Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 329 Returning the elixir and refining it (please subscribe)

When Wu Tao heard Qin Yi's words, he immediately said humbly: "Senior Brother Qin is a role model for our generation of casual cultivators, and I admire him. Fellow Daoist Feng and others also admired Senior Brother Qin so much that I couldn't wait to meet him immediately after hearing his words." Only then did I realize that what Fellow Daoist Feng and the others said was true."

Qin Yi was startled. He didn't expect that Junior Brother Han was so good at talking, but what he said was really nice. The only problem was that he said it so nice that he didn't even know what words to use in reply.

In the end, I had to say: "Junior Brother Han, please don't listen to what they said is too exaggerated... Let's not talk about this. As soon as I returned to the sect, I went to see Junior Brother Feng and the others. I heard that Junior Brother Feng and the others talked about a casual cultivator who had joined the Spirit. Xu Zong is also a weapon refiner, so I will come over immediately to visit Junior Brother Han."

The second-level weapon refiner is worthy of Qin Yi's friendship.

"Senior Brother Qin is too polite. If I knew that Senior Brother Qin was coming back today, I should have gone to visit Senior Brother Qin." After being polite, Wu Tao naturally asked: "Senior Brother Qin, I don't know what's going on in the Tianmen Territory. How is it? I Fellow Daoist Jiang and Fellow Daoist Han from the Weapon Refining Hall, have they returned?"

Qin Yi replied: "In general, it has been stabilized and the follow-up situation is being dealt with. Fellow Daoist Han and Fellow Daoist Jiang did not return to the sect. This time, only a small part returned to the sect. The rest still need help to disperse The Xiu Alliance Sect stabilizes the mountain gate, fearing that the remnants of Tianmen Mountain who escaped will come back."

"Thank you, Senior Brother Qin, for clearing up the confusion." Wu Tao cupped his hands and said.

That's all. When the question came to this point, Wu Tao stopped asking any more questions because he didn't know whether Qin Yi's mission was kept confidential. If he asked more questions, it would make it difficult for others. Once it is difficult for others to do it, it will be difficult for him. Do.

Qin Yi said: "My Junior Brother Feng and the others said that when Junior Brother Ming returned to Dao, they left a Foundation Establishment Pill here for safekeeping with Junior Brother Han and said that they would hand it over to me for safekeeping when I come back."

Wu Tao nodded and said: "It is true. Now that Senior Brother Qin is back, I have completed my entrustment to Fellow Daoist Ming with this Foundation Establishment Pill, and it should be handed over to Senior Brother Qin for safekeeping."

Speaking of this, Wu Tao continued: "Since Senior Brother Qin is back, why don't we call Fellow Daoist Feng, Fellow Daoist Li, and Fellow Daoist Guan to go to Master Mingsong's place... It can be regarded as a visit to Fellow Daoist Ming. I don't know what Senior Brother Qin wants. ?”

Wu Tao's original intention was to hand over the Foundation Establishment Pill to Qin Yi for safekeeping, then Feng Yuan, Guan Peng and Li Zhi must be present, as well as Ming Song, the person involved. When Mingyao handed over the Foundation Establishment Pill to him before, Feng Yuan and the others were present to witness. This time, they must also be present to witness, so as not to cause trouble if something happens in the future.

This is his way of doing things. After all, Qin Yi doesn't know him, so he definitely doesn't believe it. Even if he knows him, someone has to come and testify on the spot.

Just like when he borrowed money from his good friends and close friends in his previous life, he also had to write down an IOU. If something happened in the future, having an IOU could be used as evidence to recover the money. If you write an IOU and your friend is unhappy, then you don’t need to borrow it. Maybe they won’t pay it back.

When doing things, you must be cautious and considerate, and nip all unnecessary troubles in the bud.

Qin Yi's eyes moved. He also knew what Wu Tao was thinking. He smiled and said, "Of course it is. I came back in a hurry and did not visit the tomb of Taoist friend Ming."

