Wu Tao saw the opponent offering the formation-breaking magic talisman. He also had the formation-breaking beads on his body, but he had never used them. He didn't know if the formation-breaking beads could break the second-level magic circle.

After all, the Formation-Breaking Bead is only a first-level and ninth-level disposable magic weapon.

He actually refined a lot with Chen Yao and became one of Chen Yao's trump cards.

As soon as the magic light transformed from the formation-breaking magic talisman came into contact with the light curtain of the Small Five Elements Upside Down Formation, Wu Tao secretly said, "Oh no, this formation-breaking magic talisman can really break through his magic formation."

He already felt that the magic circle was being damaged.

Once the magic circle was damaged, he would have to find Liu Qinyuan to repair it, which would cost a lot of money.

Wu Tao's belief moved and he immediately canceled the formation, thinking that since he could kill the fifth floor of the foundation head-on, he would kill it head-on without damaging the formation.

Seeing that Wu Tao actually put away the magic circle, the magic cultivator laughed loudly and said: "Han Fan, you weapon refiners, it seems that you are not very smart, but you put it away to prevent the magic circle from being damaged. Don't you know? Put it away? Get up, and you will surely die."

"With this magic circle here, maybe I can survive for a while."

The next moment, he saw sword rays appearing all over Wu Tao's body, densely packed and shooting toward him like a torrent of sword shadows.

At this moment, the demon cultivator finally sensed Wu Tao's aura, his face changed, and he thought: "No, Che Mingxiao's information is wrong. This Han Fan is not on the first level of foundation building, but on the third level... "After a second thought, he suddenly realized, his face relaxed, and he thought to himself: "I am building a foundation on the fifth level, and I am still going to die if I am building a foundation on the third level.

Thinking of this, the demon cultivator moved and charged towards Wu Tao.

"What? His spells are so profound? The spells I cast on the fifth level of foundation building are not as good as his spells? If I hadn't had stronger magic power than him, wouldn't I have suffered a big loss right from the start?"

"Is this still a weapon refiner? Why is it completely different from the weapon refiner I know? Does he have so much time to practice spells?"

"Physical training?"


Wu Tao used the Star Step and the Star Ten Dharma Sutra, and instantly bullied him forward, suppressing him to death. The demon cultivator's face was frightened, frightened, and unbelievable.


"Blood Escape Technique?"


Under the broken river, the demon cultivator's body suddenly exploded, leaving no body intact.

You must know that his Duanjiang is more advanced than those practiced in the Ten Methods of the Stars. With one shot, even the defensive magic weapon of the Nine Laws will collapse, let alone the foundation-building physical body.

Wu Tao held the Dragon-Reverse Gun in his hand, and his spiritual mind photographed the demon cultivator's storage bag, and the magical weapons he used were also put away.

Then, the magic power was released, gathering the flesh and blood of the demonic cultivator's residual limbs, using a fireball technique to directly turn it into fly ash, and then using a cleaning technique to clean away the traces.

"Brother Che, in order to protect me, died together with the demon cultivator? No, there are corpses in the death together, and Che Mingxiao's storage bag must also be handed over. This is not true."

"Senior Brother Che lured the demon cultivator away and allowed me to escape."

Making up his mind, Wu Tao immediately started preparations.

A quarter of an hour later, the Demon-Slaying War Boat flew towards this side, and then stopped here. Sun Heng's figure fell down, sensed the surroundings, and said to Zhu Ji beside him: "There are Junior Brother Han and Junior Brother Che. The breath, and the breath of the demon cultivator.”

The Lingxu Sect's Ji Zhu next to him said: "But they are all gone."

"Will something happen to Junior Brother Han? If something happens to Junior Brother Han, it will be difficult for us to explain to the Weapon Refining Hall this time, and we will also have to face the pressure of the sect."

A second-level weapon refiner is very important.

