Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 324 The magic talisman that breaks the formation (please subscribe)


This situation can only occur if an old monster takes away his body. This Han Fan must be an immortal cultivator who has been taken away by an old monster. He has previous cultivation experience and can cultivate both body and law, as well as become a second-level cultivator. Weapon master.

Thinking of this, Che Mingxiao hurriedly shouted as if begging for mercy: "Senior, spare your life! Since you are Han Fan who took the body, you must have no feelings for Lingxu Sect? Why don't you join our Tianyin Sect? We Tianyin Pai will definitely give the seniors the highest treatment."

Wu Tao didn't stop attacking. Hearing Che Mingxiao's words, he smiled in his heart. He never thought that Che Mingxiao would think that he was taken away by the old monster? But then he thought about it and he understood why Che Mingxiao had such thoughts.

He cultivates both Dharma and Body, and then embarks on the path of refining weapons. How can he be a casual cultivator? Why?

But it is possible for the old monster to seize the body. After all, he is in a high position and has that knowledge and cultivation experience.

However, he ignored Che Mingxiao's begging for mercy. Now that he had taken action, he would definitely have to decide between life and death.

Che Mingxiao saw that Wu Tao was not talking, but his attacks became more domineering. He felt cruel and said: "You are only at the third level of foundation building. Your spiritual body is not as strong as the Dharma cultivation realm. You are invincible at the same level." Applicable, your strength is similar to mine. Therefore, senior, please don’t think that I am easy to bully.”

At this point, Che Mingxiao not only defended, but also began to use spells to attack Wu Tao.

Moreover, he knew that physical training was powerful in close combat, so he quickly used the escape technique. He didn't want to be so close to Wu Tao anymore. As long as he pulled away, it would be equivalent to destroying the opponent's physical training strength. With the opponent's third level of foundation building, how could it be him? This is an opponent at the fifth level of foundation building.

Mana surged from his body, his escape skills were activated, and his body retreated violently.

"Want to escape?" Wu Tao's mind changed, and he knew Che Mingxiao's plan. His body flashed with blood, starlight surged, and he used Blood Escape and Shining Star Step at the same time, still keeping close to Che Mingxiao. Distance is like a gangrene attached to a bone that cannot be shaken off.

Che Mingxiao saw the bloody light on Wu Tao's body. He was from the same Demonic Sect. He immediately recognized the blood escape technique and immediately said: "It turns out that he is a senior of the Bloody Sect. I am from the Tianyin Sect, and I am also from the Demonic Sect." The door should be connected with the same spirit, senior, please stop."

"Too many words." Wu Tao snorted coldly, the Xingchen Body Training Kung Fu was running at full strength, and the Flashing Star Fist fell, immediately shattering Che Mingxiao's mana mask.

The robe is damaged and can only be used after repair.

Che Mingxiao saw that the robe was damaged and he had no defensive weapon. His previous wishful thinking of staying away from physical training was in vain, and he was tightly entangled by Wu Tao.

He was shocked and angry in his heart. He knew that this was a tough battle, so he said no more and used all his power in his Dantian to prepare for a desperate fight.


Without the magic shield of the cassock to defend himself, Che Mingxiao immediately received a solid punch from Wu Tao, and his throat immediately became sweet, with a fishy sweetness welling up in his throat.

"End it!"

Che Mingxiao heard Wu Tao say something softly. 【】

Then, he felt a pain in his mind, and then stagnated again, and his whole person fell into a moment of sluggishness.

But it was Wu Tao who gave the order to attack the Soul-eating Insect, and then used Yin Shen Zhen.

Seizing this momentary opportunity, Wu Tao struck Che Mingxiao's Heavenly Spirit Cover with a strike from Heaven's Falling Star. After all, Che Mingxiao was not a physical practitioner, but an ordinary foundation-building immortal cultivator. His head was not strong enough, so he was immediately beaten by Heaven. Luo Luoxing smashed it into pieces with his hand, and the red and white colors burst into pieces.

He died immediately, his body and soul disappeared.

At the same time as Che Mingxiao's head exploded, another black figure flew out staggeringly. It was the second-order soul-eating worm. Being affected by Wu Tao's hand, the second-order soul-eating worm received some minor injuries.

