Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 328 Selling, Returning, Visiting (please subscribe)

Wu Tao was not in a hurry as he put his identity plate back into his storage bag. Since he had nothing to do recently, he would never leave the sect.

For this little merit, he can earn enough by refining the fairy boat parts in the weapon refining room for two months.

After redeeming the second-level flying magic weapon refining secrets, you must consider redeeming the second-level intermediate weapon refining knowledge to prepare for promotion to the second-level intermediate weapon refining master.

With this in mind, Wu Tao came to the take-off and landing square in front of the mission hall. With a thought, the flying sword boat landed at his feet, and then turned into a blue light and flew towards his cave.

When he was almost in front of his cave, he saw a ray of light flying towards his cave from another direction from a distance. When he took a closer look, it was Feng Yuan.

"Fellow Daoist Han." Feng Yuan also saw Wu Tao at this time and shouted loudly.

The two landed at the entrance of the cave, and Feng Yuan said: "Fellow Daoist Han, it seems that I came at the right time."

Wu Tao took out the formation master's token, opened the cave door, and said, "Fellow Daoist Feng, your injury hasn't healed yet, why did you come to me?"

Feng Yuan looked bitter and said: "Aren't we going to open up wasteland again in two days? I just got the merits from the previous wasteland clearing mission. This time, in case of encountering a demon cultivator again... so, I I want to come to Fellow Daoist Han to buy a defensive robe."

"I see, Fellow Daoist Feng, please come in and talk." Wu Tao immediately enthusiastically invited Feng Yuan to enter the cave. Feng Yuan was really his timely help. Now, his merit gap in redeeming the second-level flying magic weapon was solved.

Entering the cave, he invited Feng Yuan to sit down in the living room. Wu Tao began to boil water and make tea, then poured a cup of spiritual tea to Feng Yuan and said, "Fellow Daoist Feng, you came in time. I really have a defense here. Magical weapon.

After that, Wu Tao took out the Xuanming robes from the storage bag. At that time, he refined two pieces for spare use. Now, if Feng Yuan wants them, he will sell them to Feng Yuan.

"Fellow Daoist Feng, let's take a look. This robe is called the Xuanming robe. It is the top accessory among the second-level low-level robes and has nine forbidden robes." Wu Tao placed the Xuanming robe in front of Feng Yuan.

Feng Yuan's face showed an expression of emotion. He took the Xuanming robe and couldn't put it down. The nine dharma prohibitions were enough for him, a second-level foundation builder.

The price of the nine magic swords cannot be cheaper than his previous geomagnetic magic sword. Feng Yuan couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. He didn't know if he had enough spiritual stones for his merits.

Feng Yuan looked at Wu Tao and asked anxiously: "Fellow Daoist Han, I wonder how much this robe costs?"

Wu Tao told the price.

Feng Yuan immediately fell into a tangled look. Finally, he said: "Fellow Daoist Han, I have enough spiritual stones and Dharma source energy, but only merit... I only have three thousand merits, and the remaining one thousand, can you wait?" When I come back from this land reclamation mission, will I return it to Fellow Daoist Han?"

Wu Tao said without hesitation, "Of course."

He is also racing against time. If he does not sell to Feng Yuan and misses this business, it will take two months for him to redeem the second-level flying magic weapon.

Feng Yuan's face lit up and he said, "Thank you so much, Fellow Daoist Han."

After the meritorious deeds were marked on Wu Tao's identity tag, Feng Yuan asked: "Two days later, fellow Taoist Han will also go on a wasteland reclamation mission, right?"

Wu Tao replied: "I won't go this time, the sect has other arrangements.

Hearing Wu Tao's words, Feng Yuan was envious in his heart. He was a good weapon refiner. He didn't have to fight hard, and he could have enough resources to practice just by refining weapons... This time, he didn't know if he would be as lucky as last time.

Unless, like Guan Peng, he was seriously injured, he would not need to go on this wasteland reclamation mission.

What a blessing in disguise.

Putting away Xuanming's robe, Feng Yuan said: "Fellow Daoist Han, I have to hurry up and heal my wounds. I can't talk more. I'll wait until next time to bother Daoist Han."

Wu Tao said: "It's important for Fellow Daoist Feng to heal his wounds, so I'll send it to you."

Then he sent Feng Yuan out of the cave entrance and watched Feng Yuan hurriedly go back to heal his injuries. He looked at the time and saw that it was still early, so he went directly to the Magical Weapon Secrets Building at the Refining Peak to exchange for the flying magical weapon refining secrets.

