniform on his body rustle. The next moment, a light red mana mask appeared around Wu Tao, covering all the people. The winds are separated.

"It is indeed a magical weapon of the Nine Dao Dharma. The speed of the Purple Wing Boat is much faster than that of me lifting it myself." The Purple Wing Boat fell outside the Cave Mansion Array. Wu Tao got off the Purple Wing Boat and stretched out his fingers. The purple-winged boat shrank and flew into the storage bag on its waist.

After opening the Cave Mansion Array and returning to the Cave Mansion, Wu Tao called Chen Yao and reached into his storage bag. The Flying Sword Boat given to him by Senior Brother Zhao Zhen appeared in his hands. He said to Chen Yao: "This It’s a first-level and ninth-level flying sword boat. I’ve erased the imprint of my mana and divine thoughts, so you can take it and refine it.”

Chen Yao is currently using the first-order and eighth-level Qingye Boat that he refined. The speed of the Qingye Boat cannot be compared to the Flying Sword Boat. Now that he has the Purple Wing Boat, this flying sword boat must be used with Chen Yao.

"Okay, senior brother!" Chen Yao happily took over the Flying Sword Boat and immediately entered her own secondary training room to start refining the Flying Sword Boat.

Wu Tao also entered his main training room and sat cross-legged on the futon. With a thought, a storage bag floated in front of him. This was Che Mingxiao's storage bag, and there was still a little mana restriction left that had not been erased.

Wu Tao plans to wipe it out now.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao's heart moved, his Dantian surged, and the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts surged like a tidal wave. The magic and divine thoughts immediately wrapped the storage bag and began to consume the mana restrictions on it.


At a certain moment, there was a crisp sound, and the mana restriction set by Che Mingxiao finally collapsed and dissipated.

Wu Tao's face lit up, and his mind immediately reached into the storage bag.

In an instant, the contents of the storage bag were clearly visible in Wu Tao's mind.

"Hey, what is this?"

Wu Tao had a puzzled look on his face, and with a thought, something flew out of the storage bag and fell into Wu Tao's hand.

"This big piece of iron?"

Wu Tao looked at the iron block in his hand. To be precise, it looked like an iron roll.

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