In previous land reclamation operations, nothing happened very often. Now, this time, they were actually attacked by demonic cultivators. If it weren't for the demon-killing war boat, they wouldn't be able to kill the demonic cultivators easily.

After killing the demon cultivator, he thought that the demon cultivator might be coming for the second-level weapon refiner in the sect. Sun Heng immediately drove the demon-killing battle boat ahead, but... Han Fan was missing.

Sun Heng frowned and said: "If you don't see the body, it means there is still a chance to find..." After saying that, his Baili Divine Sense swept out, and suddenly, his face lit up. Ninety miles away, he I saw Junior Brother Han flying towards the sect in a hurry, as if he was running for his life.

Sun Heng's spiritual thoughts stirred up, and a voice immediately sounded in Wu Tao's ears: "Junior Brother Han, it's me, you have encountered a demon cultivator... Don't be anxious, don't move, stay where you are, I will come to you."

When Wu Tao heard Sun Heng's words, he immediately stopped.

Sun Heng was not an undercover agent, otherwise, Che Mingxiao wouldn't be afraid of Sun Heng's return. After all, there are only a few undercovers. If the All-Lingxu Sect were all undercovers of the Demon Sect, it would be the end of the world.

After a moment, the demon-destroying war boat flew towards us, and Sun Heng said: "Junior Brother Han, get on the war boat."

Wu Tao immediately flew onto the war boat and said eagerly: "Brother Sun, we encountered a demon cultivator. In order to protect me, senior brother Che intercepted the demon cultivator and let me escape first."

Sun Heng said: "Junior Brother Han, it's okay. We also encountered a demon cultivator, but he was killed by us... Where will Junior Brother Che fight with the demon cultivator? Take me there and see if it's too late to save him."

Wu Tao thought to himself: "It's too late, it has already turned into ashes." But he said: "I'm here to show Senior Brother Sun the way."

After that, he began to point out the direction, and the demon-killing war boat took off, and soon returned to the origin of Sun Heng's landing. Wu Tao said: "It was here just now. Now that Senior Brother Che is not here, could it be that the demon cultivator has been lured away?"

Sun Heng nodded and said: "It's possible. Junior Brother Changren, you can launch a war boat and go to other foundation building mission points to clean up monsters. We have been attacked by demonic cultivators, and other foundation building buildings must have also encountered..."

"Yes, Senior Brother Sun." Chang Ren immediately started the war boat and headed to other land reclamation sites.

Sure enough, the other foundations of Lingxu Sect were also attacked by demonic cultivators, but they all fled when Sun Heng, the foundation founder, arrived.

Sun Heng was thinking about the other foundations of Lingxu Sect, and did not chase them, but continued to fly lower. The demon-killing war boat was extremely fast. Fortunately, Sun Heng did not think about chasing down the demon cultivator. Feng Yuan and others almost died at the hands of the demon cultivator.

After all the foundation builders were rescued, one of the fourth-level foundation builders died... Sun Heng immediately ordered a search for Che Mingxiao's whereabouts, but the search for several hours still failed.

Finally, Sun Heng sighed and said: "Junior brother Che, he probably died at the hands of the devil. In order to prevent the devil cultivator from coming back, let's go back to the sect first."

Seeing that Sun Heng finally gave up the search, everyone present was relieved.

Everyone was injured and eager to return to the sect for healing.

Sun Heng looked at Wu Tao. Here, Wu Tao was the only one unscathed. He finally breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Junior Brother Han Fan was fine, he would be fine and would not be punished by the sect.

Sun Heng gave the order and returned to the sect even though the wasteland reclamation task was not completed.

The attack by the demon cultivator this time may have been accidental, or his whereabouts were exposed. None of the Ji Zhu present would say so. Only when he returned to the sect would the Demon Slayer Hall investigate.

Please give me a monthly pass, there will be two more updates tonight. Thanks to the best brother in the world for the 300 starting coin reward.

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