Fan Zhifeng now spends very little time in the Cheats Building, and mostly spends his time refining the components of the Immortal Boat in the Dihuofeng Refining Room. Therefore, the management of the second floor is first handed over to Zhang Ming.

The secret books and weapon refining knowledge on the second floor are prohibited, and Zhang Ming is not afraid of being able to read them privately. What Zhang Ming can do is basic things, such as helping the second-level weapon refiner to redeem magic weapon refining secrets.

When Wu Tao came up, Zhang Ming immediately stepped forward and said: "Senior Han, you are here."

Wu Tao said: "Zhang Ming, I'm here to redeem the magic weapon secret book, and you're going to get the jade slips of the roster."

A quarter of an hour later, Wu Tao exchanged the second-level low-level flying magic weapon refining secret book and went to the training room to study it.

An hour later, Wu Tao completed his enlightenment, put the jade slip back into the third-level magic circle, and left the Weapon Refining Peak.

Early the next morning.

Finish your breakfast.

Wu Tao came to Earth Fire Peak and prepared to refine the components of the Immortal Boat. Not long after, Meng Haoting came to deliver the spiritual materials. He seemed to have thought of something and said to Meng Haoting: "Xiao Meng, I will give you a list of spiritual materials. What will you do today?" If you have time, go to the Hall of Merit and buy it for me. I will use it tomorrow. The required spiritual stones will be recorded in my name, and I will settle the settlement after the refining is completed."

Meng Haoting took the list handed over by Wu Tao and said, "I understand, Uncle Han."

At the Youzheng hour, after one day's refining of the Immortal Boat components was completed and two hours of practicing the Six Yang Lihuo True Skill, Wu Tao followed Fan Zhifeng and He Changcheng to fly away from the Earthly Fire Peak.

On the way, He Changcheng said: "Two fellow Taoists, I won't come to Dihuo Peak to refine the components of the immortal boat tomorrow. You don't have to wait for me to finish work."

He Changcheng is going to make fishing bait tomorrow.

Wu Tao bid farewell to the two of them and flew to his cave.

When he almost arrived at his cave, he saw a man standing in front of the cave's magic circle. He was wearing a cyan robe and his figure was very unfamiliar. Wu Tao used his Qi-gazing technique and found that he could not detect the other person's realm.

He immediately felt a shock in his heart. The Qi Watching Technique was a remnant technique. He could only see the realm of immortal cultivators three levels higher than himself. He was at the third level of Foundation Establishment, so he could see the realm of immortal cultivators at the sixth level of Foundation Establishment.

It was obvious that the opponent was higher than the sixth level of Foundation Establishment and was a late-stage Foundation Establishment cultivator.

Wu Tao landed and looked at the late-stage Immortal Establishment cultivator who turned to look at him. His face was in his forties and his facial lines were very firm. But Wu Tao didn't recognize him. He quickly raised his hand and said, "I wonder who this senior brother is?"

"Are you Junior Brother Han Fan? I am Qin Yi." Qin Yi said.

"It turns out to be Senior Brother Qin. I have long heard Fellow Daoist Feng and the others talking about Senior Brother Qin. Unfortunately, Senior Brother Qin went to work in Tianmen Territory and has never had the opportunity to meet Senior Brother Qin. Senior Brother Qin, I wonder when you will return from Tianmen Territory?"

Wu Tao looked at Qin Yi. He had been hearing from Feng Yuan and others that Qin Yi had built the sixth level of foundation. Today, he saw that he had made a breakthrough. It was obvious that he had an opportunity in Tianmen Domain. Having achieved this as a casual cultivator, no wonder Feng Yuan and others respected him so much.

Qin Yi said: "I just came back from Tianmen Territory this morning. It's a pity that I couldn't see Junior Brother Ming for the last time."

Qin Yi looked regretful.

Wu Tao took out the main token, opened the cave formation, and said: "Senior Brother Qin, please go into the cave and talk about it."

Qin Yi nodded and followed Wu Tao into the cave. When he came to the living room, he took a look and saw that the cave was empty. There was not even a beautiful maid. He said, "Junior brother Han can be promoted to the second level of weapon refining as a casual cultivator." Master, I really admire Qin.”

The fifth and sixth updates are here. Today there are 12,000 words. Please vote for me!

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