So, Wu Tao and Qin Yi left the cave.

Three quarters of an hour later, in Mingyao's cave.

Feng Yuan, Li Zhi, and the pale Guan Peng, Ming Song, were all in the living room.

Qin Yi has also gone to Mingyao's memorial tablet to burn three sticks of incense to express his condolences.

Wu Tao looked at the people present, then reached out to touch the storage bag, took out a Foundation Establishment Pill, opened the box, manifested the Foundation Establishment Pill, and let the people present see it, and then he said to Mingsong: "Master Ming's nephew, when your father returned to Dao, he gave the Foundation Establishment Pill to me for safekeeping because Senior Brother Qin was not in the sect at that time. He also said that I could leave it to Senior Brother Qin for safekeeping when he comes back. Now, I will give the Foundation Establishment Pill that your father entrusted me to keep to Uncle Qin for safekeeping. From now on, you can practice well and when you sense the opportunity to build the Foundation, you can come and find your Uncle Qin."

After saying that, he placed the Foundation Establishment Pill and his hands on the table in front of Qin Yi.

After listening to Wu Tao's words, Ming Song immediately bowed and said, "I'd like to trouble Uncle Han for a while."

Then, he said to Qin Yi: "I'm sorry to bother you, Master Qin."

Qin Yi took a look at the Foundation Establishment Pill, and after confirming that it was correct, he put it into his storage bag, looked at Ming Song and said, "You're welcome. Since these are Junior Brother Ming's last words, I will help you keep them safe so that you can practice well." That’s it.”

Regarding the Foundation Establishment Pill, Wu Tao breathed a sigh of relief.

In the following time, because Guan Peng and the others were still injured, they did not talk much. They thanked the three for being willing to be witnesses and parted ways.

Wu Tao then returned to his cave, and he and his senior brother Qin Yi didn't have to rush to understand each other at this moment, as the days ahead would be long.

The next day.

Wu Tao went to the Dihuofeng refining room, said hello to Fan Zhifeng, and then went to his own refining room to prepare the components of the fairy boat.

As for He Changcheng, he had already left for the wasteland reclamation mission early this morning.

To be precise, it is a plan to catch demons.

"I wonder if they can attract an attack from the demon cultivator this time?" Wu Tao sat on the futon in the weapon refining room and thought to himself.

As soon as the thought came together, he dispelled it and prepared to refine the components of the fairy boat.

Just when he was about to refining, a figure landed at the door of the refining room, it was Meng Haoting.

Meng Haoting walked in and said, "Uncle Han, I'm here to deliver the spiritual materials. By the way, Master Han asked me to get the spiritual materials, and I got them back."

While talking, Meng Haoting was already sweating on his forehead.

Although Meng Haoting had swallowed the Qinghuo Pill before coming to Earth Fire Peak, he was still a cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage, and the Earth Fire was blazing and domineering, so it still seemed very hot to him.

Seeing this, Wu Tao said: "Okay, put down the spiritual materials and leave Earth Fire Peak as soon as possible."

Meng Haoting put all the spiritual materials in his storage bag, then cupped his hands to Wu Tao and said, "Uncle Han, I'll take my leave then."

Meng Haoting put away the spiritual materials for refining the components of the fairy boat, as well as the spiritual materials he asked him to fetch to refine the second-level flying magic weapon. With a thought, Wu Tao refined the spiritual materials for the second-level flying magic weapon. It flew up and landed on his left side.

"Now that the spiritual materials are in place, let's refine the second-level flying magic weapon first."

Wu Tao said.

The second-level low-level flying magic weapon he exchanged in the secret book building is called the Purple Wing Boat, which contains nine forbidden magic weapons. Among the second-level low-level magic weapons, it is a top-notch magic weapon.

If Wu Tao wants to refine it, he must refine the Nine Taoist Laws.

"Start refining."

Wu Tao swallowed a Qinghuo Pill, came out of the weapon refining room, and started to take the Earth Fire.

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