Che Mingxiao's headless body fell from the sky, Wu Tao followed closely, and with a thought, he put away Che Mingxiao's storage bag, the cassock on his body, and the fallen magic sword.

Then, he looked at Che Mingxiao's headless body and said: "I am still too kind after all. Even if Che Mingxiao is an enemy, I still consider him. The final Yin Shen shock made him fall into a sluggish state, so he did not For those who are unconscious, their body and mind will disappear, and they will not suffer the pain of death.”

Immediately touched by his kindness, Wu Tao immediately used a fireball technique to burn the corpse and eliminate traces.

After destroying the corpses and eliminating traces, Wu Tao immediately took out the Small Five Elements Inversion Array and began to arrange it. While arranging it, he thought in his heart: "Che Mingxiao must be an undercover agent of the Demon Sect who came in. He is the same as Yu Zhenming, but Yu Zhenming abandoned the dark and turned to the light. The identity of Che Mingxiao has not been exposed yet. If he dies like this, firstly, my strength will be exposed. Secondly, if I can't prove the identity of Che Mingxiao's Demon Sect, how should I tell Sun Heng? Waiting for someone to explain?"

For a while, Wu Tao still had a headache.

The demonic path and the righteous path are at odds with each other. It is not just the demonic path that is undercover in the seven sects of the righteous path. There are probably immortal cultivators from the seven sects of the righteous path who are also undercover in the six sects of the demonic path.

"I wonder if Sun Heng and others were attacked by demon cultivators?"

Wu Tao then thought, like this, it is impossible for the Demonic Sect to attack only him, right?

It is true that the weapon refiner is very important in the war, refining all kinds of killing weapons, but the foundation building is also effective. Kill one and lose one. Last time, Yao Guangsheng used his plan, but he killed a golden elixir from the Tianyin sect, and nine Establishing the foundation, there is no guarantee that the Tianyin Sect will not seize this opportunity to take revenge on the Lingxu Sect this time.

After setting up the array, Wu Tao held the array plate in his hand. At this moment, a figure appeared and attacked him brazenly.

Wu Tao immediately activated the Small Five Elements Reversal Formation to offset the magic attack, and then looked at the figure in black outside the formation.

After casting Zhan Zhan Qi Technique, Wu Tao was relieved to learn that this person was on the fifth level of foundation building.

Looking at the other party's yin energy, he followed the same path as the Tianyin sect demon cultivator he met before going to Zijin Cave.

"Yes, just blame the death of Che Mingxiao on this demon cultivator." Wu Tao looked at the demon cultivator with a look of gratitude on his face. This demon cultivator really came in time, so that he would not expose his strength. .

As long as your strength is not exposed, you will be looked down upon. Even if the demon sect targets the weapon refiner, it will not send demon cultivators with too high strength to kill him.

The demon cultivator looked at the small Five Elements Inversion Formation and said, "Where is Che Mingxiao?"

Wu Tao said: "Of course he is dead."

"So that's it. Che Mingxiao was careless and died under your magic circle. However, you have been seen through the magic circle by me now. As long as I don't get into the magic circle, you can't hurt me." This demon. Xiu thought about it and figured it out.

Wu Tao said: "Then if I don't go out, there's nothing you can do about me."

Hearing this, the demon cultivator shook his head and laughed: "That's wrong. Han Fan, right? All your information has been reported by Che Mingxiao. He is a practicing weapon master who joined Lingxu Sect six years ago. He is on the first level of the foundation building." Strength, not good at fighting. This magic formation of yours is a small five-element inversion formation. The small five-element inversion formation can catch you by surprise. It can indeed trap and kill the fifth level of foundation building. However, I am outside the formation at this time. Your strength of the first level of foundation building can support me. How long will this formation last? When your magic power is exhausted, I can break this formation and kill you."

Wu Tao smiled and said, "Then try it."

"Just try it." The demon cultivator shouted, cast a spell, and bombarded the light curtain of the Small Five Elements Upside Down Array. Immediately, the light curtain shook like ripples.

"Watch me break the magic talisman."

As soon as the demon cultivator's mind moved, a yellow talisman floated in front of him. He immediately activated the talisman and turned it into a ray of light, which bombarded towards the small Five Elements Upside Down Formation.

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